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What do you like about your class?


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That's right.

I want to see what various players (skilled and not so skilled) like about their class and spec in PVP.

Brag about your best kills.

Brag about your advantages against other classes and specs.

Tell us how you tackle a tough opponent.

But do not QQ in this thread.

I don't want anyone complaining about OP this and they should nerf that.

Save it for the 40,000,000 other QQ threads.

This is a machoism thread.


My main is a Jug. Immortal spec, unlike most who are "LOL smashcrit" spec.

In PVP I can take on three or more opponents for a surprising ammount of time, especially because I normally rotate my shields so I always have one or two ready to go. If I can get my hands on pocket heals, I guarentee it will take just about all 8 enemies a good few minutes to bring me down.

Put the huttball in my hands, and I'll stand next to the enemy goal line like a ******* for a full thirty seconds while taking every offensive cooldown they can blow before humiliating them by moseying across their line. Then, jump in circles while they all ignore my teammate who is walking in for another score just so they can get that kill.


I really enjoy the inherent leadership that comes with being a tank. I establish the frontline. I aid my team with lightening fast guarding, taunts and CC.

The planet seems to revolve around you when your a tank. The enemy can't ignore you. Your team follows your lead.


Best part is, I can take on two or three DPS and still get a kill before they put me down.

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Playing operative, I like that it is both the traditional 'rogue' class and a healer. My two favorite roles in one class is just so so nice, I think it's the reason I'm still playing. Best 1v1 class by a mile (med/conc hybrid) is sweet too.
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I have a kin-Shadow. But he's not a tank. Guardians are tanks. My Shadow is a whole armored column. I love the incredible amount of damage I can take, dueling a Marauder, letting him hit me with everything he's got and yet it's not quite enough. I love wading into the crush at the huttball stand. I know I'll be killed, but with my taunt I'll get 5k defense points, if not more. I love using resilience and turning Orbital Strike and Force Lightning into expensive light shows.


Most of all I love using Force Pull. When I yank the ball carrier back into the pit just moments from scoring... their anguish sustains me. Best kill I ever got was using Force Pull. Jedi Knight knocked me back, but I yanked him towards me before he could leap. He stood there stunned for like 2 seconds while I whaled on him, I can only assume trying to understand why he kept getting told he was too close to jump.


Yep, I love my shadow.

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I really like the flow and fluidity of the skills on my Shadow and Marauder. Everything seems to flow seamlessly and combat is quite fun.


In contrast, I'm not a big fan of my Scoundrel. I actually like the pop and run style of the class, but the skills don't flow as well for me. Maybe it's the animations, I'm not sure. Combinations seem disjointed and the class plays sort of clunky. It did have my favorite story though so far, for whatever that's worth. haha

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On my operative -> i like instagibing ppl with orbital strike combos after i bait their trinket.


On my sorc heal hybrid i like the cc/ survivability i have and near infinite resource pool while doing support dps.


On my assassin -> i like that i can still kill ppl while being very durable vs other dps. (shelved kinda, just doing daily cuz its to easy to play 3 hit wonder main rotation-> wither /shock -> force lightning )


Juggernaut- > shelved, hate the playstyle.

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My Sage-Light armor,one defensive cooldown,mediocre dps- whats not to like about that?

My Juggarnaut-Smash crits for up 6-7k every 12 seconds,heavy armor,4 defensive cooldowns,2 ccs,3 Leaps and an awesome armor set bonus((+ 10% damage every force leap?epic))

Guess which class I'm playing?:rak_01:

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As a dps sage I destroy all. I love how people are speechless about what a skilled player can do with the class.


Many people are convinced that it's useless, because it's no longer overpowered (;

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Many people are convinced that it's useless, because it's no longer overpowered (;


It is only because bioware likes making classes that you only have to hit 4 buttons. If you have to hit more than that QQ. Maras were awesome pre 1.2 but no one played them because they took some touch. As long as bioware delivers full face roll classes that can dominate. You can't expect the non skilled community to play anything but the FotM. So I am going to help out some people. Sages can beat all 1v1. But at this point spec for sage means everything.


Juggs/mars are ez mode as balance.

Healers/BH/PT/Sorcs are ez mode as my dps hybrid

Ops dps- Healing/dps hybrid.


Unfortunately I cannot spec 41/41/41 so depending on my spec some fights are uphill battles. But since everyone is FotM maras it has been easy to sit in balance lately. Your class is only what you make it.

