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Subs down 25%


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I call ********.


I keep hoping Elder Scroll Online is going to do it!


ESO is taking all the things people love about the Elder Scrolls games out. No real time combat, no stealing, no becoming a vampire/werewolf, etc. It will just be another MMO set in a world with the Elder Scrolls lore, which while it is one of the best sets of lore out there, is not why you play those games.


Honestly, I am not looking forward to it because it will just be a disappointment to me because it lacks what makes those games great.

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WOTLK had a bad start too IMHO.


PvE > 3-4 months of Faceroll easy Naxxramas that burned everyone out.

PvP > Overpowered Death Knights basically rocking up the world. Burst damage was ridiculous (you could die in 2s silences).


There was no dungeon finder. It took Ulduar's launch for the game to be "polished out."

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Bahahaha, Is anyone honestly surprised with a recorded drop in Subs? There's been so much speculation with people saying this and that without any hard numbers.


Now you have them, 25% drop and this recent mini-patch is just one of the many prime reasons why.

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Is $14/month REALLY that much for you guys?


I mean, come on WoW charges you $60 for every new expansions.


Also, the Free 2 Play games breed money off peoples addictions by enticing them with "premium accounts" and being a wallet warrior with leet gear.


Except for Guild Wars 2, can't buy leet gear in that game.

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welcome to censorship and "violatings ones rights" which would lose them even more subs if not handled just right.


Actually... not true. A company is in their rights to put in their User's Agreement that those that agree on the terms also agree on never saying anything on their own message boards that can harm their brand. No court will deny a company the right to police that in a service they themselves create in their own web forums. If EA would work to block websites they do not own to not allow critics, that would be violating them rights.


Just because you have the freedom of speech, does not mean you have the freedom to walk into the White House and tell the President he is a *****hole without expecting to be respectfully removed from said White House. Same thing with a forum controlled by the developers of a game.


The fact that EA/Bioware does not do this, regardless of their right to do so, says more about them than whiners and haters want to admit.

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pretty basic realy, we failed, our investors pulled out, we need to salvage what we can, so lets let people buy the content they want, and make money hand over fist providing a subpar product with the illusion of being free.


best scheme realy.


That is not correct, but then very little on this board is. Those with little understanding see "F2P" as an absolute failure simply because it sounds that way.....but whatever.


Have a great day everyone.

Edited by Blackardin
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welcome to censorship and "violatings ones rights" which would lose them even more subs if not handled just right.


Jesus H. Take a break their friend.


You sure do love talking about things you have no idea about. Do you actually believe the stuff you are spewing or are you just funning with us?

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Yes it would have. Anyone who would have had their subscription canceled from the 25th to the 30th would had the free 30 days added on in time for the 1.3 million subscriber number. Look at my sig below, the 1.3 million comes from the end of april not the end of march.


lol at the 1.3 million


I guess there's a lot of people with subs that simply doesn't play


~ 1.3 million subs

~ 200 (200+ actually, but let's have it this way) servers world wide


if each sub had 1 char logged in, that would make each server have around 5000 people.


I'm yet to be in a server with more than 500 people online, and you know that this is a rare thing to happen.


Now, the best servers are mostly light going moderate at peak hours, with some Heavy pop exceptions (maybe a couple of servers in EU and US)


I'm not sure why, but those 1.3 million subs don't really feel like they are all ingame.

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If you dont have 2 hours to spend playing, you prolly shouldn't be playing an mmo in the first place, .


No I'm afraid that's an unfair opinion. You shouldn't punish people because they have lives, jobs and other obligations that limit the amount of time in which they can sit and play a video game. After all this is nothing more than a piece of entertainment in which to enjoy ourselves, so if you only have 2 hours a night in which to play it you shouldn't be restricted by what you can do.


kinda feel like im playing a certain blizzard game everytime a patch hits.


Once again this is an unfair comment, as I barely noticed any massive bugs after patches in WoW, certainly not the huge ones this game suffers from or the type that last for months afterwards. The main difference being WoW puts their content patches onto the PTR for testing for a good amount of time before release. As opposed to this game, which seems to only put a limited amount of a patch on the PTR for a couple of weeks.

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Except for Guild Wars 2, can't buy leet gear in that game.

Except you can, just at a random drop kind of way. Sounds a bit like buying the rewards of killing a boss to me..


At least, last time I heard about the cash shop it had a feature like this in there. Also improved crafting/drop chances and experience. All sound like advantages to me, even if just in time needed. (and honestly, time IS money so..)


