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Subs down 25%


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Well...this is false. TESO is using the HERO engine, and is doing 3 faction RvRvR. The engine is actually capable of 200 vs. 200.


So, there are other reasons coming into play that doesn't have to do with the HERO engine, itself.


Just saying, believe it when you see it.


We were supposed to have 100v100 Ilum battles here. How did that work out?

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If you notice my join date, I preordered this game with high hopes. If you look at my previous posts, the first few months were spent forgiving and pardoning Biowares moronic mistakes. But if you look at this 6 month period objectively and not as a Biodrone, you'll see this game as been been a huge mess of bugs, exploits, bugs that dont get fixed, sparse sharded servers controlled by bioware for God only knows what reason, broken pvp, irrevelant professions, and repetitive rewardless end game PvE. I mean come on, nightmare mode is a joke, just up the hit points and enrage timer.


The whole game with the exception of the sound and voice overs was extremely lazy. Its like they thought we were too dumb to notice the whole game was on rails. Even the conversations, you pick a response, the NPC spits out some predetermined response that goes right back to the predetermined conversation. There is no choice in this game. Lazy is the best way to describe it. Even the way all the playable races are just reskinned humans with various growths on ther head, all because it would be too hard to make helmets fit on them. and to answer your question, I'm posting because I'm pissed off at the developers. They claim to read these forums, so read this. Take your lies and shove it!


Hmm, did you even look past all the rhetoric and hyperbole to see what was actually being done on the game, or did you by accident look at info on another game and just think it was SWTOR. Personally, what I got (and still get) from SWTOR is exactly what I expected, because I ignored the PR nonsense and actually dug around to see what BW was doing and what their focus was going to be. No real surprises here.


The compensation for the servers being down was only 1 day, they did not give 30 days for that, just 1 day compensation. These people who canceled before the free 30 days was given to level50/legacy 6 got their 30 days because of that reason, not because they got 1 free day for the servers being down for that 1 day.


Ahh, OK - thanks for the correction. My memory is a bit foggy on that.



Edited by BJWyler
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If you notice my join date, I preordered this game with high hopes. If you look at my previous posts, the first few months were spent forgiving and pardoning Biowares moronic mistakes. But if you look at this 6 month period objectively and not as a Biodrone, you'll see this game as been been a huge mess of bugs, exploits, bugs that dont get fixed, sparse sharded servers controlled by bioware for God only knows what reason, broken pvp, irrevelant professions, and repetitive rewardless end game PvE. I mean come on, nightmare mode is a joke, just up the hit points and enrage timer.


The whole game with the exception of the sound and voice overs was extremely lazy. Its like they thought we were too dumb to notice the whole game was on rails. Even the conversations, you pick a response, the NPC spits out some predetermined response that goes right back to the predetermined conversation. There is no choice in this game. Lazy is the best way to describe it. Even the way all the playable races are just reskinned humans with various growths on ther head, all because it would be too hard to make helmets fit on them. and to answer your question, I'm posting because I'm pissed off at the developers. They claim to read these forums, so read this. Take your lies and shove it!


So you're saying you hate SWTOR and yet I love it just the way it is. Does that make me a Biodrone or fanboy because this is exactly the kind of game I've been waiting for? Maybe, but I couldn't care less. Everyone in my guild is still having a blast playing.


So if you're so sick of it maybe you should just move on instead of obsessing over something you hate soo much. ;)

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So you're saying you hate SWTOR and yet I love it just the way it is. Does that make me a Biodrone or fanboy because this is exactly the kind of game I've been waiting for? Maybe, but I couldn't care less. Everyone in my guild is still having a blast playing.


So if you're so sick of it maybe you should just move on instead of obsessing over something you hate soo much. ;)


People like that can't (http://winning-teams.com/recognizenarcissist.html). It's the epeen factor - whether it be in game or outside of the game, epeenpeople need to feel their lives are validated via recognition and agreement by others. You see it all the time - people just can't let something go because they must feel they are right, and therefore worth something.



Edited by BJWyler
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People like that can't (http://winning-teams.com/recognizenarcissist.html). It's the epeen factor - whether it be in game or outside of the game, epeenpeople need to feel their lives are validated via recognition and agreement by others. You see it all the time - people just can't let something go because they must feel they are right, and therefore worth something.




Unfortunately this trait is extremely high with anti social types. That't not an insult, its just an observation.


I would never base my existence on the validation of my opinion. Personally, I think its a real issue in this community and others. The WoW forums suffer the same problem. People posting their opinions just for validation and not for constructive reasons.

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So you're saying you hate SWTOR and yet I love it just the way it is. Does that make me a Biodrone or fanboy because this is exactly the kind of game I've been waiting for? Maybe, but I couldn't care less. Everyone in my guild is still having a blast playing.


