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Sexually harassing Quinn


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I am a man IRL who always plays female toons.


I just got Quinn as a companion and am flirting with him mercilessly. He squirms around and tries to side step the issue but I am going get him. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a domineering, power hungry sith as a girlfriend? Quinn is about to find out!


I've seen quite a bit negative feelings toward him here in the forums. If you are someone who doesn't like quinn, roll a female SW and watch him squirm. It's really quite entertaining.

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I'm a woman IRL who likes to mix it up. My Warrior started male and, er, got rerolled after Balmorra.


It was funny to see him squirm, but I actually started feeling bad about it. By halfway through Nar Shaddaa I felt horribly guilty. I thought it was awesome that there are options to say "Look, I'm interested, but I'm not going to be a total jerk by pushing you. So, um, ball's in your court, I'm gonna go do other things now."


When he worked up the nerve to tell me "I should've said a long time ago that this is a terrible idea," I thought "Oh. You are me and I know exactly what that feels like. I'm going to be nice to you forever."


But, man...Balmorra and the first few conversations were hilarious.

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Of all my companions with all my alts, Vette is my favorite. I play a very dark side SW but I took that shock collar off the first time she asked. So understand where feelings of guilt come from regarding a companion.


I guess this is where the fantasy RP comes in. I see my SW as a very powerful woman who is accustomed to getting what she wants. Seeing her take advantage of Quinn just makes me like her even more.


My main is a level 50 commando who treats all of her companions the same, respecting them while still maintaining her position as the CO of Havoc squad, which is how she should treat them. I think the SW has a little more flexibility as to how the companions are treated. I can be nice to one and mean to another.

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I guess this is where the fantasy RP comes in. I see my SW as a very powerful woman who is accustomed to getting what she wants. Seeing her take advantage of Quinn just makes me like her even more.


I didn't realize until after I hit 50 that I just played through the ultimate power fantasy and the only thing I wanted to do was not abuse that power.


I am the worst Sith in history. :rolleyes:

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I didn't realize until after I hit 50 that I just played through the ultimate power fantasy and the only thing I wanted to do was not abuse that power.


I am the worst Sith in history. :rolleyes:


haha you and me both! I ended up cutting off the romance arc with Quinn unintentionally, just because I DIDN'T want to push the flirting with someone who was obviously uncomfortable with it.... I thought the guy would maybe show some initiative of his own if I backed off. But nope... he was just the Captain of my ship



And a backstabbing traitor



so I was ultimately very happy I never married him!

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I ended up cutting off the romance arc with Quinn unintentionally, just because I DIDN'T want to push the flirting with someone who was obviously uncomfortable with it.... I thought the guy would maybe show some initiative of his own if I backed off. But nope... he was just the Captain of my ship


This has been an issue for people, so may I ask when you cut off the romance line? There are few if any chances to do so, as a rule.


Was it the opening to Act 2 when he brings up that you once showed an interest, and you can say "Oh, that was nothing, don't worry about it"? 'Cause that sounded like a chance to hop off the train.

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This has been an issue for people, so may I ask when you cut off the romance line? There are few if any chances to do so, as a rule.


Was it the opening to Act 2 when he brings up that you once showed an interest, and you can say "Oh, that was nothing, don't worry about it"? 'Cause that sounded like a chance to hop off the train.


You may be able to stop it there, but I never flirted after one flirt option since he was so uncomfortable with it, so that particular dialog I never even got. I have watched some of the available videos on him and have seen that there is a whole lot of dialog I missed because of not romancing him.

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This has been an issue for people, so may I ask when you cut off the romance line? There are few if any chances to do so, as a rule.


Was it the opening to Act 2 when he brings up that you once showed an interest, and you can say "Oh, that was nothing, don't worry about it"? 'Cause that sounded like a chance to hop off the train.


No, that dialogue gets you more dialogue and you can as fas as I can tell continue on the romance arc with him there. I played A LOT with the first bunch of his dialogues on the test servers, I just didn't finish the whole class again so I don't have the rest of the variations.


Here's a youtube link if you're curious.

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And a backstabbing traitor



I couldn't really get mad at him for that.



I mean he had been loyal to Baras well before he had been loyal to me, and Baras gave him the order. It was conflicting loyalties, and he chose the guy who'd saved his career, and potentially his life, years ago, and who was responsible for him even meeting me. Can't really care too much.


Plus, it was such an adorably pathetic attempt. Like he couldn't have actually been trying. He might has well have just open handed slapped my chest a few times.


