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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I agree with the OP for the most part. We need an interrupt just to be balanced with all the other classes. We needs our dps scaled to equal Power Tech's, after all we are suppose to be dps not fodder.


And give us 1 utility with our jet packs to be able to speed run or jump or something to allow an escape.


+1 here from me, also a guy said before when we have Barrage proc with our unload they should make it so we can cast it while MOVING (mean when it procs) that alone would fix a lot at least for me! are much they CAN do, but seem to refuse to do :\ other mmo's i've played they listen to theyr paying loyal customers, here they don't even take theyr time to answer post's no mather how many who reply's and tell theyr feelings...

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Bioware doesn't care about players. They don't even have a player retention program. Other than the anonymous survey, I have not been contacted since I unsubscribed from the game. They just don't care.


This seems like a good use of your time. Posting about a game you don't play anymore. Anyway, I seriously doubt that after the ****** operatives got mercs will be improved anytime soon. So, if people are going to quit they should just do it now and please leave the forums. Unless there is anything constructive/helpful to be said.

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Yeah i just canceled my sub it felt good you should try it if you feel bio stabbed u in the back by nerfing a class that didnt need to be nerfed. All it took to kill a Arsenal is an interrupt or knock back or stun its not like every class in the game has this right......so instead of giving us more surv they nerfed our damage and said it was to improve our rotation....... yet everything revolves around TM so you still have to spam a TM that hits like someone throwing paper at you.
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This seems like a good use of your time.


Hey, until my subscription actually runs out, I have every right to post here, unless BioWare/EA wants to refund my $$$.


The sad thing, if there were fewer fanbois like you, maybe subscribers would receive better treatment in general.


Regarding what constitutes constructive comments... here is a constructive comment... Hey BioWare, your screwing up my game play and I don't like it. You're in business to make money. Do the math...


Unneeded class nerfs = unhappy gamers.


Unhappy gammers = lost subscriptions.


Lost subscriptions = you make less money.


Making less money = unhappy shareholders


There is a reason server populations are dropping, guilds are shutting down and it's becoming harder to find groups for FP/OP/Questing. Do the Math!

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The sad thing about our class is it is the most fun class (and coolest) but of course that is my opinion. I feel like when I have mara's jumping all over me, some skill-less noob is sitting behind the keyboard laughing away that I am still playing a Merc...which I have been playing less and less of as I level some alt's.


Just based on the movies/lore, a BH should at least have a chance against a Jedi 1v1 but that isn't even the case now.

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I'm about to cancel my sub.. I'm tierd of being a target dummy in WZ, and i'm tierd of NINJA nerfs all the time to my class..

I play bounty hunter merc arsenal, it's my main char... I mean srsly when you look on other classes, sorc, marauder, assassin to name a few they have EVERYTHING! and they can out play all classes if played correctly.

For us who play merc, we are just walking target dummies, with a big sign over our heads COME COME KILL US FREE KILL KEKEKE!


To explain what i don't like about our class, well.. I don't like we have ZERO mobility, we have one stun with 1 min cooldown (that often bugs too and don't stun, not talking about people useing shields and stuff so they immune).. I don't like the 10% dmg nerf on tracer's cuz lets face it, its not 10% it's 30%!

I don't like they made a longer cooldown on the ONLY good push back spell Jet Boost so we are even more free kill...

I HATE the ninja nerf on death from above should be renamed to "can't hit anything anymore from above" OR "tickles from above"...

I don't like the LIE about buffing heatseeker's by 10% cuz my heatseekers does LESS Dmg then they did pre 1.2 patch, i will admit right after 1.2 patch heatseekers was GREAT! then a new patch come and they desided to nerf it...

I don't like the added cooldowns on tracer's and such, i don't like the LIE about unload procs more, cuz it procs the same, and for me it does less damage too then before 1.2 patch..

I don't like that i wear HEAVY armor but i die faster then people who use light armors..

I don't like they FORCE changed the Animation of tracer missile W T F ! i played bounty hunter since BETA and used to my tracer animation, then you just change it cuz some or most say they want a different one? at least you should made it an OPTION like in preferences (old tracer animation/new) or something! it dont feel like i'm bounty hunter anymore when i use trancers, i always think "DAMN i did fusion missile again... Oh wait,,," (i mean srsly, changing animation of a spell does NOTHING but ANNOY people, and maybe make some happy who did not like it, but bet those guys already quit the game OR did not play bounty hunters to begin with....)

