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Jedi/Sith vs Avengers


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This question came up on lacrosse practice. Who would win in a fight, the Jedi/Sith or the avengers. Me personaly i said Jedi/Sith


Good match-up. Which Jedi and Sith are we talking about here? All of the Jedi/Sith or from a certain era?

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It also depends on which set of avengers you have.


The hulk for example, depending on the era is completely indestructible and not subject to mind control because he is so filled with rage that things like suggestion would have no effect on him, even light sabers might not be able to hurt him considering his regen powers.

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I don't think that the Jedi would get into a fight with the Avengers. They'd probably take one look at the work that the Avengers do, flash a thumbs-up, and say "Keep up the Good Work", then return to meditating, or something.


But the Sith, well now, that would be an entertaining fight. Being Sith, they'd probably try to establish their superiority via some big speech or show of (no pun intended) force. I have a feeling that would backfire, though. I mean, thanks to the new movie, we know just how much a "I am A God" kind of speech impresses the Hulk.... (Actually, the mental image of a similar scenario occuring between the Sith Emperor and the Hulk is making me laugh uncontrollably now. :) )

Edited by BlueSouthPike
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doesn't matter super heros with powers are more powerful then jedi/sith


Thor is a demi god who is pretty much invincible,


The Hulk is invincible,


Iron man can fly and shoot lasers oh and can absorb and fire back lighting,


Captain America could be close but his shield can stop a light saber so you have a human with the speed and reflexs of a jedi but a shield that can stop a light saber.


Hawkeye has master jedi reflexes and shoots arrows that can be modified for almost any purpose. While a jedi can block an arrow if it's explosive tip it will hurt the jedi.


Black Widdow would be the only one who would lose providing she doesn't trick the jedi/sith



Jedi/sith are strong in their universe but are far from invnicable. The clone troopers managed to wipe almost all of them out.

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The Hulk wins alone.


The Hulk is the only possible thing that can match End Game Superman.


The Hulk only has one weakness, he needs oxygen, however he cannot even die of oxygen deprivation, he just goes into hibernation until he re-enters an oxygen environment.

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The average Marvel superteam will resolve a multiverse-threatening crisis, defeat a race of world-devouring monsters, and then dethrone a god before the heroines-in-bikinis issue in June.


They will then spend the remainder of the year struggling with the moral implications of what they did, and lose to a relatively modest threat due to their sudden lack of confidence.



So it really depends on what time of year.

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Let me reedit the question. The 5 avengers (HULK, Iron Man, Thor, Captian America, and the S.H.E.L.D people) vs either (Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Mace Windew, Obi Wan, and Anikan) or (Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Count Dukuo, Darth Sideus, and Darth Plagus)
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Thor: Asgardian, nigh-immortal, class 100+ Strength, weather/lightning manipulation/generation, FTL speed, plus other powers. Can split countries in half, fly through space, open portals between dimensions, and has come back from Oblivion under his own power.


The Sentry: Class 100+ strength, near-invulnerability, energy projection and manipulation. He has a habit of throwing things into the sun.


The Hulk: Infinite strength, regeneration, durability. Can hold his breath in a vacuum for extended periods. Jumped to the moon, beat up Black Bolt, then jumped back to Earth. He can destroy planets with his fists.


Iron-Man: High durability, Mach 18 Speed in atmosphere. Repulsors and other energy weapons.


The Vision: Strength, speed, can alter his molecular density to phase through matter and energy. Self-repairing.


I could keep goin, but there have been Dozens of Avengers members. Moon Knight, Tigra, Cap American, Black Panther, Spider-Woman, Spider-Man, Wonder Man, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, War Machine, Songbird, Scarlet Witch, etc etc etc.

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doesn't matter super heros with powers are more powerful then jedi/sith


Thor is a demi god who is pretty much invincible,


The Hulk is invincible,


Iron man can fly and shoot lasers oh and can absorb and fire back lighting,


Captain America could be close but his shield can stop a light saber so you have a human with the speed and reflexs of a jedi but a shield that can stop a light saber.


Hawkeye has master jedi reflexes and shoots arrows that can be modified for almost any purpose. While a jedi can block an arrow if it's explosive tip it will hurt the jedi.


