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An Appreciation Thread


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Despite all the negative feedback I've seen on the forums, I decided to put a personal thank you on here to the developers and creators of this game. Let's hope you don't change the business model, or general feel of the game.


So my appreciations starts with this list:


1) Details. Thank you for all the little details, like vehicles flying above us in Coruscant, the subtlety of shading, and little artistic points that make this game give me a feeling of immersion.


2) Animations. Thanks for all the really cool combat animations that feel real time and not just auto-attacked repetition.


3) Variation. Your zones are varied to what I'd come to expect of a Star Wars setting, the planets are unique in their own right, and with that I feel like I've landed on a new planet.


4) New content. Thank you for Denova, Lost Island and actually adding new dialogue to those. I was doubtful that the voice acting would continue, and sure, some of it's canned and the same responses, but you've continued on a story and I'm sure that took a lot of time in studio to get those things done.


5) Response on the dev boards. Thanks for even having these. Some MMOs don't even communicate on a massive level, or even pull certain threads to respond, so thanks for that.


6) Adjustments in existing content. Hey, I'm a scoundrel for my main and while the nerf hurt I'm feeling the adjustment based on what you guys felt the need for nerfing was. I can heal now though, so thank you. I know these things will smooth out eventually and heck, it takes most MMOs over a year to do so, so I'm keeping the faith that you guys know what you're doing and will have it on track by next year.


7) Legacy system. Thank you! You gave me a reason to play an alt. I've never rolled an alt before except on one other game (Dark Age of Camelot) and that was just to see the new content on the other sides. Now my characters actually effect each other in a way no other game has allowed for.


8) Crafting. Thank you for letting me play my alt while my main crafts some pieces for friends. I don't like multi-boxing and I've never felt I should have to pay $30.00 a month instead of just $15.00 to keep up with anything in a game.


9) Thank you for the new clothing. Sure, it feels a bit less than Star Wars like (note this might be a little negative) and my scoundrel feel like Count Chocula or Robin Hood at times, but at least you're adding stuff in! I mean I don't know if people realize how long it takes an art team to add NEW content instead of re-skinning old models and just plopping them in, but you guys are at least making an attempt to do so.


10) World PvE feeling viable. While it can be hard at times (though rarely) to find a flash point team, the world PvE keeps me going and exploring. I find new things that I hadn't known about on constant, or that I could have looked up online, but refused to. In a world of convenience and "cheats", you guys keep it interesting enough not to look online to find where something is. Keep adding new secret stuff, it's one of the most interesting aspects of the game.


Lastly, I want to thank you guys for hanging in there. It's a tough community, and even though this is your first MMO (to Bioware) I know you guys are starting to pull off some things that are going to give the game a leg up.


Try not to worry about all the new releases and what others are doing, just focus on your direction, listen to the existing community, and above all keep the game fun and competitive for others to play.


MMO players are at times far more competitive than any other gamers. We're sketchy and pining. We cry and whine too often about broken features, or compare the features of one title to another with pointed inquisition.


In essence, running an MMO is a lot like playing senate to the masses of Rome. Sometimes you have to work on the gladiatorial arenas, sometimes you have to appease the farmers, and sometimes you just have to quell the riots. So my sympathies to you guys. Yet again, thank you for all you've given so far. Hope to see far more excellent content in the future.


(This isn't pandering to devs. This is honestly how I feel toward the game. I feel like for all the negative we've given these guys, sometimes the best motivation is a thank you and acknowledgement for what they have done. We sometimes forget as players how much time this team put into this game.)

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No point doing back patting when it will just get swamped out by hate.


Well, I think that's all the more reason. I could be apathetic about it, not voice my appreciation, or fall into the massive outcry of hatred that seems to be prevalent as of late by ungrateful players. Truth is, too few people appreciate even being able to play a game like this. I live in the U.S. and recognize this country as a land of opportunity, not expectations. I try to apply that with everything. People have the opportunity to continue to play and voice appreciation, or they can rant about their expectations. Posting hatred on the forums, occurs to me now, as simply a method that belies a persons approach to enjoying many aspects of this game and hanging on but expecting too much than what a development team can give within a certain timeframe.

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The one thing that most impresses me about BW is its desire to try and win over players. They are trying very hard, releasing content at an unprecedented rate for previous MMOs. We all know who the real villain is here (EA), and I do not understand why the hatred is directed at BW. EA is the one who demanded an earlier release before bugs were ironed out. EA is the one that continues to pressure BW for quick releases of certain features. If you all must channel your hatred to one entity, it is not BW that should be targeted, it is EA. Dragon Age 2? Mass Effect 3? Now TOR? What on earth did you expect...


Thank you BW for trying so hard. And as to EA...

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This thread will likely be locked, as all positive threads seem to be shut down pretty fast, but I agree with all of your points. I'm loving the game so far and I don't see how in the world people have already ran out of things to do.
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Likewise I'll add my thanks for all the hardwork done and long hours put in sofar by everyone at BW , Im enjoying my play through of the game at the moment. Sure there's things that need to be added and things that need fixing in time i hope they will but for now im having a blast Edited by memnon
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This thread will likely be locked, as all positive threads seem to be shut down pretty fast,


Its because opposites attract. anything positive said usually brings on the haters too. And their hate has made them powerful,

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You know, I don't have much of a problem with the game. Some technical issues and content stuff not withstanding.


