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Share the LS/DS gains that made you facepalm


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The quest that made me facepalm about NOT getting DS points was the one side quest on Alderan when

you have to kill 15 killeks,and stomp on 5 egg clusters of about 4 eggs (20 unborn sentient beings) , to save 1 human from becoming a joiner,

then recieve zero DS points! I mean REALLY?? :mad: Killing about 30 sentients to cure 1 human's "madness" ? Nothing evil about that at all?

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I generally feel like I have a good handle on why some most choices are lightside or darkside. The only time I really felt like they should have been reversed was on Alderaan when one Organa military leader asks you to rescue his daughter from House Rist. The Lightside option is to continue to allow an untrained young woman to help your war effort despite endangering herself and her father's protests and the darkside option is to tell her to get to safety.


Yes! This one was probably made to portray the father as being overprotective, and the daughter as capable, but ended up showing the father being reasonably afraid for her and her being really arrogant.

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Side note, the Mother Machine is simply crazy, as we know from the Dawn of the Jedi comic series that at least some of the races that she supposedly created existed prior to the decline of the Infinite Empire(which is when the Rakata started to use her). So who knows what she does if she is released from the controls the Rakata put in her programming.


Worst written dialog ever then! Totally did not get it from the quest. With your explanation it does make sense. They have to include that explanation in the story, seriously.

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My favorite being on the return to Nar Shaddaa for the lightsaber. "Oh and before I forget....[shock, shock, lightning, shock]" :D I must of laughed for days after that one.


That was absolutely epic, I too had a laughgasm over this quest and going shock crazy :D

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The humans are already at war with the Killiks. It's not like it's an unprovoked assault.

The Killeks are at war because other humans tortured them, driving them to get revenge, not knowing which humans are which. Also they don't understand humans in the first place, they think of the species as the same as Killiks, with a hive mind. So the Killiks are mostly just confused. Plus, murder is murder, there are many times in the game when you have the choice to kill an enemy or spare it, you get LS or DS respectively.

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The Killeks are at war because other humans tortured them, driving them to get revenge, not knowing which humans are which. Also they don't understand humans in the first place, they think of the species as the same as Killiks, with a hive mind. So the Killiks are mostly just confused. Plus, murder is murder, there are many times in the game when you have the choice to kill an enemy or spare it, you get LS or DS respectively.


They were evil, hideous, savage, oversized insects who sucked the brains outta some of their human prisoners & turned them into mindless, brainwashed drones.


They deserved to be wiped out.

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If I remember correctly, if you do that you end up with more LS points tha DS points. I think it is:


1. report them. +50 LS

2. lie to the masters. +50 DS


if you chose 2. and go back to them:


1. let them continue. +0

2. convince them to end the romance. +150 LS


Nah. +50 LS for convincing them. I just did it the other day on my umpteenth attempt to make an interesting Consular. That class story bores me to death, though. :p

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This has to do with the entire ending of Trooper (chapter 3):



Ok, long story short on Corellia I arrested Rakton, got onto the escape shuttle, etc. Ok. Now on Corscant to meet the Supreme Chancellor who I hate anyway). So...she wants to give Rakton back to the Empire in exchange for "thousands" of alledged Republic soldiers. I chose the option that goes something like "Respectfully, do you think that is wise?" and she goes off with Bs saying how it will unite families and hugs and rainbows and unicorns. Garza is like "***....are you serious?" And thne the choice...neutral stanse, agree with letting Rakton go...or say "*** are you serious? If you do that I quit."


So...I chose darkside in letting Rakton rot in jail and my character goes off telling the Chancellor how Rakton would kill twice the amount of the people that would be freed in a day...which would be true. The Chancellor is "Oh...ok....you're right.....well I'm off ot other duties tralala." I hated how doing the smart thing to save thousands was darkside and in a semi-whiney voice. Those Republic prisoners would have been freed anyway I'd imagine when we won and liberated em.....


Garza is proud in the end though and praises me.....


Total BS that ending....Darkside = right choice.... Lightside = letting a genocidal maniac and the Empire's best commader go free unharmed....


/facepalm moment. Cool ending....




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Personally, my biggest /facepalm moments for DS decisions were the Knight's flirts. Seriously??? DS points for FLIRTING????


Remember, my LS Knight friend. You must remain their coveted emotionless, sexless, obedient monk. My Dark Guardian, not so much lol.

