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Sentinel/Marauder - The Problem is NOT DPS.


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The problem is ridiculously OP DPS,,,, paired with ridiculously OP Defense,,,,, paired with Vanish,,,, paired with self heals,,,,, paired with...well you get the point.


OK, now list all of the abilities of every other class, and put the same qualifying "ridiculously OP" in front of each statement.

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2nd reply, 6 mins after the thread was started and we already have a Marauderp trying to divert the attention from himself on to PTs. Is this page 1 of the Sent/Mara handbook?


Maybe its because the OP started the thread with a ridiculous statement like "we all know that sentinel/marauder are massively overpowered" when Powertechs are just as strong?

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2nd reply, 6 mins after the thread was started and we already have a Marauderp trying to divert the attention from himself on to PTs. Is this page 1 of the Sent/Mara handbook?


What would you know of the marauder playbook? You brush the class off as some three button pushing ez mode class.....shows how far your pvp knowledge of this game really goes. You're willing to cry for nerfs and rip on a class you nothing about. Just tells us all what what kind of player you are and that anything you say can be ignored.

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What would you know of the marauder playbook? You brush the class off as some three button pushing ez mode class.....shows how far your pvp knowledge of this game really goes. You're willing to cry for nerfs and rip on a class you nothing about. Just tells us all what what kind of player you are and that anything you say can be ignored.

Page 2 of the Sent/Mara handbook, imply everyone else is bad.

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Page 2 of the Sent/Mara handbook, imply everyone else is bad.


Really, because where in my post did I say you were bad? I merely commented on your character, not your game character but your personal character. Your other posts on this forum clearly shows that you nothing of how this class is played, yet your willing to comment on their play style and criticize anyone that plays a marauder. Sadly it is people like you who ruin this game. You refuse to learn the mechanics of the game and how other classes are played. You claim we are EZ mode but yet it is you who is begging for easy mode by crying for nerfs to other classes. Even if marauders did get nerfed, you would just move on to the next class and continue to drag this game down.

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2nd reply, 6 mins after the thread was started and we already have a Marauderp trying to divert the attention from himself on to PTs. Is this page 1 of the Sent/Mara handbook?


Oh maybe you missed him on the PT is OP thread defending his class and and then as you put it, divert attention on to Marauders and Sentinels.. oh heck, this is what he said yesterday....




PT dps is no better than anyone else's dps. You just need to know how to play against them, as with any other class. All classes are glass dps cannons, excluding marauders and shadows of course which can live forever AND shell out crazy damage.


and then just a page ago today, he says this on the nerf Mara thread...


The problem is ridiculously OP DPS,,,, paired with ridiculously OP Defense,,,,, paired with Vanish,,,, paired with self heals,,,,, paired with...well you get the point.


So please go see PT for "divert attention play book"... as I never call for a nerf of any class nor do I direct attention to other classes, as I remember it I told him to stop QQ ing here and go back to his own thread... But I guess some people are too blind to see their own class... Nevermind they are QQ about Marauders and Sents but if someone else calls their class OP, they must L2P and be a baddie....


Pot here is my good friend Kettle...


thank you, have a nice day...

Edited by Blloodbane
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Really, because where in my post did I say you were bad?

First of all, I didn't say "say", I said "imply", but let me refresh your memory:

shows how far your pvp knowledge of this game really goes


Just tells us all what what kind of player you are and that anything you say can be ignored.

I think it's pretty clear what you're saying, but back to the subject.


I know how they work, and I have played one. It is not more complicated than any other class in the game, but they have excessive damage and too many get out of jail free cards. An OP class is one that has high output, and easily applied output, Sents/Mara’s have both, and I’m clearly not the only one who’s noticed it.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that every low-level WZ has 6-8 of them? I’ve even seen 12 on one occasion.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that there’s a thread about them popping up on here several times a day?


Of course not, it’s just a conspiracy by baddies to get you nerfed, amirite?

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First of all, I didn't say "say", I said "imply", but let me refresh your memory:




I think it's pretty clear what you're saying, but back to the subject.