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No, that dialogue gets you more dialogue and you can as fas as I can tell continue on the romance arc with him there. I played A LOT with the first bunch of his dialogues on the test servers, I just didn't finish the whole class again so I don't have the rest of the variations.


Here's a youtube link if you're curious.


Oh, wow! I selected "I've given it no further thought," saw him say "Forget I brought it up," panicked, and hit escape because while I didn't want to pressure him I sure as hell wasn't going to let things end then and there.


I have reasons to be mad at the man, but that entire romantic leadup was 100% awesome even when I was tearing my hair out at the "What the hell is Quinn thinking?" game.


...mm. Right, where was I? Harassment. It's funny, even after I walked that tightrope, I lightly teased him during the marriage conversation and he got flustered. Again. Adorable.

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Plus, it was such an adorably pathetic attempt. Like he couldn't have actually been trying. He might has well have just open handed slapped my chest a few times.


Must not point and laugh at my husband's performance...must not point and laugh at my husband's performance...:p

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I ruthlessly flirted with him, but then this happened:



He betrayed me in act III and not only did I beat him, I even chose the darkside option and threw the little weasel around like a ragdoll. Most satisfying.:cool:



Later he asked me to marry him and I turned him down since I'm already married to my Mirialan Sorcercess via the family tree, but I still toyed with him one more time as I finished his quest line. It's good to be a sith lord. :)

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Well after he betrays you, you kick his @*% in for him and fling him around like a rag doll. You beat him back into submission and teach him his place and he is loyal to you after you spare his life. Its like any Sith relationship. You have those who betray you and in this case understandable because his ties with Baras did start before you. The fact that he recognizes your power and submits to you redeemed him to me




As for the flirting....it was delightful to watch him squirm. If you pay attention to the conversations though he only states its a bad idea for professional reasons as an Imperial. I thought it was gratifying to slowly crack through all of that and corrupt him. Maybe not as thorough a corruption as Jaesa but you for sure corrupt him to pursue his passions and wants (you) instead of being so rigid about formalities and duty-only.


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Neither Quinn nor Pierce appealed to me for various reasons, although I have to admit Quinn did grow on me.


I'm hoping in the future they offer an option for a romance that is more to my tastes.

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Yeah, I was really panicky myself over the ESC key during those scenes, just waiting for them to fade to black to mash it. I ended up doing a few vids of the unused responses just to see what they were like and spent the whole time panicking that I would miss the end point and be too late with the ESC. I'll double check to see what else I have on the external drive and upload those if you're interested.


I also felt quite guilty with the aggressive flirting part way through it though but it was just sooooo much fun. Granted with the whole "incident" it almost makes the entire relationship especially if you



choose to forgive him feel abusive but it's not entirely clear who the abuser would be, is it him for trying to kill you and you going back regardless or did you push him over the edge and he's just trying to find a way out of it. Though I keep going back to the thought of *why* those war droids, why not something easier like poisoning your food, or killing you while you slept. I'd assume that would be easier especially if he was sleeping with the SW. Certainly, there would be less risk up to a point and his chance of success might be higher.


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I never felt guilty flirting with any of my romancable companions, ever. I made sure my Sith was especially aggressive with Quinn, letting him know full out what she wanted. She wanted him and a certain part of him right now! He hemmed, he hauded, he blushed and probably would have 'aw shucks' me. But I kept at it. And when he finally relents, grabs you and flings you to his chest to kiss the breathe out of you, and in my head with lots of tongue, I damn near squealed for my Sith.



As for the betrayal. I knew it was coming, but I played my Sith as if she had no clue this would happen. She's light side, even have light side Jaesa, and all of her dialogue, she chose the ones mainly about their relationship. He genuinely sounded sorry for betraying the woman he loved and married. In the end, after Vette and I kicked his arse, I completely forgave him, and told him he could make it up to me in my chambers. I want us to remain married.


Hell, via the Legacy system, my Smuggler is their daughter. Course Quinn damn near had a heart attack at finding THAT bit of information out. (Her being a Smuggler, not having a kid)


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Did anybody else notice that Quinn always does the Cartoonishly Overdone Officer thing of saying "I've calculated blah blah percentage" of something that may or may not make any sense to numerically evaluate...


...but it always comes out to "near zero" or "peak"?


Even while he's being painstakingly precise, he's all or nothing. Everything about him. Romance included.

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Did anybody else notice that Quinn always does the Cartoonishly Overdone Officer thing of saying "I've calculated blah blah percentage" of something that may or may not make any sense to numerically evaluate...


...but it always comes out to "near zero" or "peak"?


Even while he's being painstakingly precise, he's all or nothing. Everything about him. Romance included.


And ... this is why I love the guy...

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