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The PvP Daily changes don't affect you, so zip it


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This would help to closer the gears gap between factions, and of course save time for alot of people. It is a hell when you keep facing premades of full WH guys pwning you face every day while trying to finish the daily.


Good change!:D

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This change is bad and if it isn't clear why then well...you're dense. or this is your first rodeo.


You are a n00b and a terribad, and if it isn't clear why then well... you're dense.

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Personally, I really like this change. I can finally complete some pvp daily's. I've been playing for weeks and have yet to win more than 3 matches total. It isn't because I suck, I play a Jug that protects the healers and always get 8-11 medals, but because I only play PUGS and the Republic on my server is full of premades. PVP on my server has been an exercise in patience. We average 2 hour queues during the day with 20-40 min queues during primetime. This is exactly the sort of change that is required to reward those players who are trying hard to obtain any reward in this game.


I think that the reason people are so annoyed at this change is not because of the change itself. I have yet to see a valid argument against it. I believe it is because it isn't the promised Ranked Warzones.

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I fully agree on that issue, but this change will help those who are screwed right now, which was severely needed.


What it tells me is BW/EA are trying to plug a hole in the stern of a sinking ship until they can dry dock, so to speak.


Not sure if they have the time. The dry dock is sinking fast. 40% admitted drop in subs. We all know that is a hugely embellished number because it directly impacts their share pricing. Truth is far fewer people are still logging in, they are only still subscribed because they bought six month subs. Anyone that looks at the server list can see that. 'Light' servers have like 10 people in fleet. Not enough to pop a single WZ most of the day.


So this temp fix really only works for servers with enough people to pop a WZ and those are getting fewer by the day.


Firday and Saturday night, on my PvP west coast server, we had under 10 people in fleet from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. That is hardly a 'massive' multiplayer game.

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I'm still yet to see patchnotes for today (at work). I'll stay neutral in hoow this might affect WZ gameplay until I've witnessed it. That said... I think this is a great thing for those that play on low population servers or servers with huge faction disparity (yes, I feel bad for anyone that plays on a server that can only get 3 members on his team to compete against 6 members on an opposing team) since this will help both sides obtain gear at an increased rate (which could be terribly slow, I'd imagine in the aforementioned situation). However, I play on a popular server with very solid pvp playerbase for both sides (of course, there are far more Imperials than pubs - albeit, most of the pubs are regulars and their skill levels are very good) and I definitely see why people would complain about how this change will even further reward participants to potentially perform with less emphasis and effort to win. They already increased rewards for losing teams (I tend to get 120 base comms when I lose and 100-140 base comms when I win - whatever the math happens to be for determining rewards for victories happens to be, it is still messed up). Thus, on a server with heavy population (such as mine), the disparty between winning/losing is quite minimal unless you factor in that the players who tend to bother least with trying to win matches weren't always completing their dailies. Yes, winning typically grants increased rewards (not terribly much more) in each warzone, but now there will be even less disparity - thus, you might find that many people that have been using stims/adrenals and always applying significant effor to win will become more lazy and choose to bother using less stims/adrenals (particularly those of us whom aren't biochem since stims get pricey) are less likely to waste warzone medpacs/expertise adrenals to turn the tide as often - at least until ranked WZ's come out.
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Now I can complete the daily despite facing 99,9% of the time premades... thanks bw


I love this part myself ...


I play solo at night after work (my buddies and I work different schedules so I only really get to play pre-mades on the weekends) so would find myself in losing games vs pre-mades. No matter how hard I tried, we would lose. I would eventually give up trying to finish my daily pvp and just log usually with only 1 or 2 wins. Now, I know I'll be able to get 1 or 2 wins and my losses will also add up to help me finish.


This is a great change, thank you BW =)

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Dear optimist whilst your glass is half full all the time, I the realist say my glass is always full, the second half of that glass is full of the empty non-contribution vacuous AIR that does nothing, and should be rewarded with nothing for their games.


If you lose you deserve nothing and should just quit/unsub.

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Good change Bioware. Whoever thinks this is a bad change has an IQ of a Hutt.


You should see the WZs I've been in today. People are mostly dancing and doing nothing, completely ignoring the map (not interest in the ball, no interest in defending the door) they just chase down some medals, chase some kills, get a few medals, and then just /dance.


Most of the WZs have been 5 min or less today. I'm glad people can complete their dailies easier now, and that it seems to have boosted WZ participation.


However, this change was not a good one.

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Not sure if they have the time. The dry dock is sinking fast. 40% admitted drop in subs. We all know that is a hugely embellished number because it directly impacts their share pricing. Truth is far fewer people are still logging in, they are only still subscribed because they bought six month subs. Anyone that looks at the server list can see that. 'Light' servers have like 10 people in fleet. Not enough to pop a single WZ most of the day.


