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Free transfers in early summer? No server mergers discussed at this point?


I'm running out of time myself. Early summer is not an acceptable response. We need an exact date.


I'm out of guilds to transfer to on my server to do anything with. All large active guilds are now dead. It took us 3 guilds to put one 8 man Ops together last week, and it may very well be the last one.


I love this game, I don't want to go, but my time will end soon if these transfers and server merges do not happen pretty soon. I might make it one more month paid, not even sure about that at this point. I would love to be in this game a year from now and longer if the server population problems are handled before I leave. There are multiple threads on mergers, it is what your customers need to keep paying for your game.


I do know this, from every game I've played in the past, WoW, Aion, Conan, Rift, etc., when I left I never went back to them. If I leave this I will lose interest and won't be back, and I'm sure this is the same for many people who have left already, or will be also leaving soon.


I've got maybe one month left in me, how about the rest of you? And will you come back later if you do leave? And I would really love to hear from BW in this thread too for all of us who want to stay, give us a reason to.

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My servers are awesome. The only thing I really want is the LFG feature and I've got plenty to do until it hits. I'll be playing this for quite some time.



Also, you do realize that there's nothing wrong with taking a break, right? If the current setup isn't doing it for you and you're no longer having fun, why not quit for a few months and come back when the features you want are in place?



Also, as far as BW giving you a reason to stay... well, they already told you that transfers and LFG was coming. If that's not enough for you, there's really nothing else they can do. Or do you really want them to slop in some features that aren't ready, likely breaking the game?

Edited by Galbatorrix
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When I've done most of the story stuff on most factions or if my guild starts to drop off I may go. I'm not an mmo obsessive though I'm quite happy to wait for other content or a shiny new mmo... seeing as GW2 seems to be a disappointment I'll stick here a little longer ... or til I'm bored :)
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My servers are awesome. The only thing I really want is the LFG feature and I've got plenty to do until it hits. I'll be playing this for quite some time.


Also, you do realize that there's nothing wrong with taking a break, right? If the current setup isn't doing it for you and you're no longer having fun, why not quit for a few months and come back when the features you want are in place?


Also, as far as BW giving you a reason to stay... well, they already told you that transfers and LFG was coming. If that's not enough for you, there's really nothing else they can do. Or do you really want them to slop in some features that aren't ready, likely breaking the game?


My good man, really, get off your high horse please: if YOUR server is fine, that does not mean everyone is happy. Seriously, could you sound more selfish?


Also read this from the OP:


Free transfers in early summer? No server mergers discussed at this point?


I'm running out of time myself. Early summer is not an acceptable response. We need an exact date.


I'm guessing he wants something more concrete in regards to these transfers, as in more info: a date, not "it's coming", "soon" ... See the point?

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This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.

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Really hurts to say this since I've been an avid fan of this game, but the lack of people on my server dictates I play this as an RPG... and don't give me that crap about re-rolling on another server. This is my third. ( Flame away if you choose). But I did just pre-order Diablo and am actively searching for an alternative to SWTOR. Too bad because I think there were some solid parts of this game. But ultimately, not being able to group is a deal buster for me. And frankly, after listening to what was said, or rather what was not said, about this title in the meeting the other day at EA causes me to believe that the amount of resources being committed to this game are probably not going to allow quick response to issues and advancements in the game. Good luck all. Wish I would have met you in game.... but no one else came to the party.
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This is an attitude you see more and more with people that started playing MMOs with WoW and made the progression to whatever was supposed to be the next big MMO. In the old days there were very few MMOs and they all took years to get anywhere in so people got used to playing on the same server grinding away for the joy of the game. People built communities because that was where every planned on staying. These games didn't have 1/100th of the features of todays MMOs and with things like losing gear if you get killed, or losing XP if you get killed and having to retrieve your body today's whiny MMO generation would all quit within a week looking for a new game to fix their void.


Truth is if your looking for your joy in an MMO based on features, patches and what the newest trend in gaming is then you will never be happy and you will always be moving from game to game to game. People demanded EZ mode MMOs so now they are all EZ mode, people demanded fast leveling so now people are at max level within a week of an MMO launching, people demand demand demand then they get mad that everything they demanded made the genre pretty weak. Instead of getting back to actual gaming people look to blame developers for everything.


