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Powertech PVP - Damage Video


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Yeah i new he was biochemed out, but still. Game needs a little balance atm. I think that is obvious. I have 0 faith in development though. There is a reason they lost 400k subs from February to april.


No shiz

Edited by Ossos
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The name of the game is How to fully Gear yourselff out- and use ridiculous Multipliers Given by the Power Adrenals/Relic - the PT isnt op just the Items given to them


I honestly don't mind the PTs, since there are so few of them. Some game balance would be nice though.

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Yeah i new he was biochemed out, but still. Game needs a little balance atm. I think that is obvious. I have 0 faith in development though. There is a reason they lost 400k subs from February to april.


All games lose subs after the first months. It is nothing new.

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Still. No class should be able to do what happens at the 1:30 mark to 1:35 of that video. 3 gcds 5131, 3179, 4179, 5280. (The 4th number I believe is detonator blowing). Popping everything or not, that is ridiculous.


Granted, that Merc should've pushed him off the ledge, but even still, half their life would've been taken at least by the RS/Detonator.


Sidenote: Castlevania<3

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Still. No class should be able to do what happens at the 1:30 mark to 1:35 of that video. 3 gcds 5131, 3179, 4179, 5280. (The 4th number I believe is detonator blowing). Popping everything or not, that is ridiculous.


Granted, that Merc should've pushed him off the ledge, but even still, half their life would've been taken at least by the RS/Detonator.


Sidenote: Castlevania<3


Railshot rocket punch TD explosion Railshot- ONLY possible with the adrenals/relics - Nerf the Biochem not the PT-

you need to understand the multipliers that they give - especially with NO deminishing returns on Power

Edited by Paranoidpuz
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Remember at the release of this game how everyone considered PTs and jugs as tank classes only lol!!


How ignorant those peeps were =) I tried to tell them oh yeah then the only dps class in this game is the sniper and marauder... the other classes are all healers.


good times i tell ya .. good times

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His opponents are in PvE gear for the most part. I see no issue with this type of damage as I see pretty much every other DPS class pull similar numbers on idiots that run in without recruit gear. When he fights geared opponents, his damage is pretty normal (4.3-4.5k crits max) which any Geared DPS class can emulate in a similar time frame.
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Poping adrenals and damage boosting ability's and filming 15 sec clips while your buffed out hitting harder then normal shows what exactly? One button wonder class is one button wonder class. The worst part is how terrible the people he was killing were.


You could do the same thing with any DPS class, pop all your ability's and hit hard for 15 secs. Obvious sign of a pro! Watch out!! I'm sure all the DERPS out there will start QQing and cry about PTs being OP - but they aren't. They are butter. Leave em alone!

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yes mercenaries need a mechanic change to be viable in PVP. Powertechs should be a model for how all classes should work in PVP, as they're fun to play in their current popular spec for major PVP (pyro) with an alternate playstyle available for those seeking a more challenging skill set (advanced prototype).

Bottomless energy reserves and spammable damage sources?


What was the last combo to have that? Oh yeah, sorc/sage...and look what happened to them...:D

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Over powered or not I don't know. All I know is don't roll with mercs/mandos in your pvp group. There is really only one true BH and that is the PT> You have to think this is out of the more tank AC type. Bioware is bonkers. Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Railshot rocket punch TD explosion Railshot- ONLY possible with the adrenals/relics - Nerf the Biochem not the PT-

you need to understand the multipliers that they give - especially with NO deminishing returns on Power


Are you saying that if they didn't pop any of those things that the damage wouldn't have been over the 10k range? Because I'd like to see that and I'm willing to bet that it's about 12 to 14k (With all 4 critting, non adrenal/relic) Test it out!

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I just saw this on youtube. Man I wish Mercs were even remotely close to this in DPS. Whats also crazy is all of the DPS is while being fully mobile, while the merc is an interuptable turret with hideous DPS.



And ppl whine about juggs that do 5k crit with smash, every 12 sec and ONLY with stims + pvp expertise buff...

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Are you saying that if they didn't pop any of those things that the damage wouldn't have been over the 10k range? Because I'd like to see that and I'm willing to bet that it's about 12 to 14k (With all 4 critting, non adrenal/relic) Test it out!


And all that with the longest lasting damage mitigation abilities and largest HP pool to go with it as well.


DPSing better than DPS! And outlasting them... derp derp derp game mechanics.

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His opponents are in PvE gear for the most part. I see no issue with this type of damage as I see pretty much every other DPS class pull similar numbers on idiots that run in without recruit gear. When he fights geared opponents, his damage is pretty normal (4.3-4.5k crits max) which any Geared DPS class can emulate in a similar time frame.


He doesnt use stims or expertise buff from wz at most times.

If u want vs same geared targets, a jugg doesnt even reach these numbers....not even with smash. Plus the 12 sec cd on it.