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Remember, my LS Knight friend. You must remain their coveted emotionless, sexless, obedient monk. My Dark Guardian, not so much lol.


Nah. I ran my Knight as a vigilante and did things my way. I gladly took the DS hits to eliminate clear and present threats. But it's a bit of a double standard that Jedi take DS hits for flirting while no other classes do.


For example, as much womanizing as the Sith Warrior does, mine was Light V with NO DS points at the end of my playthrough. But the Knight flirts ONCE and BOOM +100 DS points.... I was like W.T.F???

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Nah. I ran my Knight as a vigilante and did things my way. I gladly took the DS hits to eliminate clear and present threats. But it's a bit of a double standard that Jedi take DS hits for flirting while no other classes do.


For example, as much womanizing as the Sith Warrior does, mine was Light V with NO DS points at the end of my playthrough. But the Knight flirts ONCE and BOOM +100 DS points.... I was like W.T.F???


Again, as the LS order & code states man, "There is no emotion, there is peace." Which means no flirting. As that leads to emotion, which leads to attachment, which leads to the Dark Side blah blah blah.


So yea, LS means flirting is bad lol.

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heh.. I hear Flirting with Doc is all darkside ALL the time.


However, it makes sense that the SW and SI don't take alignment hits when they flirt since the Sith are far less restrictive when it comes to emotions unlike the near monastic Jedi.

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Jedi + romance = nono


Yeah. They give us a sassy redhead for a companion and then tell us NOT to flirt with her if we want a full on LS Knight..... I call BS! :p


Tbh, 100% LS Knight feels like a tool. I wanted to kick the writers in the throats for some of the stuff they made Solid Snake say....

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@ Captain_Zone


It's possible to pursue the Kira romance without taking DS hits, you just have to wait. Sadly, that's NOT the case for the femKnight since flirting with Doc just racks up the DS points.


Back on topic: Why are the tactical choices sometimes the LS ones? Spare a bunch of prisoners and have them run inciting fear and panic = LS. Granted the other option was to kill them .. *figures*

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Personally, my biggest /facepalm moments for DS decisions were the Knight's flirts. Seriously??? DS points for FLIRTING????


I remember this, and it wasn't so much the flirt, but rather the context it was used in and what your were implying.


It was when you find out she is a child of the Emperor and you basically are saying "No we shouldn't tell the Jedi Council


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When it comes to which side has more logical choices I think it's impossible to generalize, I've seen many times where lightside options are just foolish and other times where darkside options are totally foolish.


Sometimes a lightside option (one of them) will be letting a dangerous enemy go free (such as Watcher One) other times a possible darkside option will be to kill an ally for no reason (like FimmRess). Both sides have had their share of stupid sounding decisions.

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LS points for leaving a sith holocron to teach force-sensitive Rakghouls to use the force, knowing it had been teaching them to draw power by abducting colonists and torturing them to death.


Because with no one to teach them, they'd stick with the dark side for sure.


Yes, really. Consular storyline.


This. Not too long before (or was it after), there's a quest where you find what's left of some Jedi who were such bleeding hearts they thought they could fix those rakghouls. They were killed and eaten, and their last message is 'we were wrong it's terrible'. Uh huh, and the ones with the holocron are such an exception.


In any case if they're going to do that they should have given me DS points for all the other poor little force lightning shooting rakghouls I killed on Taris. Hey they could've been saved too right?

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Here are two quests on Korriban that got me puzzled.


In the first quest Jailbreak, Inquisitor Urinth has asked you to free the captured jedi whos mind has imprinted with false information so he can deliver them to the jedi council. If you follow orders and do the quest(and set the jedi free without warning him) you will get dark side points for helping the empire in the war against the jedi.


Second quest that you get soon after this one, Creeping Hunger, you meet hungry creature called Seh-run, and you are asked by Overseer Pritho to kill the beast since it is is feeding on the remains of the force sensiteve failed acolytes, and is afraid that it will turn on the Sith when it gets stronger. In this case if you help the Empire by killing the beast who is eating the force sensitive you are given light side point, as oposed to feedeing it and (probablly) turning it against the Empire where you get dark side pont.

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Here are two quests on Korriban that got me puzzled.


In the first quest Jailbreak, Inquisitor Urinth has asked you to free the captured jedi whos mind has imprinted with false information so he can deliver them to the jedi council. If you follow orders and do the quest(and set the jedi free without warning him) you will get dark side points for helping the empire in the war against the jedi.