Edited by mikedee
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I have a merc. He is pointless in wz and horrible 1 vs 1. I no longer play him.


Although I am assuming you meant dps, I love my Merc (Bodyguard) and I play him everyday. You CANNOT kill me unless you have 3+ good dps beating on me provided I use my CDs correctly. I will never top an equally skilled/geared sorc or op healer on the meters, but my actions change games, and dps QQ when they cant kill anyone. <3 it.


670k healing pix


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As a sniper, I can sit on the top ledges and pound away on every single person dumb enough to get into my range. The best part? None of my attacks have distinctive enough trails to give me away. I can just sit up there all day and score 15 medals before half the game is up.
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Love playing my anni marauder now.


1v1 can't be beaten, period. Being able to back to back to back kill in the time it takes other classes to get one kill is epic. Regularly getting double the kills of the second player on my team simply because that's how many solo kills a marauder can get. Knowing I'm going to kill my enemy even without needing to use defensive CDs- and when I'm 2v1 I'll then pop some and get a double kill every time.


It's fun being EZ mode, since I tend to play the classes that get nerfed the most in mmos- so playing the most powerful one is new for me- makes pvp a bit of a joke, but that's fine, it's not so bad when I know I'm going to dictate how the WZ goes pretty much by myself.


I like how I can never stop moving, it's nothing but instants, and I have fantastic CC- knowing resolve means nothing to me is pretty sweet, so many ball carriers with a white bar think they're safe to go over flame jets- are wrong when they get rooted to death.


It's pretty sweet also knowing that I can just pick a target and get the solo kill medal- moment I see some sorc in the back trying to heal or deal damage- just leap them and get my free medal in about 6 seconds. It's pretty sweet also being able to take objective points that have 2 guards by myself with ease.

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I don't play one of the OP classes or specs but I do play one of the only classes and specs that have a charge and a pull so I've ruined so many jumpers parade with a quick trip back to a fire pit and their spawn.


I can stand on the terminal on Novare coast and make it difficult to cap with my aoe and range abilities. Being a ranged/melee class is nice.

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It is only because bioware likes making classes that you only have to hit 4 buttons. If you have to hit more than that QQ. Maras were awesome pre 1.2 but no one played them because they took some touch. As long as bioware delivers full face roll classes that can dominate. You can't expect the non skilled community to play anything but the FotM. So I am going to help out some people. Sages can beat all 1v1. But at this point spec for sage means everything.


Juggs/mars are ez mode as balance.

Healers/BH/PT/Sorcs are ez mode as my dps hybrid

Ops dps- Healing/dps hybrid.


Unfortunately I cannot spec 41/41/41 so depending on my spec some fights are uphill battles. But since everyone is FotM maras it has been easy to sit in balance lately. Your class is only what you make it.


I can say that Mike is a nasty sage since I play w him on Kinrath Spider. Anyone who cries sages are underpowered should talk to this guy.



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Playing operative, I like that it is both the traditional 'rogue' class and a healer. My two favorite roles in one class is just so so nice...


^-- That.

I love my HoT; I logged my sage (my frist toon) after playing operative for a good while and I didn't know what to do with it anymore, found it clumsy and couldn't find my HoTs. :p I love ninja-capping, I love scoring a ball and throw a vanish in their faces, so they don't get the satisfaction of killing me. I love my 'free' heal (whatsitsname); I love to run around in my flashy orange PvPimp coat and spam it with only a handful of HP left and watching them chase me around a tent forgetting about everything else. I haven't tried a DPS spec, but I'm sure I'd love it too. I also love how it's one of the least popular classes, at least used to be, I'm sure.


And PvP aside, love the story, the accent and as my trusty sidekick says: "They're scared of you aren't they? You come, you go, you're the freaking secret police." :D

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I like my class partly because it's underplayed. Very few people can do what I do with the class. I'm truly one of the most useful classes to have around. I taunt for my teammates, I eat ball carriers for breakfast, I slow and CC, I'm quick, I'm sneaky. I can run the huttball, plant the bombs, or solo cap a node. I'm just so frigging useful, and nobody can stop me. If you try, I will either kill you or escape.
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Sage: Love wrecking people from range and making mara/sent look retarded. Hate PT/VGs and Sniper/GS.

VG: Double Crit HiB is just pure win, and the group utility of pull is amazing with a smart team.

Sentinel: Tired of the QQ. L2P newbs. I can make you look stupid with any class my sentinel is just the scariest. WAAHHH melee.

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