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Give. Bioware. Time.


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Great observation bud and that is a exactly what will happen here. Once the kinks and convienance of playing the game is released people will be back in droves. Its not like TOR has over a Million players already :eek:


Doom sayers are the ultimate TROLLS and must be dealt with swiftly.


It's rare that when people leave a MMO (early) that they'll return in significant numbers. That's why launch period is so very important for MMOs.


More likely - people will just move to the next game coming out if they need an MMO fix instead of returning in large numbers and if that turns out similar, they'll wait for the next one again and so on. Whether or not you think them trolls.


Sure some will return - but not in the numbers you seem to be imagining.

Customers respond to action more than some vague promises of 'soon' especially if on the fence or growing impatient.

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At what point have they been given enough time?


Oh that is easy!


If all you expected from the game is in it, then you have given them enough time.


The only difference is that for some "all you expected" is that when you double click on the game icon the game starts and for others its the entire thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=444571

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I've been hearing constant complaints about Bioware and the game itself. I'm not going to lie here; I've made some of these complaints myself. Once I gave myself time to think it over, however, I realized that there's no point in being irritated. You people need to know that this is Bioware's -FIRST MMO-. They're still learning how to do it. It takes time to learn how to make sufficient patches on the first try, or to polish the game to a certain degree. As store-shelf game designers, Bioware is used to being able to fix a mistake a long while after's it's made because they notice during the development and testing process. In a video game, you have at least a couple of months of testing. In a mmo, they're rushing to put the patch out(Here, I'm not talking about the actual game, just the patch. Bioware had several months of BETA to test it). Until Bioware learns some of these skills needed to run an MMO, we will notice some issues.


On top of inexperience, Bioware is also having issues with both EA and the Mass Effect 3 ending. EA has rushed them to complete both TOR and Mass Effect 3 on time in order to compete with other titles as is what happens when you have another company calling the shots for you. When it comes to Customer support, most of the issues people have are there simply because they've never played an MMO before. I've seen people complaining about selling something they needed and not getting a warning. That's simply how an MMO is. On top of that, TOR gets THOSANDS of help requests every day. If your ticket isn't addressed immediately, or is addressed inadequately, -BE PATIENT-. Continue asking for assistance if they failed to help you and you will get your answer eventually.


For those of you whom can't even log into the game due to crashes, I don't blame you for unsubscribing.....But if you do, and actually like the game, check back in with it eventually. Chances are, they will have fixed it.


Now then, before you say that I'm a Bioware/EA fanboy, please note that I have only ever played one Bioware game which was the original KOTOR and I preferred KOTOR II to that. When it comes to EA, I have two games by them that I don't really pay much mind.


The companies inexperience causes them to make mistakes and they're not responding in a timely manner to Customer Service Tickets. Inexperience and poor customer service... and I'm paying $15/month. Why should I be patient? That's just a company being bad.


On top of that, BW makes terrible decisions like no cross-server lfg because they feel it will ruin community. I've played in different MMO's with Cross-Server LFG... and rarely did I see a jerk in those games. Most people were good folks who enjoy the game and want to get it done. They say it will enable jerks because those jerks won't have to deal with social repercussions as they won't be grouping with the people they angered, but guess what? You won't be stuck grouping with those jerks again either!


There was a famous quote from one of the designers that said something like, "If you don't copy things from WoW then you're doing it wrong." It wasn't worded exactly like that, but he was responding to statements that people felt this game was going to be a WoW copy with a Star Wars skin. His response was basically that of course there's going to be similarities. Why wouldn't you copy some of the great ideas from the most successful MMO out there? So, let's see. WoW does Cross-Server LFG, Rift changes to that format, and Tera started off with this... and yet BW thinks doing it is a bad idea? Yeah... that's a lot of forethought there by BW. /sarcasm


In the last week I've only logged on to Raid (that's IF we have the numbers show up because we can't refill our ranks because our server is so low pop). I haven't even done dailies for over a week. Not my black hole comms, not to replenish my credits used for repairs... nothing. If it wasn't for my guild, I'd have 0 motivation to log into this game.


Server transfers will fix the the population transfers, but this no cross-server lfg business is just terrible. So I'm still stuck waiting for one feature and another great idea they turned their backs on it. I'm beginning to wonder if I want to continue paying $15/month for this...

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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



6 Months in: .....?

8 Months in:....?



Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?


Because you have no problem giving them your money.