I don't like we are the ONLY class they refuse to give interrupt spell cuz that would make us "OP" give me a break!!!!!!

I know some of you guys will type to this post "oh my bounty hunter is fine bla bla" "you guys are fine!" thats a LIE too! you prob don't play bounty hunter if u say that, or maybe ur one of OP classes haveing to much fun getting free kills on us...


Anyways that they nerfed one of the WEAKEST classes so much as they did, and then buffed one of the strongest (Marauders) and then did NO chances to the most op class of them all Assassin makes me so angry i have no words!!!!!

But enough QQ now, game just isnt fun anymore when the nerfing game starts like this, also they did NOT bring rated WZ in 1.2 that also makes me furious.

So i will stop my subscription soon if they don't BUFF bounty hunters OR fix us! you could say "oh just reroll other class" why? i want to play bounty hunter, not other class. My class used to be OK and fun, now we are NOTHING.... We are free kills.


Also for the record i am full WAR HERO with augment gear! so it's not a gear thing!

To give an example, before 1.2 i did 700k dmg one WZ, now i do MAYBE just MAYBE 400k if LUCKY, while sorc marauders do still 700k.........!

So ye i guess i'm just "one of those guys" who is quiting soon, i just want to know how OTHER MERCS DPS feel? do you really feel you are alright?

If you want mobility run Pyro. Of course you're going to have a big target on you using tracer, you're a turret. They need to be focused. I have no problems downing anyone running pyro. I only run arsenal for Operations as its still a great amount of DPS. I don't arsenal in PvP because people will def single you out. It's not the weakest class, it's not a broken class. I don't mind animation change, it's not as if it changes our dps. People that unsub because they think the class is broken sadden me. Reroll another class, you're missing out on a lot still.

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If you want mobility run Pyro. . People that unsub because they think the class is broken sadden me. Reroll another class, you're missing out on a lot still.


man you dont understand this at all. Let me explain you this problem you can create char and you have for option 4 classes and 1 you want play. Most of us here chose Bounty hunter after lvl 10 they choose Mercenary and on lvl 50 they realize mercs are ****ed up by nerfing of idiots wich complains on Tracer missile spam but they didnt realize that this rotation is BW/EA fault. Instead of repair Arsenal tree they ****ed up it a just little more


So whole problem of angry customers is WE WANT PLAY BH we want play him in PVE AND PVP and after patch 1.2 is USELESS and we DONT WANT REROLL TO OTHER CLASS becouse we LOVE BOUNTY HUNTERS from SW lore.

So do you understand now? Or you are so ignorant ?

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If you want mobility run Pyro. Of course you're going to have a big target on you using tracer, you're a turret. They need to be focused. I have no problems downing anyone running pyro. I only run arsenal for Operations as its still a great amount of DPS. I don't arsenal in PvP because people will def single you out. It's not the weakest class, it's not a broken class. I don't mind animation change, it's not as if it changes our dps. People that unsub because they think the class is broken sadden me. Reroll another class, you're missing out on a lot still.


i have played the Arsenal from the beta and have always loved it because of the iconic image in my head of a bounty hunter, Then bio layed it out in front of me, the downside was how hard it was to win a fight when you were being targeted, but i was having fun and thats all i cared about. then 1.2 came out and they nerfed a class that didnt need to be nerfed and said it was "so we can improve the rotation" right.....much good that did. Then they did a ninja nerf 1.2c i had never even herd of that ***!!! yeah im done with this game now when i see the bounty hunter in my head i see him holding water guns might as well be. what a joke you turned my bounty hunter into thanks bio. Next time you decide to make such a big nerf you should prob think if its worth it to destroy a class to satisfy a group of ppl that fail at stunning or interrupting or KNOCKING BACK FFS now you got subs dropping left and right i would bet a big portion of them are mercs pissed off you wasted there time. thats why i canceled my sub

Edited by Hallowtip
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please :)

I only hope that you guys will discourage as many new players form rolling merc as possible. There are too many mercs and commandos in warzones already. It's even worse than rakghoul infestation. Seriously :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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man you dont understand this at all. Let me explain you this problem you can create char and you have for option 4 classes and 1 you want play. Most of us here chose Bounty hunter after lvl 10 they choose Mercenary and on lvl 50 they realize mercs are ****ed up by nerfing of idiots wich complains on Tracer missile spam but they didnt realize that this rotation is BW/EA fault. Instead of repair Arsenal tree they ****ed up it a just little more


So whole problem of angry customers is WE WANT PLAY BH we want play him in PVE AND PVP and after patch 1.2 is USELESS and we DONT WANT REROLL TO OTHER CLASS becouse we LOVE BOUNTY HUNTERS from SW lore.