Also, a cash shop is a slippery slope to adding real advantages in the future..

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A lot of people in this thread want to compare the SW:Tor numbers to other MMORPGs. Out of curiosity i made a graph based on http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png and http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png


It shows subnumber movement between 1.5 and 4.5 month after launch (to match the release dates of SW:Tors numbers) and while it can't be as accurate as the numbers impley it's still a good way to compare these games.


Here you go:


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That is not correct, but then very little on this board is. Those with little understanding see "F2P" as an absolute failure simply because it sounds that way.....but whatever.


Have a great day everyone.


now I don't see free to play as a failure, i should have clarified what i meant, most people do though, i played COH and thier version of the free to play model has actualy been very sucesssful from what i have seen, how ever soes handling of thier free to play model of eq 1 and 2 basicly rips me off, i have to pay again for contwent i already purchased years ago to access clsses i had bought when buying specific expansions that they took away from me when they went free to play.


I liken F2p to dealing drugs or handing out free samples to people at the grocery store, give em enough to try it, get hooked, then charge for each thing they want in addition to that little bit of a freebi after they get hooked.

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That is not correct, but then very little on this board is. Those with little understanding see "F2P" as an absolute failure simply because it sounds that way.....but whatever.


Have a great day everyone.


I don't knock F2P, the model totally saved Turbine's games. There is a stigma of failure about going from P2P to F2P though and the population would go through a huge change.

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A little perspective....1.4 million users at $15/mnth equals $21,000,000 a month in revenue. WIHTOUT counting box sales the ROI of a $150 Million dollar game would be 7-8 months. Its now month 5. Swtor is doing fine. It will only get better.
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A lot of people in this thread want to compare the SW:Tor numbers to other MMORPGs. Out of curiosity i made a graph based on http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png and http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png


It shows subnumber movement between 1.5 and 4.5 month after launch (to match the release dates of SW:Tors numbers) and while it can't be as accurate as the numbers impley it's still a good way to compare these games.


Here you go:



the bar chart can be a bit misleading, the graphs showing in the mioolons, if you look closely tor and wow west hadroughly the same growth in the same rough amount of time before tor lost subs. at that time wow had its growth economy was in much better shape, and there was only swg, ffxi, and eq it realy had to contend with.


Tor on the other hand has had much more games to contend with being released at the same time with a much more unstable economy. if given the ideal conditons wow had i doubt we would have had the decline.

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A little perspective....1.4 million users at $15/mnth equals $21,000,000 a month in revenue. WIHTOUT counting box sales the ROI of a $150 Million dollar game would be 7-8 months. Its now month 5. Swtor is doing fine. It will only get better.


Cost of servers, employees, buildings, electricity, etc. isn't cheap.

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I don't knock F2P, the model totally saved Turbine's games. There is a stigma of failure about going from P2P to F2P though and the population would go through a huge change.


F2P did wonders for city of heroes, isense going f2p i have seen more new power sets and costumes added to the game via a cash shop then i did in two years of the game being a pay to play model.

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This threads only purpose is to feed the ugly forum trolls who can't wait for a news like this to crawl out of their caves.


As for SWTOR and this loss of subs, i see it as something perfectly normal, subscription numbers will always fluctuate and it will undoubtedly rise in the future.

The game itself is great, far better than anything competition has to offer in my opinion but it does have it's share of problems at the moment.

As soon as some of those problems get sorted out, when they implement group finder and once free transfers kick in the number of subs will rise vastly.

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A little perspective....1.4 million users at $15/mnth equals $21,000,000 a month in revenue. WIHTOUT counting box sales the ROI of a $150 Million dollar game would be 7-8 months. Its now month 5. Swtor is doing fine. It will only get better.


Don't be naive.


SW TOR is not fine.

EA is fine, the game is a disaster waiting to be.

If EA was basing their company success on this game, I wouldn't count them on the marked very long. Fortunately for them, they have dozens of lower budget and high success games out there (not counting distribution only contracts and such)

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Don't be naive.


SW TOR is not fine.

EA is fine, the game is a disaster waiting to be.

If EA was basing their company success on this game, I wouldn't count them on the marked very long. Fortunately for them, they have dozens of lower budget and high success games out there (not counting distribution only contracts and such)


I am not sure why you say its a disaster waiting to be. Its revenue is healthy and we can only speculate on cost...Bio has done everything to mold them game how the majority wants it to be. They listen to feedback. Swtor will do fine.

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