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Choosing your Sidekicks...


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For my Sith Warrior... exchange Broonmark for Blizz (Broonmark is so incredibly forgettable it's sad. I finished his quest chain and went, "That's it? Seriously?") and LS Jaesa for Ashara (The latter has to have more personality than the former, and I haven't even gotten that far with my Inquisitor yet)


For my Trooper; While I accept why each of the party members has to be there for narrative reasons, My trooper would have been pushing to court martial Vik the second he was able to. I think I'd prefer someone who was just as boisterous, but was a bit more committed to the Republic and the military. Rusk or Irreso, perhaps? Haven't gotten far enough to say for sure.


For my Agent... Kaliyo needs to take a long walk out a short airlock. I'd replace her with Lt. Pierce. Still providing firepower and muscle for the operation, but he can actually take orders and work with a team.


For my bounty Hunter... Let me put it this way. My Bounty Hunter's first encounter with Skadge ended with his violent death in my personal headcanon. To be honest, Bowdwarr would be interesting here.


For my smuggler... Trade the wookie for someone else. Qyzen, perhaps?

Edited by KorinHyvek
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If my Trooper could have anyone on his team, he'd shove Tanno out the nearest airlock and pull in Iresso at the first oppertunity. Or maybe he'd hire Corso as a Merc member of the squad. Or, and this is my personal favorite, he'd beg Garza to let him put Fuse back on the team (and resort to kidnapping, if it was necessary).


My Agent would probably dump Vector off at the nearest hospital with orders to either cure him or kill him, and replaced with Talos (I would let Vector back, if he could be cured. I'd still keep Talos around, though). He'd also have SCORPIO shot on the spot, and have either Pierce or Quinn pick up the slack.


My Smuggler would probably trade Bowdaar for Qyzen, and possibly Akaavi for Doc or Tharan Cedrix (or both).


My Bounty Hunter would've killed Skadge if he had gotten the chance, and would have glady thrown him out the airlock in favor of anyone better, like maybe a second ship droid. Though, if he had a choice, he'd pull either Vette or Risha, or both, so that Mako would have at least a few friends. He'd also gladly trade Torian for Akaavi, or Andronikos.

Edited by BlueSouthPike
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my team will be the ones getting the girls though! Khem val with a date? :rak_02:


Khem's voice is dead sexy, I love how he calls me little sith all the time. Makes me melt :jawa_tongue:


For my BH the only boys allowed on the ship will be Khem and Blizz, my BFFs would be Ashara, Kira and Mako.


Can you just imagine Blizz in the middle of four girls like the little player we all know he is.


And as I said before I could sit and listen to Khem go on for hours, he could read me a stock report and I would still want to jump him:t_biggrin:


Add in SGR and all bets are off:tran_grin:

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It would be a nightmare for the writing team. Every companion story is tied to the class story. So they would have to write every companion story eight times. And besides, why would for example Khem Val join a Jedi Consular?


So we'll never see this in game and I'm happe with that. I think it is a good thing that we have to get along with the companions we have.


Yeah, logically I think it would be a nightmare too, and like you I'm happy with how things are...but its an interesting idea to toy with, I'm liking all the variety of answers we're getting. :)

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For my Jedi Guardian, I really would have had:

Vette, Teeseven, Doc, Blizz and M1-4X. And as Ship Droid I really would have had Toovee instead of this cheap C2 ...


Vette and Doc are in my opinion the best companions. The two just have the best dialogues in the whole game. =D

Teeseven and Toovee for the classical Star Wars droids.

M1 to have an impressive battledroid on board.

And last, Blizz, for some really needed Jawaese. "UTINI!"


Bioware, please give us a customization for C2, to let him look like 2V!

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Because I love my agent (even though she and my smuggler are a pita to level), for her I'd choose: Quinn, Torian, Vector, Andronikos and Corso. Oh man. An all male harem. My agent would be so tired and worn out. haha
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For my Smuggler...

Quinn, Corso, Vector, Torian and Vette.

There is no reason to this, and half of them would hate my pure LS smuggy, but...


with quinn vector, and torian, i can see corso hating your smuggy if shes a female ;)

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Because I love my agent (even though she and my smuggler are a pita to level), for her I'd choose: Quinn, Torian, Vector, Andronikos and Corso. Oh man. An all male harem. My agent would be so tired and worn out. haha


Yeah...this would be the same combination for my SI. :D

Oh, man, that is what I call life.

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  • 1 month later...

Out of the SW, IA, and JK, these are my mixes.


SW: Quinn, Scourge, Vector, Rusk, and Kaliyo.


IA: Quinn, Scropio, Light Jaesa, Vette, and T7.


JK: Quinn, Broonmark, Dark Jaesa, Rusk, and T7.


Quinn is obviosly my favorite, and i used combat archetypes, and also the first 2 were light and last was dark.

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Talos and Doc for sure. I have a deep, true love for them both. Risha is my BFF, so her too. I am rather fond of Vector, so add him in. The fifth slot is tricky, I have a lot of candidates for that! Let's go with Akaavi. FOR NOW.

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I would have a bamfing team of xalek, khem val, hk-51, ds jaesa and a somewhat darker kira


Also, if I had to live with anyone outside of them, it would be doc. We could create the most awesome bropad ever, and go partying!!!:D

Edited by lord-durpp
Had another idea
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For my nutty BH I would have a crew of Blizz, Gault, Vette and Guss who all would get along great, making credits scamming people and overall defying authority. and just for someone to pick on and for the crap he pulled with my fem warrior, Quinn. That would be total chaos and purgatory for him.


For my light side Sith Warrior she would love to keep LS Jaessa, Ashara, Kira , Torian and Akavai. Slightly dark force wielders and mandos would be a take no crap crew but would be totally in the grey


My Sith INQ would keep her Khem, add DS Jaessa, Kaylio Skadge and have Scorpio. More chaos then even the dread masters there!


My Smugglers crew would be Corso, Mako, T7, Bowdarr and Aric, Just seems to work well with her

Edited by Krayna
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Depends a bit from character to character...


My neutral (female) BH would go with Mako, Kaliyo, Vette, Nadia Grell & Bliz (all girl plus jawa hunting team ftw). I really dislike Gault & Skadge and would be happy ditching them for just about anyone more neutral/warrior-code driven.


My sadist Inquisitor would take 5 Khem Vals. Or failing that: Khem, Xalek, Talos Drellik, dark Jaesa & Kaliyo. I hate Andronikos (got stuck in the romance thread unintentionally) & incorruptible Ashara is very boring compared to Jaesa.


I'm fairly happy with my (light side) Consular & Trooper as is... I'm fond of Mako & would probably be inclined to swap her in for Zenith on my Consular (don't mind him, but not massively keen on him).


Haven't seen Tanno or Yuun on my trooper, but I'd also be inclined to swap Elara for Mako (again, don't mind her so far but not massively keen). Or possibly Talos.. he's quite charmingly absent-minded-professor-with-a-gun.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Let's see, for my 50's . . .


Smuggler -- Corso, Akaavi, Mako, Vector, and T7. Love melee DPS or a tank for her, and she and Mako would totally be BFF's. Sure she's good friends with Akaavi, but I don't see them having girly girl talk together. xD


Consular -- Zenith, Ashara, Blizz, Aric, and Quinn. I prefer ranged DPS for him, and I'm sure Zenith and Aric would be happy to keep an eye on Quinn. I'd have added Vette instead of Ashara, but I think Quinn, Aric, and Zenith would all team up to get rid of her. :p

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