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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Put everything into making cross server Q's


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PVP on one char in this game is somewhat boring at times but if you have a lot of alts and you DON'T twink them then pvp is so much fun when you get fast pug v pug or premade v premade warzones.


However, with the low pop of many servers it takes awhile to get into a match and when you finally do it is usually premade vs pug. Maybe you are on the premade side and you stomp the other team (boring as hell for people that don't suck) or your team gets stomped. Sure sometimes your team can still beat the premade but still this will not happen for most people most of the time.


If this game had cross server ques I'd stay subbed for years, however if it does not i'll prob unsub within the next couple months and I think many other people will do the same thing (many people I knew already have).


Whatever you do get those cross server ques out a few weeks or more before Guild Wars 2 comes out. This will actually keep a fair number of people that like pvp who would otherwise drop when Guild Wars 2 comes out. They may come back later but as any business knows most will not.

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Agreed. Don't know how much more I can take of this Premade vs. PUG mess. Seeing as how I am always on the PUG side of the equation, and the reps on my server love to do nothing else but farm warzones in their premade all day every day.. yeah... I'm about done with this game to say the least. No other game I have EVER played has made me this angry.. none. :mad: Even if you are able to maintain your sanity grinding gear at 35 comms per match because youre PUG is constantly getting ROFL-stomped, they stilll coordinate their focus fire so that you can't even do anything but die before all the stuns even wear off, lol. PVP in this game is beyond frustrating now, it's just down-right stupid to continue to pay to play anymore.
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Personally I see more people quitting when they bring out cross server/ranked warzones. I can already see a lot of premade teams getting stomped because they are so content with rolling over pugs all the time atm.
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Personally I see more people quitting when they bring out cross server/ranked warzones. I can already see a lot of premade teams getting stomped because they are so content with rolling over pugs all the time atm.


That's asuming that they don't match premades up against pugs in rated...because if they do than rated wzs will be exactly the same as standard wzs only you get different comms out of it.

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Ya but those people always quit. What happens in most games is there will be a tier of pvp gear that doesn't change for awhile and they quit when others get geared up equally. I've been the no life super gear/lvlr before and most of the people that were at my lvl of gear at the same speed as me quit during these periods.


A very large number of subscribers to games are people that either pve as well or do not and like to play for fun. Many of us will glady pay 15 dollars a month even at times we don't play very often as long as when we log on we have fun. Some of us do still play a large amount though if we have fun.


The best way to keep our kind (a very large number as super super hardcores are a much smaller % than they think they are) is to make cross server things. Other games figured this out. I am a pvpr and I want good matches. if I want to premade i want to fight other good premades if i want to pug i'd like to fight pugs (and hopefully good pugs as i'd like a ranking system) or with a premade against another premade.


For pvers they like to log on and get pve things easily.


Either way cross server is very important


Also, most big games nowdays release new gear pretty quickly or have side stat grinding systems for the super super hardcores with less ability to become better. Afterall most premades that people find skilled only have 1 or 2 above average skill players in them. This is a fact that most people who have played at the higher end know.

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Agreed. Don't know how much more I can take of this Premade vs. PUG mess. Seeing as how I am always on the PUG side of the equation, and the reps on my server love to do nothing else but farm warzones in their premade all day every day.. yeah... I'm about done with this game to say the least. No other game I have EVER played has made me this angry.. none. :mad: Even if you are able to maintain your sanity grinding gear at 35 comms per match because youre PUG is constantly getting ROFL-stomped, they stilll coordinate their focus fire so that you can't even do anything but die before all the stuns even wear off, lol. PVP in this game is beyond frustrating now, it's just down-right stupid to continue to pay to play anymore.


agreed, i no longer que up for wz's and have gone back to lvling alts. all the premades are doing is discouraging people from solo que'ing up driving up the wait times for the que to pop.

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That's asuming that they don't match premades up against pugs in rated...because if they do than rated wzs will be exactly the same as standard wzs only you get different comms out of it.


That's exactly what will happen if they continue to put Premades up against PUGS. Same situation, different commendations. There is NO way that the Devs don't already know how imbalanced this situation is, they've said themselves they monitor the numbers. One look at my server would show them how much the same Republic premade owns Empire on there everyday. But it's obviously not at the top of their "priority list" (Even though it's driving away their customer base). That's what drove most of my guild away. Can't say I blame them. Who in their right mind would continue paying to play a game where they are constantly stomped every time they try to PVP no matter how well geared they are? No one likes getting completely decimated ALL THE TIME.. it's just not fun. And having fun is why we play games to begin with, is it not? I know group finder gets the attention for update 1.3, but frankly, if I am still solo-queueing against premades by the time my free month runs out, consider me gone. Unlike this game, there are a lot more games out there where the Devs clearly give a damn what happens to their paying customers. PUG vs. Premade should have never been allowed to begin with.. but then again without cross-server queues we're left with no choice but the broken, flawed system we have now.

Edited by mguitar
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Ya but those people always quit. What happens in most games is there will be a tier of pvp gear that doesn't change for awhile and they quit when others get geared up equally. I've been the no life super gear/lvlr before and most of the people that were at my lvl of gear at the same speed as me quit during these periods.


