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Boba Fett is Both Dead and Alive (Technically)

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For Fett to have died in the Sarlacc, his role in every post-ROTJ novel must be non-canon.


This would mean that NJO, LOTF, and FOTJ are not canon, or make no sense. Not even mentioning every comic or short story post-ROTJ that has Fett play a role.


Simply put, if Fett is dead, almost none of the continuity past ROTJ makes any sense whatsoever.


This defeats the point of maintaining a continuity, or for anyone who has worked on anything past ROTJ to have put in the effort of keeping the universe consistent.


Either Fett lives in the EU, and his life is canon, or nothing in the EU post-ROTJ is canon at all.


According to jarjar there, EVERYTHING post-RotJ is N-Canon.

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George??? IS THAT YOU????? OMG!!!!! :eek:


But seriously, HOW do you know what George meant in the script??? It's YOUR interpretation of what he meant. You misinterpret everything George says, it seems. So unless you're reading his mind, then I suggest you back the hell up and check yourself.


And as far as "Showing You" anything, you need to go READ THE RULES OF C-CANON IN THE EXPANDED UNIVERSE. All Star Wars novels have to be classified as at least C in order to be published. Leland Chee is in charge of that. Sometimes they can be retconned to S and still stay in print. However, if it's retconned back to N, it's pulled.


I notice that you post very select quotes without the context of what was meant in each answer. Your extremely literal and narrow interpretation of the quotes just shows everyone that you don't want to be wrong. That's why you fail to post the question along with the quoted answer for context purposes. Your want to talk about strawman arguments? You're about as "scarecrow" as anyone can get. You expect everyone to believe your quotes were always taken IN context, when it's obvious that they were not. All your arguments fly in the face of common sense as well. You lost the whole argument about 10 pages back, but you STILL try to force your own views on those of us who know better.


Here, I'll even post the quote on C-Canon you need to read....




Now. Tell us all one more time HOW Boba Fett is dead in C-Canon. He was approved for books. Books in the Expanded Universe are C-Canon. Post-RotJ novels are classified as Expanded Universe. Final argument.


EDIT: And here's the quote about N-Canon...



Still, Fett was approved for use in the C-Canon post-RotJ Expanded Universe. That still puts him firmly in C-Canon.

I know that George Lucas wrote Boba Fetts death in the script BECAUSE HE SAID SO!!!!. He has actually said several times Boba Fett dies here.


I know C-canon and the definition. I also know and I can prove that not every Game, Book, or story that is published is considered C-canon.


For example.






Now. Tell us all one more time HOW this game is not C-Canon.It was approved. Games in the Expanded Universe are C-Canon. Final argument.



Look at your quote again


N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.



You admitted that Boba Fett is dead in G-canon.


You have not shown me an exception where it says George Lucas says Boba fett is alive. OTHERS have shown a quote saying he allowed Boba Fett to return in the EU but it says nothing about it's canon.


As with the youtube clip things that are aproved by Lucas for the EU are not always canon.

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For Fett to have died in the Sarlacc, his role in every post-ROTJ novel must be non-canon.


This would mean that NJO, LOTF, and FOTJ are not canon, or make no sense. Not even mentioning every comic or short story post-ROTJ that has Fett play a role.


Simply put, if Fett is dead, almost none of the continuity past ROTJ makes any sense whatsoever.


This defeats the point of maintaining a continuity, or for anyone who has worked on anything past ROTJ to have put in the effort of keeping the universe consistent.


Either Fett lives in the EU, and his life is canon, or nothing in the EU post-ROTJ is canon at all.


and if it isn't canon? what then does the world explode? We have already seen George not care about EU canon with the creation of the Prequels. he has even said as much and other Lucas employes like Leeland chee have said as much. So what happens if they don't beleive that Post ROTJ is not canon?


What happens?

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and if it isn't canon? what then does the world explode? We have already seen George not care about EU canon with the creation of the Prequels. he has even said as much and other Lucas employes like Leeland chee have said as much. So what happens if they don't beleive that Post ROTJ is not canon?


