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Replacing Mako with the Ship droid


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In an earlier thread I asked if Mako was likely to annoy a cold hearted BH - the answers indicated she would and my own experience is confirming it - she is just too nice. I am at the point where I have recievd my ship and recal mention that the ship droid can be used as a healer. I realise it will be sub optimal but for immersion reasons I can't stick with Mako. Is it possible to operate as a BH with the droid until I get Gault ? If I keep Mako confined to the ship and don't speak to her I can pretend she has come along as crew without stretching my sense of disbelief - Torian the same if necessary - he can just hang around for ship security. Gifts to them become payment for crew duties, they are employees not companions and I have no need to involve myself with them.


All this depends on the ship droid - will he function as a minimalist healer ? IS levelling possible without a real companion until Gault ?

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I don't mind the ship droids being weaker - if necessary I can out level the mssions a bit to make them achievable - the question is can it be done without making play ridiculously difficult ? How much harder do you think it would be ? Are there any quests that would demand Mako in order to finish them ?


I feel the same way about the Smuggler and Corso. If there is one thing that will make me quit this game it is the fact that Bioware force us to keep companions our characters would willingly murder, destroying any real degree of believability in our characters. . In many ways this game is an MMO not an MMORPG unless you want to RP being their puppet.

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The ship droid has about 3 abilities at lvl 50, is very hard to get gear for, and some slots are impossible to fill like the most important one, mainhand weapon.


I would imagine leveling with the ship droid out would be almost identical to leveling without any companion out.

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At what sort of level does Gault becoe available ? Once he is in play I would have a companion more closely aligned to my view of a BH.


Approximately level 20-25 range. When you land on Tatooine, just proceed with your class quest only and you'll have him in about 20-30 mins.


I know you obviously hate Mako, but maybe throw a Columi gimp mask helmet on her and let her tag along. She is by far the best companion for DPS BHs. I have been playing a BH since beta. I have heavily geared all of my companions in hopes of finally getting them to the point where they are viable.


Mako - She's awesome at any level. Never breaks CC. Healer.


Gault - Was my first choice for DPS companion. When poorly geared or moderately geared, he is still decent. When well geared, he still never gets to the "next level" and stays at non-impressive damage. At least he is ranged and can stay out of harm's way. Often breaks CC.


Blizz - Coolest companion there is. Easy to gain affection. Major drawback in that he's a tank and tank companions suck. I have him fully geared in Columi, and switched to all Absorb/Shield Mods and Enhancements. He has purple augmented bracers, belt, implants, earpiece, main hand. All augments are Shield or Absorb. He still folds like a map when a decent enemy attacks him. Tank companions = worthless.


Torian - When poorly geared or moderately geared, he sucked pretty bad. Now that I have him in full rakata including ears, implants, main and offhands, he wrecks people. He underwent a transformation at some point and actually became viable. Early in the game he really sucked. The main bonus about him is that he can use all of your leftover DPS Aim gear. Mako/Gault do not get this benefit.


(You may argue that any companion in rakata will kick rear. I actually dont think this is the case, as Gault is only a sliver less geared than Torian but the difference is big to me.)


Skade - Tank companions suck. This guy is worse than Blizz due to lack of coolness factor.

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The ship droid has about 3 abilities at lvl 50, is very hard to get gear for, and some slots are impossible to fill like the most important one, mainhand weapon.


I would imagine leveling with the ship droid out would be almost identical to leveling without any companion out.


Nope - far from it.


This weekend I spent sometime experimenting with the ship droid as healer. Works fine. Not quite as good a healer as Mako and no real assistance with damge but far less annoying. Will certainly be good enough until I can get to Gault. From an RP perfective he is about 100 x more acceptable than Mako if you want to play a professional killer in a believable way.


I completed all of Balmorra with the droid - added a few bits of gear to him on Dromund Kaas mostly using commendations, some more gear becomes available on Balmorra as quest rewards or from vendors, you get it as alternatives to mako gear. His gear gets upgraded using Mods you take out of your own gear as that upgrades. By level 17 he has similar HP and armour to my Arsenal Merc, more than enough to survive for while if some mob does decide to start on him first.


All of Balmorra is achieveable at a reasonable pace without significantly overlevelling the content. Landed at level 15, left for Na Shadaa at 20. Had to be careful in places, medpac use was a bit higher but nothing I cannot live with. From now on Mako is officially reduced to the role of eye candy and housemaid - that story I can believe - nice girl dependent on scumbag boyfirend .

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Nope - far from it.


This weekend I spent sometime experimenting with the ship droid as healer. Works fine. Not quite as good a healer as Mako and no real assistance with damge but far less annoying. Will certainly be good enough until I can get to Gault. From an RP perfective he is about 100 x more acceptable than Mako if you want to play a professional killer in a believable way.


I completed all of Balmorra with the droid - added a few bits of gear to him on Dromund Kaas mostly using commendations, some more gear becomes available on Balmorra as quest rewards or from vendors, you get it as alternatives to mako gear. His gear gets upgraded using Mods you take out of your own gear as that upgrades. By level 17 he has similar HP and armour to my Arsenal Merc, more than enough to survive for while if some mob does decide to start on him first.


All of Balmorra is achieveable at a reasonable pace without significantly overlevelling the content. Landed at level 15, left for Na Shadaa at 20. Had to be careful in places, medpac use was a bit higher but nothing I cannot live with. From now on Mako is officially reduced to the role of eye candy and housemaid - that story I can believe - nice girl dependent on scumbag boyfirend .


The ship droid is fine. I leveled a big chunk of my assassin (madness dps) with him.

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I thought about using the droid a few times since I have to go light-side to get the points, but I also find Mako to be a nice counter balance to my BH Assassin's dark mood. That conscience keeping my main character on the center line. Of course, when I got the end of the second hunt and had the guy tha Mako wanted revenge on, I let her decide on whether to go dark or be merciful... and she chose merciful, so I lost the cash bonus from the Hutt. It is all about how dark you wan to be, and I am not really that dark with my BH.
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I don't use Mako anymore. I use Torian. The man kicks *** and with him I take on elites and I don't need any healing.


Mako is nauseatingly nice which I don't like. She's a pain in the butt not too mention she's scrawny as hell.

Edited by RikHar
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I am using the ship droid as healer for my Sorcerer; he heals fine if well-geared, like Mako.


He actually does some bare-handed damage ( I have seen him do the killing blow on a very weakened opponent) plus he holds aggro very well without taking much damage himself.


He always attacks first, then heals from where he stands, next to the mob he is punching...very funny to watch!


Like any character with a healing companion, the fights take longer, but they end with the main suffering less damage.


I just feed him gifts regularly and expect his skills at 10k affection to be pretty good.


Now if i could just convince BW to let him use the bare-hand attacks from my Legacy tree...

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