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Not understanding accuracy rating.


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Hey guys,


Looking for some feedback.


Did Karagga's Palace last night on Nightmare 8man mode and I am Annihilation spec. We cleared it without any issues, and with it being an off-day for our usual raiding schedule we decided to down it for the extra Black Hole Commendations. But 1 thing eludes me is the accuracy rating. Right now I'm sitting at 100.09%, and my dps was 1568. According to the parser 85.71% of 56 Annihilates did not land. Is this taking into account of the off-hand accuracy, which is innately lower than the main-hand hits, and that's why it's showing 85.71% of my Annihilates landing? Or is it because my main-hand hits were actually misses?


Parser: http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-05-08_19_26_56_775492.txt#19_52_53_765000


My gear on Askmrrobot.com: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/7de7a5fe-0e7b-46c7-aa88-cc1dceffd3ec


Some insight would be appreciated! Thanks.

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From the posted parser, 85.71% DID land ;)

If you calculate that 50% of these 85.71% are from your MH (100% hit), you have 35.71% left from your OH.


35.71 / 50 (half of your attacks) = 71.42 (% of landed OH Hits)


50 (half of all attacks) / 100* 71.42 = 35.71

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Accuracy goes against defense rating, which is why you were missing sometimes. 100% accuracy isn't actually 100% accurate.


Expanding on this, think of it like this:


You have a base chance to hit of 90% before gear and talents. Most classes in pvp have a 5% chance to dodge (consulars and inq's have a 10% chance). Defense and accuracy are rolled against each other, so if you were naked and untalented, attacking a naked, untalented Sorc, you would have a 90%-10% chance to hit, or 80% total.


Thus, in order to get 100% hit chance against a Sorc (or Sage) you would need 20% more accuracy. The same applies to Ops bosses, although I'm not sure of their defense chance off hand. But assuming they have 5% defense, you would need 15% more accuracy in order to assure a 100% hit rate (which means you would have a character sheet accuracy of 105%).

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From the posted parser, 85.71% DID land ;)

If you calculate that 50% of these 85.71% are from your MH (100% hit), you have 35.71% left from your OH.


35.71 / 50 (half of your attacks) = 71.42 (% of landed OH Hits)


50 (half of all attacks) / 100* 71.42 = 35.71


Yeah, that's what I meant lol, 85.71% did land. Durr.


Okay, thanks for the insight guys.

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ok but where is the line drawn?

you just did X dps in that ops, with 100% accuracy right? ANYTHING you swap out for higher accuracy stat will make you have less damage, what we need to find out is if we go up to 110% accuracy, where is the dps at then as opposed to when it was at 100% for that ops run? Is it only 20 more dps? 50? 100? or is it less?

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A couple people are missing one important point here.


Every single attack in Marauder's arsenal, barring Assault, has the isSpecial=1 flag set in the game files, which means that Special Accuracy (10% higher) applies, and not the number on your character sheet.


You do not actually need 105% Acc to guarantee a 100% hit rate (with your main hand!) on anyone without buffed Defense Rating or Defense Chance in PVP, unless you're talking about 100% hit rate on Assault. At 95% Acc, you will land 100% of main-hand hits, and miss approximately 10% of main-hand swings on Assault.


Offhand Acc is only ever going to reach 66.67%, so the 85.xx% of Annihilate hits landed is exactly in line with what you'd expect, if your parser is lumping main and off hand hits together.

Edited by Omophorus
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A couple people are missing one important point here.


Every single attack in Marauder's arsenal, barring Assault, has the isSpecial=1 flag set in the game files, which means that Special Accuracy (10% higher) applies, and not the number on your character sheet.


You do not actually need 105% Acc to guarantee a 100% hit rate (with your main hand!) on anyone without buffed Defense Rating or Defense Chance in PVP, unless you're talking about 100% hit rate on Assault. At 95% Acc, you will land 100% of main-hand hits, and miss approximately 10% of main-hand swings on Assault.


Offhand Acc is only ever going to reach 66.67%, so the 85.xx% of Annihilate hits landed is exactly in line with what you'd expect, if your parser is lumping main and off hand hits together.


You 100% sure about this? I figured Special Attacks fell under the "Yellow Damage/Force attacks" and white damage was just regular Weapon Accuracy...

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I wrote here everything you need to know about Accuracy:



And yes every attack except assault is a special attack, it has nothing todo with white or yellow damage.




Accuracy goes against defense rating, which is why you were missing sometimes. 100% accuracy isn't actually 100% accurate.


You need to be carefull! Accuracy against defense has nothing todo with missing hits (after the magic 100% you need to hit with your MainHand). It is just all about dogded, parried attacks after 100%..............

Edited by Hibbsen
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