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I've been hearing constant complaints about Bioware and the game itself. I'm not going to lie here; I've made some of these complaints myself. Once I gave myself time to think it over, however, I realized that there's no point in being irritated. You people need to know that this is Bioware's -FIRST MMO-. They're still learning how to do it. It takes time to learn how to make sufficient patches on the first try, or to polish the game to a certain degree. As store-shelf game designers, Bioware is used to being able to fix a mistake a long while after's it's made because they notice during the development and testing process. In a video game, you have at least a couple of months of testing. In a mmo, they're rushing to put the patch out(Here, I'm not talking about the actual game, just the patch. Bioware had several months of BETA to test it). Until Bioware learns some of these skills needed to run an MMO, we will notice some issues.


On top of inexperience, Bioware is also having issues with both EA and the Mass Effect 3 ending. EA has rushed them to complete both TOR and Mass Effect 3 on time in order to compete with other titles as is what happens when you have another company calling the shots for you. When it comes to Customer support, most of the issues people have are there simply because they've never played an MMO before. I've seen people complaining about selling something they needed and not getting a warning. That's simply how an MMO is. On top of that, TOR gets THOSANDS of help requests every day. If your ticket isn't addressed immediately, or is addressed inadequately, -BE PATIENT-. Continue asking for assistance if they failed to help you and you will get your answer eventually.


For those of you whom can't even log into the game due to crashes, I don't blame you for unsubscribing.....But if you do, and actually like the game, check back in with it eventually. Chances are, they will have fixed it.


Now then, before you say that I'm a Bioware/EA fanboy, please note that I have only ever played one Bioware game which was the original KOTOR and I preferred KOTOR II to that. When it comes to EA, I have two games by them that I don't really pay much mind.


Seriously bioware had plenty of time. Years and years of development for one. Then everyone who back bioware is forgettng the beta and the thousands of threads pointing out the issues lack of lfg, bugs, brken mechanics, i mean so many things completely skipped over by devs the list is so long and so extensive and the devs never once used player feedback to fix the big issues just cmpletey ignored us. Then launch and again thousands of complaints about core game issues not just small issues with quest dialoge we are talking game breaking bugs in raids again just ignored because the devs acted like thei **** dont stink. Then the travesty of gaming the 1.2 ptr a complte mess and why most therycrafters left the game. The 1.2 ptr was broken the changs made were done with metrics that were just a lie. Then to say healing was nerfed because they couldnt design creative raid content then just all around horrble ptr execution i mean the worst in history. I mean 1.2 literally ruinded the game thats how bad the ptr and implementation of it was. Now months and months since launch and months and months of complints. Hundreds of thousands and in reality over a million people quit i mean more people quit within the first 6 months then are left playing if not more since subs have been lied about due to free month and weekends. We still dont have core things lik xserver, lfg, rwz, etc so many things even hotfixes to bad class changes.


Weve waited long enuff and weve put up with too much. Its time to make us happy and do what we want. Its ad when EA hears us and reactsto make us happy before the developers did. Thank god they fired the idiots in charge since they wouldnt listen to us an are ruining a game we all love i mean stop backing bioware they r ruining the game we wan to play. Bravo EA finally u heard us thank god u listened and are finally stepping in to save this sinking ship so we can look forward to paying u for its future.


The devs have had long enuff and in my opionion need to start doing what we say as payrs and making EA money byh making us happy.

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My patience is running out with BioWare. I used to play on one of the healthiest German PvP servers, but without ranked warzones and no servertransfers to us, even my server is dying now... some folks said they have rerolled on Fatman or other high pop english servers (in the US or in the EU). BioWare is digging their own grave deeper with every day they don't get this situation under control.
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As I see it, I'll give them time. All the time they want to do whatever it is that they need to do to get their stuff together. I just won't give them any money. So they can choose. They can have time or they can have money. Not both.


Now by myself, that's nothing. I have no delusion that my meager $15 a month will matter much, but looking at the numbers of people who are jumping ship with the same or similar mentality things start to add up to much larger piles of cash simply evaporating.

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I'll be patient... I'll unsub before the end of the free month and patiently wait for a good reason to come back


Exactly. I don't mind waiting just as long as I'm not paying for it. My sub is up in late June, and as much as I'd like to think things will be fixed enough to persuade me to not unsub, I sincerely doubt it. Hell, I doubt they'll have transfers or merges or anything of substance done by then.

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launch: Be patient! Give bioware time. The game is new!

1 month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



6 months in: .....?

8 months in:....?



Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?


qft! ...

Edited by Urael
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My patient going to its end. I rerolled to healthy server, no issues with population (200-300 ppl on the fleet when event start, then about 150). That was about 1-2 months ago. No its 100 players on the fleet max. And dropping. Thats not good. Summer is far, dead servers are today reality.
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The biggest issue is that there are onl a handful of issues that made all the players quit and the majority unhappy.