At the end of the day the old MMOs were 100X harder, took 100X longer, had none of the features and a lot of things in them to make them a real pain to play and everyone that played them LOVED them to death. In 2012 we have whiny kids demanding EZ mode MMOs that you can see all the content in a month then rush to forums to cry that they are bored or that there is no one to play with. Well at the end of the day when you make demands on a company or you will quit (essentially exactly what the OP is saying) you end up with games with empty servers a six months after they launch because you and people like you demanded it.


I am not sure how your comments relate to the OP, who has explained himself very well. His server is dying, there are insufficient active players to make a go at any of the post-50 content, and he is concerned. I saw the writing on the wall, and re-rolled some time ago, but that doesnt stop be being concerned about those left behind.

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My good man, really, get off your high horse please: if YOUR server is fine, that does not mean everyone is happy. Seriously, could you sound more selfish?


Also read this from the OP:




I'm guessing he wants something more concrete in regards to these transfers, as in more info: a date, not "it's coming", "soon" ... See the point?



Hey, my original servers sucked too. But, I'm not a masochist that continues to do things that quite obviously gives you guys severe pain. I rerolled. You have the same option and refuse. Now, because you refuse to be proactive with the way you spend your time, you would rather ask questions that have already been answered multiple times by Bioware in a hope that what? They rush it again, and are once again forced to hear you whine about them "breaking the game"?


You're the one acting selfish with your "NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" attitude when it comes to Bioware fixing something that you could fix yourself RIGHT NOW. And even then, they are fixing the issue. It just may be a couple more months until it's ready. Quit, wait or reroll. Your play time is in your own hands.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I am not sure how your comments relate to the OP, who has explained himself very well. His server is dying, there are insufficient active players to make a go at any of the post-50 content, and he is concerned. I saw the writing on the wall, and re-rolled some time ago, but that doesnt stop be being concerned about those left behind.


Beacause as the OP was explainging himself he said exactly what the problem was. He is one of the "jump to the newest MMO guys" as you can plainly see by the path of MMOs he jumped to. Not to be a jerk but time to wake up and smell the coffee, people that jump to the newest MMO because of this feature or that feature ARE THE REASON THE SERVERS ARE LOW. So now where is he, here on the forum of the next MMO in the line of MMOs to jump to on a forum saying if this doesn't change I'll jump to the next MMO.

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Hey, my original servers sucked too. But, I'm not a masochist that continues to do things that quite obviously gives you guys severe pain. I rerolled. You have the same option and refuse. Now, because you refuse to be proactive with the way you spend your time, you would rather ask questions that have already been answered multiple times by Bioware in a hope that what? They rush it again, and are once again forced to hear you whine about them "breaking the game"?


You're the one acting selfish with your "NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" attitude when it comes to Bioware fixing something that you could fix yourself RIGHT NOW. And even then, they are fixing the issue. It just may be a couple more months until it's ready. Quit, wait or reroll. Your play time is in your own hands.


People shouldn't have to throw away 5 months worth of work just to find people to play with. That'd be true masochism. The thought of releveling 3 level 50's makes me ill. It isn't our fault SWTOR is losing players and there's many dead/dying servers. Hey if I could have kept all those people from leaving I would have.


And it isn't like I didn't at least TRY to plan for the best. I picked Shadow Hand. I thought it'd be a good bet since it was a BETA server and had a cool name. Pretty much dead even being labelled Standard now.


Whatever the case it sucks. I'm not tossing out my hard work to begin all over again.

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Hey, my original servers sucked too. But, I'm not a masochist that continues to do things that quite obviously gives you guys severe pain. I rerolled. You have the same option and refuse. Now, because you refuse to be proactive with the way you spend your time, you would rather ask questions that have already been answered multiple times by Bioware in a hope that what? They rush it again, and are once again forced to hear you whine about them "breaking the game"?


You're the one acting selfish with your "NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" attitude when it comes to Bioware fixing something that you could fix yourself RIGHT NOW. And even then, they are fixing the issue. It just may be a couple more months until it's ready. Quit, wait or reroll. Your play time is in your own hands.


