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SPOILERS!!! Darth jadus question


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I wonder how many of you figured out that you can remove the CC off your companion... Then you can just interrupt his big casts and a couple probes is enough to keep Kaliyo up. If he's doing a cast and you don't have an interrupt ready, just LOS it behind one of the computer screens.


It's not a hard fight if you use all your tools as a heal-specced OP. Can't speak to the other specs or the sniper class.

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Here's one to put in your pipe and smoke it.


I could not hit him unless I was standing right next to him.

Anyone else experience this bug?


Hit him and then run behind something and LOS him. He'll follow you. You won't have the problem after that.

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I think I was 33 when I fought him and I remember just doing the first part over...and over...stubbornly until I got it. Interrupting him was the most important thing. I found that trying to kite was useless for that reason. Fortunately there's a stim vendor right on the ship :)
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i did him at about 2 in the night and stil was able to beat him at lvl 32 (op) second try.

i used Kaliyo, but i put her in the sniper state and manually taunted when i needed to heal : )

pretty good fight tho. and i was annoyed as hell first when i had to ifght him again ^^

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I just beat this fight as a level 30 concealment operative. Remember you got 3 interupts (flash bang, stun, distraction). I used kalyo. The first time you fight him you MUST interupt thundering blast, it's fine if a lightning blast or two goes through.


The 2nd time you fight him he will cast som crazy long cast time lightning spell. DON'T interupt this one AT ONCE. Wait until there's 1 second left, leaving him several seconds where he practically does nothing.


As for line of sight issues, I place my self so that he would knock me back down the stairs once I pulled him (I use kalyio taunt manually). Once he is down on that floor, you can hit him just fine.


Only died once while trying this, remember to use your spells wisely. If you use flash bang for an interupt, wait until it almost goes out, so your cooldowns will be ready again. Use the stun early on, then you might be able to use it at the end of the fight aswell. If you get agro, don't make kaliyo taunt back untill you are at ~30% hp, after using evasion. That is ~4k hp kaliyo will NOT loose if you get my meaning.

Hope this helps.

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Just did this fight tonight. I was 33 (Conceal Op), and had Vector along because I hadn't bothered to swap him out after Alderaan and was still giving him a test drive to see if I'd use him later on. (I probably won't, because I'm a Biochem and he has bonuses to two of the three mission skills I use. He'll be on missions a LOT.)

Anyway, he was still in his original equipment, with the exception of a new 200-armor helmet, an earring, a couple implants, and I'd switched his armor out to something cooler-looking (but with the same armor rating). In other words, I didn't know this fight was coming and got caught off-guard with very substandard gear on him, although my own gear was just fine. The funniest part is that the helm and armor I picked for Vector were the exact same design Jadus used, which made the fight a bit confusing. (V's eyes were freaking me out, so I wanted that full mask to cover his face up.)


I died three times. Basically, in each of the first three phases I died once before figuring out the "trick", like exactly which of his abilities to interrupt; I think I could have avoided two of the deaths if not for that stupid targeting bug others have mentioned. But other than that, it really wasn't tough, and I just burned him down with raw damage. (Seriously, I think he died faster than some of the Elites I'd fought back on Alderaan.) Being Biochem really helped; having a reusable stimpack that'd heal both Vector and I for ~2500 each, every 90 seconds, goes a LONG way. But it was mostly just DPS, interrupts, and Sever Tendon to kite him while Vector pounded on him. The extra couple levels might have made a difference, but I think if I'd known what was coming I could have beaten him two or three levels earlier.


But I do have to compliment Bioware on the story for this one; the IA's story arc has been good all along, but this was the first decision where I really had to think hard about what path to take.

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You can't. If you've reached the point where you are tasked with fighting him, the story has progressed too far. If you try to reset the mission in your log, it will only reset to the point where you start disabling the ship.



To me, this was the real kick. Being stuck on a boss encounter that is more difficult than any other class has to deal with, horribly bugged, and knowing that there was a much more satisfying way to get past this encounter, but that path is now out of reach.

Edited by pakchooieunf
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My fight with Jadus was a bugged mess.


The first fight went no problem, using interrupts and stuns and having vector DPS.


The second fight was a nightmare... I had a bug that prevented me from attacking with any kind of special except for when I was right on top of him, from behind. This forced me to open with the stun knife, but even during the fights it would randomly mess up, and prevent my specials from "Being able to see the target" despite the fact that he was 3 feet in front of me.


Without my stuns and interrupts I was helpless to prevent his healing, despite getting him to only a sliver of health left, I would not be able to finish him off before he turned his massive lightning attacks on me (and of course I could not interrupt them to stop myself being hit).


In the end I had to get a level 40+ guildy to come with me, after 10 failed attempts on my own. Even then the bug persisted, making both us players more or less useless and simply sitting back and watching our companions fight for us.



It was not the epic showdown it should have been.

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My fight with Jadus was a bugged mess.


The first fight went no problem, using interrupts and stuns and having vector DPS.


The second fight was a nightmare... I had a bug that prevented me from attacking with any kind of special except for when I was right on top of him, from behind. This forced me to open with the stun knife, but even during the fights it would randomly mess up, and prevent my specials from "Being able to see the target" despite the fact that he was 3 feet in front of me.


