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patch 1.3, savior or RIP?


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I find it hilarious that people keep saying GW2 is going to kill SWTOR. GW2 has had, I believe, ONE beta weekend so far and the game still doesn't have a release date. At this point I would be surprised to see GW2 come out by the end of the year.


If you look around media, only positive previews and articles are allowed to be published about GW2. Every single article or column that tries to be negative gets a mountain of certain waste produce thrown over it, the person who wrote - or, in case of a video, spoke - it and the site, magazine etc who published it. The same GW2 fans who have poisoned this forum with their "I quit SWTOR five months ago and I still log in the forums to hate it every day" -stuff patrol the media to quash everything but positive comments on GW2. It can't fail if anythingt negative can't be said about it. And at the same time, as GW2 basks in the endless love, SWTOR gets all the negativity thrown over it.


It doesn't matter when the Messiah comes out, it has already won because it won the battle for publicity. And not just for good and bad publicity, but for the control of it.


European servers held out until well in April, but they too have collapsed. The game could well have lost 75-80 percent of subscriptions by now. The game had perhaps three or four servers too many in EU as late as March, now probably two servers out of three could be closed.

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GW2 hasnt even launched and its already failing, they are gonna release a coffin imo.


The cycle of flitting from game to game like butterflies is accelerating. Soon developers will be able to save a lot of money, since the games will be declared dead long before they are even developed.

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The chances of 1.3 snapping this game into awesome are approximately 3720 to 1. Most players in my guild are just waiting for something else.


Most players in my guild are talking about the ridiculous amount of negativity on the forums.

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So after read a lot of threads about how much the game fail in many aspects and how BW as fail to deliver

and make all happy (witch is impossible)

the truth is that still lose 24% of they population is not good, doesnt matter how much many argument is okay.

any business is not fine with losing clients.


but i have read more anger and complain threads and more people unsub.

so i wonder what you guys think?


will 1.3 bring and become what the game need for keep the interest of people and start making some come back and get a new set of customers? or

Will it become the last many will see, since may not bring something that turn the table for BW favor?



Note. forget my poor english!


I really wish it does. I really like this game for many things, I always hoped to be in for the long run.

Consequently I'm hoping for some great things in 1.3, also some insight on the Devs part. But, I'm really sad to see that all indications (Ohen talking in Interviews, etc) point towards them either not even playing this game or for some reason not understand what is wrong with it for many people.

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Not saying I agree or disagree with this statement but I do want to point out that everyone who was in the first beta "pre-purchased" the game and there were a TON of players in the beta. In addition, the feedback just from the first beta has set the industry abuzz. GW2 is also already very polished and except for a few bugs and performance issues is actually pretty close to ready to launch now. Based on several MMO betas I have been in and considering state of the game versus usual release dates I'd be willing to bet it will be a June or July release.


Another of the GW2 fan posse salesmen hawking their merchandise.

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I really wish it does. I really like this game for many things, I always hoped to be in for the long run.

Consequently I'm hoping for some great things in 1.3, also some insight on the Devs part. But, I'm really sad to see that all indications (Ohen talking in Interviews, etc) point towards them either not even playing this game or for some reason not understand what is wrong with it for many people.


The details on 1.3 have been known a long time. As are for 1.4 and 1.5.


The game is not wrong, but the expectations of many for it are. The game isn't played by most as BW expected it to be. It expected people to want to play through all the or most of the individual stories, KOTORs 3-11. It expected PvPers to play Ilum as intended, instead of finding ways around BW's intentions. BW expected the end-game content be enough until they got more out, but apparently everybody just dances through Nightmare mode Operations... :rolleyes:

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


Thats like every hyped mmo. Something new and flash that gets ya here and then the potential which is threw the roof is squander by laziness. DCUO could have been great but the incompantant people at SOE where lazy and never fixed proplems with haxes and exploits. it was laziness that killed DCUO, which is know the new SWG.

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1.2 was supposed to be the savior of SWTOR. It was for about a day. Maby 2.

Because of all the delays, broken words, bugs, and host of other crap just let it go.


Bioware/EA already has. They probably have a skeleton crew on it ATM. Everybody moved to developing Command & Conquer.


Heck seems even the in game Mods are outsourced, was told in broken English to submit a new ingame ticket with a certain subject line in the email ( this is an ingame ticket ), there are no subject lines in GM tickets. And they specifically said " in a new email "



1.3 isn't going to do squat, and will include a % of what they said.

