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Sentinel/Marauder - The Problem is NOT DPS.


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Between them and defensive CDs I can be extremely hard to hit/lock down for a long period of time- while also dishing out death rapidly.



Unless you play a new spec it's fairly easy to hit a sent/mara. You tab or click on them and hit your talents.


2 Gap closers, 1 on a 12 second cool down and the other on a 45 second cool down.

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Unless you play a new spec it's fairly easy to hit a sent/mara. You tab or click on them and hit your talents.


2 Gap closers, 1 on a 12 second cool down and the other on a 45 second cool down.


Accuracy debuff, immunity, speed buffs, interrupt, saber ward- all things to keep people from hitting me- add to that defensive CDs and I can mitigate damage even when hit.


Please, I'm sure you're one of those sentinels who I hit with obfuscate and proceeds to try to blow your biggest hitting CDs, then comes here to say the ability is useless and putting it off the GCD wasn't a buff.


Followed by the all too popular- mara CC, we have no CC? Our stun is channeled which makes it useless.


Yeah, useless- no wonder you clowns think sorc sprint is impossible to counter.

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Accuracy debuff, immunity, speed buffs, interrupt, saber ward- all things to keep people from hitting me- add to that defensive CDs and I can mitigate damage even when hit.


Please, I'm sure you're one of those sentinels who I hit with obfuscate and proceeds to try to blow your biggest hitting CDs, then comes here to say the ability is useless and putting it off the GCD wasn't a buff.


Followed by the all too popular- mara CC, we have no CC? Our stun is channeled which makes it useless.


Yeah, useless- no wonder you clowns think sorc sprint is impossible to counter.


Yes those are your strengths. They help you survive the weakness a Anhiliation/WM Mara/Sent has. They have two gap closers, if you play any decent group they will know this about your spec. It will be easy to isolate you and move on.


You will continue to mow down quite a few people before rateds are placed into the game. Any good player of any class is capable of doing this right now.

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Marauders/sents are easy to Kite. And you can cc them with roots and fill up no resolve :) and snares also do not fill up resolve.


Powertechs have their leap incase you forgot. Seemst o be the same mobility as us sents/marauders. Snipers also get speed boosts if i recall and the most CC in the game and even higher burst than Marauders/sents. Still no where as bad as powertechs though.


Also i don't get kited all the time, or at all because i know what im doing. But that's how you would counter a sentinel/marauder towards the badies who get facerolled and qq without thinking things through. Hell i can kite other marauders around in circles when they pop their defensive cooldowns lol


Thanks for saying maras are easy to kite then saying you never get kited on your mara.


Xerain take it from another mara, L2P.

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Thanks for saying maras are easy to kite then saying you never get kited on your mara.


Xerain take it from another mara, L2P.


lols yeah "i'm easy to kite! but i don't get kited because i know what i'm doing"

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lols yeah "i'm easy to kite! but i don't get kited because i know what i'm doing"


Ummm... yeah thats what a mara who was defending your class said. Where you have said you get kited so that means you are bad? Lets correct your quote tho "the class is easy to kite but I play it and dont get kited cause I'm good"


We have 2 maras, saying they dont get kited, one is defending maras the other is saying theyre op but they both agree only bad maras get kited. Then you claim you get kited so ranged is actually a defense against maras... then go on to call other players bad.


You call a mara player who tops damage and kills on his team, on a dps class bad, and say doing damage/kills has nothing to do with being good, so what does make you good?


Also at all the people that say you just kite people through all their defensive cooldowns, with a TTK of about 10 seconds in this game, you are better off doing 50% damage for those 11 seconds of kiting then you are doing 0% damage for 11 seconds and wasting all your cd's kiting something that will end up with 100% hp afterwards, assuming you actually manage to kite for 11 seconds.

Edited by Guioki
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Getting tired of seeing so many thread asking for nerfs on marauders/sentinels.


Why don't you worry with you're own classes and ask for a rebalance in them. Have you ask yourself that maybe that are some classes that need a slight buff and not others a nerf?


Why do tou keep telling marauder/sentinels are op when you have assassins/shadows in full tank spec/gear that can hold 4/5 guys in a door until the *********** door that is holding everyone open and everyone gets out. Thats are the ones that wins wz. And the ones with tank specs and dps gear that faceroll a sentinel in one vs one? And the ones that are full dps that can faceroll a healer before he gets up from the floor?


Any ranged class right now have so many ways to negate our damage, the problem is the ones that seems like a turret taking my master strike and i dont even have to snare them cause they don't *********** move. Or the ones that should know when i am playing focus tree cause i have a stupid stance telling what i am playing and still put themselves together so i can smuch 5 guys with 5k+ hits.


The most nerfed class right now is the comando and is counter part. I can tell you that i have a buonty hunter on my server that i almost cant kill him. Is top dps in all wz and cant be faceroll by me alone. Is true that he plays almost every time in premade and i in pugs cause my server is dead and i have 2 ppl online on my guild most of the times. But still he knows how to play with a ranged class and thats make a diference. If i use force leap as a opener and i have no one to cover me i am dead, if i use by mistake my silence on is cc im dead, if i dont interrupt with a cc i am DEAD, if i have 4/5 stacks from the missile and i dont pacify him i am dead. Do you know what that means? HE isin't a brain dead that use is skills just because he can. Ranged need to learn when to use their stuff if they want a easy kite.