So this temp fix really only works for servers with enough people to pop a WZ and those are getting fewer by the day.


Firday and Saturday night, on my PvP west coast server, we had under 10 people in fleet from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. That is hardly a 'massive' multiplayer game.


I hear ya, the well is almost dry and the 40% drop is only from the 1st quarter... wait until Q2 and Q3 numbers are released. Right now they have inflated numbers due to the expected release of 1.2 and the free month. I am calling it now, 350k total subs at the most. Almost every server in NA is standard or light during peak hours.


Yet, this change will allow me to play my main, I gave up on due to low pop, until my sub runs out.

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You should see the WZs I've been in today. People are mostly dancing and doing nothing, completely ignoring the map (not interest in the ball, no interest in defending the door) they just chase down some medals, chase some kills, get a few medals, and then just /dance.


Most of the WZs have been 5 min or less today. I'm glad people can complete their dailies easier now, and that it seems to have boosted WZ participation.


However, this change was not a good one.


So now it is Dance Wars?


See this is the same problem like Ilum. There is the way the designers intend the change to work and then there are the players who will exploit their own grandma for a shot at better gear.

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You should see the WZs I've been in today. People are mostly dancing and doing nothing, completely ignoring the map (not interest in the ball, no interest in defending the door) they just chase down some medals, chase some kills, get a few medals, and then just /dance.


The above is a lie.


Screenshot or it didn't happen.


Liars are easy to spot.

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I hear ya, the well is almost dry and the 40% drop is only from the 1st quarter... wait until Q2 and Q3 numbers are released. Right now they have inflated numbers due to the expected release of 1.2 and the free month. I am calling it now, 350k total subs at the most. Almost every server in NA is standard or light during peak hours.


Yet, this change will allow me to play my main, I gave up on due to low pop, until my sub runs out.


Yeah I won't be around for those quarters either. I am out soon as the 6 month sub runs out. I was hoping they wold pull it together before it became a ghost town like WarHammer did (Warhammer is actually great now... just no players). but it looks like they are going to do the knee-jerk two months late fixes until they kill off what is left of the player base.


then they will merge down to around 5 servers and this game will finally become good again. Just won't have any players.

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The guys who sit around and do nothing would've just quit before. How is that supposed to be worse?


At any rate I'm not sure why people even have an argument that basically goes 'bad people will still be out to ruin your day'. Well yeah, that's what they do, or they wouldn't be bad people. On my server there is this guy who joins and quits at the last moment before the game starts to ensure your team starts with a man handicap. He'll still be doing that with the change to dailys. You're not going to make people who play the game for some twisted priorities suddenly law abiding role models so stop using their existence as some kind of justification for why something is bad. The headcases wouldn't be headcases in the first place if they can be figured out.

Edited by Astarica
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The guys who sit around and do nothing would've just quit before. How is that supposed to be worse?



I think much of the complaining is this fix is for last month's issue. This month's issue is dead servers. This simply masks the dead server issue for a few days.

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I think much of the complaining is this fix is for last month's issue. This month's issue is dead servers. This simply masks the dead server issue for a few days.


My server says 'standard' last time I checked and I didn't have problem getting queues, so I can't comment on dead servers. I notice there are only like 10 Republic players left on my server but thankfully there's no shoartage of Empire FOTM rerollers to play against.

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You should see the WZs I've been in today. People are mostly dancing and doing nothing, completely ignoring the map (not interest in the ball, no interest in defending the door) they just chase down some medals, chase some kills, get a few medals, and then just /dance.


Most of the WZs have been 5 min or less today. I'm glad people can complete their dailies easier now, and that it seems to have boosted WZ participation.


However, this change was not a good one.


This is what I feared - medal farming without any serious dedication to win. I can believe it's happening now since it has been happening a lot with the opposing team whenever my team that has thoroughly trounced the opposition. They stop zerging mindlessly and choose to dance or they'll cloak and get within talking range (without being visible) either to nerd-rage or start random conversations...

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My server says 'standard' last time I checked and I didn't have problem getting queues, so I can't comment on dead servers. I notice there are only like 10 Republic players left on my server but thankfully there's no shoartage of Empire FOTM rerollers to play against.


I only play Republic and with 10 players we never see a WZ pop.


So unless they are changing this game to SW:TOR "Imps only", they need to merge servers.

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The guys who sit around and do nothing would've just quit before. How is that supposed to be worse?