What happens?


At that point, canon becomes an arbitrary term with no real meaning in the EU. Writers could write whatever they want, regardless of if it contradicts any previously established lore. Lucas would then allow anyone to do anything they want, (because, by your own logic, they would only be "what if" stories and nobody at Lucasarts should care) but he doesn't.


By allowing the word "canon" to be metaphorically stamped on major post-ROTJ stories that contain Boba Fett, Lucas is allowing for Fett's life to be canon.


Edit: I'm starting to wonder why you're even on this forum. In Lucas' personal version of pre-prequel Star Wars (which would be at the same "level" of G-Canon as Lucas' personal view of Fett's death) none of this is happening, and Darth Ruin was the first true Sith Lord.

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I know that George Lucas wrote Boba Fetts death in the script BECAUSE HE SAID SO!!!!. He has actually said several times Boba Fett dies here.


I know C-canon and the definition. I also know and I can prove that not every Game, Book, or story that is published is considered C-canon.


For example.






Now. Tell us all one more time HOW this game is not C-Canon.It was approved. Games in the Expanded Universe are C-Canon. Final argument.



Look at your quote again





You admitted that Boba Fett is dead in G-canon.


You have not shown me an exception where it says George Lucas says Boba fett is alive. OTHERS have shown a quote saying he allowed Boba Fett to return in the EU but it says nothing about it's canon.


As with the youtube clip things that are aproved by Lucas for the EU are not always canon.


So, George said that he WROTE the script that way to show that Boba Fett died???? Really???? That his jet pack's "last flight" was him telling everyone that Boba Fett was dead??? Are you serious???? He REALLY made it THAT vague on PURPOSE???? Do you REALLY believe that, or are you just grasping at straws now?


It's more than implied that Fett's Exception to G-Canon fits him squarely in the C-Canon post-RotJ universe. George himself calls the post-RotJ ExU a "parallel universe". As much as you say you like Fett, and that you dislike George, it's painful to watch you continue to defend him based on your own interpretation of his words and actions. It's obvious to most others here that your arguments are basically saying that George and Leland's Canon system is wrong. Which contradicts other things you say about him. What it boils down to, at the end, is IF HE REALLY wanted Fett gone from the Star Wars Universe altogether, it's within his power to do so.


And comparing his survival to amusement park rides..... /facepalm


I'm done. Points have been proven. Just because George didn't come out in public and say "By the way, folks! I've approved Boba Fett's survival in the Expanded Universe!", he DIDN'T NEED TO. He Approved it. That was all he needed to do.


Now, if YOU take the post-RotJ ExU as N-Canon, then that's your problem. It's C-Canon to everyone else.

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At that point, canon becomes an arbitrary term with no real meaning in the EU. Writers could write whatever they want, regardless of if it contradicts any previously established lore. Lucas would then allow anyone to do anything they want, (because, by your own logic, they would only be "what if" stories and nobody at Lucasarts should care) but he doesn't.


By allowing the word "canon" to be metaphorically stamped on major post-ROTJ stories that contain Boba Fett, Lucas is allowing for Fett's life to be canon.


not at all. Look at the case of the Star Wars Holiday Speical. Now that is for the most part non canon. Except certain things such as life day, Chewbacaas family, the wookie planet Kashyyyk and so on.


The way it works is only the part that breaks the canon isn't considered canon. So just the parts with Boba Fett doing stuff is not canon. So the NJO storyline still exists but the Boba Fett stuff didn't happen either not at all or just with someone else in its place.


Think of all the background stories for Boba Fett. Remember how they contradicted themeselves? Now they are all either rumors or they happened to Jango Fett.


But let's take it to your extreme and say the entire Post ROTJ is not canon (as Leeland and Lucas have sugested) so what. It's not different then all the other stuff they slap the Star Wars logo on like Star Wars demolition, the ICSS, Star Wars Masters of Teraas Kasi and most of SWG.


does that prevent you from enjoying it?

