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Am I too great at MMORPG's for my own good?


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Good evening. Let me start out by saying that I'm not here to cause a fight. I'm here as a concerned player who may need to take a step back from this genre...


First, allow me to share with you a brief glimpse of my MMORPG resume.


1995: Stormed Lord British's Castle in Ultima Online and killed the great King. This was against the rules at the time, and earned me and my entire fellowship a lifetime ban.


1998: Became the first max level in Everquest and was a household name among all who played. Was the most feared player versus player combatant on my server.


1999: Became the first level 126 in Asheron's Call, as well as the Monarch of the largest Monarchy on the PVP server, Darktide. Had 37 max level characters on random servers.


2004: Was the first player to log on to the World of Warcraft. I won some contest which granted me early access. I'll save you the details. I was also the leader of the gnome hating Guild of Cult Copperfield. I was the first max level at release as well as with each expansion.



Now, onto why I'm here. I'm begining to think I'm too good at these games. The fun just isn't there anymore. I started playing two days ago and I already have a level 41 and 46. I've tried taking a step back. I've tried immersing myself in the story. I've tried to take things slow, but I just can't. It's all or nothing and part of thinks it's time for nothing.


I am looking for suggestions and feedback from some veteran gamers out there. Have you ever felt like just giving it all up and moving on? I look forward to a mature discusion.

Edited by SirCopperfield
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As a long time AC player (Morningthaw and Darktide) I have to call BS.


Tim the Enchanter was the first level 126. Tim was in no way affiliated with the biggest guild on DT. The Guild Master of that guild was a figurehead and nothing more, purchased by a group of gamers who all had access to the account.

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Ok, on the off chance that no trololololol...


Let me start by saying that I'm not being facetious.


If it's not fun anymore, don't play. Find a new hobby. No one here can make it fun for you again, so don't waste time committing a large part of your life to something you don't really enjoy. Time to move on dude.

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:eek: My character is only at 22 and I feel like I've been playing for way too much already


So yes, my advice is to step away for a while. Try picking up a new hobby that is more productive and maybe in a few years when you've developed some better habits you can learn to play more casually.

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If the games not fun.. go to something else.. I know you don't spend much time outside, so maybe another competitive game. Say Streetfighter or CounterStrike.


And btw, Xenif was the first level 60 in WoW vanilla (Stormreaver) - not you.

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