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[VIDEO] Pyro Burst Compilation for Patch 1.2


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Me again, your Pyro OCD Forum user.


I did one of these for pre 1.2, and took two days of some queues to throw together one for 1.2 showing the damage potential of the spec.


Video Link:



  • Yes 90% Of these are with cool-downs, it's a burst video. What do you expect?. (There are a few 1v2s without cooldowns though)
  • Yes some players may be only moderately geared (others are decently geared).
  • Yes I am a Castlevania fan too, hence the music. (fun fact: Firefox wanted to correct that to Sandcastle)
  • My spec is clearly in my signature. Clearly. Like, link and all. So don't ask.
  • This video is meant for fun purposes only. Results can vary for better or worse depending on the player.


Current Gear: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f4cec873-51d0-48d1-8f73-488a8402e1ee


Also, based upon quite a few requests I am in the process of writing a detailed Pyro Guide for the community here. Working on various recording right now so there is a video to go along with it to make it easier. Should be done in a few days.

Edited by exphryl
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I keep forgetting to run fraps, and when I do I'm solo q'd against double premade pubs who focus me the whole match.


Anyways, nice vid man.


EDIT: This makes me want to go back to pyro I think. heh.

Edited by dardack
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Been playing since pre-launch and my son keeps on stealing my toon to play on weekends, my main is a Sniper and my alt is a healing Sorcerer. His toons include a Marauder and a Pyro spec PT, your viddy has convinced me to steal his after he's gone to bed... he's 7 btw and on Saturday got 3 solo kills on his level 16 PT... I'll need to watch him play for a bit first and take screenies.


Nice vid :rak_03:

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Awesome keep those coming!


And now please share with me your darkest secrets: how to take on full engi, or engi / leth hybrid snipers!


Jump them in an area you can LOS before they see you first. (When we are talking about the great snipers out there).


They can shut us down pretty damn well otherwise, oh well. Some class need to keep us in check so I don't mind.

Edited by exphryl
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Jump them in an area you can LOS before they see you first. (When we are talking about the great snipers out there).


They can shut us down pretty damn well otherwise, oh well. Some class need to keep us in check so I don't mind.


So what you say is to not even try to take a side turret guarded by an amazing full engi sniper / GS since will be impossible to do the los thing (they will see you coming and re-position themselves accordingly).


I don't mind them being out counterclass, but am pretty sure they counter a lot more than only PT's :D

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So what you say is to not even try to take a side turret guarded by an amazing full engi sniper / GS since will be impossible to do the los thing (they will see you coming and re-position themselves accordingly).


I don't mind them being out counterclass, but am pretty sure they counter a lot more than only PT's :D


If they are guarding a turret it actually is relatively "easy". Run up and throw out your ranged stun, pull them towards you and move up a bit so it's


Them --- You -----Turret Platform.


They'll probably knock you back which puts you closer to the platform, which has a LOT of great LOS spots since it's elevated with stairs. Just have them chase you or run around the turret itself, I'll usually run far side of the turret and start capping for force them to move or risk losing the point.

Edited by exphryl
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I have started to put out some nice numbers recently. My max RS crit is 5700. Your numbers are amazing. What War Hero piece do you suggest getting first?


Really enjoyed watching the compilation. Keep up the good work and thanks for your input in these forums. I am sure it has helped many, including myself.

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If they are guarding a turret it actually is relatively "easy". Run up and throw out your ranged stun, pull them towards you and move up a bit so it's


Them --- You -----Turret Platform.


They'll probably knock you back which puts you closer to the platform, which has a LOT of great LOS spots since it's elevated with stairs. Just have them chase you or run around the turret itself, I'll usually run far side of the turret and start capping for force them to move or risk losing the point.


Haha that's exactly what I did, pulled them, next thing was they dropped hunker down without knocking me back and proceeded to melt my face with group shield, evasion and 2 shield probes. Is impossible to get away at that point due to leg shot & snare of the probe (no I don't have shield removing snares / roots because I mainly use it to prevent damage not to move around :D).

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Been playing since pre-launch and my son keeps on stealing my toon to play on weekends, my main is a Sniper and my alt is a healing Sorcerer. His toons include a Marauder and a Pyro spec PT, your viddy has convinced me to steal his after he's gone to bed... he's 7 btw and on Saturday got 3 solo kills on his level 16 PT... I'll need to watch him play for a bit first and take screenies.


Nice vid :rak_03:


That's pretty cool. But be careful with the Pyro, you may well become addicted. :)


I have a 9 year old who tanks FPs for us and is often top WZ damage/medals on his Rage Jugg. Since he just hit 50, he'll now be starting more difficult content with our guild. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly he learns new specs and skills, and adapts to new or re-arranged keybinds. Perhaps I'm getting old. LOL


After watching my Assault Vanguard he's jealous, and asking if he can borrow it. Pub side, he wanted a Commando for the BFG (he's a HUGE fan of The Clone Wars, and he loved the SWTOR trailer). But let's face it, Comms/Mercs are extremely gimp right now... even a kid can see that. :)

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