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Nerf Jedi Sentinel


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Force camouflage needs to be separated from the detaunt. 45 seconds for an extremely powerful PvP ability (vanish with mini-sprint) is way too short. I'm fine with good players using this in creative ways but it is on such a short timer the player doesn't have to even think about using it. There should be a conscious choice to use the ability knowing it won't be up again for a while instead of being able to pop it every single fight.


No other class has such a fantastic PvP ability tied to his or her detaunt. Snipers have to spec two points high up in a tree to get a root break which isn't nearly as good.

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Sentinels are melee.


Their main damaging abilities are within the 4 meter range.


They are susceptible to taunts, slows, and most importantly kiting.


Their main crowd control are:

Root for 2 seconds if it hits,

A self root channeled ability and a stun on the opponent,

And an aoe stun for 6 seconds that breaks on hit.


Now with that being said, if all of those are off cooldown, then sure a sentinel might be able to get to you if you're a competent player.


But then again, where are your cooldowns? Where's your guard to peel off dps on you? Where's the rest of your team? Are they too busy getting supposedly owned too because they are not well geared or are not skilled?


Maybe these people asking for nerfs on a melee class with defensive abilities that helps him survive kiting and being focused fire for just 5 seconds, need to realize that skilled players are able to handle Marauders.


There's no way a Sentinel can 2 v 1 anyone unless they are in some form of recruit gear or are just unskilled.

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Maybe I'm missing something but I just don't get how bring your team to deal with a class is a valid argument when saying class balance is fine. Especially since many of us are in PUGs with limited coordination. I never hear anyone say "l2p and bring a healer and guard to deal with that merc dps".


I see a lot of sents/maura/pts/vans saying this isn't a 1v1 game and you should bring multiple players to deal with his or her class. Suggesting you have to bring multiple players to deal with a certain class seems to scream "hey maybe we need some tuning". Guess that is just me though. :D

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the problem with sentinels and marauders is not the DPS, its the survivability which is better than tanks in pvp.



Stun my sentinel, and kill him easy like my scoundrel in some secounds, with focus fire when stun.

Stun my guardian tank, and he laugh you in face after stun.


I'm dont mention about survivability of shadows/tankasins...

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Maybe I'm missing something but I just don't get how bring your team to deal with a class is a valid argument when saying class balance is fine. Especially since many of us are in PUGs with limited coordination. I never hear anyone say "l2p and bring a healer and guard to deal with that merc dps".


I see a lot of sents/maura/pts/vans saying this isn't a 1v1 game and you should bring multiple players to deal with his or her class. Suggesting you have to bring multiple players to deal with a certain class seems to scream "hey maybe we need some tuning". Guess that is just me though. :D


If this game was solely based on one mechanic that everyone does DPS, then sure having to bring another player to deal with one player sure is not balanced.


But this game is different, each classes does something different. Saying that a healer should be able to fend off for themselves is just a bag full of rubbish.


Sure it's frustrating for pug play, but that doesn't mean it's broken.

Edited by itskurtyo
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1 Sentinel doing great does not equal all Sentinels are overpowered.




I cant remember ever seeing someone do 800k damage in a WZ honestly


Id say closer look at the one player (rather then entire class) is required here

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Actually balance is when you have to bring x class to deal with y class.


Having to bring x+z to deal with y is not balance. Is FOTMathematics. :D :D


Your argument does not even make sense. If you read what i have posted then you would understand.


Sure if X and Z are both pure DPS guys who can do nothing else but DPS then yes, you can say it's imbalanced.


But let's say that X is a healer. X should not be able to fend off a pure DPS class themselves, because that would make Healing OP. So then you bring in Z a DPS or a tank to peel of Y. That's where team play kicks in.


Balance should not be tailored by Pug warzones. It should be formed from team compositions and ranked warzones.

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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


And before people start dispensing with the "you're all bads" nonsense, we were rolling with War Heros and two of the best Imp guilds on our server. I was ranging between 200-500k Damage per WZ but it literally took 2 or 3 of us to take down 1 sentinel. Way way way overpowered.


Just got one thing to say: L2P :p

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If a sentinel can hit 800k dmg at full WH gear and with "hypothetical" maximum skill, then the same should hold true for other classes, all of which have DPS specs. Ever seen an arsenal-spec merc rack up 800k dmg with full WH and "hypothetical" maximum skill? There you go, fail class balance, right there.
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No, buff the things that are underpowered!


i support that x1000 lol


I play all 8 class's and technically all 8 AC's due to mirrors i hate to have my toons nerfed it herts rotations and makes some things obsolete, where as buffing just brings balance and instead of aw damn iv been nerfd you get OH YAY IV BEEN BUFFed

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If a sentinel can hit 800k dmg at full WH gear and with "hypothetical" maximum skill, then the same should hold true for other classes, all of which have DPS specs. Ever seen an arsenal-spec merc rack up 800k dmg with full WH and "hypothetical" maximum skill? There you go, fail class balance, right there.

Any good player is able to deal 800k damage during a full length WZ with a DPS specced/geared merc/commando.


I even broke 300k damage with heal spec and gear and believe it or not, I tried to heal too, although I was consistently preceded by another heal merc.


Sent/mara are quite OP, but not on the overall DPS side, more on the single target burst side. If you can't cope with a sent's overall DPS with an AoE heavy DPS, then you're clearly doing it wrong, or the sent's team isn't healed, forcing your dps to be low.

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No, buff the things that are underpowered!


No, Xservers are the answer with mass transfers to a specific mega server base. I am litterally sick of MMO's thinking less of about the less popular servers cause of their region and thinking on about their main customer base ones.


Bioware seems to be remedying it, but it constantly hounds me that they seem adamant about protecting server community where most have none to begin with and never police them on top of that.


Waiting for their fixes is also adding to my toll. I think most leave not because of the p2play model but also because of the lack of playerbase they have to communicate with. Bioware knows this and if they hope to 1 up the competition they have to think of better advanced ways to keep players playing with other players in an MMO ENVIRONMENT (Bioware capping reading only not customer) cause they will keep losing more and f2play won't fix this completely.


They have to consider X servers not as a last resort but also as a development of community progress as the days of server community in a small MMO competitive environment are long passed and more MMO's are being developed with better ways to attract customers for their playtime.


There are only so many hours in a day a person can play.

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Any good player is able to deal 800k damage during a full length WZ with a DPS specced/geared merc/commando.


I even broke 300k damage with heal spec and gear and believe it or not, I tried to heal too, although I was consistently preceded by another heal merc.


Sent/mara are quite OP, but not on the overall DPS side, more on the single target burst side. If you can't cope with a sent's overall DPS with an AoE heavy DPS, then you're clearly doing it wrong, or the sent's team isn't healed, forcing your dps to be low.


That's incorrect. An arsenal spec mercenary is almost NEVER able to spawn out 800k dmg over a full length warzone, assuming they are attacked on at the rate same rate as an 800k dmg output sentinel is. Even if they have a pocket healer like the said 800k dmg output sentinel. If a merc is never attacked in a wz, and just pew pews arsenal spec, he will get some serious dmg output, but that never happens, zerging arsenal mercs is a popular tactics, as they are easily pressured.

If we were to make a fair test and hypothetically say that a sentinel just pew pewed and was not attacked, the sentinel would get even MORE damage than a merc that hadn't been attacked.


I stand by my comment, that assuming skill, gear, and "opponent pressure" placed on a sentinel and a arsenal spec mercenary are equal, the sentinel's damage output will be far superior, highlighting a clear class imbalance.

Edited by Adellion
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