Will not take this much further but I have to say this: you act and write like you know anything about me and what I do/did in this game: FYI I for one did re-roll, was on Uthar Wynn server at launch, started to die a few months back and re-rolled on TOFN. Now the question is: was it my fault that the damn server died? Is it fair that I have a Legacy 20+ lvl 50 char stuck there? Did I create a gazillion extra servers that were not needed, or this company we pay money to? Well, I'm not about to pay them anymore, if they get it then ok, if not I don't really care either, too many games out there to choose from. See? I can be selfish too.


And please, read my post AGAIN: I was not talking about me at all there, I was just trying to make you understand that the game does not revolve around the happy people that are on high populated servers. There are paying customers stuck on servers with 50 people active on them at peak time, go on my former realm if you think the "50" number is an exaggeration, there are probably even less than 50 on prime time, server-wide.

Edited by Shibata
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People shouldn't have to throw away 5 months worth of work just to find people to play with. That'd be true masochism. The thought of releveling 3 level 50's makes me ill. It isn't our fault SWTOR is losing players and there's many dead/dying servers. Hey if I could have kept all those people from leaving I would have.


And it isn't like I didn't at least TRY to plan for the best. I picked Shadow Hand. I thought it'd be a good bet since it was a BETA server and had a cool name. Pretty much dead even being labelled Standard now.


Whatever the case it sucks. I'm not tossing out my hard work to begin all over again.



Well, then it's a good thing server transfers and a LFG tool is on the way then, right? It looks like Bioware is listening.

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Will not take this much further but I have to say this: you act and write like you know anything about me and what I do/did in this game: FYI I for one did re-roll, was on Uthar Wynn server at launch, started to die a few months back and re-rolled on TOFN. Now the question is: was it my fault that the damn server died? Is it fair that I have a Legacy 20+ lvl 50 char stuck there? Did I create a gazillion extra servers that were not needed, or this company we pay money to? Well, I'm not about to pay them anymore, if they get it then ok, if not I don't really care either, too many games out there to choose from. See? I can be selfish too.


And please, read my post AGAIN: I was not talking about me at all there, I was just trying to make you understand that the game does not revolve around the happy people that are on high populated servers. There are paying customers stuck on servers with 50 people active on them at peak time, go on my former realm if you think the "50" number is an exaggeration, there are probably even less than 50 on prime time, server-wide.



First off, I don't care if you quit. So, telling me that doesn't do a thing. Bioware cares, I'm sure. But then again, they are rolling out server transfers and a LFG tool soon to help combat the very issue you're complaining about. So, good for them.


Secondly, I started out on The Courageous. I still have a high level character stuck there (and 7 more ranging from level 14-30) and there might be 13 people on fleet during prime time. But again, I'd rather leave behind 8 level 50s and have fun then to continue to moan every day about how I'm wasting my time on a dead server. Maybe that's just me.


Bioware already said that they're fixing the issue. They also said "soon" as to when. And on top of that, the already stated that they said "soon" because it's impossible to put dates on things like this. If they say "June 1st" and then it isn't ready, do you think people here would be ok with that?


Again, wait, reroll or quit. Stop being so impatient.

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I'm guessing he wants something more concrete in regards to these transfers, as in more info: a date, not "it's coming", "soon" ... See the point?


Would you rather they give you a date and then have to change it? I'm 95% sure they haven't given a date as they aren't sure themselves ... the 5% is for the chance they are messing with us :)

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Not much longer... not going to re hash what was said above...much more is needed. WZ a joke i really mean pvp is a joke all classes are to similar. The force is only good for shooting lightning and throwing rocks? Crafting really what is it useful for? You have a ship to do what stay parked in fleet so you might be able to play with people. Wow a new daily instance that is cut off from world pvp?


Even a small step in a different direction would make a huge difference. Like bounties on players, Ranked trophies that you had to defend atleast weekly to keep. fixing classes so there were actually roles. work on NON INSTANCE GAME PLAY. Of course be able to attack other fleet. All in all just make it fun instead of having to make excuses to continue to pay for a mmo. I wonder if they realize that this is star wars, the force, Space, ect?????? Realy throw rocks at people???

