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The 4 things needed to save and revitalize SWTOR ASAP

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If you noticed I thought of that problem and already said it must check to see if our names are available and give us MULTIPLE server options so we can keep our names. And seriously bro how can you see a group finder and ranked warzones wont bring huge amounts of people back?


Then it no longer becomes a server "merger" but a transfer. Merger implies that two or more specific servers are combining into one. A transfers let's us pick which ever server we want, outside of the ones with the peak pops. Transfers offer players more opportunities to maintain their characters and legacy. I do not want to change my character names.


One thing they need to do is to start supporting the roleplaying community more. We're a loyal bunch once we find a game that gives us the tools to do what we do, but so far SWTOR falls flat in terms of roleplaying support features.


Want to hook a big (even if a minority) group of players for the long run? Give them tools for roleplay.


More options for RPing are nice - I am not a real big RPer, but as good as the story elements may be, they are still too limiting in certain areas where L/D options and Companions are concerned. However, I do not want to see this game become something it isn't (such as SWG 2.0), so the options need to be done carefully and in moderation.



Edited by BJWyler
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Finder, already announced. Ranked WZ, already announced. Tranfers, with merges if needed already announced. QA, needs work such as character copy, but already announced.

Announced features and currently implemented features are two completely different things. Rift, WoW, Warhammer, DCU, STO, LotRO, etc. all announced plenty of features that have never materialized, so I take "Announced Features" with a huge grain of salt. Once we actually have the feature is when it matters to the community. They can announce anything they want, doesn't change the fact that we don't have it yet.

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Then it no longer becomes a server "merger" but a transfer. Merger implies that two or more specific servers are combining into one. A transfers let's us pick which ever server we want, outside of the ones with the peak pops. Transfers offer players more opportunities to maintain their characters and legacy. I do not want to change my character names.




sorry for the misunderstanding.


What I'm Saying is.


Bioware announces hey everyone server A is closing down in X amount of time.


You have until then to decide which of the following servers you want all your characters to be sent to...

F.H.K, or L


Use the following Deux Ex machina to check to see if your names are available on these servers.


If you do not select one by date X all your characters will be sent automatically to one of these and you will have to change names as neccasry.

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Well lets not start casting stones, admitting defeat or failure is hard enough.


I still say no mods, microtransactions, switching AC or WOW style arenas though. But yes bring on all the cross server stuff you can think of and macros too. Lets just save our baby.


I never said anything about switching AC or microtranactions. Please don't mould my words.

I am however an avid supporter of mods/addons/macros/LFG/LFR/. it brings a lot of creativity and customization to the game.

Anyways..whatever we think doesn't really matter anymore. I unsubbed initially the day the legacy was released. Touted as the biggest "FREE" addition to any MMO in the history of MMO's, turned out little more than a tool to rearrange potraits, provide a few buffs(which was the only good thing about the legacy additon)..and a lvl 16 weapon.


Anyways, enough of my b1tc8ing, I think people who love the game will stay and people who are fed up of it's antique nature will quit. Those who stay will be hardcore supporters of the status quo and the primitive thinking behind it while others will move on to more richer games that provide more features to hardcore and casuals alike.

Edited by teacherjapan
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Then it no longer becomes a server "merger" but a transfer. Merger implies that two or more specific servers are combining into one. A transfers let's us pick which ever server we want, outside of the ones with the peak pops. Transfers offer players more opportunities to maintain their characters and legacy. I do not want to change my character names.


More options for RPing are nice - I am not a real big RPer, but as good as the story elements may be, they are still too limiting in certain areas where L/D options and Companions are concerned. However, I do not want to see this game become something it isn't (such as SWG 2.0), so the options need to be done carefully and in moderation.




I've yet to see the roleplaying community clamor for anything that couldn't be used by all players: chat boxes, sitting in chairs, shareable biography space in the character window, more character customization options, post-creation character customization (barber shop), more roleplaying spaces (can be used by non-RP groups), social features like mini-games, and more numerous animated emotes.

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I never said anything about switching AC or microtranactions. Please don't mould my words.

I am however an avid supporter of mods/addons/macros/LFG/LFR/. it brings a lot of creativity and customization to the game.

Anyways..whatever we think doesn't really matter anymore. I unsubbed initially the day the legacy was released. Touted as the biggest "FREE" addition to any MMO in the history of MMO's, turned out little more than a tool to rearrange potraits, provide a few buffs(which was the only good thing about the legacy additon)..and a lvl 16 weapon.


Anyways, enough of my b1tc8ing, I think people who love the game will stay and people who are fed up of it's antique nature will quit. Those who stay will be hardcore supporters of the status quo and the primitive thinking behind it while others will move on to more richer games that provide more features to hardcore and casuals alike.


sorry dude. I never said you mentioned any of those things. I only mentioned them cause that was everything else in my sig. I know the forum community here is used to being defensive because everyone seems to attack each other but I'm not like that.