No xserver

No lfg

No ranked wz

No server transfer


Meanwhile ever patch has not done anything to fix these issues. 1.2 actually pulled ranked wz at the last minute upseting not only people who want ranked wz but people who were willing to stay subbed if those were put into the game. The moment they pulld rankd wz the only thing bioware should have focused on was gettin them out asap. How do you have something ready up to a cou0ple hours before it is due to debut and then months later still not even have an update on them? I mean how unfinihed were ranked wzs? Were they even close to ready or just a complete lie and never even started on. Common sense would say that if they got pulled at the last secon then maybe within a week or two they would be ready. Example pvp and real money auction for D3 those items have been postponed but they were postponed reasonable amounts of time before they were to debut and since blizzard has continuously updated the players about their future and progress. Since they pulled ranked warzones we have heard not a word about them not one. Bioware continues to put things into the game that no one cares about sure small changes are great but thats after the major issues have been fixed. I mean its been a long time since 1.2 and still no patch notes on 1.3 or a ptr that means forget early summer were lucky if we get it befre summer ends.


Bioware and especially stephen reid cause the collapse of the game because as a community manager the one thing no one can say stephen reid did was manage the community whatsoever.


Its so sad that the community fights for the games future more then bioware is fighting for it. I mean the fan sites don even have any news to report on or even post about because of such a lack of communication or updates from devs.


Finally EA is our knight in shinning armor an as much as weve complainedor blamed EA the truth is thy will save the games future by steppingin and fixing the horrible job done by bioware. Finally someone listened. The players do have control we will et what we want we just didnt do it right at first and all along we should have stepped over middle managment (bioware) and gone straight to the people who care about our money the most EA finally we have action instead of promises. Finally we got sick of coming soon and luckily EA did too.

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Seriously bioware had plenty of time. Years and years of development for one. Then everyone who back bioware is forgettng the beta and the thousands of threads pointing out the issues lack of lfg, bugs, brken mechanics, i mean so many things completely skipped over by devs the list is so long and so extensive and the devs never once used player feedback to fix the big issues just cmpletey ignored us. Then launch and again thousands of complaints about core game issues not just small issues with quest dialoge we are talking game breaking bugs in raids again just ignored because the devs acted like thei **** dont stink. Then the travesty of gaming the 1.2 ptr a complte mess and why most therycrafters left the game. The 1.2 ptr was broken the changs made were done with metrics that were just a lie. Then to say healing was nerfed because they couldnt design creative raid content then just all around horrble ptr execution i mean the worst in history. I mean 1.2 literally ruinded the game thats how bad the ptr and implementation of it was. Now months and months since launch and months and months of complints. Hundreds of thousands and in reality over a million people quit i mean more people quit within the first 6 months then are left playing if not more since subs have been lied about due to free month and weekends. We still dont have core things lik xserver, lfg, rwz, etc so many things even hotfixes to bad class changes.


Weve waited long enuff and weve put up with too much. Its time to make us happy and do what we want. Its ad when EA hears us and reactsto make us happy before the developers did. Thank god they fired the idiots in charge since they wouldnt listen to us an are ruining a game we all love i mean stop backing bioware they r ruining the game we wan to play. Bravo EA finally u heard us thank god u listened and are finally stepping in to save this sinking ship so we can look forward to paying u for its future.


The devs have had long enuff and in my opionion need to start doing what we say as payrs and making EA money byh making us happy.


If someone doesnt want xserver lfg then they can not use it. Your post is 100% right. Why should the majority suffer because a couple people think lfg is bad for a server. Guess what no players is bad for every server. People play mmos to connect with other gamers not to be a hermit and scared to join a group where they r judged. Guess what no one in the history of anything was judged badly because they did a good job only if they did a bad job. So maybe the people saying no xserver lfg or que are just scared that they suck.


The people who dont like it can then not use it. Stop forcing ur will on other players. If you want a server community then create it. Right now all they have done is the opposite ruined the game.


Bioware if they were a car company would make a car and never use wheels even thou all the other cars have wheels bioware would do everything then wait till they figured a better way to make a wheel. Thats how stupid the decisions made in the game are.


The future of all mmos rests on the players who have evolved with the mmo together. Not these people whos old school mentality makes no sense. Let them stay deevolved and spam /1 for a group or wait hours in the que. Let the majority of the players who want a future for the gaming indstry decide its future not these weirdos and so called purists sit around and do what they do best just sit around. Stop making the game fail with ur old arcaic ideals and get with the future of gaming and what everyone wants and if u dont like it dont use it but dont tell us what we can and cant use ur ruining the game ur ruining mmos.