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Are you saying that if they didn't pop any of those things that the damage wouldn't have been over the 10k range? Because I'd like to see that and I'm willing to bet that it's about 12 to 14k (With all 4 critting, non adrenal/relic) Test it out!


My Merc will take this damage and give up my crappy second blaster for a shield for better defense mitigation. Sorry Bioware it's obvious to see what the 400k people were thinking. This is just stupidness.

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Are you saying that if they didn't pop any of those things that the damage wouldn't have been over the 10k range? Because I'd like to see that and I'm willing to bet that it's about 12 to 14k (With all 4 critting, non adrenal/relic) Test it out!


you do realize we have the Crit Cooldown right? Majority of the game your NOT using your cooldown your not Critting RS RP TD RS all in a row- its only used in combination with the Adrenals/relics. so you would be lucky- RS would hit 3.8-4.3 CRIT TD would hit 3.5 CRITTED RP 2.6Criited and same RS again- otherwise the damge is TONED down alot smart guy- we cant Crit nonstop

Edited by Paranoidpuz
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He doesnt use stims or expertise buff from wz at most times.

If u want vs same geared targets, a jugg doesnt even reach these numbers....not even with smash. Plus the 12 sec cd on it.


Did you read what the creator of the video himself posted on the youtube side:


Obviously buffs are used on most of the encounters, but as usual these are merely to show what kind of burst potential IS possible with a Pyro Powertech.

Edited by Twor
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People that chose the merc AC at level 10 were stupid for listening to the description. The PT is more of what the merc should have been. I'm not saying nerfing them, but friggin throw a commando a bone. lol


Commandos have the largest overkill of a BB gun in the galaxy.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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you do realize we have the Crit Cooldown right? Majority of the game your NOT using your cooldown your not Critting RS RP TD RS all in a row- its only used in combination with the Adrenals/relics. so you would be lucky- RS would hit 3.8-4.3 CRIT TD would hit 3.5 CRITTED RP 2.6Criited and same RS again- otherwise the damge is TONED down alot smart guy- we cant Crit nonstop


I was pointing out to do the same situation again to show where your damage is compared to other classes. With your own numbers you proved what I said to be accurate. Why are you so defensive? I'm genuinely curious about the class and what it can do compared to others in the "balance" sense of things. I never once mentioned, or implied, that you could do that (critting everything) all match long.


No reason to be pissy and definitely no reason to think you're "fine" compared to others. Sorcs used to be able to do 4k x 2 in 2 gcds, Operatives could do 10k-12k in 2 gcds ( both of these stacking buffs mind you) and both of these classes were nerfed because of that high burst potential.

Edited by veyl
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Tired of ppl saying "well he used all these buffs to attain these numbers". Know who else did? Conceal ops. Guess what nerfed because of that? Surge, conceal ops, conceal ops, biochem, conceal ops. Just because they can attain those numbers for a short period of time doesn't make it right.


And frankly I don't care if he was attacking undergeared noobs. On my near 1300 expertise healing operative, a pyrotech can do more dmg on the run from range than I can heal. I HAVE to LoS/CC him or I'm dead. He doesn't even have to interrupt me....that's just plain crazy. Everyone has been complaining about marauders since 1.2, but I knew the real problem was from PTs...they just don't have the numbers that marauders do.

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I was pointing out to do the same situation again to show where your damage is compared to other classes. With your own numbers you proved what I said to be accurate. Why are you so defensive? I'm genuinely curious about the class and what it can do compared to others in the "balance" sense of things. I never once mentioned, or implied, that you could do that all match long.


No reason to be pissy and definitely no reason to think you're "fine" compared to others. Sorcs used to be able to do 4k x 2 in 2 gcds, Operatives could do 10k-12k in 2 gcds ( both of these stacking buffs mind you) and both of these classes were nerfed because of that high burst potential.


Difference is - TD is on a 15 sec Cooldown which means its Balanced been balanced- along with RS on a 12 sec cooldown - Operatives didnt have cooldowns to pull of w/e they did- this is also responding to the guy after you. im just sick of people like duckling saying Nerf everything-

Edited by Paranoidpuz
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I find it hard to tell if I feel any adjustments should be made to the class or not. I generally am erring on the side of not but if there were adjustments, they'd have to be minor at best since Powertech and Vanguards in generally are pretty well balanced (ignoring a few bugs here and there).


Pyro's are devastating in the hands of a good player but part of the thing is that it's pretty hard to find people who really play the class to full effect. There's one player on my server who's hell on two feet with this build, a few who are still deadly, and a lot of people who are actually pretty easy to one v one. So player ability really does seem key with this class. Compared to something like a well played Gunslinger or Sniper, it's not too far off from what can be done with those classes.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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