And I kinda like how the legacy system was implemented, and its not even done yet. But thats a story for another thread.

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sorry for the misunderstanding.


What I'm Saying is.


Bioware announces hey everyone server A is closing down in X amount of time.


You have until then to decide which of the following servers you want all your characters to be sent to...

F.H.K, or L


Use the following Deux Ex machina to check to see if your names are available on these servers.


If you do not select one by date X all your characters will be sent automatically to one of these and you will have to change names as neccasry.


Yup - then we're talking about the same thing and most likely what is going to happen.


I've yet to see the roleplaying community clamor for anything that couldn't be used by all players: chat boxes, sitting in chairs, shareable biography space in the character window, more character customization options, post-creation character customization (barber shop), more roleplaying spaces (can be used by non-RP groups), social features like mini-games, and more numerous animated emotes.


All of which sounds good, and most of which are probably on the table as well.


However - I can already sit in any chair I want. I just walk up the the chair and /sit. May take a bit of positioning on some of them, but I can do it!!;)

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First I'm sorry for the cross-post from suggestions but it doesn't seem like anyone really reads over there, also I think this fits in general just as well.



1. A real functional group finder of some kind, I don't even care anymore if its single server or cross server. Can't be half done though It needs to let you select whether your dps, tank etc. Don't care if ports you or not, though porting is really unneeded.





A same server lfg tool may help the game for a few weeks, best case scenario. But when people see that it takes 2 or 3 hours still to get a group we will be right back to where we are right now, needing server transfers...again.


The server pop caps are way too low, trying to fill groups will not only take too long in the first place but a little fluxuation in the server population will drasticaly effect the que times of a same server lfg tool people will get tired of not getting groups, people will leave, lfg tool will keep getting worse.


I still dont see how people can be so ignorant, especialy devs. the anti x-server people complain about ninjas, jerks and the bad effects on the community. This game has very little community and it will have even less when its down to 4 servers and gets no expansions or content updates, cant you people see that?

Edited by Mallorik
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They need to do mergers/transfers before anything else. I don't mind re-rolling on another server, but I'd like the option to play the toons I've already invested in. Based on TORStats, my server is going downhill and you can tell it when you log on.


Luckily, me and 2 buddies were playing once or twice a week and were able to do the majority of the content, but now that we're 50 and wanting to go explore the big boy areas, you can't find a group. 20 to 30 people on the fleet during the evening, 2 or 3 on Ilum... warzones taking a hour to pop, it's getting frustrating.


I love the SW IP and had high hopes for this game, if the population issues aren't fixed soon (which is a requirement for portions of the game to be playable), what's going to keep me here? If they wait until June and too many subs are gone, it's going to be too late. They need to do it within the next 2 weeks.


If this game DIDN'T have the SW IP, I would've left already. The IP is only going to keep me here for a bit longer.

Edited by Vodd
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A same server lfg tool may help the game for a few weeks, best case scenario. But when people see that it takes 2 or 3 hours still to get a group we will be right back to where we are right now, needing server transfers...again.


The server pop caps are way too low, trying to fill groups will not only take too long in the first place but a little fluxuation in the server population will drasticaly effect the que times of a same server lfg tool people will get tired of not getting groups, people will leave, lfg tool will keep getting worse.


I still dont see how people can be so ignorant, especialy devs. the anti x-server people complain about ninjas, jerks and the bad effects on the community. This game has very little community and it will have even less when its down to 4 servers and gets no expansions or content updates, cant you people see that?


Yes I understand. As I said I'll take anything at this point.


But I must say though that when/if we go cross server group finder The automatic loot system needs an overhaul to prevent ninjaing. Just somthing simple like being unable to need on things your class should never be using would go a loooong way.

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Another thing people forget about (i know i do) is that there is no real reason for peple who raid to do hm fp's or any fps for that matter. Games liek rift and wow have done a good job at giving people an incentive to want to do heroics and that helps the game as a whole greatly.


Right now casuals want to run fps and raiders dont, if you gave everyone an incentive to run fps then gave them a tool to find groups in a timely manner this game would be doing great, look at how many HM fps this game has, without sitting down and counting im pretty sure they have more than rift did when i layed last.

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Yes I understand. As I said I'll take anything at this point.


But I must say though that when/if we go cross server group finder The automatic loot system needs an overhaul to prevent ninjaing. Just somthing simple like being unable to need on things your class should never be using would go a loooong way.


Yes i totaly agree along with an /ignore system for people you dont want to group with anymore.

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with features like checking to make sure your name and legacy name aren't taken and giving you the option of multiple servers so you can go to one where your name is available.


Ahahahahahah, you really made my day. Tell everyone how can they do this! You guys are wonderful, you do not want a cake, you want a cake with candies, strawberries and lot of cream!