So if you're so sick of it maybe you should just move on instead of obsessing over something you hate soo much. ;)


Some people are incapable of following a popular quote to "promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate". :p

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I'm not going to claim I'm some MMO expert, but I have been playing them for a long time. I beta tested Ultima Online and just about every MMO that followed. I've seen dev teams try lots of things to improve subs, most notably the last Star Wars game..........and we all pretty much know how that turned out. Don't get me wrong, I really do want this game to do well.........however I often ask myself what it would take to turn it around, and I think the answer is......more than they are willing to invest at this point.


There is one thing I've NEVER seen though, and I would love for someone to prove me wrong here......


I have never seen an MMO lose 25% of it's population and then regain it again at ANY point, no matter how many updates or expansions are made. I HAVE seen many examples of games hemorrhaging subs and decide to "reinvent" the game, destroying it in the process. I've seen WOW wax and wane through patches and expansions, but they had the advantage of a 7-10 million subscription base to pull them through, it is a very unique example.


Anyone else? Can anyone think of an example of an MMO that updated or expanded itself into success?

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Yep, And ES will be modding their version as well.


All I'm saying is, I'd be surprised if it was much better.


Really? From the information I've seen, they're going to pretty much leave it alone, while BioWare has actually stated that the engine is "extensively modified".

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Anyone else? Can anyone think of an example of an MMO that updated or expanded itself into success?


"Success" by shareholder definition? Or by player definition?


If it's shareholder: almost all of them.


If it's player: almost none of them.

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Just saying, believe it when you see it.


We were supposed to have 100v100 Ilum battles here. How did that work out?


We also know Bioware heavily modified this engine, that shouldnt be a big deal nowadays, even Rift support 80 players.

Edited by BlueFromMoon
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Unfortunately this trait is extremely high with anti social types. That't not an insult, its just an observation.


I would never base my existence on the validation of my opinion. Personally, I think its a real issue in this community and others. The WoW forums suffer the same problem. People posting their opinions just for validation and not for constructive reasons.


Oh no, you're pretty much spot on there. You can see it in any game/forum - no surprise either considering that gamers probably have a better chance of being more in the anti-social slider than not (generalizing, of course). To see it in action just go to any game's forum and make the suggestion to make any epeen items easier to get.



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I hope things improve in your life for you so you don't feel compelled to keep posting on a forum of a game you hate.

I posted on the Warhammer forums about how terrible Warhammer was for months.


My work between 2 and 4 in the afternoon is dead, which gives me ample opportunity to gripe away.

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is it ironic that I am having more fun with that game you just posted, instead of SWTOR? :D


To those that say just leave the forums when you cancel... well if I did, I would not have found about this little game, that is actually fun to play :)

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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is it ironic that I am having more fun with that game you just posted, instead of SWTOR? :D


To those that say just leave the forums when you cancel... well if I did, I would not have found about this little game, that is actually fun to play :)


You see, it's not all bad now, is it?


Anything to bring a smilie!




It'd be sweet if more dailies were mini-games like that. :cool:


Holy Mackerel - all the servers just went to Light status!



(Yeah, that's me - you gotta a pobbem wit it?)

Edited by BJWyler
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Oh..well, when I read the Diablo forums, I'm pretty sure SWTOR will win back some people the next days. That release is not really going smooth right now. All the impatient people never realize that what happens here, happens in every online game every time again. What surprises me though, is that people keep believing that the next game will be so much better. Edited by Ghaiana
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If WoW was released today it would be released to millions of whiny brats that expect the world and would fail. WoW was lucky enough to be the MMO when MMOs hit pop culture. Before WoW a very small fraction of the gamer community played MMOs. Being the MMO that was played when MMOs got huge it will always have a population that no one can touch. I doubt there will ever be another WoW in the MMO world, once WoW goes away I think their customer base will be distributed through the hundreds of MMOs that take it's place. My crystal ball shows hundreds of future MMOs with a few in the low millions and many in the hundred throusands but very few if any single MMOs hitting those numbers again.
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Oh..well, when I read the Diablo forums, I'm pretty sure SWTOR will win back some people the next days. That release is not really going smooth right now. All the impatient people never realize that what happens here, happens in every online game every time again. What surprises me though, is that people keep believing that the next game will be so much better.


Blizzard always gets a pass for the utter crap they churn out, on the other hand Bioware could hand every subscriber a bar of gold and they would cry that it was too heavy and they were doing it because the game is dying.

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If WoW was released today it would be released to millions of whiny brats that expect the world and would fail. WoW was lucky enough to be the MMO when MMOs hit pop culture. Before WoW a very small fraction of the gamer community played MMOs. Being the MMO that was played when MMOs got huge it will always have a population that no one can touch. I doubt there will ever be another WoW in the MMO world, once WoW goes away I think their customer base will be distributed through the hundreds of MMOs that take it's place. My crystal ball shows hundreds of future MMOs with a few in the low millions and many in the hundred throusands but very few if any single MMOs hitting those numbers again.


You are pretty much right, because when WoW lanched it was as messy as Diablo now, but people were much more patient, condoned server crashes and being in queues for months. The game world has changed a lot.

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