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At that point, canon becomes an arbitrary term with no real meaning in the EU. Writers could write whatever they want, regardless of if it contradicts any previously established lore. Lucas would then allow anyone to do anything they want, (because, by your own logic, they would only be "what if" stories and nobody at Lucasarts should care) but he doesn't.


By allowing the word "canon" to be metaphorically stamped on major post-ROTJ stories that contain Boba Fett, Lucas is allowing for Fett's life to be canon.


Edit: I'm starting to wonder why you're even on this forum. In Lucas' personal version of pre-prequel Star Wars (which would be at the same "level" of G-Canon as Lucas' personal view of Fett's death) none of this is happening, and Darth Ruin was the first true Sith Lord.


Karen Traviss was fired because she actually did violate C-Canon with her "Kryptalorians", as I like to call them. It's a wonder she didn't change all their names to end in -El. :p

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But let's take it to your extreme and say the entire Post ROTJ is not canon (as Leeland and Lucas have sugested) so what. It's not different then all the other stuff they slap the Star Wars logo on like Star Wars demolition, the ICSS, Star Wars Masters of Teraas Kasi and most of SWG.


does that prevent you from enjoying it?


It lessens my enjoyment. Greatly.


Though by that point all canon effectively becomes meaningless.



not at all. Look at the case of the Star Wars Holiday Speical. Now that is for the most part non canon. Except certain things such as life day, Chewbacaas family, the wookie planet Kashyyyk and so on.


The way it works is only the part that breaks the canon isn't considered canon. So just the parts with Boba Fett doing stuff is not canon. So the NJO storyline still exists but the Boba Fett stuff didn't happen either not at all or just with someone else in its place.


So Jaina Solo didn't train with Boba Fett?


So she didn't develop the skills and mindset to be able to kill her brother, the Jedi-turned-Sith Lord Jacen Solo?


So either Jacen won the war, or Luke's vision came to pass and he turned to the Dark Side?


So the later Legacy Era didn't really come to pass, Cade Skywalker never existed, and the One Sith took over the galaxy?



Any number of timeline breaking plotholes are brought into existance by Fett's death, but this is simply the most major.


Edit: Oh, oh wait! According to Lucas, Luke never get's married anyway! So neither Cade, Ben, or anyone else of Skywalker progeny would exist! Man, the number of plotholes are compounding to infinity!

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not at all. Look at the case of the Star Wars Holiday Speical. Now that is for the most part non canon. Except certain things such as life day, Chewbacaas family, the wookie planet Kashyyyk and so on.


The way it works is only the part that breaks the canon isn't considered canon. So just the parts with Boba Fett doing stuff is not canon. So the NJO storyline still exists but the Boba Fett stuff didn't happen either not at all or just with someone else in its place.


Think of all the background stories for Boba Fett. Remember how they contradicted themeselves? Now they are all either rumors or they happened to Jango Fett.


But let's take it to your extreme and say the entire Post ROTJ is not canon (as Leeland and Lucas have sugested) so what. It's not different then all the other stuff they slap the Star Wars logo on like Star Wars demolition, the ICSS, Star Wars Masters of Teraas Kasi and most of SWG.


does that prevent you from enjoying it?


The Holiday Special has been classified as S-Canon, since some things in it are true to the Star Wars unverse and G-Canon.


Boba Fett's background stories are ALSO now classified as S-Canon.


Oh, and it's YOUR point of view that everything post-RotJ is N-Canon, since you were the one who argued that in the first place with your quote about George Lucas saying that in HIS story, Luke never gets married, Boba Fett is dead, Vader never comes back to life - Ok, that one was a "What If? Infinities" story - Han and Leia don't get married, and Palpatine would never have been cloned. What you STILL don't get is, the question he was asked was about HIS story in Star Wars. NOT the post-RotJ Expanded Universe. He simply said about the post-RotJ ExU that it's not how he would have done things. He took nothing away from the authors in the ExU. Just that it's not how he would have done it.

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It lessens my enjoyment. Greatly.