I have a alt sage and i can faceroll evey sentinel i come across in 1v1. NOT JOCKING!!True they suck but still i can take max 2 hits from them if i have everything up for use.


First learn how to play with a ranged class before you complain that a melee class can do damage and hold it when it should be the ones in the front line. Learn how to be in a wz and be smart. That is what i have to say


Jass out

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CoP- one min CD, lasts thirty seconds. Retaliation- 6 sec CD, reduces CoP CD by 6 seconds. After thirty seconds, that's potentially 6 retaliation- reducing the CD to 24 seconds. Sorry you can't do math bro.- that said, you are correct- two talent points that can effectively raise your mitigation by 20% all the time are a waste of points because the annihilation tree truly does have so many amazing abilities that something any other class would consider unbelievably awesome is very mediocre. And yes, I'm well aware that most of the time you won't be being attacked enough to retaliate every single time it's up- but, that doesn't change it from being possible, or indeed useful when most needed (ie you're being attacked alot).


Also- the 5k was in response to TTK of some classes- not specifically marauders who indeed do not have the largest crits- they have simply far more mid damage abilities- I was referring more to a double rail shot, thermal det, rocket punch from a PT- which can with WH gear and CDs make 3 5k and a 3-4k hit- or, snipers with probe, ambush, insta snipe, and their execute which can also make about 15k (or more) in 3 GCDs (considering the probe deals damage with the ambush and insta snipe.. actually making all the damage within 2 GCDs if you consider the ambush, probe and snipe all hit at the same time- not easy stuff to heal through).


The spec to drop rebuke from retaliation is useless. You need a successful defense and with only 5% defense, and the high cost of retaliation and low damage it's worthless.

Edited by Derian
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Getting tired of seeing so many thread asking for nerfs on marauders/sentinels.


Why don't you worry with you're own classes and ask for a rebalance in them. Have you ask yourself that maybe that are some classes that need a slight buff and not others a nerf?


Why do tou keep telling marauder/sentinels are op when you have assassins/shadows in full tank spec/gear that can hold 4/5 guys in a door until the *********** door that is holding everyone open and everyone gets out. Thats are the ones that wins wz. And the ones with tank specs and dps gear that faceroll a sentinel in one vs one? And the ones that are full dps that can faceroll a healer before he gets up from the floor?


Any ranged class right now have so many ways to negate our damage, the problem is the ones that seems like a turret taking my master strike and i dont even have to snare them cause they don't *********** move. Or the ones that should know when i am playing focus tree cause i have a stupid stance telling what i am playing and still put themselves together so i can smuch 5 guys with 5k+ hits.


The most nerfed class right now is the comando and is counter part. I can tell you that i have a buonty hunter on my server that i almost cant kill him. Is top dps in all wz and cant be faceroll by me alone. Is true that he plays almost every time in premade and i in pugs cause my server is dead and i have 2 ppl online on my guild most of the times. But still he knows how to play with a ranged class and thats make a diference. If i use force leap as a opener and i have no one to cover me i am dead, if i use by mistake my silence on is cc im dead, if i dont interrupt with a cc i am DEAD, if i have 4/5 stacks from the missile and i dont pacify him i am dead. Do you know what that means? HE isin't a brain dead that use is skills just because he can. Ranged need to learn when to use their stuff if they want a easy kite.


I have a alt sage and i can faceroll evey sentinel i come across in 1v1. NOT JOCKING!!True they suck but still i can take max 2 hits from them if i have everything up for use.


First learn how to play with a ranged class before you complain that a melee class can do damage and hold it when it should be the ones in the front line. Learn how to be in a wz and be smart. That is what i have to say


Jass out


Learn to play your sentinel... interrupt is your friend and will leave the said commando with sod all burst for 4 seconds, while your doing full damage, 2 seconds later you interrupt him again and rinse and repeat ... if you cant faceroll every commando or merc you meet you need to pick an easier class

Edited by blackadda
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Learn to play your sentinel... interrupt is your friend and will leave the said commando with sod all burst for 4 seconds, while your doing full damage, 2 seconds later you interrupt him again and rinse and repeat ... if you cant faceroll every commando or merc you meet you need to pick an easier class


Jesus are you for real? do you even had to work to read what i right?! that's why i don't like to post in this forums. Too many child's that thinks they are the best!



If i use force leap as a opener and i have no one to cover me i am dead, if i use by mistake my silence = force kick on is cc im dead, if i dont interrupt with a cc i am DEAD, if i have 4/5 stacks from the missile and i dont pacify him i am dead. Do you know what that means? HE isin't a brain dead that use is skills just because he can. Ranged need to learn when to use their stuff if they want a easy kite.


Jass out

Edited by JoseSilva
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So far-

matches where our team had more geared marauders than the other team- 100% win rate.


Time to start quitting WZ whenever your team doesn't have a few marauders on it- save yourself the time.