I know how they work, and I have played one. It is not more complicated than any other class in the game, but they have excessive damage and too many get out of jail free cards. An OP class is one that has high output, and easily applied output, Sents/Mara’s have both, and I’m clearly not the only one who’s noticed it.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that every low-level WZ has 6-8 of them? I’ve even seen 12 on one occasion.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that there’s a thread about them popping up on here several times a day?


Of course not, it’s just a conspiracy by baddies to get you nerfed, amirite?


I don't care what sub 50 WZ's are doing. A lot of those players who listen to people like you, actually think it is an easy class to play. They will see different after playing it and drop it soon enough. PVP should not be balanced on sub 50 wz's anyways so why even factor that in. It is a good place to try out new classes and learn their play style though.


Third how is it an high output class that is also easy output. Sorcs put up higher numbers than marauders consistently and they just stand in the back away from everyone. BH's put up higher numbers consistently as well with a fewer number of skills. Are they OP as well.....well I'm sure you think they are, unless of course it is one of the classes you play. You can put up ok numbers without really trying, but if you want the full potential of the class it requires a lot of situational awareness and management.


Lastly, no I don't think it is a coincidence that threads like this are on the forums. There are people like you that play this game. No conspiracy, just people who don't understand the concept of PVP. The concept of different roles in fights. Using abilities and countering others. People who fail to see other classes past their own. It is sad, because those are the people that ruin MMO's.

Edited by Parali
rude, already warned
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I don't care what sub 50 WZ's are doing. A lot of those players who listen to people like you, actually think it is an easy class to play. They will see different after playing it and drop it soon enough. PVP should not be balanced on sub 50 wz's anyways so why even factor that in. It is a good place to try out new classes and learn their play style though.


Third how is it an high output class that is also easy output. Sorcs put up higher numbers than marauders consistently and they just stand in the back away from everyone. BH's put up higher numbers consistently as well with a fewer number of skills. Are they OP as well.....well I'm sure you think they are, unless of course it is one of the classes you play. You can put up ok numbers without really trying, but if you want the full potential of the class it requires a lot of situational awareness and management.


Lastly, no I don't think it is a coincidence that threads like this are on the forums. There are people like you that play this game. No conspiracy, just people who don't understand the concept of PVP. The concept of different roles in fights. Using abilities and countering others. People who fail to see other classes past their own. It is sad, because those are the people that ruin MMO's.

Straight back to Page 2 of the Mara handbook I see. Well, you've done nothing else in this thread.


You're OP, you're going to a get justified nerf, everyone knows it - deal!

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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Um...you do realize we're not that hard to beat right? I play my lvl 50 mara every day in WZs and have come to realize that any class can beat us with the right technique. If your one of the normal WoW players that is used to playing some OP class like frost mages or (in 4.0 at least) arms wariors, then go back to WoW. This game is about balance, and from what I've seen, Bioware did a good job with that. We mara's don't have a huge damage reduction from armor. We don't have a great defence chance. We have no knock backs, no pulls. We can charge, once every 12 sec if we're speced for it. We have 3 defensive CDs to make up for this, and though they are great while they're up, once they're down we're vulnerable. With undying rage, we get 99% damage reduction for 5 sec. Holy crap right? but we also sacrafice 50% of our current health to do so. That means it's unwise to use it above 50% health. So we use it below. Then it comes off after 5 sec. Now we're at a minimum of 25% health. That 25% is not hard to blow through once it comes down. It happens to me all the time. I'll give you a hint; knock us back, slow us, kite us, blow us up. Holy ****, he's dead and I'm alive. WIN!
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First of all, I didn't say "say", I said "imply", but let me refresh your memory:




I think it's pretty clear what you're saying, but back to the subject.


I know how they work, and I have played one. It is not more complicated than any other class in the game, but they have excessive damage and too many get out of jail free cards. An OP class is one that has high output, and easily applied output, Sents/Mara’s have both, and I’m clearly not the only one who’s noticed it.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that every low-level WZ has 6-8 of them? I’ve even seen 12 on one occasion.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that there’s a thread about them popping up on here several times a day?


Of course not, it’s just a conspiracy by baddies to get you nerfed, amirite?


Conspiracy? No. Psychological ramification of melee DPS? Yes.


What happens right in front of you leaves a stronger impression than that which does not. Period.


Look at the scoreboard at the end of each WZ. I know scoreboards don't mean anything, except when they do...


