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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warsong Gultch.....


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I hate CTF matches in MMO's. FPS games can pull it off because there isnt tanks/healers speed classes etc.

In MMO's capture the flag ends up as 'who can avoid as much PvP as possible and either speed run with the flag to avoid everyone or just spam heal 1 tank through 8 players of damage and no one bothers fighting back

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Technically Huttball is CTF... Too bad that map just makes me want to quit the game every time I see it though.


Ummmm no. In CTF each team has a flag. Some will defend and some try to get the flag.

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Ummmm no. In CTF each team has a flag. Some will defend and some try to get the flag.


There are such things as central flag type CTF. Not every CTF game consists of 2 flags. Course you would know that if you actually played games. So yes, Huttball is essentially a type of CTF mode.

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There are such things as central flag type CTF. Not every CTF game consists of 2 flags. Course you would know that if you actually played games. So yes, Huttball is essentially a type of CTF mode.


well in regards the the topic, i think we can safely assume we're talking about warsong glutch type 2 flag CTF. which, of course, has drastically different strats than huttball 1 flag type CTF.


i think force users would be less dominate, since plenty of emphasis would be be placed on guarding and not solely running the ball.

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There are such things as central flag type CTF. Not every CTF game consists of 2 flags. Course you would know that if you actually played games. So yes, Huttball is essentially a type of CTF mode.


he is right u know, when i played unreal tournament this was one of the best modes to play.

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Unless you can fire all of the warhammer team and the lead designer, this will never happen.

Big warzones in warhammer that are CTF totally sucked and they took away most of it.

They view it as a mistake so they won't do it in here.


the pvp in this game already total sucks


and firing all the warhammer team and the lead designer would probably be the best thing to do in improving the pvp in this game no doubt

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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There are such things as central flag type CTF. Not every CTF game consists of 2 flags. Course you would know that if you actually played games. So yes, Huttball is essentially a type of CTF mode.


I always thought of huttball as more of a "bomb the base" (halo 2) gametype than CTF.

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Great Idea. Fetch 5 Heals, 1 PvE-Tank and two Smashernauts with Guard and AoE Taunt.

2-flag-CTF will be so great and rewarding since it absolutely won't be a turtlefest as it is in WoW Rated BGs where you turtle until 10stacks and hope you reach the enemy FC faster than they reach yours.


They should hire you for your great ideas. Would perfectly fit in the current PvP development team - people implementing ridiculous ideas because they can't think one step ahead.

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Would prefer something like Tor Anroc from warhammer (i.e. murderball). It supports turtling but with the ever increasing DoT from the murderball the healers end up with a choice of healing the carrier or healing the rest of the team.


WAR actually had some great maps. Stone Troll Crossing was a favourite of mine, very interesting map and scoring mechanism but was hardly ever played. I'd prefer to get a bigger map and have 12v12 or 16v16, dont really care on the type of fight but something bigger scale would be fun.

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