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1.2 PvP Patch is a Disaster - How to fix it


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highest crit i've seen was by a rage spec jug for about 7k... you mean to tell me that you at BEST case only have 14k hps and that you are always running in to that same rage spec'd jug???


I can tell you that the other classes might MAYBE reach 6k if spec'd a certain way and pop all relics adrenals and have the expertise adrenal stacked on a power one and hit a half recruit / half pve geared nub.


Other than that you are just flat out lying.


again, good job BW do not listen to the OP he wants god mode solo healing... he is too lazy to find guard and taunt.

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I am being crit for more than half my health by marauders, sentinels, assassins and shadows 1v1. The damage cannot be healed through. I have 927 expertise.


I die so fast that tanks dont even bother putting gaurd on me.


Serious question.... how much health do you have?

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Serious question.... how much health do you have?


That should put him at around 13.5k, since I'm assuming he's in recruit gear.


I'll gladly concede to the fact that the recruit gear is sub-par. I think it was pointed out earlier how the difference between Recruit and BM is immense, while the difference between BM and WH is miniscule. That's a problem.


But, that's irrelevant to his argument. He's presenting a scenario where the opposing faction has a large advantage. If the playing field was leveled, I might just agree with him, but what's going on now..

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highest crit i've seen was by a rage spec jug for about 7k... you mean to tell me that you at BEST case only have 14k hps and that you are always running in to that same rage spec'd jug???


I can tell you that the other classes might MAYBE reach 6k if spec'd a certain way and pop all relics adrenals and have the expertise adrenal stacked on a power one and hit a half recruit / half pve geared nub.


Other than that you are just flat out lying.


again, good job BW do not listen to the OP he wants god mode solo healing... he is too lazy to find guard and taunt.


So, most of the pvp servers in SWTOR are dead or dying and you think 1.2 was good for the game?


My server has lost over 60% of its population since 1.2.

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Healers are overpowered.


I am immortal on my sorc heal hybrid and operative heal spec 1v1, in group situation with guard i can live trough 3 dps, with cross heal as well i can live trough 5.


Then again i am geared. Gear will make or break you........ just like any other class.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Healers are overpowered.


I am immortal on my sorc heal hybrid and operative heal spec 1v1, in group situation with guard i can live trough 3 dps, with cross heal as well i can live trough 5.


Then again i am geared. Gear is immense.


The only way this could be true is if you had full BM before 1.2 was released.

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Even if recruit gear is weak it does not take that long to get BM gear.... I did it in about a week.


also you know with guard that very rare 7k crit is only 3.5k? Then the tank is good and taunts it will be even less?


It's hard teaching the simple things =|

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I die in less than 10 seconds 1v1 vs geared players. I have no chance to use abilities or to escape. DPS is just too much in 1.2.


You will if your in PVE gear, sit still, dont use shields, dont kite, dont ask a friendly tank for guard (aka symbiotic relationship)......... Your assumption about PVE gear survivability is wrong and it gets worse the more players who focus you.


You mention 18 k hitpoints vs 13k, the figure is closer to 14k in full recruit than 13k..and adding a BM piece is easy inside of a day.


So against my merc which can easily burst over 24k in 9 seconds and does so often on dummies (including the one on my ship and those who PVP in PVE gear).


In PVE gear you take the full 24k... and good healers heal you for ~3900 instead of 5000 on crits or 1800 instead of 2500 on non crits.


In PVE gear you take 24,000 damage and get healed back ~5 times with a really GOOD healer who has amazing reactions, assume 2 crits, 3 normals... your healback without PVP gear is ~13200, leaving approx 7200 health left.


In PVP gear you receive 18.5% less damage, even in full recruit...you take ~4440 less damage or 19560 instead of 24000.


During the same 5 healbacks, because of your PVP gear you also receive more healing back... around 15,000 healback or 9440 health left after the same attack.


So in your PVE gear your left with 1800 LESS hitpoints than in your PVP gear after a typical burst rotation...add to that healers wont heal you if theyve looked at your gear and seen your in PVE gear with 0 expertise... and it becomes obvious which one is better.


Quit gimping yourself and your team by wearing PVE gear.

Edited by blackadda
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13k in mostly recruit (BM weapon). I have 18k in my pve healing gear.


That is your entire problem. Fix that and you'll be back to where you wanna be.16-17k is probably where you want to go for. Now I know you don't want advice but.... recruit earing, implants, champion relics, recruit generator. Some PvE armour for health. Buy the cheap armour pieces first. Boots, gloves, pants, helm. In that or similar order. That will net you the most bang for your buck and if you can grind through the deaths of being fresh PvP. Belt and bracers can be thrown in as needed.


Consider an expertese crystal as well.

