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The "casuals" may be gone, and now are the rest of us sitting around in dead servers running the same content over and over, provided we can assemble a group to do it.


this game is a waste of time if your not a casual anyway

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Subscription + microtransaction hybrid doesn't work. Examples: DCUO and EQ2


Yes it does. Example: LOTRO


EQ2 is a success in its F2P Freeport server - it is the most populated server and has been since F2P launched.


LOTRO did it the right way - $15 / month subscribers get the entire experience like normal - nothing changed. Those that went F2P and don't want to pay anything can get stuff unlocked for free by grinding out points (though naturally it is inefficient).


I played both as they went through the F2P transition and LOTRO kept me playing long after they switched. Most of the F2P people never got out of the Bree area (20+). They also had weekends and sales from time to time that allowed F2P people to purchase new areas for 75% off.


LOTRO did it right. But this is EA (and this is the only EA game I play these days since the Spore fiasco), so who knows how bad they'll screw it up and make Bioware look bad. But I guarantee you it will happen.

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Take LOTRO for instance. You have to subscribe to be able to carry gold, get a full inventory, use the AH, etc. Then on top of that, you wind up having to buy crap through the MT just to stay competitive.


No, you don't. It's all fluff except for mounts, and those are just shortcuts. In no way is LOTRO "pay to win" or "pay to be competitive". It is all fluff gear and potions, which can also be made in-game and are purchasable at the auction house.

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this game is a waste of time if your not a casual anyway


and the dead server problem could be fixed,but i doubt bioware will conjure up a solution to fix it.free transfers are going to do nothing but make the game have like 3 servers worth rolling on,and who wants to waste 15 bucks a month on a mmo with 3 servers,i know i dont


I 100% agree that transfers alone aren't the fix, and will potentially make the problem worse for a lot of people.


We need focused merges followed by a heavy amount of server closings. I don't know the numbers like BW does, but I would like to see as many closed as possible, and then new ones opened as needed if thats the case.


Rough uneducated guesstimate? close half of the North American servers. maybe even 60%


Bioware, lets bring the MMO back into this game, please.

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You got to level 30

You must pay 1500000 ToR points to increase your level cap to 31


f2p, p2w etc etc is all garbage. Like DLC. It's a bs exscuse to nickle and dime people on content already in the game.

Edited by Erstok
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When discussing the importance of TOR, put upcoming SimCity title ahead in importance.

No surprise there (even though it seems that quite a few here seem to be surprised). EA is just the publisher for SWTOR, the game is running now, BioWare gets money from the subs, so why should EA put too much thought now into SWTOR when they have to think about upcoming games.

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When discussing the importance of TOR, put upcoming SimCity title ahead in importance


You do realize how many women would play this type of game vs madden football or MMO's right? What is the largest growing demographic playing video games.. women.


According to the Entertainment Software Association’s (ESA) 2011 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, 72 percent of American households now play video games. The average gamer is 37 years old and has been playing for 12 years. Industry research reveals some other interesting demographic facts about gamers:


Women – Forty-two percent of all players are women and women over 18 years of age are one of the industry’s fastest growing demographics. Today, adult women represent a greater portion of the game-playing population (37 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (13 percent).

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How many games does EA publish? The Sims has a huge following, so do all the sports games EA pumps out every year. This was an EA investor call, not a Bioware one. Yes, SWTOR is not going to the the only thing they care about. As an small time investor myself, I can assure you I did not buy EA stock just because of SWTOR.


EA need to focus on makeing money, the more they make, the more the can put to Bioware, the more Bioware can make SWTOR better.


And being on the top 10 list of a huge company like EA isn't something to shake a stick at, especially with this being their fisr MMO.

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How many games does EA publish? The Sims has a huge following, so do all the sports games EA pumps out every year. This was an EA investor call, not a Bioware one. Yes, SWTOR is not going to the the only thing they care about. As an small time investor myself, I can assure you I did not buy EA stock just because of SWTOR.


EA need to focus on makeing money, the more they make, the more the can put to Bioware, the more Bioware can make SWTOR better.


And being on the top 10 list of a huge company like EA isn't something to shake a stick at, especially with this being their fisr MMO.


28 games last year

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The moment this game goes Free to play is the moment I uninstall and go back to Rift or Wow. I have no desire to have to pay £20 to unlock a new operation or quest line. An exaggeration I know but you get my point. I'd take pandas over micro transactions any day.
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Well the writing is on the wall. They want to increase micro transactions since they are making a KILLING on them in other areas. They want to make more of their games F2p...


Not hard to predict the future of SWTOR.


Considering that we've seen what happened with SWG in the sense that LucasArts pretty much won't allow a F2P model, I'd say that you're correct in saying that it isn't hard to predict the future of SW:TOR.

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I'm trying to figure out why everyone here seems so surprised at their game focuses. The other titles are proven money makers for them. Long run money makers as well. TOR is a new venture that, for right now, is a little shaky.


Me personally, if they do a F2P or sub option model, I'm going to stay. Pure F2P would likely have me unsub. I'd probably go Secret World. I honestly don't see them just dropping TOR though or, changing the sub model. Server mergers will help both give us a better picture of how many are still aboard and help keep more players. They need to roll them out quick though.

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i wonder if swtor will open in China, the gigantic mmo market..


WoW reach 10million subs because they open their mmo in china and korea, region locked. their us and eur subsciriber only reach 2 million- 4million.. blizzard admits it in their page

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Thats starting to change now, a few titles look interesting - tribes ascend, blacklight retribution, mechwarrior online, hawken.


Although I agree with you, I still think subscription games are better and cheaper in the long run.


Tribes ascended is just standard shooter with a match making chat room not a MMO. Every title you mentioned follows the same aspect. These games are vary cheap to pump out as not much modification is required to the core FPS engine they use. They have been the most common F2P game type on the market for the past ten years.

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I don't understand how you can say casuals unsubscribed. its the most casual friendly game ever except for the lack of a LFG.


The raids are easy and the PvP is dull and uninspiring.


Hardcores want no part of it either.

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Casuals unsubscribed?


Most of my guild did, and they weren't casual. I will be unsubbing later tonight, and I wasn't casual (5+ hours every night minimum).


Sim City above TOR? Ouch..


Good luck with EA guys, I wont be going near another MMO that has their finger in it's pie.

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