Marauders don't put out more damage than other DPS specd classes on average. Are they top of the DPS board often? Sure. So are PTs, Sorcs, Assasins, and even Juggs and snipers on occasion.


Marauders don't die less than other classes. You look at the totals at the end of the match, more often than not they lead in deaths as often as they lead in kills.


The difference is when a Marauder kills you he is in your face, and that leaves a stronger impression than when you hear 3 explosions and your toon is dead. When he pops UR right as you're about to kill him, you notice, because he was in your face and you swore you were about to kill him, and it makes you want to pull your hair out. People remember they were about to kill a Marauder and didn't. They don't stop to think they reached that point much faster than they would against a healer, tank, or anyone stunning you 17 times.


All these nerf Marauder threads have a central theme, and that is people sharing anecdotal feedback about 1v1 fights, listing and comparing individual defensive CD's, talking about ravage doing 30k crits, basically a list of every single personal experience they have had against a class that is designed for 1v1 fighting.


What these threads do NOT include, is evidence of Marauders or Sentinels having a greater impact on winning or losing a WZ compared to any other class.

Edited by criminalheretic
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Mara/Sents die compartively like everyone else, people assume they die less just because of UR/GBTF


Mara/Sents have ZERO push,pull abilties, they have ZERO CC, and they are Medium armor...


So you want to nerf their defenses and basically gut the class...


Take a look at the class base of Barbarian and you get the Mara/Sent's


Thats it...


FYI, not every single Mara/Sent out there is Anhilation/Watchman specced... You dont care?? The changes you are suggesting would nerf the other two trees available to the class in the ground.


Combat already sucks as a pvp spec still anyway.

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Sorry but when a class can pop a cooldown in huttball & casualy stroll thru fire taking very little damage & actualy chain cooldowns to continue staying alive & then when/if they get close to death, just disapear & be over the other side of the map....yeah thats not OP?....


And ive witnessed this win so many games for the opposing team & yeah even the team i was on at the time..


Sorry its complete ******** & it needs a change Asap.

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Sorry but when a class can pop a cooldown in huttball & casualy stroll thru fire taking very little damage & actualy chain cooldowns to continue staying alive & then when/if they get close to death, just disapear & be over the other side of the map....yeah thats not OP?....


And ive witnessed this win so many games for the opposing team & yeah even the team i was on at the time..


Sorry its complete ******** & it needs a change Asap.


So assassins are op'ed?

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PT is not OP. it can dish out a crap ton of damage, but as soon as more than 1 person starts attacking them they die very, very, very fast. PT has mediocre defensive cooldowns at best, and none of those cooldowns will help when youre focus-fired


I don't see a distinction. It's the same for any non healer. And 2V1 on a PT is definitely not going to end faster than 2v1 on a marauder.

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You did just not say this in seriousness did you?


Not only are you doing a 31/31/31 spec but you are lumping them in with other classes and thier trees???


please tell me this was a joke...


Nope sounds like a 31/7/3 spec.

Edited by Parali
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Third how is it an high output class that is also easy output. Sorcs put up higher numbers than marauders consistently and they just stand in the back away from everyone. BH's put up higher numbers consistently as well with a fewer number of skills. Are they OP as well.....well I'm sure you think they are, unless of course it is one of the classes you play. You can put up ok numbers without really trying, but if you want the full potential of the class it requires a lot of situational awareness and management.


You sir should roll a sorc/sage and feel the pain of 1.2. You will soon find why we are disgusted with the current status of maras/sents. Only in a decent premade will we shine. Even if we top the charts it's irrelevant because of how lousy our burst is. The good maras/sents only need a few seconds.

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PT is not OP. it can dish out a crap ton of damage, but as soon as more than 1 person starts attacking them they die very, very, very fast. PT has mediocre defensive cooldowns at best, and none of those cooldowns will help when youre focus-fired


They actually have horrible defensive cool downs (when spec'd properly to do damage in pvp), but do have the highest burst in the game. The perception that PT's are so strong comes from the high burst coupled with the generally high damage in pvp from all classes. Their burst can still use nerfs but they absolutely need more utility/defenses if this is done.


Marauders do the most sustained damage, and have by far the best defensive cool downs, followed by assassin's damage/utility combo they possess.

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