Though by that point all canon effectively becomes meaningless.





So Jaina Solo didn't train with Boba Fett?


So she didn't develop the skills and mindset to be able to kill her brother, the Jedi-turned-Sith Lord Jacen Solo?


So either Jacen won the war, or Luke's vision came to pass and he turned to the Dark Side?


So the later Legacy Era didn't really come to pass, Cade Skywalker never existed, and the One Sith took over the galaxy?



Any number of timeline breaking plotholes are brought into existance by Fett's death, but this is simply the most major.


Edit: Oh, oh wait! According to Lucas, Luke never get's married anyway! So neither Cade, Ben, or anyone else of Skywalker progeny would exist! Man, the number of plotholes are compounding to infinity!


not at all it could have just been "another" mandalorian. Perhaps who ever would have become Mandalore if Boba didn't.


Basicly think of it this way. Take the book into Microsoft Word and hit find and replace Boba Fett with "Mandalore" and there you go.


That's what they did for Boba Fetts origin.


But yeah it's no secret George doesn't like the EU at all so who knows.

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The Holiday Special has been classified as S-Canon, since some things in it are true to the Star Wars unverse and G-Canon.


Boba Fett's background stories are ALSO now classified as S-Canon.


Oh, and it's YOUR point of view that everything post-RotJ is N-Canon, since you were the one who argued that in the first place with your quote about George Lucas saying that in HIS story, Luke never gets married, Boba Fett is dead, Vader never comes back to life - Ok, that one was a "What If? Infinities" story - Han and Leia don't get married, and Palpatine would never have been cloned. What you STILL don't get is, the question he was asked was about HIS story in Star Wars. NOT the post-RotJ Expanded Universe. He simply said about the post-RotJ ExU that it's not how he would have done things. He took nothing away from the authors in the ExU. Just that it's not how he would have done it.




G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself.


and as i showed earlier this seems to be accepted by Leeland Chee and others at Lucas film.

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It lessens my enjoyment. Greatly.


Though by that point all canon effectively becomes meaningless.



as for your enjoyment this is why I brought up the Avengers Movie a while back.


The movie is not canon. For the Avengers canon you have to look at the comics. However there is contuinty in the new marvel super heros movies. But they are not canon. Just like Boba Fett living fits in its own continuity but not its canon.


but did knowing that none of it is canon hurt your enjoyment of the movie?


same could be said about the Walking Dead tv show or any source of entertainment that has changed its medium.

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So, George said that he WROTE the script that way to show that Boba Fett died???? Really???? That his jet pack's "last flight" was him telling everyone that Boba Fett was dead??? Are you serious???? He REALLY made it THAT vague on PURPOSE???? Do you REALLY believe that, or are you just grasping at straws now?




And comparing his survival to amusement park rides..... /facepalm



Yes he did he even said as much. It's not vauge at all. Falling into the mouth of a monster that = certain death and saying THIS IS HIS DEATH SCENE. BOBA FET DIES HERE. is more then enough for any resonably intelligent person.


You still have never been on Star Tours have you?


I love how you think a book written by some random person is more important then something made by George Lucas, ILM, and Lucas Film. It's like saying "Karren Travis is more important then Episode 5"

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not at all it could have just been "another" mandalorian. Perhaps who ever would have become Mandalore if Boba didn't.


Basicly think of it this way. Take the book into Microsoft Word and hit find and replace Boba Fett with "Mandalore" and there you go.


And yet they didn't do that. They didn't just replace him when, by your own logic, fett's existance in the EU makes it all non-canon. (Though, really, it wouldn't be so easy, and any character to take Fett's place would need to be almost exactly like him in every respect for the continuity to make sense, including Fett's pre-ROTJ storyline)


At this point, you're trying to headcanon a random non-existant character into Fett's place in an attempt to make everything in the post-ROTJ EU make sense, when it just doesn't without him.

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Yes he did he even said as much. It's not vauge at all. Falling into the mouth of a monster that = certain death and saying THIS IS HIS DEATH SCENE. BOBA FET DIES HERE. is more then enough for any resonably intelligent person.


