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Please remove the respawn timer on Nightmare Pilgrim


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So here's the deal.


It can be very difficult to get 16 players online at the same time to run Nightmare Pilgrim. Our guild doesn't even have 16 people, so we regularly run all the 8-man Ops (on hard/nightmare). Tonight for the first time we coordinated with another 8-man guild so we can start doing Nightmare Pilgrim. However being able to schedule this is very difficult as our two guilds have very different raid schedules, which leaves only tiny windows where we can actually gather all 16 people.


Unfortunately for us, there is already a different guild (actually a team of 2 guilds) that run nightmare pilgrim JUST before we scheduled to do it. This other guild starts before we can even get all of our members online (due to work schedules etc), which means that we have no choice but to wait the full 2 hour respawn before we can even attempt it. I talked with the other guilds, and they do Nightmare Pilgrim at the same time every week, so this effectively blocks out ANOTHER two hours where we can't schedule.


Nightmare Pilgrim already puts a debuff on people to prevent them from even being able to farm it (so they can only do it once per week), so why does it even have a respawn timer at all? At the moment the 2-hour respawn effectively just makes it more difficult for people with scheduling constraints to enjoy the content.


So please, remove the respawn timer, or at the very least make it much shorter so you can give more players the chance to fight this boss.

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Actually a good point. This goes back to a massive failure in EQ1 which of course couldn't be blamed because the whole thing was very new genre. But when a very contested spawn is virtually perma camped at least during viable hours by a couple top guilds it takes away the experience from everyone else who wants to attempt. Nightmare Pilgrim drops the best in game so with such it is pretty much perma camped. Think EQ1 and the Frenzied Ghoul, even more so the Planes of Hate and Fear, the top guilds had the timer down and made it near impossible for anyone else to experience the content on many servers.
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  • 1 month later...

Yes! This is ridiculous. There is a 5-day debuff after you kill him, what is the point of a respawn timer? After all these server transfers there are at least 2 or more guilds camping the stone during prime time hours.


If this wasn't the only way to get the boots it MIGHT be ok, but this is the ONLY place to get them so there shouldn't be a line and a wait. Remove the timer or add the boots as a drop in EC.

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This is an absolutely ridiculous timer because of the debuff you receive. Furthermore, it absolutely ruins raid schedules that are placed up a week or more in advanced based on circumstances I, the raid leader, cannont control by any means.


This is a reprehensible failure to understand that once the server transfers occur, the population will increase and cause things to be harder to come by, especially things as competitive as nightmare pilgrim.


If I don't seem grammatically sound, I am sorry, but it has absolutely infuriating that I had the 16 people I needed to down him tonight, and I have to tell them to pound sand because the damn stone was not available.

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heh. all I know is that considering the fight is already difficult as it is, the timer does seem kinda silly to me, especially now with the big server populations. you basically have to have a huge guild full of well-geared 50s so you have one group fighting off other people while your one group actually kills him.


may be fun once or twice, but every week? eh.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's not a matter of not being able to play for 2 hours, it's that the 5 hour bonus starts after you kill the boss. So doing it over 1/2 way into a raid doesn't make much sense. Much better to kill him just as you start your scheduled raid.


When each server only had 1-2 guilds capable of downing him, the respawn may have made sense.


Now, however, having to wait 2 hours (actually, have someone camp for up to 2 hours, if you didn't see them kill the boss), then gathering everyone, hoping another guild doesn't gather before you, and then doing the kill is a bit tough.


More than that, if you're new to killing him, you've got a few (or more) wipes coming your way, so you better hope no one shows up in the interim and one-shots him, otherwise, you're done for another 2 hours. Then the raid night is pretty much over.


Sure, for many people 2 hours isn't much. But 2 hours on top of your raid night (another 2-4 hours) gets to be quite a bit for most casual to even moderate players.


The long re-spawn seems to discourage groups from progressing to this boss, which seems counter-intuitive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Wow, a 15 MINUTE to 2 whole HOUR respawn timer? That's harsh. Good thing most of the people whose worlds are crashed by this horrible imposition never had to do the Eyepatch of Plunder quest in EQ1. Stormfeather, the crucial mob for this quest was a contested world mob (no instances) that was on an 18 hour spawn timer with a 6 hour variance, plus a chance to skip spawn cycles thrown in for good measure. Now try doing that quest on a PvP server with no level restrictions just to make it interesting.


So, after playing at that level, it's a bit hard to muster alot of sympathy over a mob that is guaranteed to respawn within 2 hours. Gaming isn't all about instant gratification, it's about the sense of achievement when you beat the odds. In real life opportunity doesn't come on a 10 minute respawn cycle to make sure everyone feels good about themselves. Perhaps if that's what some folks are looking for in their gaming, Hello Kitty Island Adventures would be more to their liking.


If a spawn is being "camped" by the top guilds, then be right there waiting too. There's a reason it's a "world boss" and a reason that they drop better goodies. That reason is that it's harder to get and kill them both by spawn timers and by mob difficulty. Sheesh with so much instanced content to make us all feel good about ourselves and "special", there has to be something that raises the bar for success.


Someone earlier in this thread complained about the old school EQ1 style of play. The problem isn't that this game is too much like that, the problem is that it's a shame there aren't at least a few of the newer games that follow that model--or that SoE doesn't update EQ to be comparable with newer games. This constant round of easy button stuff is boring enough without dumbing it down or otherwise changing it to make it even easier so everyone can be special. It's a shame that every gaming company and every developer out there is so lacking in vision that all they can do is copy the easy mode game that shall not be named and drive the entire industry down to the lowest common denominator. Gaming shouldn't feel like a second job, but it also shouldn't feel like Usian Bolt beating my walker bound grandmother in the 100 yard dash.

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heh. all I know is that considering the fight is already difficult as it is, the timer does seem kinda silly to me, especially now with the big server populations. you basically have to have a huge guild full of well-geared 50s so you have one group fighting off other people while your one group actually kills him.


may be fun once or twice, but every week? eh.


Too bad more people didn't stay on the servers that are slated to be shut down. I am usually the only player on the entire server, never mind the only Empire player, never mind the only level 50, never mind the only person on Voss.


Would be nice to fight this guy, but there is no one to play with :(

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