Edited by Lithy
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That is your entire problem. Fix that and you'll be back to where you wanna be.16-17k is probably where you want to go for. Now I know you don't want advice but.... recruit earing, implants, champion relics, recruit generator. Some PvE armour for health. Buy the cheap armour pieces first. Boots, gloves, pants, helm. In that or similar order. That will net you the most bang for your buck and if you can grind through the deaths of being fresh PvP. Belt and bracers can be thrown in as needed.


Consider an expertese crystal as well.


I will not be grinding BM gear. The republic always loses on my server and I spend more time respawning than I do playing my character in pvp. At the pace I am getting commendations, it will take me one week to get one piece of BM gear. It just isnt worth the trouble.


The fundamental problem is that dying in 2-3 GCDs just is not fun.

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I will not be grinding BM gear. The republic always loses on my server and I spend more time respawning than I do playing my character in pvp. At the pace I am getting commendations, it will take me one week to get one piece of BM gear. It just isnt worth the trouble.


The fundamental problem is that dying in 2-3 GCDs just is not fun.


No, the fundamental problem is that you are 2 Tiers of gear lower and whining on the forum. I am sorry the game is not balanced around recruit gear, but the problem is you and not the game.


Whats next, whining that you can not compete in quest gear? i mean some ppl are cba even to buy recruit gear. Where does it stop?

Edited by Dmasterr
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Whats next, whining that you can not compete in quest gear? i mean some ppl are cba even to buy recruit gear. Where does it stop?


All but 5 or 6 of the pvp servers in SWTOR are now light population. SWTOR has lost 400k subs since patch 1.2, just about all of them from pvp servers. But you think that patch 1.2 is good for SWTOR pvp? Astounding.


Yes, swtor pvp should be balanced around the first tier of gear, assuming that you want to have anyone to pvp against. Again dying in 2-3 GCDs is not fun.

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I am not wearing pve gear in pvp. If I did, I would start with 5k more hp.


Yes and after someone actually shoots you, youll end up with LESS hitpoints in PVE gear than you will in PVP gear after the same amount of damage.


If my burst rotation is hitting you for more 6-7k more damage when you wear pve gear, having 5 k more hitpoints and losing the other Expertise bonuses to healing and damage doesnt make much sense now...does it?


The longer combat goes on, the bigger the advantage that 18.5% damage reduction becomes.. even ignoring the +healing and + damage bonus you get for "free" with expertise.


Add to that if i see someone whos obviously taking full damage a DPS might just focus them cos those are the only players a merc sees the 5k damage medal on nowdays...kill the easy healer marked with the star 1st so the hard one marked with crosshairs isnt getting help is something ive said in warzones a lot lately ;)


1.2 has definitely made it a game for TEAM play, guards and heals are more valuable than ever.

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Yes and after someone actually shoots you, youll end up with LESS hitpoints in PVE gear than you will in PVP gear after the same amount of damage.


If my burst rotation is hitting you for more 6-7k more damage when you wear pve gear, having 5 k more hitpoints and losing the other Expertise bonuses to healing and damage doesnt make much sense now...does it?


The longer combat goes on, the bigger the advantage that 18.5% damage reduction becomes.. even ignoring the +healing and + damage bonus you get for "free" with expertise.


Add to that if i see someone whos obviously taking full damage a DPS might just focus them cos those are the only players a merc sees the 5k damage medal on nowdays...kill the easy healer marked with the star 1st so the hard one marked with crosshairs isnt getting help is something ive said in warzones a lot lately ;)


1.2 has definitely made it a game for TEAM play, guards and heals are more valuable than ever.


Even with a gaurd on me, I die in under 15-20 seconds. The tank gaurding me doesnt live much longer than that. After 1.2, DPS is just too high in PvP. The expertise DPS buff needs to be rolled back.

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Even with a gaurd on me, I die in under 15-20 seconds. The tank gaurding me doesnt live much longer than that. After 1.2, DPS is just too high in PvP. The expertise DPS buff needs to be rolled back.


No offence intended at all, but you really can't comment on that if you arn't up-to-date and in the current teir(s) of gear.

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No offence intended at all, but you really can't comment on that if you arn't up-to-date and in the current teir(s) of gear.


Recruit gear is current gear. What you and all the other SWTOR pvp fanbois dont seem to get is that SWTOR pvp is over, its done, the pvp servers are dead or dying. You may think that the 1.2 changes are good for SWTOR pvp but over 400,000 canceled subs disagree with you. Again, if there is no one left to pvp against, whats the point of pvp?


Dying in 2-3 GCDs just is not fun.

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All but 5 or 6 of the pvp servers in SWTOR are now light population. SWTOR has lost 400k subs since patch 1.2, just about all of them from pvp servers. But you think that patch 1.2 is good for SWTOR pvp? Astounding.