You still have never been on Star Tours have you?


I love how you think a book written by some random person is more important then something made by George Lucas, ILM, and Lucas Film. It's like saying "Karren Travis is more important then Episode 5"


It's a park ride.


Trying to say that an amusement park ride is on the same level of canon, and held in the same regard as, everything in the EU is just stupid.

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It's a park ride.


Trying to say that an amusement park ride is on the same level of canon, and held in the same regard as, everything in the EU is just stupid.




leeland chee doesn't think so


oh it was also written by George Lucas too. i didn't realize that.


I also see you haven't been on it either.


edit: also it should be noted that more people have seen Star Tours then have ever even heard of a star wars EU book

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leeland chee doesn't think so


oh it was also written by George Lucas too. i didn't realize that.


I also see you haven't been on it either.


edit: also it should be noted that more people have seen Star Tours then have ever even heard of a star wars EU book


That link doesn't lead anywhere.


The actual page doesn't really conclude anything. It's a park ride. For fun.


Trying to say that any "story" it provides is just as important as half the EU, because it's been seen by more people, (which is very debatable) is just inane.

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That link doesn't lead anywhere.


The actual page doesn't really conclude anything. It's a park ride. For fun.


Trying to say that any "story" it provides is just as important as half the EU, because it's been seen by more people, (which is very debatable) is just inane.


I guess you missed the part about the canon.


trying to dismiss something because it's a ride is just inane.

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I guess you missed the part about the canon.


"The canonicity of the events depicted in Star Tours has been disputed for many reasons, the most obvious being the inclusion of the Death Star. Since R2-D2's presence onboard the Starspeeder precludes the events taking place during the Battle of Yavin or the Battle of Endor, the Death Star seen in the ride video has been considered by some to be the Death Star prototype, as seen in Jedi Search and Champions of the Force and its destruction to be a depiction of the prototype's destruction at The Maw in. However, it does not match that prototype's skeletal construction and R2-D2 is accounted for during that event. Also, the Star Tours Death Star is close to Endor, far from the Maw's location. This may indicate it is a so far unrevealed Death Star, or that the ride's events are simply not canonical. Others have suggested that the Death Star is a modification of one of the habitation spheres seen under construction over Coruscant.


The events of Star Tours may take place after Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back since after the destination of Hoth is advertised on the large video screen in the queue area, C-3PO makes a mention of the events of the film. In 2005, Lucasfilm's Leland Chee tentatively dated the events of the ride at 4.3 ABY."


Lucas approved the ride.


Lucasarts approves nearly all of the EU.


The ride is a ride, made for children, for fun. They attempt a story on the ride because a story makes everything better. They can't even place the "events" of the ride solidly in the story.


The EU, (specificaly post ROTJ EU) is a multimedia project that involves hundreds of writers and fact-checkers constantly keeping things in-tune with canon and the continuity of Star Wars.


You seeing a difference here?


trying to dismiss something because it's a ride is just inane.


No. No it's not.


Can you name a ride that is actually taken seriously as a part of a larger story? By someone other then you?


Edit: Also, notice how you're the only one arguing your point? For almost a dozen pages, every poster has been against you, and you've yet to provide solid evidence for your standpoint that isn't a park ride or a sandbox game that doesn't have a story.


When everyone is against you, that's normally a good indication you're wrong.


Edit II: I'm done now. Better posters then me have made better arguments then mine that you're incorrect, yet you continue to try and shove your headcanon down everyone's throat. Just get the last word and let the thread die now.



Edit III: I refuse to bump this thread anymore, so i'm just going to post a reply here.


ouch you used the ride is made for kids.


It is. You know what isn't for kids? The movies. In every movie, people die. Just look at the two most "kid friendly" movies.


Everyone on the Death Sar dies in ANH, the Jawa are killed, and we see that Owen and Beru are burned to fleshy skeletons. And Alderaan. Don't forget Alderaan.


