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Everything posted by Queytac

  1. die instanzierung ist deutlich zu krass. ich habe Probleme meine Freundesliste zu füllen, wenn ich nicht grad random leute nach einer H2/H4 adde und zuquatsche (sonst sieht man sich eh nie wieder) das zusammen mit einer eher wenig lebendigen Welt hat dem ganzen ziemlich die Luft rausgelassen und ich habe in knapp 3 Monaten spielzeit schon 3x die subscription beendet und fürchte dieses Mal wird sie inatkiv bleiben :/
  2. hmmm. my sorc is lvl39 atm and the elites start to get real nasty so far i've put all my points in lightning and i will do it until i get the last ability to test it for myself. my companion is andronikus so far and i gave him some good orange blasters so atm he kicks asses but i wouldnt recommend it lol. especially vs elites i use alot of stun/force slow/ force speed + force lightning slow to kite them to death. but i really enjoy it. to make my post to the topic: if the last ability in lightning sucks as much as most people say it does i will try out your build
  3. hm too bad for you. andronikus and my sorc had fun in the late 20's
  4. haha. i laughed reading the post above mine. too bad i play a witch... maybe i shouldve shocked her more or something.
  5. lest den ersten Post nochmal, nachdem euch klarwurde, dass der/die ersteller/in (seht ihr wie korrekt ich bin? ^^) iCookin heißt was ich eigentlich viel interessanter und bedenklicher finde ist, dass gefühlte 80% der Leute die imperium Seite spielen (mich eingeschlossen) und mal ganz abgesehen von der Sklaven, wir unterdrücken alle - Attitüde sind das einfach mal krasse Naz.is ---------------------------- mein twink ist ne Sith hexe und ich konnte bisher keine demütigung/respektlosigkeit erkennen (außer halt wo man noch fast sklave ist, gilt aber als mann auch) klar versucht hin und wieder ein Mann sich an die (bodytyp4 ist sexy <3 ) Hexe ranzumachen, aber sie kann recht deutlich nein sagen. der companion interessiert sich auch für sie und in einen der gespräche kann ich mich ungefähr an diesen Satz von ihr erinnern "dont get all needy on me" das klingt für mich eher nach einer selbstbewussten Frau hm? Kaliyo ist zb was das angeht auch ne super Frau (wenn auch etwas zu psychotisch ) keine Ahnung wie dein Eindruck entstehen konnte, dass Frauen so schlecht dargstellt werden, ich teile ihn jedenfalls nicht.
  6. i have a lvl50 Op myself. and i dont play him too often now, because im not that satisfied with the "endgame". but my guildies have made me some epic Mods, i bought 2 epics from the GTN and got 1 out of my (first ) pvp bag. but i still do just as much dmg as my op when he was lvl 42 prenerf ;( (no exact numbers ofc) for 2 weeks i've been playing my sorc and compared to my IAop she feels so godmode range stun, range "ability breaker", dots, shield, pushback, speedbuff. from like lvl16 on it was a way more entertaining experience to pvp with her. just when im jumped by an scroundel i can see where the calls for nerfs came from (the most played class with light armor) but those cryers should have to play an IAop now fpr 2 weeks and especially try their luck against troopers. its ridicilous. ------- but i enjoy leveling too much atm to quit. (lvl31 sorc so far, gunslinger to go )
  7. i understand your feelings about voice-chats because i really dont like to listen/talk to random guys chatting. (and ranting, mocking, trolllin etc) but for me i have found a guild of about 10 players all in my age range (over 20, under 35) and i start to enjoy grouping with them from time to time. for example it was great fun to get the +10 datacron on the fleet. it took us about 2h to get it for everyone + the preparation time i wasnt part of ------------------------------ get gear that fits, it took me some time to get a proper imperial outfit ------------------------------ max affection for your companions and see where that takes you ----------------------------- play the opposite side (and opposite alignement) ----------------------------- to the point of bosses oneshotting you: well, for me its the opposit. why the **** does my ****** operativ needs to stuff about 5 blades into some enemies before they die? i really hope you find something worth playing, but if not, well 60 bucks for 1 month of fun is not too great, but not really a loss. (ive wasted more in less time )
  8. or you play an imperial agent and a smuggler : ) i started as an operativ (lvl50 since 5 days) and now i am looking at a male Gunslinger. hes already created, looking awesome, white hair, green skin, red eyes <3 i just dont like how they walk and the way his mediocre long hair moves o.o but the hair doesnt matter too much, cause soon he will (hopefully) have some awesome Hat/Helmet! and the playstyle is so different that it really is worth the time to play both. i just would advice you to play rep/imp each.
  9. and i am already waiting for an arena like PvP implantment (althoug im not 50 yet, 2 lvls to go ) i think they (BW) hurt themselves making the leveling so enjoyable and fast. now they have to come up with end game! content so fast... im not sure how long it took me to get lvl60 in vanilla WoW (well i played like a total noob back then) but i feel like it was about 3 months. (and i played very much back then) so a lot more time for the company to work on endgame.
  10. i did him at about 2 in the night and stil was able to beat him at lvl 32 (op) second try. i used Kaliyo, but i put her in the sniper state and manually taunted when i needed to heal : ) pretty good fight tho. and i was annoyed as hell first when i had to ifght him again ^^
  11. best thread in this forum so far laughed my arse off. im a male player and play a male IA so i get to play like friggin James Bond, atm it feels like i get 2 Girls per planet XD (just joking, but after lvl20 you really are good to go) too bad Kaliyo is soo creepy, the only good thing about her is that we decided at some point she can go for any other man she wants and so can i have fun whenever i want. but my IA leans to more to the darkside (4000 to 100 atm) will there be another DS companion besides Kaliyo? because i get bored of her anarchist attitude (was quite sure she would stab me at some point)
  12. haha. how i love those nerd discussions (i really do,i read every post ;o ) i dont know as much of the Lore as some here do, but i do train with swords (wood ofc) myself and i can say that far lesser advantages then the high ground can cause you to take a beating. ( like your blade tip is +-5 cm too high or low) plus i can say that it is really annoying to fight someone with incredible strong defense waiting for your moves/mistakes to counter you (only did those without weapons tbh) and sometimes a weaker foe can win a fight (due to over/underestimation of the enemy, luck, better tactics, more experience, more insight to the style of the enemy,hesitation)
  13. ich hab bis stufe 21 full medic gespielt und habs durchaus genossen heilen war anspruchsvoll, aber mit geskillter adrenalinprobe konnte man auch mal den "oh ****" button drücken. die einzige stelle wo ich echt mal probleme hatte war der endboss im Flashpoint Athiss. die Debuff anzeige ist winzig + die flammen stören schon sehr für jemanden, der recht lange heilungen zaubert (und dabei stehen bleiben muss) die kolto probe (hoT) druiden sind echt süß. hab aber trotztdem mal auf concealment umgeskillt und muss sagen, dass rockt schon auch. bin also zurzeit 100% zufrieden mitm Operative. BH sah aber auch sehr lässig aus: würd sagen egal wie du dich entscheidest, beides toll.
  14. Gratulation, ist sicher nicht leicht gewesen das durchzuziehen (ich werd nach spätestens 5-10 Std matschig im kopf und verlier die Lust) Hoffe nur, dass ich Leuten wie euch nicht allzuoft in den Warzones begegne. Wurde heute genug von 30er verprügelt (ich war vl16 ...)
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