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I am probably in the un-sub numbers since my subscription is technically canceled right now. I am still playing on the free time but with my sub canceled I would assume I am still considered one of the mass people leaving. I have every intention of re-subing as soon as my time is up I just want to put it on a different card. Also anyone with an exprired game card will count as an un-sub until they buy a new game card and enter it.
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Would you rather they give you a date and then have to change it? I'm 95% sure they haven't given a date as they aren't sure themselves ... the 5% is for the chance they are messing with us :)


I'd rather them narrow down the time they are targeting. Instead of saying early summer they could say 'we are targeting end of May, but that is subject to change' or something like that. That would go a long way to giving players an idea of when the transfers are being planned. Granted there will be people who will get mad if Bioware missed a date they gave, but there will be people mad no matter what.

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Do you REALLY, TRULY believe they don't know by now how bad the community wants a date? Did this question REALLY deserve ANOTHER thread? Either you believe this is a top priority for them or you don't. If you don't, then you're not here looking for answers; you're just here to complain.


Ask yourself this. If they give you a date and don't meet it, what will your reaction be?


EDIT: As I was posting, someone gave a pretty good response to the question I was about to ask.


I'd rather them narrow down the time they are targeting. Instead of saying early summer they could say 'we are targeting end of May, but that is subject to change' or something like that. That would go a long way to giving players an idea of when the transfers are being planned. Granted there will be people who will get mad if Bioware missed a date they gave, but there will be people mad no matter what.


Okay, that would be rational. BW could stand to do this. But I really wish people would realize that flooding the forum with the SAME thread over and over again is NOT helping their cause.

Edited by Fhrosty
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I'd rather them narrow down the time they are targeting. Instead of saying early summer they could say 'we are targeting end of May, but that is subject to change' or something like that. That would go a long way to giving players an idea of when the transfers are being planned. Granted there will be people who will get mad if Bioware missed a date they gave, but there will be people mad no matter what.



Summer starts June 21st. So, you likely won't see transfers until the end of June or early July.

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I'd rather them narrow down the time they are targeting. Instead of saying early summer they could say 'we are targeting end of May, but that is subject to change' or something like that. That would go a long way to giving players an idea of when the transfers are being planned. Granted there will be people who will get mad if Bioware missed a date they gave, but there will be people mad no matter what.


And if they say we are targeting the end of May and it goes one day passed the end of May you get hundreds of posts of people cursing BW and yelling I'm going to leave! ... stomping out while slamming the virtual e-door.


If people are going to be mad no matter what I would cater to the people that are not complete jerks.

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My good man, really, get off your high horse please: if YOUR server is fine, that does not mean everyone is happy. Seriously, could you sound more selfish?


Also read this from the OP:




I'm guessing he wants something more concrete in regards to these transfers, as in more info: a date, not "it's coming", "soon" ... See the point?


But it is ok for others to stand on their soap box about their dead server? My server is pretty well off as well, and it looks damn nice from my high horse.


I'll wait as long as I am enjoying the game, which I still am. Just as I waited for close to a year in WoW while they put in new content and tried to fix all the bugs their patches introduced ;)

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Do you REALLY, TRULY believe they don't know by now how bad the community wants a date? Did this question REALLY deserve ANOTHER thread? Either you believe this is a top priority for them or you don't. If you don't, then you're not here looking for answers; you're just here to complain.


Ask yourself this. If they give you a date and don't meet it, what will your reaction be?


I guess the point is THEY REALLY, TRULY haven't addressed this in a serious way either in print or otherwise.... Doh!

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I guess the point is THEY REALLY, TRULY haven't addressed this in a serious way either in print or otherwise.... Doh!


Wrong. They've gone from saying "this isn't a big priority for us" to saying "this is our number one priority because it's what the community demands". That sounds to me like they're taking you seriously. How would you handle a crowd that will burn you alive if you tell them your deadline and then don't meet it, when you're in a career where one unforseen snag can turn a 1-day task into a 3-day one?

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But it is ok for others to stand on their soap box about their dead server? My server is pretty well off as well, and it looks damn nice from my high horse.


I'll wait as long as I am enjoying the game, which I still am. Just as I waited for close to a year in WoW while they put in new content and tried to fix all the bugs their patches introduced ;)


I'm on the most populated European server atm. Very Heavy each night. Yet i can understand the pain of people stuck on the single player servers. I see that many people don't care that others are having a hard time in the game. Great community, what can I say? Have fun.

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