In TPM, Darth Maul is visually bisected, with a mist of blood. We see him split in two as he falls in a chasm. Hundreds of Gungans are killed in the battle for Naboo.


It only gets worse.


name 1 EU item that has that much involvement by Lucas or any part of Lucasfilm.


The Force Unleashed. TCW, and Lucas has personally checked off on a number of EU decisions.

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"The canonicity of the events depicted in Star Tours has been disputed for many reasons, the most obvious being the inclusion of the Death Star. Since R2-D2's presence onboard the Starspeeder precludes the events taking place during the Battle of Yavin or the Battle of Endor, the Death Star seen in the ride video has been considered by some to be the Death Star prototype, as seen in Jedi Search and Champions of the Force and its destruction to be a depiction of the prototype's destruction at The Maw in. However, it does not match that prototype's skeletal construction and R2-D2 is accounted for during that event. Also, the Star Tours Death Star is close to Endor, far from the Maw's location. This may indicate it is a so far unrevealed Death Star, or that the ride's events are simply not canonical. Others have suggested that the Death Star is a modification of one of the habitation spheres seen under construction over Coruscant.


The events of Star Tours may take place after Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back since after the destination of Hoth is advertised on the large video screen in the queue area, C-3PO makes a mention of the events of the film. In 2005, Lucasfilm's Leland Chee tentatively dated the events of the ride at 4.3 ABY."


Lucas approved the ride.


Lucasarts approves nearly all of the EU.


The ride is a ride, made for children, for fun. They attempt a story on the ride because a story makes everything better. They can't even place the "events" of the ride solidly in the story.


The EU, (specificaly post ROTJ EU) is a multimedia project that involves hundreds of writers and fact-checkers constantly keeping things in-tune with canon and the continuity of Star Wars.


You seeing a difference here?




No. No it's not.


Can you name a ride that is actually taken seriously as a part of a larger story? By someone other then you?


ouch you used the ride is made for kids.






Can you name a ride that is actually taken seriously as a part of a larger story? By someone other then you?

Yes I can. Sorcers of the Magic Kingdom, Pirate of the Carribean, and ET the ride which is actually the sequel to ET as stated by Steven Spielberg during the preshow for the ride.



once again. Star Tours was Written by George lucas (very few things in the Star Wars universe are written by George Lucas), Filmed by Lucas Film and all special effects by Inudustrial Light and Magic.


name 1 EU item that has that much involvement by Lucas or any part of Lucasfilm.



btw you still haven't explained how Star Wars demolition isn't c-canon as it was aproved by George Lucas and you said that anything aproved by him is C-canon.... which you never provided a link for even that.



If we were to poll all the people who have seen Star Wars i guarentee the majority would say Boba Fett is dead. So by your logic you are wrong.

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Yes he did he even said as much. It's not vauge at all. Falling into the mouth of a monster that = certain death and saying THIS IS HIS DEATH SCENE. BOBA FET DIES HERE. is more then enough for any resonably intelligent person.


You still have never been on Star Tours have you?


I love how you think a book written by some random person is more important then something made by George Lucas, ILM, and Lucas Film. It's like saying "Karren Travis is more important then Episode 5"


Some random person... Ok, NOW you're just trolling. Timothy Zahn is "some random person"? Michael Stackpole is "some random person"? Aaron Allston is "some random person"? K.W. Jeter is "some random person"? Dude, every one of those guys can individually outwrite George Lucas on their WORST days and his BEST day!


No, George's script was vague, and you're just trying to insult everyone else here because we saw it for what it was. It was referring to his jet pack. Not him. He NEVER said that was what he meant by that. He NEVER specified that he wrote it that way to portray Fett's death. Don't be stupid, dude. Now you ARE grasping at straws and trying to divert attention. You still refuse to see how the Star Wars Canon system really works. It's sad, really. You keep on believing that George's word, interpreted to your own point of view, is all it takes for something to become N-Canon even though it's still listed as C-Canon by their own system.