Edited by CKNairb
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Most players in my guild are talking about the ridiculous amount of negativity on the forums.


Most players in my guild are talking about the STILL broken sound since 1.2 was released and the lack of PvP. General chat however...

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i'm done whit that game my self put to tell you that truth this game wont die it will suck put it wont die theres allot of hardcore IP fanboys who wont let it die cuz it is the only star wars mmo they have i like the Ip my self put Bioware is killing this game bioware know shyt about mmorpg and all ea know how to do is make $ and Run ones this game make back what they have spent for it this game will die real slow like swg ones the game made LA back what they put on it they trow the game on the trash
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Yes, because silencing concerns and completely ignoring your player base's issues has done wonders for games like Rift,AoC,WAR, STO, CO, LoTRO,DDO etc. If Bioware does the same, they can expect the same results.


When your posts start to be constructive criticism and not "this game sucks" and "I hate fanbois (otherwise known as those who disagree with you)", then you might have a point.


As of yet, you have no point.

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Most players in my guild are talking about the STILL broken sound since 1.2 was released and the lack of PvP. General chat however...


What broken sound?


PvP people need somebody to hold their hands and guide them to the PvP playground then? Instead of just PvPing on the PvP servers or organizing things for themselves in the Outlaw's Den...

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


I concur

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1.2 was the god patch, and it must have been a sunday release. 1.3 has more legacy stuff and a lfg tool that I am not really that interested in. So in short, 1.3 is gonna hurt unless there is something massive they haven't announced with it.
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1.2 was the god patch, and it must have been a sunday release. 1.3 has more legacy stuff and a lfg tool that I am not really that interested in. So in short, 1.3 is gonna hurt unless there is something massive they haven't announced with it.


1.3 should have, if testing has gone well, a new Flashpoint - Titans of Industry - with Czerka as the villains and a new Operation, Terror from Beyond, in which the Dread Masters are the villains. 1.3 should also introduce HK-51 as a new companion for all classes.



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1.3 will just be a bunch of legacy bantha poodoo. no ranked warzones? check. anything else that matters? not much.


the only hope "1.3" will have is if they introduce server transfers and mergers. i would accept a complete lack of content for these transfers. it won't be the savior, but it would be a pretty nice bandaid. however, knowing bioware, they'll screw server transfers up, and they will have botched their only New Hope.



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1.3 will just be a bunch of legacy bantha poodoo. no ranked warzones? check. anything else that matters? not much.


the only hope "1.3" will have is if they introduce server transfers and mergers. i would accept a complete lack of content for these transfers. it won't be the savior, but it would be a pretty nice bandaid. however, knowing bioware, they'll screw server transfers up, and they will have botched their only New Hope.




Server mergers should not be done, even now. Wrong message.

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What broken sound?


PvP people need somebody to hold their hands and guide them to the PvP playground then? Instead of just PvPing on the PvP servers or organizing things for themselves in the Outlaw's Den...


What broken sound? Group up more. Do an Ops. Do a Flashpoint. If you honestly don't know what it is, you solo this game.


Why do you think anyone would go to the Outlaws Den? I can get Rebs to go...I can't get the Imps to show up, nor can I chat with them. And why do you think PvP should be unrewarding? Small incentives prompt people to go...not me wasting my time spamming General Chat.

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Right now they are trying to put bandaids on open wounds still thinking there isn't anything that they need to fix.


Low pop servers aren't the problem, they are they SYMPTOM of people playing the game, then getting bored. BW just don't seem to get that story-heavy content is only fun the first time. You NEED content that has considerable replayability, and SWTOR just doesn't deliver.

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Neither. Like any other MMO it's just a patch. And like every other MMO there will be another ... and another ... and another ... Welcome to the machine. :rolleyes:


umm if I remember correctly same thing happened in Warhammer. People waited for next patch in hope Devs promises become true, patches came, each one smaller then previous one and finally game was down to 1 server.


Personally I don't care anymore. BW let me down for the last time.

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I find it hilarious that people keep saying GW2 is going to kill SWTOR. GW2 has had, I believe, ONE beta weekend so far and the game still doesn't have a release date. At this point I would be surprised to see GW2 come out by the end of the year.


Scuttlebut says early/Mid June for GW2. They have had a few beta weekends, and did the big stress test a few days ago.

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