So do you understand now? Or you are so ignorant ?

I don't see too much difference in arsenal in PvE, I rarely overheat and my dps is great in full Rakata and BH ear atm. I pvp in pyro because so much more mobility. I keep arsenal for Operations. 3/4 HM EC since 1.2 and my far from broken. How am I ignorant? I'm getting my moneys worth, have 50 merc, 50 Mara, 50 scoundrel and leveling a Operative now. I enjoy all their stories and continue to have fun. So excuse me while I be ignorant in enjoying something I like :D

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please :)

I only hope that you guys will discourage as many new players form rolling merc as possible. There are too many mercs and commandos in warzones already. It's even worse than rakghoul infestation. Seriously :D


Maybe on your server, on mine it's only shadows/assasins/sorcs and maruaders and jugs and some snipers and operative(most healers). People who used to be BH gave it up, or quit swtor.. Thats the truth, and yeah bioware will not fix our class, at least thats how it looks to me, so i think i will unsub today, enough is enough, i mean look how many have come in here to say how they feel and so on, yet NO one from bioware have taken theyr time to answer or say anything at all, i mean come on it don't take much time to give a short answer IF they gonna look into bounty hunters merc's, or if THEY feel we are ok. If they still think its justified what they done to us, i will not only unsub, but unsub forever!


They should focus FIXING the game, rather then to only focus on giving game out in other countries.. Not only talking about bounty hunters merc's now, but most servers go down to medium now, and LOW! = you can't get anything done pve or pvp! as people are missing!

What they should focus on is the promice they broke that they said would come in 1.2 RATED PVP! other then that they NEED to fix crossrealm, so people on low pop servers don't need wait 1 hour just to do one WZ and so on. Bug's and what not i understand takes more time, but rated + crossrealm is really needed, also server transfer! again this is how i feel, but when it comes to merc i'm glad too see i'm not alone in this frustration of what they done.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Yeah, it's getting pretty noticeably bad.


When I see maybe, 1 commando or mercenary out of 10 WZ's on the highest population west coast pvp server (The Swiftsure) you know that something is terribly wrong.


Right now, it's a pretty constant stream of Marauders, Assassins, Sorc's and Snipers.


I think the best thing they could do is: A) Give us back our HSM dmg, we we're fine before that got screwed up. and B) For the love of god, give of SOME form of escape mechanic that isn't reliant on a persons resolve!


Sorc's and Assassins have Force Speed AND Force Cloak, Marauders have a cloak, Jugg's have Intervene, Operatives have cloak field, and well, Snipers have cover.


We're kind of in this weird middle area where we don't actually have a way of getting away from someone if there at full resolve. We need some form of an escape mechanic to make distance without actually doing anything to the other player.


Simplest and most flavorful way of doing this would give us some form of targetable "charge" with our jetpack on a semi-long cooldown. Lets say 3m to keep it fair.

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Yeah, it's getting pretty noticeably bad.


When I see maybe, 1 commando or mercenary out of 10 WZ's on the highest population west coast pvp server (The Swiftsure) you know that something is terribly wrong.


Right now, it's a pretty constant stream of Marauders, Assassins, Sorc's and Snipers.


I think the best thing they could do is: A) Give us back our HSM dmg, we we're fine before that got screwed up. and B) For the love of god, give of SOME form of escape mechanic that isn't reliant on a persons resolve!


Sorc's and Assassins have Force Speed AND Force Cloak, Marauders have a cloak, Jugg's have Intervene, Operatives have cloak field, and well, Snipers have cover.


We're kind of in this weird middle area where we don't actually have a way of getting away from someone if there at full resolve. We need some form of an escape mechanic to make distance without actually doing anything to the other player.