But I have to be honest, I find these types of threads just as annoying as the hateful ones. I don't understand why people feel the need to force their opinions to the front like this. Does it make people feel they are right?

I'm of the opinion that if you don't like the game, don't play it. If you do, then get on and play it.


It's all just personal preference. That's all.

The devs aren't gonna close the game or sit in a corner crying if no one pats them on the back. And to be honest, this game was released in a poor state and there are still many totally valid complaints with the game.

If and when they fix them, I will join in with back patting.


but like I said. I don't hate the game, but it could be a lot better.

Can we maybe just stop these "OMG this game sucks" or "OMG I love this game!" type threads? They are both annoying and don't serve any real purpose other than flame baiting.


Just my opinion.

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Its because opposites attract. anything positive said usually brings on the haters too. And their hate has made them powerful,


It's fine if it gets locked, but at least someone there (in Bioware) will read the appreciation of those that decided to put it here. I know when I'm working, if my boss hovers over me (such as players do with MMO Dev teams) I feel pressured, but all it takes is for those two magic words to make my day: "Good job.", and that's enough of an acknowledgement to keep me working hard the rest of it.


Fact: The only real bosses these guys have are the subscribers. It's the same chain of command as television. You change the channel, they're out of jobs. Personally I don't feel like changing the channel, and honestly it's the best "show" on, atm for me.


I could cry about how they changed aspects of Game of Thrones in the series too, but I've made time to post how good the series is instead of griping about the things I "wish" were in it and unchanged.

Edited by Darkrite
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It's fine if it gets locked, but at least someone there (in Bioware) will read the appreciation of those that decided to put it here. I know when I'm working, if my boss hovers over me (such as players do with MMO Dev teams) I feel pressured, but all it takes is for those two magic words to make my day: "Good job.", and that's enough of an acknowledgement to keep me working hard the rest of it.


I actually agree completely i just wanted to use a starwars quote in my post. Id like to think that the mods and the devs and all the other folk in bioware who splooge over the forms are contantly seeing negative feedback (which isnt a bad thing by the way feedback is feedback weather positive or negative) wouldnt mind seeing a positive one for a change. Sure the thread will probably get locked soon. But at least your point was made and there are a few of us that made it in time before the lock to say we too are greaful for the work being done.

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Thanks OP for sharing how I feel without making me type it up. MMO's are incredibly expensive and massive undertakings, so at release the game was the best MMO I've played yet (and I've bought them all regretfully). I look forward to population fixes and more end game content, but those kinds of things just seem to evolve over the life of an MMO.


Thanks BW, and even you EA for financing BW to the great extent that you have.

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You missed one


-Thank you for not having anyone to play with. Because you refuse to merge servers I'm stuck in a sinkhole with no chance to do any flashpoints, work the GTN, or play in PvP. So, THANKS for that!

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The one thing that most impresses me about BW is its desire to try and win over players. [snip]

Thank you BW for trying so hard. And as to EA...


I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) Sometimes it feels like I am, when reading all the troll-oetry.


Adding my appreciation and thanks for all that BW has done and hopefully will continue to do.

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I don't understand why people feel the need to force their opinions to the front like this. Does it make people feel they are right?

[snip]Just my opinion.


I understand it is your opinion. Let me ask you a question, though: Do you feel good when someone complements you, either on something you do / have done or on your personal apperance or style or anything? Chances are yes, you do. Appreciation should never be given as currency, nor should it be avoided when sincere. Positive vibes, man, they pay dividends.


Thanks, for being a subscriber and giving your input, to make a better community. ;)

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Sorry when there is such a HUGE HUGE population problem for most of us i.e. 1-5 people on fleet prime time, I find it VERY hard to applaud them for anything.



Hey, I got this really cruddy job. I've gotten better offer for better jobs recently, but I already have so much time at my old job, I just don't want to start over. So, I'll just stay at this cruddy job and complain about how horrible it is until someone in the company fixes it for me.



Awesome analogy is...awesome?

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Hey, I got this really cruddy job. I've gotten better offer for better jobs recently, but I already have so much time at my old job, I just don't want to start over. So, I'll just stay at this cruddy job and complain about how horrible it is until someone in the company fixes it for me.



Awesome analogy is...awesome?


No because the mere fact that you have to reroll to a new server and lose everything you worked for as a solution to simply enjoying the game and its features just shows how totally fail the way this game is handled.

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I agree with the OP.

Nice threads are such a rarity these days in this troll swamp of a forum.


Well, to be fair a lot of threads that get posted in general are moved elsewhere. The negative stuff is left to fester here, but the rest of the forums are pretty laid back.

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Great post OP, I highly agree. I've played a few MMOs in the past, but I've had the most fun with this one. I realize there are things that can be improved, but I know BW is working on them. People seem to think that when nothing is being said about fixes, everyone at their office is just sitting around or taking vacations, but I've spent enough time on the LoL forums to know that fixes can take a lot of time, and they're not going to release anything half-assed just to get it out because it reflects badly on them. This game is really young, and things are going to change a lot as they get every aspect of the game how they want it to be.


I have a lot of fun playing this game as it is, and I look forward to all the changes and additions that are implemented in the future. This is the first MMO my wife has gotten into as well, and being able to share a big game like this with her is very cool for me. :rak_03:

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