A very large number of subscribers to games are people that either pve as well or do not and like to play for fun. Many of us will glady pay 15 dollars a month even at times we don't play very often as long as when we log on we have fun. Some of us do still play a large amount though if we have fun.


The best way to keep our kind (a very large number as super super hardcores are a much smaller % than they think they are) is to make cross server things. Other games figured this out. I am a pvpr and I want good matches. if I want to premade i want to fight other good premades if i want to pug i'd like to fight pugs (and hopefully good pugs as i'd like a ranking system) or with a premade against another premade.


For pvers they like to log on and get pve things easily.


Either way cross server is very important


Also, most big games nowdays release new gear pretty quickly or have side stat grinding systems for the super super hardcores with less ability to become better. Afterall most premades that people find skilled only have 1 or 2 above average skill players in them. This is a fact that most people who have played at the higher end know.


Cross-server "may" solve "some" of the problem. It remains that PUG vs PREMADE will still happen without "rated" (TRUE RATED) WARZONE. You should NEVER have true rated WZ players go up against people that are UNDERGEARED and uncoordinated..... no matter what.


I would rather wait 2 hours to play once against a team I have fun (team evenly matched) than going 10 times against a team that plows through us.




Game /quit incoming soon... if nothing is acknowledged by Bioware. COMMUNICATION is key... and silence kills.

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Cross-server "may" solve "some" of the problem. It remains that PUG vs PREMADE will still happen without "rated" (TRUE RATED) WARZONE. You should NEVER have true rated WZ players go up against people that are UNDERGEARED and uncoordinated..... no matter what.


I would rather wait 2 hours to play once against a team I have fun (team evenly matched) than going 10 times against a team that plows through us.




Game /quit incoming soon... if nothing is acknowledged by Bioware. COMMUNICATION is key... and silence kills.


Agreed. I would like to hear a dev response on this already.. this issue has gone un-addressed for way too long. :mad:

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That's asuming that they don't match premades up against pugs in rated...because if they do than rated wzs will be exactly the same as standard wzs only you get different comms out of it.


Ya if they don't fix that with the rated then I just wont solo queue ever again and just pvp when my group is online.

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ya i'm sorry i should have mentioned rating more (i kinda mentioned when said pug at same lvl) but in my at least a pug and premade sorting method is created when cross server ques are created. I agree that is def needed. of course i'd rather just have fast pops NOW and good pops soon than what we have now lol :(
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Please please please everyone that isn't a horrible player that relies on premade stomping post here. Please! Bioware needs to fix this LAST WEEK. This game has so much potential. It can be so fun when you have those rare even matches that pop frequently.



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if they only put premade against premade then 1 or 2 teams will stomp the other teams and the other teams will just q solo since they will have a bigger chance of winning. The same 2 teams will face each other over and over until they get bored and quit.
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ROFL ZEP and ya grim the prob with that is for 90% of the servers they need cross server q's before premade matching. they can do premade matching as soon as they do cross server but for now they might already have it for all we know lol.
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if they only put premade against premade then 1 or 2 teams will stomp the other teams and the other teams will just q solo since they will have a bigger chance of winning. The same 2 teams will face each other over and over until they get bored and quit.


That is exactly why they need to implement cross-server queues, aside from the benefit of making queue times shorter. I'm hoping they will, but frankly with EA running the show (and their given history of "nickel & diming" their customers) I am worried that they will not make queues cross-server for the same reason they aren't making the LFG tool cross-server: they make more money charging customers for server transfers... There's a reason EA was voted "Worst Company in America". http://consumerist.com/2012/04/congratulations-ea-you-are-the-worst-company-in-america-for-2012.html Notice how that isn't just "Worst Video Game Company" either.. :D

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i have no doubt money is most important but really at the same time i agree with money being the main motivation. However, if money is the main motivation a 15 dollar guaranteed payment is better than hoping for a five dollar charge more than 3 times a month. It is in their best interest to keep players. Now if they realize that or not is a decent question lol :( .


Also, whenever you qq about money being the main factor remember that CEO's are morally obligated (not to mention legally) to get the best return for their shareholders. America wouldn't be half the country it is without this.

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Personally I see more people quitting when they bring out cross server/ranked warzones. I can already see a lot of premade teams getting stomped because they are so content with rolling over pugs all the time atm.


More people quitting cause of cross server wz's? Yeah keep teeling yourself that.

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I only support cross server queues if a ranking system AND a matchup-based-on-ranking system is implemented as well.


I got tired of getting stuck with bad pugs from other servers about 5 years ago. It's a freaking nightmare, sitting in queue all day is preferable to having that happen again!

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I think a lot of the frustration and rage comes from the fact that this game plays so well and has SO much potential. The combat is fun and engaging and lets face it--whatever your beef with the PvP balance might be, it is fun. Need some more tweaking? For sure. But it is very fun.


The OP has it right from my perspective. BW can buy a lot of forgiveness and goodwill with cross server wzs and 8-man premades. Rateds would be nice but I would rather have a solid system and that begins with cross server queing. I love this game and am an unabashed fanboi---but even the most die hard of us will not log on to suffer through enormous pvp ques and on my server they have allready started to some degree.

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