Simplest and most flavorful way of doing this would give us some form of targetable "charge" with our jetpack on a semi-long cooldown. Lets say 3m to keep it fair.


I agree +1. Is also one of reasons i said i feel like a "walking target dummie" we get "lockdown" and destroyed in 1 sec.. And now with the nerfed dmg too we have nothing!

I have 3 advices one thats not my own a guy who write in this post he said when we get Barrage proc, we should be able to MOVE while casting unload that would been VERY nice as we can skill on the +2 sec slow from this ability, so yeah GREAT suggestion.


My own suggestion is after we use JET BOOST we should get some sort of RUN speed for maybe 5 sec or so! this would for sure make us survive at least a little bit longer, and the last is something i see all agree on GIVE US DPS BACK, i mean we are lowest dps atm! we all know is so much they CAN do, but will they? i mean they don't even take they'r time reading post's like this, or if they do, they are pretty arrogant for not replying to us, we are after all PAYING loyal customers, where i come from customers are always right! i mean come on, we pay month after month and they don't care about us AT ALL :\

Edited by DEuZZ
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Soooooooo glad i quit this game. Im happy to be one of the 400,000 people that quit in March alone.


Noting has changed and all of you still complain to deaf ears.


Bioware failed in this game hard, class balance, PVP etc


Very unpolished!

Edited by witchdoctaah
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Ok so i unsub, good luck to all you merc's out there. I will not play a game that lost ALL it's fun as they destroyed our class + no rated pvp, not crossrealm, no server change even.... Enough is enough. And of course no one from bioware reply to any of our post's no mather how many writes, everyhing goes on a blind eye, great you "care" about the people, keep this up and your game will soon need to be f2p.
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I will just throw this out there as an opinion of a pre 1.2 healing Mercenary. (I was forced to go DPS because of the need for DPS in our Ops groups)


In champion gear (no battle master gear at all) I could out heal 4 people attacking me in PVP. That was so god damned over powered it felt like cheating!. Half a warzone team should not be out-healed by 1 healer healing himself. Especially while being interrupted. I do not consider myself a "good" player, nor do I have a great PC (yet :p). I feel I always need to improve. I am just an average player.


I will say I do not know the state of a healer these days, but I will say a "balance" was definitely called for. If they really are in the sorry state many of you say they are in, that was just uncalled for then.

I will switch back to healer at some point. I don't know if it will be after a fix though.


As a post 1.2 Arsenal Mercenary, I am rarely ever at the bottom of the medals list. I do die my fair share, but I res, and get back out there. I do have trouble staying alive against a marauder and Operatives, but oh well. I kill just as many of them as they kill me. I still manage to rack up close to the top damage and kills each match. I am in mixed Battle master/old champion and some recruit gear now. I try to never be alone, it helps. I always queue solo.


I will agree with most people here, a proper balance is called for.

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What BW failed to realize is that once arsenals debuffs stacking with other BH's was fix is that we do very little in terms of damage. Burst isnt up to par and survivability is at an all time low. We are far and away the WORST OFF CLASS BAR NONE POST 1.2!


I wouldnt mind our squishyness despite having heavy armor if we had the glass cannon of damage to rely on, but we don't even get that. Heck! We don't even get an interrupt, we sure as hell should NOW since BW in the past stated "We do too much damage to be given and interrupt".


Tracer missile use to do 1300-1500 on a target, now im lucky to get over 1k with tracer lock up, HSM now barely can hit for 5k, when it did 6.


Tell me BW what do Arsenal Mercs offer that another class doesnt? Don't go and say a useful armor reducing debuff and an amazing buff for the WZ group. BW get your act together and fix this immediately.

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Well, I've now made an operative/merc/assassin/commando, and each and everyone of them has people on the forums complaining about how bad they are. If they were to keep fixing everything everyone was asking eventually every class would just be absolutely useless. As for not having the same skills, each class has different skills for obvious reasons.



please :)

I only hope that you guys will discourage as many new players form rolling merc as possible. There are too many mercs and commandos in warzones already. It's even worse than rakghoul infestation. Seriously :D


You should see the number of powertechs in 49- PvP. Every match I've had lately has had like 4 PT at the top of board with outrageous damage.

Edited by WaldoA
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