Without my stuns and interrupts I was helpless to prevent his healing, despite getting him to only a sliver of health left, I would not be able to finish him off before he turned his massive lightning attacks on me (and of course I could not interrupt them to stop myself being hit).


In the end I had to get a level 40+ guildy to come with me, after 10 failed attempts on my own. Even then the bug persisted, making both us players more or less useless and simply sitting back and watching our companions fight for us.


It was not the epic showdown it should have been.


This is my problem as well, "Cannot see target" is the mess that I keep getting the same issue with this. I can't even heal my companion because once he steps into melee with him I can't see him either.

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Took about 3 tries as a lvl 31 Operative. I used the healing droid as my companion, and kited him around the panels to the right of the room when facing him. I would only use one ability when he was in Line of sight, kept stims up on self for periodic healing, droid healed almost all of the rest. When he was in Line of sight, I would apply corrosive dart and shiv/evisc. If he knocked me out of the kite, I would flash bang or stun knife to get back into my kite. Just used interrupt when he channeled the long ability.
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I beat him as a lvl 30 sniper. Take cover by the purple terminals and pull him with suppressive fire. As soon as it hits start spamming ambush until he moves to where you can "see target". After the initial volley you should have aggro letting vector dps. Every time he starts to cast use the purp terminals to break los. Shoot him some more and repeat. His melee doesn't hit that hard, save your int for when you can't break los.
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I can't do it. I am level 35 operative and I cannot get past this guy. I have used all the tactics, heals and distracts that I can and still I am dying faster then anything. I cannot even defeat him the first time let alone three times.


The sad thing is I was able to get past him in August in Beta. It was a hard fight but I could do it at a lower level. This time, I am just stuck and extremely frustrated. This is not fun for me.


It is times like this I wish there were easy and hard modes for MMOs! I am a casual play and love the storyline but my skill level is just not up to this fight.

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I did finally defeat him at level 32 Operative. Really, the first time you beat him is by far the hardest, the 2 successive times after are relatively easy, because his casts don't hit for nearly as much and are much longer. You can even resurrect your companion between stages when you use the computers, as Jadus will be non-hostile (green) then. Just make sure you clear the room of any mobs before engaging him.


I didn't bother with line of sight stuff, except when I was out of interrupts for his worst cast (called "Thundering"-something) and kept myself healed. I did most of my DPSing after an interrupt, unless I really needed healing. The "Thundering" cast NEEDS to be interrupted, while the rest of the spells you can probably ignore. I rolled Kolto Probes on myself and my companion when I could and CC'd him with Flash Bang if I needed stronger heals, or some breathing room.


In the second and third stage, you can interrupt at your leisure, as nothing is particularly threatening by then and he takes a looooong time to cast some of them; he gets much weaker damage wise each time.


If you aren't heal specced, I'm not sure on strategy though. Probably something similar, just DPS harder? I do suggest doing him at the appropriate level, or higher though, and make sure you've kept your gear top notch. What companion you use doesn't really matter. I chose Kaliyo simply because at that point, she was more sturdy for me, than Vector.


As suggested in here earlier, I also pulled at max range to get him off the platform; sent companion in to attack while I stood at the farthest steps, and then put the companion on passive as soon as I saw Jadus aggro - it usually teleports the companion back to you, giving you time before he runs over to start in on you.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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My quest is bugged; i can't 'see' him or shoot him until i'm stood right on top of him (not good for a L32 sniper/eng) then i get knocked back before i can get ito cover and entrench meanwhile whichever companion is then dead and he's stood over me wailing away with 1.8k hits. Am i alone in this?
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I am having a very similar issue.


When ever I try to attack him it says i can't see him. I can't even initiat combat with him. Am I suposed to attack him? Watcher 2 had the plan about trapping him with ray sheilds, I spent literaly half an hour searching for the activation consol for the ray sheilds, can can't find it.


Uggh thsi is frustraiting!

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Soloed at 29. I used Vector. Dps like crazy. KITE KITE KITE KITE. Interupt. KITE KITE KITE.


BS . . . screenshot or no way that happened.


In a group . . .maybe but not at 29.


In the end Kite Kite Kite is not advice, not helpful and in no way relevant to anything here. go troll somewhere else, or go back to WOW.

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BS . . . screenshot or no way that happened.


In a group . . .maybe but not at 29.


In the end Kite Kite Kite is not advice, not helpful and in no way relevant to anything here. go troll somewhere else, or go back to WOW.


That's pretty harsh considering he is very doable if fought wisely. I wasn't even aware of how hard he was considered until I read this thread (beat him a few days ago).

Yes, he is LoS bugged at his spawn point, so pull him away from it. LoS kite him around the computer consoles and keep your HPs up. Stun/flash if he gets on top of you, rinse and repeat. Toss in some dot and melee here and there and you should be golden.


I used Vector as companion and tried to keep aggro on myself throughout fights. The first one is the hardest, the latter ones were easy for me. Dit it at 30 if it matters. Probably the first real challenging encounter so far in the game and I thought it was a great ending to chapter 1.


Edit: Snipers might have a rough time though, not gonna argue with that.

Edited by Fubbik
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BS . . . screenshot or no way that happened.


In a group . . .maybe but not at 29.


In the end Kite Kite Kite is not advice, not helpful and in no way relevant to anything here. go troll somewhere else, or go back to WOW.


nope, totally possible, you have to use lots of LOS interrupt though

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