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BioWare *** is wrong with the Scoundrel class?


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I mean really? I have to work 10x harder to get medals and damage done than ANY other class I have leveled so far. It seems like a major uphill battle. At the end of every WZ I feel drained, useless and hate this game a bit more each time.


Our energy mechanics is the WORST of any class machanic as well, I am always energy starved NEVER and I mean NEVER have I had such a issue with energy/power/heat/ammo what ever you want to call it until the Scoundrel class.


I just don't get why this class has to try 10000x harder then any other class to accomplish the same things?


Please fix this class and soon for it is the only one I want to play but I refuse to be a red headed step child


I mean lets not even compare the ops/scoundrel class to the Assassin/Shadow class as there is no comparison.

Edited by dkangl
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Pre 1.2, most scoundrels worked on an energy conservation play style. You had to keep no less than 60% energy at all times which meant you could keep on using your big skills all the time. You could easily do this with only Pugnacity and dropping flurry of bolts every 2-3 cycles. I guess Bioware clocked on to this and decided to tax us with energy so now you don't only use Pugnacity but Cool Head has become a necessity in most cases.


Cool Head pre 1.2 was a skill left untouched and only to be used in case of emergencies. It was great at that but now it's part of your rotation. 60% energy might still be feasible in PvE but I highly doubt it will be in PvP. I've tried and you just can't hurt people as a Scoundrel of the old days.

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Yup except WHY would I play a class that has to work as hard as it does to do the job it does when the Shadow.Assassin does a BETTER job with less effort and brings 10000x more utility?


BioWare has no clue as to what they want this class to be or do. They seem to be pushing us to healers instead of DPS which is a crock.

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Yup except WHY would I play a class that has to work as hard as it does to do the job it does when the Shadow.Assassin does a BETTER job with less effort and brings 10000x more utility?


BioWare has no clue as to what they want this class to be or do. They seem to be pushing us to healers instead of DPS which is a crock.


Agreed to that. Assasins do everything practically better, but its people who love operatives and have damn lot of skill are left now in pvp. They carefully pick their targets and own them. Than owned players come to forums " omg he stunlocked me to death bla bla bla", nerf this damn op class... Its just damn sad how people just dont think before acting. Its like majority of players expect everything handed to them, even in pvp.

Fact is, this class requires alot of brain. To think, to choose targets properly, and to survive when they meet formidable opponent. Makes me sick when players make statements like "even dumb players can own with this class, etc". No, they cant, ive met some of them in warzones, and no, they cant, at all.

Edited by Joetwoshots
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I re-rolled from a Shadow to a scoundrel and I love it!!! Yes you do have to put in effort to get reward but the reward is a lot of fun. I have to watch my positioning constantly, try and stay off the radar. The energy issues are a pain though, I am constantly worrying and watching my energy bar, much more than I've had to do on any other class.
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I re-rolled from a Shadow to a scoundrel and I love it!!! Yes you do have to put in effort to get reward but the reward is a lot of fun. I have to watch my positioning constantly, try and stay off the radar. The energy issues are a pain though, I am constantly worrying and watching my energy bar, much more than I've had to do on any other class.

I re-rolled from a Scoundrel to a Shadow and love it. I also love Scoundrel healing though, I PvE healer exclusively and then it got a nice buff =] I just wish Scrapper was brought up to Infiltration usefulness (yet Shadows complain about Infil survivability and want buffs lol)

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The energy issues are a pain though, I am constantly worrying and watching my energy bar, much more than I've had to do on any other class.


This needs to be fixed. Kinda hard to enjoy the game when you have to tunnel your energy bar the whole time. Every class should have a base regen at a fixed amount.

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