At any rate I'm not sure why people even have an argument that basically goes 'bad people will still be out to ruin your day'. Well yeah, that's what they do, or they wouldn't be bad people. On my server there is this guy who joins and quits at the last moment before the game starts to ensure your team starts with a man handicap. He'll still be doing that with the change to dailys. You're not going to make people who play the game for some twisted priorities suddenly law abiding role models so stop using their existence as some kind of justification for why something is bad. The headcases wouldn't be headcases in the first place if they can be figured out.


Oftentimes when a bad PUG has given up and quit, they'll be replaced by someone that will actually try (resulting in huge comback victories). Now, a team that's mostly trying to win will have to continue playing short-handed which results in less opportunity for comeback victories. That is how it's worse. And on my server, the "bad people out to ruin your day" actually stay the entire time. Every time you attempt a vote-kick, they'll engage in combat momentarily then retreat back to their corners or recloak.

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I only play Republic and with 10 players we never see a WZ pop.


So unless they are changing this game to SW:TOR "Imps only", they need to merge servers.


Server merges, server transfers and cross-server pvp will help. Hopefully they'll come soon enough before the people on low-pop servers quit for good. Personally, I'm sticking with the game, regardless.

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So unless they are changing this game to SW:TOR "Imps only", they need to merge servers.


Patch 1.2 was the inauguration of Imp Wars. If you didn't see the writing on the wall the first time the Patch notes went to PTS, I don't know what to say. I rerolled an Imp as soon as I read them and am quite happy.


Ideally, at this point, BW should just eliminate the Factions entirely. Since there are no OPvP objectives whatsoever anymore the Factions are completely unnecessary. Open up the WZ queues to mix faction teams and open up the GTN's on Fleet to all Factions. However, that is another issue tangential to this thread.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Patch 1.2 was the inauguration of Imp Wars. If you didn't see the writing on the wall the first time the Patch notes went to PTS, I don't know what to say. I rerolled an Imp as soon as I read them and am quite happy.


Ideally, at this point, BW should just eliminate the Factions entirely. Since there are no OPvP objectives whatsoever anymore the Factions are completely unnecessary. Open up the WZ queues to mix faction teams and open up the GTN's on Fleet to all Factions. However, that is another issue tangential to this thread.


RIFT had this thing where you can queue up for the other side as a mercenary. I really don't understand why MMORPGs still do the two faction thing (and having more than 2 doesn't help), because people all want to be the winning side. If SWTOR is real you can't just have an ex Jedi Master defect to the other side so you might be compelled to fight for your side to the end, so the two factions work in the hypothetical universe, but in reality the Empire side had defectors who were ex Jedi Masters all the time

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Oftentimes when a bad PUG has given up and quit, they'll be replaced by someone that will actually try (resulting in huge comback victories). Now, a team that's mostly trying to win will have to continue playing short-handed which results in less opportunity for comeback victories. That is how it's worse. And on my server, the "bad people out to ruin your day" actually stay the entire time. Every time you attempt a vote-kick, they'll engage in combat momentarily then retreat back to their corners or recloak.


The games where the awesome guys join your team to turn things around are pretty rare. I mean it happens but it's never something you can count on.


It's hard to get medals without accidentally doing something useful for the team effort except on Alderaan. Novare Coast actually forces the guy who try to slack off to fight because if you die, you don't get any Defender points and people sneak attack positions all the time on that map, unlike Alderran. Voidstar/Huttball are almost impossible for you to do anything that might net you a medal without doing something useful. Even if you're just deathmatching people in the middle of the Huttball arena, that still helps your team in some way.


I didn't know the vote-kick mechanism is in, but how would such a mechanism work if you got guys defending a node that may have never fought anyone? Doesn't that mean you can purposely sabotage your own team by vote kicking your own defenders and they'd be forced to leave the node if it's not being attacked at the time?

Edited by Astarica
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Patch 1.2 was the inauguration of Imp Wars. If you didn't see the writing on the wall the first time the Patch notes went to PTS, I don't know what to say. I rerolled an Imp as soon as I read them and am quite happy.


Ideally, at this point, BW should just eliminate the Factions entirely. Since there are no OPvP objectives whatsoever anymore the Factions are completely unnecessary. Open up the WZ queues to mix faction teams and open up the GTN's on Fleet to all Factions. However, that is another issue tangential to this thread.


"Ideally, at this point, BW should just eliminate the Factions entirely."


That's an interesting idea. I am trying to figure out the downsides to it and I honestly don't see any that aren't the paranoid delusions of a marketing weasel.

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"Ideally, at this point, BW should just eliminate the Factions entirely."


That's an interesting idea. I am trying to figure out the downsides to it and I honestly don't see any that aren't the paranoid delusions of a marketing weasel.


The only reason why games have two factions is because WoW had two factions, never mind that every argument you see here about why this model sucks can be found in WoW itself too.

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