Black Widdow would be the only one who would lose providing she doesn't trick the jedi/sith



Jedi/sith are strong in their universe but are far from invnicable. The clone troopers managed to wipe almost all of them out.

The HULK is not invincible, bullets may have no effect on him however a light saber could easily go through him.

Think of Iron Man as a bounty hunter. both fets father and son were defeated by jedi. Also a sith would crush his metal suiet into a tin can.

Captian America shield could not stop a light saber. As for ninja like ability have you seen any lightsaber duel!

And hawkeyes arrows could easily be stopped in mid air. before any harm is done

thor is the only one i see as a threat due to the fact hes isnt human

Edited by SpartanSH
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The HULK is in invincible, bullets may have no effect on him however a light saber could easily go through him.

Think of Iron Man as a bounty hunter. both fets father and son were defeated by jedi. Also a sith would crush his metal suiet into a tin can.

Captian America shield could not stop a light saber. As for ninja like ability have you seen any lightsaber duel!

And hawkeyes arrows could easily be stopped in mid air. before any harm is done

thor is the only one i see as a threat due to the fact hes isnt human


Before anything, I'm sure we all want to know; Are you Joking? Or do you really believe what you just said?

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The HULK is in invincible, bullets may have no effect on him however a light saber could easily go through him.

Think of Iron Man as a bounty hunter. both fets father and son were defeated by jedi. Also a sith would crush his metal suiet into a tin can.

Captian America shield could not stop a light saber. As for ninja like ability have you seen any lightsaber duel!

And hawkeyes arrows could easily be stopped in mid air. before any harm is done

thor is the only one i see as a threat due to the fact hes isnt human


The hulk is not invincible. he does have the highest regenerative ability in the marvel verse. (yes this includes wolverine) Where as a lightsaber may cut into him it is highly unlikely (as shown in episode 1-3) that they would cut through him. So we can just as well assume that they are no more powerful than say Adamantium. Only they glow in pretty colors. Also depending on how powered he is (Ie. world breaker hulk) the jedi just don't stand a chance. When Hulk is fighting with a star destroyer as a baseball bat. yeah.


First off Iron man is nothing like a Bounty Hunter and secondly I saw episode 1. Jango Fett didn't go down easily at all. I recall several squads of Jedi and troopers/Jango fighting and a Jedi finally taking him down. How many Jedi should I presume he took down before that happened? Remember not every damn jedi is Luke or Vader. Most are chumps. If all jedi were as good as main characters then there would be nothing special about the main characters.


Vibranium is a much stronger metal than Oh I don't know, the crummy metal they use in ship construction (reinforced steel is a great metal for us but for the marvel verse it's sub par) It took quite a while for obi-wan to cut through the steel what makes you think that the lightsaber is going through caps shield. And again Most jedi are chumps. The cap is more agile and physically capable than 99.99 repeating jedi.


Hawkeye can just blow the jedi up at his feet. Actually that would be the only good fight honestly.


The widdow would have duped the jedi and poisoned/killed all the jedi before they realized they were in a war. She's a bloody SPY.

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Hulk has been blasted by million degree heat and has swam through Magma. A lightsaber would be like a handwarmer to him. And they aren't cutting Cap's shield. Period. It's an Adamantium/Vibranium mix. Adamantium is virtually indestructible. Hulk has pounded on it and not left a dent.
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The hulk is not invincible. he does have the highest regenerative ability in the marvel verse. (yes this includes wolverine) Where as a lightsaber may cut into him it is highly unlikely (as shown in episode 1-3) that they would cut through him. So we can just as well assume that they are no more powerful than say Adamantium. Only they glow in pretty colors. Also depending on how powered he is (Ie. world breaker hulk) the jedi just don't stand a chance. When Hulk is fighting with a star destroyer as a baseball bat. yeah.


First off Iron man is nothing like a Bounty Hunter and secondly I saw episode 1. Jango Fett didn't go down easily at all. I recall several squads of Jedi and troopers/Jango fighting and a Jedi finally taking him down. How many Jedi should I presume he took down before that happened? Remember not every damn jedi is Luke or Vader. Most are chumps. If all jedi were as good as main characters then there would be nothing special about the main characters.