We definitely need server merges, but we have to accept to change our legacy name or toon names, or you think those are vital to you?

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Can someone please explain to me how Ranked Warzones will help bring people back?


I have a couple of friends that I know would start playing more with Ranked WZs (granted, it is only 2 friends of mine) so I am sure they can not be unique out there.

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You want to know the really really big thing Bioware need to do to save TOR? Get over themselves and give players freedom.


I've leveled 3 characters to 50 now, and I don't want to level a 4th at all because I am sick to death of the world stories, they were nice the first time, bearable the second time, by the third time I was skipping it. Bioware's game is so pathed its insane, the player has no freedom over where they can go or how they look, because it would break the "iconicness" of the class, and an appearance tab it too "easy", what they really mean is, "We made this mod system now use it!" I do question if their own pride is getting in the way a lot.


They are giving us freedom with UI now, which is a good start, but still I question their reasoning behind things like, not being able to select the warzones you are qued for, if someone doesn't like Huttball or Voidstar or whatever, don't force them to play it. The only reason I can think of is that they fear some warzones might never get played, well if the player base doesn't want to play them, don't make them play them, why are you forcing players to do things they don't enjoy in a game? Again it can only be their pride getting in the way.


If the game makes it to another expansion, they should design the next set of leveling to be far less pathed, and allow us to select which planet to visit, rather then going, "Okay I've done Tatooine, Alderaan is next" it might be harder with VO and Class stories, but choice is important, allow people to play how they want to play and don't force them to play how Bioware wants them to play.

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Server mergers and LFG tools by themselves will NOT revitalize SWTOR ASAP. Why? There is no INCENTIVE to sign in and do anything frequently, especially for 50s. Looking for group to do WHAT that is worth while???


You combine two servers with people who don't have incentive to sign in at least daily, and you end up with NOTHING new.


What you need to do is provide that incentive. And you need it quick. So, do like WoW does, and make the HM FP daily quest worth doing. Many people have skipped some or all of the HM FPs...most them who have done HM FPs have done BT a zillion times over just to get the daily done. And no wonder people are bored!


You must up the ante for doing HM flashpoints. This would add huge incentive to do them. The HM daily quest reward should be increased and scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed--and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is, "LFG quick daily BT HM" in General Chat makes my stomach turn!

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token


If people log in daily, it will help revitalize the economy as well.


I'm sorry, but I am puzzled by all the people claiming that mergers and/or a LFG tool will fix things.


What I describe is a QUICK and effective fix. It would take the developers a few days.

Edited by Mustelidaen
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Can someone please explain to me how Ranked Warzones will help bring people back?


Its typical pvp blackmail drama. Pvpers are notoriously fickle and leave for any reason to go to the next big thing. That is why the pvp servers are the deserted ones. I see plenty of population on the 2 pve servers I go to.


i would rather see transfers than merges. That way if you have to change your name, it is your choice.

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Yes i totaly agree along with an /ignore system for people you dont want to group with anymore.


Yes, but it would have to be based on an account-wide ignore. If you just ignore the character, that griefer can just use another char and you not know until it is too late.


Its typical pvp blackmail drama. Pvpers are notoriously fickle and leave for any reason to go to the next big thing. That is why the pvp servers are the deserted ones. I see plenty of population on the 2 pve servers I go to.


i would rather see transfers than merges. That way if you have to change your name, it is your choice.


Yup, happened in every game I saw. The problem we have here is a lot of miffed PvPers because they did not do their research into the game to see that this was not going to be a PvP-centric game (which they are now doing with GW2 and will find out they are wrong again). However I have seen many, many posts here and across the interwebs for the last year that they were hyping it up to be the next messiah of the PvP experience - something that with only a little bit of reading would have been proven false. Now they blame BW for their own mistake and demand that the game be changed into something it is not. Again, happens to every game out there.


And agreed with the transfers, which is probably one of the reasons they are going that route instead of the merger route. With the Legacy system a merger has the potential to be much more problematic.



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If you noticed I thought of that problem and already said it must check to see if our names are available and give us MULTIPLE server options so we can keep our names. And seriously bro how can you see a group finder and ranked warzones wont bring huge amounts of people back?


It's just a freakin name....choose a new one!

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Its typical pvp blackmail drama. Pvpers are notoriously fickle and leave for any reason to go to the next big thing. That is why the pvp servers are the deserted ones. I see plenty of population on the 2 pve servers I go to.


i would rather see transfers than merges. That way if you have to change your name, it is your choice.


Yes but at some point mergers need to happen. Servers can't exist with small numbers on them and at some point, as more desert them, some must be forced onto another server and servers shut down.

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Hope those 4 points happen soon atleast the first 2 , i alrdy rerolled on a populated server losing 2 50's on my old server and to be honest i dont care about changing legacy name or character name if we can play and find grp quick, anyway delaying those stuff will make the game lose more and more subs.
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