Lol yes totes this. 8 marauders on a team, go!

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So far-

matches where our team had more geared marauders than the other team- 100% win rate.


Time to start quitting WZ whenever your team doesn't have a few marauders on it- save yourself the time.


cry harder your tears sustain me.

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So far-

matches where our team had more geared marauders than the other team- 100% win rate.


Time to start quitting WZ whenever your team doesn't have a few marauders on it- save yourself the time.




We know you played a Sorc pre 1.2. We know you enjoyed being overpowered. You have continued to lash out at Sentinels and Marauders since 1.2 was announced. Sentinels and Marauders are just fine, healers currently are just fine. Simply try playing a Healer who has a Tank guarding him and team with two DPS classes. You will roll people over like they aren't even there.


You will even dominate a team of 8 Sentinels.

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We know you played a Sorc pre 1.2. We know you enjoyed being overpowered. You have continued to lash out at Sentinels and Marauders since 1.2 was announced. Sentinels and Marauders are just fine, healers currently are just fine. Simply try playing a Healer who has a Tank guarding him and team with two DPS classes. You will roll people over like they aren't even there.


You will even dominate a team of 8 Sentinels.


That's hilarious coming from someone who has said that you will not be happy unless Jedi Knights are the most powerful class in the game since long before the game even came out. Who spent a good chunk of the last few months whining about how you couldn't beat anyone as a JK and asking for other class nerfs- wants to tell me not to ask for an OP class to get a nerf?


You said you wouldn't be happy if JK weren't better than all other classes- you're happy now, obviously because your class is better than all other classes- not a surprise in the slightest.


I'd love to see you play a sorc- but no, you wouldn't, because you can only play an OP JK- and lo and behold- you now enjoy being overpowered so much you lash out against anyone daring to say your class is OP because if BW nerfs marauders you'll have to go back to being mediocre not because of your class but because you are a terrible player.


Maybe if you'd learned to interrupt and use your CC pre 1.2, you wouldn't have had so much trouble killing healers back then.

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We know you played a Sorc pre 1.2. We know you enjoyed being overpowered. You have continued to lash out at Sentinels and Marauders since 1.2 was announced. Sentinels and Marauders are just fine, healers currently are just fine. Simply try playing a Healer who has a Tank guarding him and team with two DPS classes. You will roll people over like they aren't even there.


You will even dominate a team of 8 Sentinels.



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So far-

matches where our team had more geared marauders than the other team- 100% win rate.


Time to start quitting WZ whenever your team doesn't have a few marauders on it- save yourself the time.


LOL Wow.

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LOL Wow.


Yeah. This guy doesn't even have a marauder. He is just an awesome troll.


In an earlier post you talked about doing 2.5k damage off of one rupture application, followed by 4k in damage from the dots. Even with Relic, adrenal, and inspiration, you'd need a surge rating over 100% to do that.

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That's hilarious coming from someone who has said that you will not be happy unless Jedi Knights are the most powerful class in the game since long before the game even came out. Who spent a good chunk of the last few months whining about how you couldn't beat anyone as a JK and asking for other class nerfs- wants to tell me not to ask for an OP class to get a nerf?


You said you wouldn't be happy if JK weren't better than all other classes- you're happy now, obviously because your class is better than all other classes- not a surprise in the slightest.


I'd love to see you play a sorc- but no, you wouldn't, because you can only play an OP JK- and lo and behold- you now enjoy being overpowered so much you lash out against anyone daring to say your class is OP because if BW nerfs marauders you'll have to go back to being mediocre not because of your class but because you are a terrible player.


Maybe if you'd learned to interrupt and use your CC pre 1.2, you wouldn't have had so much trouble killing healers back then.


There are people in this thread who have played pre defensive CD Sentinel/Marauders. Being OP isn't exactly what we are looking after. If I wanted OP I'd have been a Sorc back in Beta.

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Yeah. This guy doesn't even have a marauder. He is just an awesome troll.


In an earlier post you talked about doing 2.5k damage off of one rupture application, followed by 4k in damage from the dots. Even with Relic, adrenal, and inspiration, you'd need a surge rating over 100% to do that.


The highest i've seen my deadly saber dots tick for at a 3 stack was 1833 with everything popped.

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The highest i've seen my deadly saber dots tick for at a 3 stack was 1833 with everything popped.


Not overload saber dude, Rupture, he said his Caurterize would do 2.5k damage on the application, the 4k damage on the dots. The he said his overload saber would do more damage on top of that.

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Not overload saber dude, Rupture, he said his Caurterize would do 2.5k damage on the application, the 4k damage on the dots. The he said his overload saber would do more damage on top of that.


I know, i laughed at it... quite sad that he's trying to blow things out of proportion.

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When I log into my 26 sent i can **** face in the 1-49 queue and I don't even have the invis cooldown or the 99% damage cooldown.


People saying it takes "skill" to play a sent... are really just protecting their favorite class.


with no support i can usually take 1 out with me


with a healer or other team mate support I can mow through 4-5 people before they know what's happening.


it did take me a while to solo kill a 49 sniper at 26 but i still did it.

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