Vibranium is a much stronger metal than Oh I don't know, the crummy metal they use in ship construction (reinforced steel is a great metal for us but for the marvel verse it's sub par) It took quite a while for obi-wan to cut through the steel what makes you think that the lightsaber is going through caps shield. And again Most jedi are chumps. The cap is more agile and physically capable than 99.99 repeating jedi.


Hawkeye can just blow the jedi up at his feet. Actually that would be the only good fight honestly.


The widdow would have duped the jedi and poisoned/killed all the jedi before they realized they were in a war. She's a bloody SPY.


You mean EP 2, and Jango was rather... mediocre. I mean he did better then his son, but he was still horrible in the movie. He killed 1 jedi, who's strength wasn't even lightsaber combat who went to go pick a fight with Dooku....ain't that strange? Then Jango flew out in the arena he didn't kill any other jedi he went right into a fight with Mace Windu, got steamrolled by a Reek and then decapitated by Mace Windu.


Before that on Kamino, he got whopped by Obi-Wan in CQC only getting in one good solid headbutt. The only things that saved him, was Boba using slave 1's blasters, his rocket, his jetpack, and the whip cord.


Its rather odd cause both Jango/Boba do poorly against jedi, but in the EU they are all dressed up as being able to easily kill jedi. Something be wrong with that picture, I didn't know that in order to be the best bounty hunters ever you needed to kill jedi/sith. Cause disregarding all EU and just looking at the movies themselves, the two of them just seem to be regular bounty hunters.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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....Darn it I have to give it to the Avengers. Assuming Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer are lightsaber resistant they could do very well, not to mention America's incredible agility, Hulk is well...the Hulk, incredibly regenerative abilities if he's angry enough, and Iron Man..well can fly and spam shots from the sky..
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Lightsabers might be able to cut through Ironman. Captain America would be a tough battle as his shield wouldn't be cut by them and he's a really good fighter but not invincible.


Thor... not sure a lightsaber could cut him. The Hulk would smash all Jedi and Sith. :)

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The HULK is not invincible, bullets may have no effect on him however a light saber could easily go through him.

Think of Iron Man as a bounty hunter. both fets father and son were defeated by jedi. Also a sith would crush his metal suiet into a tin can.

Captian America shield could not stop a light saber. As for ninja like ability have you seen any lightsaber duel!

And hawkeyes arrows could easily be stopped in mid air. before any harm is done

thor is the only one i see as a threat due to the fact hes isnt human


You know nothing about Marvel.


Captain America's shield is neigh-indestructible and I'm 100% sure it could stop a lightsaber.

He doesn't have Ninja like ability... he's a super soldier that's engineered to be much faster, stronger and better at everything by a hugely significant margin.

Hawkeye is a joke so whatever...


The Hulk could life Tectonic plates (makes no sense but he can...). A lightsaber can't do squat to him as a lightsaber has demonstrated that many things can block them. They're not as piercing as Adamantium or anything.

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Hawkeye is a joke so whatever...


I'd have to say for you to retract that statement. Clint Barton is not a joke. His skill with a bow is virtually unmatched. And to top it off, Cap American Trained him how to fight. And I mean professionally. He took Avengers members, took away their toys, brought'em down to be like Regular people, and showed them how weak they are without their special equipment or powers. Captain America broke Clint's bow, smacked him around and after getting his point across, he said; "This bow will be the Second thing you are known for."


Cap turned Hawkeye into a world class fighter, more than enough to kick the crap out of The Hand's ninjas. In the "New Avengers" comics, Clint took on the roll of "Ronin" as previously used by Daredevil and Echo, and for a while people thought he was Daredevil in that outfit because of his fighting skills. Skills he only learned and perfected thanks to Captain America drilling them into him.

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I don't think that the Jedi would get into a fight with the Avengers. They'd probably take one look at the work that the Avengers do, flash a thumbs-up, and say "Keep up the Good Work", then return to meditating, or something.


But the Sith, well now, that would be an entertaining fight. Being Sith, they'd probably try to establish their superiority via some big speech or show of (no pun intended) force. I have a feeling that would backfire, though. I mean, thanks to the new movie, we know just how much a "I am A God" kind of speech impresses the Hulk.... (Actually, the mental image of a similar scenario occuring between the Sith Emperor and the Hulk is making me laugh uncontrollably now. :) )

XD Instant Lol My friend!

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