Yes, swtor pvp should be balanced around the first tier of gear, assuming that you want to have anyone to pvp against. Again dying in 2-3 GCDs is not fun.


Your misquoting the press release. Its not since 1.2 , 1.2 was released AFTER the period which the report covers...and you have no basis for saying it was from PVP servers , in fact the most populous server in NOAM region is a PVP one... the PVE servers are far less populated.


They also dont include how many subs theyve GAINED from the 38 countries they have launched in since december.


Your trying to take disparate and unrelated information to back up your opinion, which others dont necessarily agree with...


Theyve simple stated that you being stomped in PVP isnt necessarily biowares fault, especially since you refuse to get proper gear.

Edited by blackadda
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Your misquoting the press release. Its not since 1.2 , 1.2 was released AFTER the period which the report covers...and you have no basis for saying it was from PVP servers , in fact the most populous server in NOAM region is a PVP one... the PVE servers are far less populated.


They also dont include how many subs theyve GAINED from the 38 countries they have launched in since december.


Your trying to take disparate and unrelated information to back up your opinion, which others dont necessarily agree with...


Theyve simple stated that you being stomped in PVP isnt necessarily biowares fault, especially since you refuse to get proper gear.


Come on now people, you need to snap out of it. Please pay attention and listen. I will say it again


All but 5 or 6 of the pvp servers in SWTOR are light population. Most pvp servers in SWTOR are dead or dying. I mean 5-10 people in Carrick Station, empty leveling zones and therefore empty servers. My own server has lost over 60% of its population since patch 1.2.


The pvp player base has overwhelmingly rejected patch 1.2. Players that are new to the game stop queing when they hit level 50 because the gear gap is just too large.


Dying in 2-3 GCDs just is not fun.

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I think that we can all agree that the 1.2 PvP changes have caused a mass exodous of PvP players from SWTOR.


What went wrong with the 1.2 PvP patch:


  • Damage was overbuffed - expertise damage buff and damage buffs to some dps classes/specs was just too much. Players in full Recruit gear are dying in under 5 seconds.
  • Healing was overnerfed - expertise healing nerf and nerfs to healing classes/specs was just too much. Healers can no longer keep themselves alive in pvp, much less anyone else.
  • The new PvP gear system has huge holes in it - the gap between recruit and battlemaster is too large. The gap between battlemaster and war hero is too small.


How to fix SWTOR pvp:


  • Do a complete rollback to the pre-1.2 pvp system.
  • Roll back the expertise change.
  • Bring back the Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster pvp gear progression.
  • Put whoever is responsible for the SWTOR 1.2 PvP changes on help desk where they can never ever come up with a set of pvp changes like 1.2 again.


How to get it right next time:


Listen to the PvP community.




Even if there were some good changes (pyrotech nerf, scoundrel-heal buff and comm-heal nerf for example), most other changes were so horrible, that they messed up a balance, that was, for such a young game, extremely impressive.


The biggest Problems now are IMHO:


- Sage heal too weak and no decent burstheal

- Marauder CD's way too strong

- Leaps OP in Huttball

- Gunslingers cannot be interrupted and CC/stunning them is also pretty hard

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All but 5 or 6 of the pvp servers in SWTOR are now light population. SWTOR has lost 400k subs since patch 1.2, just about all of them from pvp servers. But you think that patch 1.2 is good for SWTOR pvp? Astounding.


Yes, swtor pvp should be balanced around the first tier of gear, assuming that you want to have anyone to pvp against. Again dying in 2-3 GCDs is not fun.


I die only in 2-3 GCDs either when I am badly outnumbered or really serious crit luck by the enemy. And I play TK sage of which some claim is a most gimped specc.

That being said, if I get a full Power Adrenal + Relic + MA Turbulence -> Force Potency + TK Wave -> TK Throw procc -> Project Combo off I can get roundabout :

3.5k Turbulence + 3.3k TK Wave + 1.1k TK Momentum + 3.5k TK Throw + 1.5k Project + 750 Upheaval = 13.500 damage in 3 GCDs.


That is not even counting in Weaken Mind and Mind Crush DoTs.

Still I need 2 proccs and no CD on Relics, Adrenal and CDs or in other words everything must perfectly line up and I am quite certain it is the same for other DPS classes burst as well.

One Interupt/Stun/Push/Mezz can scew me completely over though.

Edited by Vales
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Game is stupid easy, gear up, team up and gib everyone.


The problem is its not worth the effort, its way too easy, and its not fun or challenging in the slightest. Lowest skill capped pvp ever, with not enough content to justify call this an mmo.


Most of the servers now are half dead, yes we know fatman has people and you don't have to wait for 2 hours to get a pop. If Bioware expects to be around they need to merge servers, so people can atleast play the little content they have.

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