And I don't care about Star Tours. It has NOTHING to do with Boba Fett being alive or dead. It's just you using it as a comparison when it shouldn't even be brought up.

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Some random person... Ok, NOW you're just trolling. Timothy Zahn is "some random person"? Michael Stackpole is "some random person"? Aaron Allston is "some random person"? K.W. Jeter is "some random person"? Dude, every one of those guys can individually outwrite George Lucas on their WORST days and his BEST day!


No, George's script was vague, and you're just trying to insult everyone else here because we saw it for what it was. It was referring to his jet pack. Not him. He NEVER said that was what he meant by that. He NEVER specified that he wrote it that way to portray Fett's death. Don't be stupid, dude. Now you ARE grasping at straws and trying to divert attention. You still refuse to see how the Star Wars Canon system really works. It's sad, really. You keep on believing that George's word, interpreted to your own point of view, is all it takes for something to become N-Canon even though it's still listed as C-Canon by their own system.


And I don't care about Star Tours. It has NOTHING to do with Boba Fett being alive or dead. It's just you using it as a comparison when it shouldn't even be brought up.

I agree 100% that they are all better writers. Even Karren Travis can be better. But they are random in they have no say what so ever about Star Wars canon. They can suggest and say what they would like to write but it is not up to them.



As for George and his Script. Here is him saying that he wrote it as a death scene.


"In the case of Boba Fett's death, had I known he was gonna turn into such a popular character, I probably would've made it a little bit more exciting"


I am brining up Star Tours because of how you are viewing the canon system. According to you it is more canon then Boba Fett living.

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Edit II: I'm done now. Better posters then me have made better arguments then mine that you're incorrect, yet you continue to try and shove your headcanon down everyone's throat. Just get the last word and let the thread die now.


I'm with you, brother. He's stuck in his own little world where everything George says can only be taken one way. Where George is able to write between the lines and only he can see it. Where George's approval means nothing because his words say something different. Where the entire ExU after RotJ is N-Canon. I'm out too. I guess he wins the argument by default, even though he's wrong. *shrugs*

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I agree 100% that they are all better writers. Even Karren Travis can be better. But they are random in they have no say what so ever about Star Wars canon. They can suggest and say what they would like to write but it is not up to them.



As for George and his Script. Here is him saying that he wrote it as a death scene.




I am brining up Star Tours because of how you are viewing the canon system. According to you it is more canon then Boba Fett living.


You miss the point completely. George Lucas APPROVED Fett's return & survival in the ExU post-RotJ C-Canon. The ExU is a PARALLEL UNIVERSE (even though I hate that term) according to George Lucas, but it's still considered C-Canon!! George made a Canon EXCEPTION for Fett's survival in the ExU, but you DON'T CARE about that! He died in RotJ according to George, but he lives on in the Expanded Universe, ALSO according to George!!


Screw it. I'm out.

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You miss the point completely. George Lucas APPROVED Fett's return & survival in the ExU post-RotJ C-Canon. The ExU is a PARALLEL UNIVERSE (even though I hate that term) according to George Lucas, but it's still considered C-Canon!! George made a Canon EXCEPTION for Fett's survival in the ExU, but you DON'T CARE about that! He died in RotJ according to George, but he lives on in the Expanded Universe, ALSO according to George!!


Screw it. I'm out.


AND HE APROVED STAR TOURS. HE WROTE IT ILM DID SPECIAL EFFECTS AND LUCAS FILM FILMED IT. But somehow in your little world aproving a character to come back to life can ONLY be canon (even though he says he is dead) and something Lucas wrote and filmed is NOT. How does that work???


Your only excuse is "uuuuuhhhh well it's a ride"



So lets go with he is alive and dead. Which one is the official story. When someone asks what happens when people ask what happens to Boba Fett what do you say? They can't be both on an equel level of canon. In fact they have even said they are not an equel level.


So which is the higher canon? because what ever your answer is I can provide quotes saying other wise.




edit: oh one last thing. Show me where it says what ever George approves is C-canon.

Edited by jarjarloves
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