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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Subs down 25%


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Giving out free month to crank up the numbers? check

Pulling out ranked warzones in the last minute, tricking as many pvpers as possible to resub? check

Releasing a trial that counts as "subscribers"? check

Counting players still using their free month? check

Counting players that have canceled but still have days left to play? check


Without the free month, and people forgetting to cancel their 3/6 month subs and trial accounts, the numbers are much lower. Ive canceled my sub, and still have 45 days to play.

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Giving out free month to crank up the numbers? check

Pulling out ranked warzones in the last minute, tricking as many pvpers as possible to resub? check

Releasing a trial that counts as "subscribers"? check

Counting players still using their free month? check

Counting players that have canceled but still have days left to play? check


Without the free month, and people forgetting to cancel their 3/6 month subs and trial accounts, the numbers are much lower. Ive canceled my sub, and still have 45 days to play.


ummm, I don't seen anything wrong with counting people who do not have a recurring sub set up but still has time left as subsribers. It is not uncommon for people to use time cards, or subscribe 1/3/6 months at a time but do not want it to auto renew because of various reasons. Also, I always remember MMO boxes stating that it includes 30 days of play time, so I would consider the first month as a paid month as well and goes along with what I stated above.

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Giving out free month to crank up the numbers? check

Pulling out ranked warzones in the last minute, tricking as many pvpers as possible to resub? check

Releasing a trial that counts as "subscribers"? check

Counting players still using their free month? check

Counting players that have canceled but still have days left to play? check


Without the free month, and people forgetting to cancel their 3/6 month subs and trial accounts, the numbers are much lower. Ive canceled my sub, and still have 45 days to play.


and come the next earning report you won't be counted because you don't have an active account. What's your point?

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and come the next earning report you won't be counted because you don't have an active account. What's your point?


I dont think it takes a genius to see that his point is swtor does not have 1.3 million subs. what is your point?

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I dont think it takes a genius to see that his point is swtor does not have 1.3 million subs. what is your point?


There is a difference between the number of subs and the number of people playing. Clearly he was talking about sub numbers, not the number of people playing. He wanted to exclude a huge number of people as subscribers when in fact they are subscribers, doesn't matter if they have a recurring one or not, only matters if they were subscribed at the time the number came from.

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well the harbinder is a good example of this and the aussies transfers after april 20-23 this server is most of the time standard now even on weekends so i'm kind of worried cause i like populated servers and i think most of the people does so it's hard now to find people for hm or ops and that causes more people to leave this server so BIOWARE WE NEED MORE POP ON THE HARBINDER. i'm really worried cause i love this game and i don't want to reroll again to find a heavy server
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There is a difference between the number of subs and the number of people playing. Clearly he was talking about sub numbers, not the number of people playing. He wanted to exclude a huge number of people as subscribers when in fact they are subscribers, doesn't matter if they have a recurring one or not, only matters if they were subscribed at the time the number came from.


Even if you only believe exactly what bioware said there is still no way those numbers on correct, unless you think everyone who had a free trial that they counted ended up subbing to the game.

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Even if you only believe exactly what bioware said there is still no way those numbers on correct, unless you think everyone who had a free trial that they counted ended up subbing to the game.


They sold 2.4 million units, you really find it hard to believe they had 1.3 million of them subbed at the end of April? I agree, that it feels like a lot less then 1.3 million are playing, but I do not believe they are lying about 1.3 million subscribers.

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Even if you only believe exactly what bioware said there is still no way those numbers on correct, unless you think everyone who had a free trial that they counted ended up subbing to the game.


Playing WoW doesn't feel like you're playing with 10 million subscribers either, you can't base this on your personal experience. They aren't lying, they aren't allowed to lie lol


Who cares if thee is 10 subscribers or 10 million, as long as the game is fun for the people that play it and it's still profitable for the people developing it, all is well in the world.


MMOs have dwelled into who has the most subs and people are now obsessed with that fact and it ruins their gaming experience because they need to be playing the top MMO to feel good about what they're enjoying.

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They sold 2.4 million units, you really find it hard to believe they had 1.3 million of them subbed at the end of April? I agree, that it feels like a lot less then 1.3 million are playing, but I do not believe they are lying about 1.3 million subscribers.


I dont base my decisions on what i "feel" or "believe" the fact is that they have been giving out free trials, and admitedly counted them in the 1.3 number.


I dont see how that can be disputed, unless im wrong about them counting the trials, or the EA or bioware person that said it was mistaken.

Edited by Mallorik
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People will ignore this to the ends of the earth. Just watch. They already have. They'll tell you that TOR is the first MMO in history to lose this many and that the sky is falling.


If I could have Fried Chicken Littles for dinner, I'd feed an entire nation on as many Chicken Littles as are here. OM NOM NOM!!


could've swore WoW lost this many from the changes incurred by their first expansion.


also, nice to see some of the reasonable ppl from the pre launch forums are still around ;)

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I dont base my decisions on what i "feel" or "beleive" the fact is that they have been giving out free trials, and admitedly counted them in the 1.3 number.


I dont see how that can be disputed, unless im wrong about them counting the trials, or the EA or bioware person that said it was mistaken.