Second quest that you get soon after this one, Creeping Hunger, you meet hungry creature called Seh-run, and you are asked by Overseer Pritho to kill the beast since it is is feeding on the remains of the force sensiteve failed acolytes, and is afraid that it will turn on the Sith when it gets stronger. In this case if you help the Empire by killing the beast who is eating the force sensitive you are given light side point, as oposed to feedeing it and (probablly) turning it against the Empire where you get dark side pont.


The one thing that's clear from the Imperial storylines is that LS/DS really isn't about helping the Empire. It's all about whether you're being selfish, brutal or dishonorable. Letting a creature eat people for the promise of treasure is dark side - you're being selfish. Manipulating the Jedi is also dark side - you're basically allowing him to remain brainwashed when you don't have to.


Dark side actions may or may not help the empire, but they almost always benefit you - it's a matter of taking the easiest, most selfish, most brutal path to getting things done. The game looks at the nature of the act to judge LS/DS, and not the impact on the galaxy as a whole - which is why Jedi will get DS points for interfering in politics, even if they're doing so to help the Republic. The game's consistent about that much.

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For me it was and still is the mission on Coruscant you do for The True Republic.



You know, where you have to intercept some information from a Delivery Droid to stop a corrupt senator. Vowing to take the senator down should not be the dark side choice. And allowing him to go should not be light side.





The Light Side points there, in letting the information go, are gained because you are allowing everyone to make informed decisions, allowing them a choice in whether they want to go over to the Empire or not. The other option gets you Dark Side points because you are taking away everybody's chance to choose. It's all about trusting your people and allowing them to make the right choice.


Tython as a Jedi Knight, I encounter two padawans in love. I can keep their secret (dark side) or tattle on them to their masters and get them thrown out of the order (light side).


If I'd understood how the game worked better, I'd have just abandoned the quest, as it is I pretend it never happened. :(


The padawans offered you a crystal in order to get you to keep your silence. In taking the bribe and keeping your silence, you would be giving in to corruption.


And, Jedi are not supposed to get into romances at this time. Keeping silent earns you Dark Side points because you are going against the Code you represent.


The one that really pissed me off is from a quest in imperial Balmorra bonus series.


So basically some imperial officer orders to kill the villagers despite the fact that they wanted to supply the food to the empire.


The light side choice is to punish/dispose of him. While the dark side is to let yourself get bribed and let him do more stupid things that would undermine the empire.


That's just stupid. Looks like BioWare's idea of Sith is to let yourself be bribed by some incompetent worm and by that letting his incompetence sabotage the imperial effort. It's beyond ridiculous. A true Sith and dark side option would be to kill the guy and then take the credits he was offering as a bribe while at the same time making imperial military a great favour.


Taking the bribe is an act of selfish corruption, thus the Dark Side points. You get Light Side points for disposing of him and allowing the villagers to supply food because it is the right thing to do; you do not get Dark Side points for doing the right thing, even if in this case the 'right thing' is helping the Empire.


If you killed the guy and took his credits, you would no longer be corrupting yourself in taking the bribe; thus, no Dark Side points.



I generally feel like I have a good handle on why some most choices are lightside or darkside. The only time I really felt like they should have been reversed was on Alderaan when one Organa military leader asks you to rescue his daughter from House Rist. The Lightside option is to continue to allow an untrained young woman to help your war effort despite endangering herself and her father's protests and the darkside option is to tell her to get to safety.


This one is similar to the Senator's quest above; you are taking away the woman's right to choose for herself whether she wishes to endanger herself. You earn Light Side points for letting her choose, and Dark Side points for taking away her right to choose.



Personally, my biggest /facepalm moments for DS decisions were the Knight's flirts. Seriously??? DS points for FLIRTING????


As above, Jedi are not supposed to get into romances and such.


The one thing that's clear from the Imperial storylines is that LS/DS really isn't about helping the Empire. It's all about whether you're being selfish, brutal or dishonorable. Letting a creature eat people for the promise of treasure is dark side - you're being selfish. Manipulating the Jedi is also dark side - you're basically allowing him to remain brainwashed when you don't have to.


Dark side actions may or may not help the empire, but they almost always benefit you - it's a matter of taking the easiest, most selfish, most brutal path to getting things done. The game looks at the nature of the act to judge LS/DS, and not the impact on the galaxy as a whole - which is why Jedi will get DS points for interfering in politics, even if they're doing so to help the Republic. The game's consistent about that much.


So, in essence, this.

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