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they have had plenty of time the problem is they [bioware austin] mismanages their time.


did they not think they would ever need to transfer characters or did they think of it last month and start working on it like it wasn't that important. I mean they claim they dont have the technology... Really? Ea with all that money couldn't find one developer to code transfers into the game in 6 months. [should of been there before launch like ui customization, and lfg but who would of thought players might want to change servers at somepoint. that never happens]


they had 4 - 6 years to develop this game and barely got the basic game with minimal features out on time


time does not equal quality or good ideas


the biggest problem is their silence as soon as they announce the transfers the forums are going to explode with everything wrong about how they are doing it and 50 things they left out [just like is going to happen when they announce the new space game]. then bioware will go "oh we didnt know you wanted that till it was out" no **** bioware because you dont telll us a thing and then give us content designed by people who it seems like they have never spent a hour on a live server


they dont need more time they need to actually play thier own game and design features for the players not their egos

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Your right. I mean if they actually communicated with the players thenmaybe they would know what we want. Maybe try to have a ptr that works. Then when the players give feedback listen to it and adjust from there.


The 'we dont have technology' excuse is crap. One of if not the largest video game companies doesnt have the tech a company like arenanet or trion has? Yea right. Common is that another lie or we supposed to beleive that a company that made over a billion dollars and spent hundred of millions on one game cant transfer toons? Lol. I mean does eA even know the excuses bioware makes putting the blame on them? Seriously all bioware has been doin is passing the blame on to EA and its sad.


Im so happy EA has finally jumped in and taken charge. The moment they fired those people supposedly working for us and doing so much we got more communication from the development team then weve had since 1.2 launched all together. Now we atleast know if bioware doesnt care about our money atleast EA does. EA was honest they said bioware did a piss poor job and we have to focus on the games that make us profit rather then ones that dont. Now maybe EA will get the devs working for us more people will sub and then this game will get the funding to make it have a bright futur.

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I will give them time for implementing everything BUT mergers. Mergers NEED to happen, and they NEED to happen NOW. With so many dead servers it will slowly kill the game if not corrected. As far as new legacy rewards, PvE and PvP content etc I can wait, but I have restarted for the 4th time now (on The Fatman) and will not do it again. If The Fatman dies, I'm done:P I love this game but the server pops on most servers are ridiculously low. An MMO is no fun when the "hub" has 20 people in it total during peak hours...
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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



6 Months in: .....?

8 Months in:....?



Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?


This. I paid $150 for the CE, which did not live up to the cost, my better half paid ~$80 (or was it $90) for the DD, and then $13 a month for me for 6months $15 a month for her for 4 months (she paid monthly because she was not convinced this game would be worth it). $368-$378 combined and the game is just an OK MMO? I will vote with my dollar ty. She and I both have cancelled subs and are waiting for GW2 to release. I am playing D3 and might play TERA in the mean time.

Edited by Evironrage
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When half a year a goes by and the game is still as bad as this is, and communication is abysmal, and they got layoffs....sorry, no thanks, but they arent getting any more time from us. These guys did a horrible job with the IP, unless they can pull a miracle out of their *** ASAP....this ship will hit the bottom of the sea.
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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?



If BW raises their Standards any higher, rainbows and Unicorns will burst from our screens. Relax bub.

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When half a year a goes by and the game is still as bad as this is, and communication is abysmal, and they got layoffs....sorry, no thanks, but they arent getting any more time from us. These guys did a horrible job with the IP, unless they can pull a miracle out of their *** ASAP....this ship will hit the bottom of the sea.


Opinion or not, give me what you are smoking. I am a game God and take your thoughts as blasphemy. I have played horrible Star Wars licenses, and this is NOT one. You want to play a bad game I have more than a few suggestions.

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Launch: Be patient! Give Bioware time. The game is new!

1 Month in: Game is just a month old, let them get things fixed! Geez!

3 Months in: 1.2 is going to solve most of your problems guys, just simmer down.

4 Months in: Let them fix what gotten broken, okay? Seriously you guys just want it now.

5 Months in: 1.3 is going to have everything you're asking for. Good lord you guys complain.



6 Months in: .....?

8 Months in:....?



Bioware has no problem taking my money why shouldn't we hold them to a higher standard?

that gave me a good laugh...nice post:D

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I'm frustrated by the server populations, by the pvp community acting like 3 year olds whenever any attempts to balance pvp happen, by the poor customer service that other players have experienced, by the lack of definitive communication from Bioware regarding pretty much everything that isn't a marketing opportunity, and most of all by the players who claim they have unsubbed yet continue to bash the game relentlessly on the forums.


I'm still playing, I've played since I got into the full time beta in September of last year, and I'll continue to play until it I just can't tolerate it anymore or the game shuts down, whichever comes first. I want to see what Bioware is going to do to address the community concerns on the major issues facing it right now. The game was touted as being our story, well it's Bioware's too and I want to see whether they turn it into a classic, or it becomes a true failure and not just one people perceive because of the expectations being too high.

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