Where did they state they were counting the trials? Are you talking about the friend trials, the weekend trials, or are you talking about the 30 days that comes with game?

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Playing WoW doesn't feel like you're playing with 10 million subscribers either, you can't base this on your personal experience. They aren't lying, they aren't allowed to lie lol


Who cares if thee is 10 subscribers or 10 million, as long as the game is fun for the people that play it and it's still profitable for the people developing it, all is well in the world.


MMOs have dwelled into who has the most subs and people are now obsessed with that fact and it ruins their gaming experience because they need to be playing the top MMO to feel good about what they're enjoying.


imo, WoW felt like there were more players because of the cross server ques. the last 3 times i was in EC this week it had 2 phases. i never noticed that happen with EV or KP

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They sold 2.4 million units, you really find it hard to believe they had 1.3 million of them subbed at the end of April? I agree, that it feels like a lot less then 1.3 million are playing, but I do not believe they are lying about 1.3 million subscribers.


They aren't.


Those 1.3m will include everyone with paid time left (even if they haven't played since December, but bought a 6 month sub), those with the given free time, anyone on a trial this month.


So the chances of that 1.3m being 1.3m active subs is pretty much 0.


The big question is what is the difference between total current countable subs and active subs, I'd guess that active subs are no more than 1m at the moment.




However even more important that all that is server trend data (because inevitably server trend data turns into sub numbers one way or another), and at the moment server trend data looks scarily bad. :(

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Not talking about people, talking about subscriptions. Even then, more then 1 account per person is still pretty low in comparison.


EA said that they had 1.7 million at the end of the quarter that the game launched. We can, naturally, assume that it was their high point up until now.


Well then, we can assume that the 1.3 mil remaining subs don't each belong to a different person.


That doesn't even make any sense.

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WoW has over 10m subscribers, has been going strong since 2004 and Activision ONLY counts paid subscriptions that have been active in the last 30 days.


SWTOR has dropped to an alleged 1.3m subscribers, is 5 months old and EA are cynically including trial accounts and free gametime promotions as 'active subscriptions', including the free month they gave away (by SHEER COINCIDENCE) immediately prior to the quarterly report.




didnt they have 10 million counting with the chinese?

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EA said that they had 1.7 million at the end of the quarter that the game launched. We can, naturally, assume that it was their high point up until now.




That doesn't even make any sense.


No, they said they had 1.7 million as of the beginning of February, the end of the reporting quarter was December 31. We still don't know how many subscriptions they lost in the first 1.5 months of the game. We can only go by the 2.4 million sold, and 1.1 million of those sales are not subscribed as of the end of April. We cannot assume that the 1.7 million was their high point, cause they undoubtedly lost subscriptions in the first 1.5 months, industry shows about 20-30% loss in the first month is normal.


What makes the other guys comment not make any sense. He was responding to someone stating that of the 2.4 million sold, there would have been people who bought more then 1 copy, so that would mean that we can also assume that the remaining 1.3 million subs also have people who have more 1 active account.

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Don't TORs subscriptions count the Asia Pacific servers?


TOR doesn't have pay per minute as WoW does in Asia. So if a guy spends a few minutes playing that gets counted as fully subscribed account along with the 2 million NA/EU full month subs.

Edited by Neloth
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You people are really expending far too much energy in an attempt to whittle away and reduce a figure that, at the end of the day, has absolutely no impact on your life whatsoever.


That being said, in my opinion, they've given up on this game, stop wasting your brain power trying to belittle a dying MMO, it isn't worth your time.

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TOR doesn't have pay per minute as WoW does in Asia. So if a guy spends a few minutes playing that gets counted as fully subscribed account along with the 2 million NA/EU full month subs.


And if a guy spends a few minutes playing TOR he also is counted as fully subscribed.


It's crazy when you think that TOR during the quarter launched the Asia Pacific realms and STILL managed to LOSE 25% of its total population. That means they lost one account for every new account gained on the Asia Pacific servers and then 400,000 more ON TOP OF THAT.


All without having any major new competition like they will now, or having to deal with people leaving during the summer season for vacations and just generally going outside and whatnot.




They definitely haven't hit the low point yet. Next review is going to be abysmal.

Edited by HKDeath
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And if a guy spends a few minutes playing TOR he also is counted as fully subscribed.


It's crazy when you think that TOR during the quarter launched the Asia Pacific realms and STILL managed to LOSE 25% of its total population. That means they lost one account for every new account gained on the Asia Pacific servers and then 400,000 more ON TOP OF THAT.


All without having any major new competition like they will now, or having to deal with people leaving during the summer season for vacations and just generally going outside and whatnot.




They definitely haven't hit the low point yet. Next review is going to be abysmal.


I know that you really REALLY want this game to die for some...strange reason... But, it's not going to. Kay?

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I know that you really REALLY want this game to die for some...strange reason... But, it's not going to. Kay?


It won't die but there is a faint whiff of F2P beginning to appear. (exit questions )

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I know that you really REALLY want this game to die for some...strange reason... But, it's not going to. Kay?


The longer this thread goes on the more you show your true colors. Im glad you are finally dropping your pretense of objectivity.


Better to show a little courage and show your fanboyism than to troll behind "an objective presenation of the numbers."

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