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Everything posted by Benadvanced

  1. Sorry I recently came back to the game. Where is the casino?
  2. I chose the G600 over the Razer alternative and i have really enjoy using it.
  3. I just re subbed to the game with the monthly reoccurring $14.99. It says i have 59 days playtime left. When i check the payment history it shows 1 charge for the $14.99. I was also given 1000cc and it says i wont be charged again until 2/27/14. ?
  4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0067G55XS/ref=s9_simh_co_p367_d5_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=left-1&pf_rd_r=1W51WAQQ283FDABFKVV2&pf_rd_t=3201&pf_rd_p=1280661682&pf_rd_i=typ01 $23.37 Just FYI
  5. i don't see the appeal of the item for so much money. Hides you in a crate for a minute. Yay. Am i missing something?
  6. Simmer down pot roasts " Update to TORParse status Hey everyone, I want to provide you guys with a small update and let you know what's going on. First and foremost, TORParse won't actually be going anywhere! There has been a lot of interest from a lot of different people in continuing the project, and I appreciate everyone that has contacted me. If you have not yet received a response from me, I apologize for the long response time and will reply when I can (it may take me a few days). So that everyone is aware, no deals with anyone have been made yet, but I'm confident that one will be made. There is a possibility that transitioning the site will go past the original date I had specified of 27 July, but I will continue to manage the site until the transition takes place as to minimize downtime as much as possible. Lastly, there has been a lot of interest in making the code for the site and parser open source. While it is something I seriously thought about doing, I have decided that the code for the project will not be open-sourced. This is subject to change later and whoever takes over the project may change this decision if they wish. I'll post another update when I have some more information. Thanks, James " http://torparse.blogspot.com/2013/07/update-to-torparse-status.html
  7. Splashtop 2 is by far the best RD around. It does have a $1.99 monthly fee to use on a different network but the performance is pretty good. It works a lot better for games that have tap to move like Atlantica online. I would recommend it to anyone
  8. Ah gotcha. That makes sense. I will just continue to use remote desktop then. Thanks for the responses.
  9. Surprised this was ignored by the masses. I think it is a great idea.
  10. I would say its a planet http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Oricon
  11. Thanks for continuing to expand the game
  12. Sucks a ninja ruined it. Best of luck in your future endeavors
  13. I think it would be sweet to be able to dispatch my crew on missions from my phone or ipad when i am not able to be home playing the game. Even if you had to limit it to one crew member dispatched at a time. Any chance of this happening through an app? Please? Right now i do it through an app called Splashtop 2 but it is a remote desktop app so there is a bit of lag and input issues. Thanks
  14. Awesome thanks for the continued support of the game!
  15. Every month you renew or sub to the game you get 500 cc
  16. yea i just saw here - http://www.swtor.com/blog/guide-group-finder you don't get a reward unless you run with the default FP pairings
  17. I would like this answered also. I did a group finder FP last night and did not get the reward
  18. I didn't read your whole thread but i just wanted to say thanks also. I am enjoying this game a lot. My PC crashed and i had to unsub for a few months but i am back and loving it.
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