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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross-Server Warzones Will End PvP for Me


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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.


You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.

Edited by mechintel
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We will miss you guys! ... Both of you! :)


He won't be alone. Right now, one of the things most enjoyable about PvP is the fact I *know* people from both sides. That will dissapear with cross-server pvp, just like it did in WoW. It will make the game boring, just like it did in WoW, and I will unsubscribe, just like I did in WoW.

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What is killing pvp for me is always facing the same players, with increasingly long queue times. X-Server PvP will help pvp. It won't help Pve, but then - we care for pvp before pve.
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More people will quit if they don't. Now i have waited 1 hour for 1 simple Wz.

And this is a MMORPG! I want to play with hundreds of different players....


If you want a single player game, go play one. But this is a mmorpg.

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I don't get where you get the idea from that it will be an "either ... or ..." thing. For PVE reasons alone they will have to merge/transfer people anyway so I would not worry about that.


Still a proper solution has to include cross-server warzones to make the availability of warzones last. A smart system (which I hope they will use) will consist of pitting the people of the same server together preferably and only if that doesn't work for a few mins pull in people from other servers.

I rather play against unknown people instead of waiting 10 - 15 mins which even after merges/transfers could very well happen. Especially several weeks/months after the merges with the dwindling of playerbases on the several servers being rather unpredictable.

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Cross server pvp is not the end all be all solution to pvp problems, however Ive started seeing pvp as a chore because of seeing those same guys on the opposing team (really good pvp guild premade against my pub). The matchmaking should try to make a match with players from your own server first, if there arent any or not enough add others. Simple as that and server mergers will not be enough as the server populations will still be to small for decent matchmaking. Edited by GrumpySwe
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lol sad to say 90% of us who cant PvP due to server populations & non prime time playing hours, our pVp IS ALREADY DEAD so we dont really care if you have to learn more names! Edited by Airoper
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Bioware know the numbers, Bioware get the feedback once players un-sub. Bioware know that more players are unsubscribing becuase of the lack of action on servers, translated into a very poor playing experience, expecially when it comes to warzones.


I un-subbed 2 days ago, the reason is that the server is dead and warzones are currently in a pathetic situation.


If they don't bring in cross server warzones, character transfers or server mergers I won't be coming back. In all honesty, as the days go on I become less inclined to want to come back even if these steps are implemented.


Bottom line, Bioware have been very naive to not have cross server warzones, character transfers or server mergers in place before the game went live. I don't know the stats but I would guess that low activity servers and the above reasons account for a larger % of players unsubscribing than any other variable.

Edited by Cottyuk
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So anymore all I see is people saying they want Bioware to introduce cross-server PvP, like it's a good thing. I know I can't be the only one who will stop PvPing entirely if this comes about.


Now I understand you are on a low-pop realm with no sense of community. You wait hours for enough people to get online to pop a warzone and that isn't cool. But is cross-server warzones the answer to that problem? Or are server mergers? Is cross-server warzones going to suddenly make that fleet look any less barren? Are cross-server warzones going to get you in to see a new 4-man instance? Are cross-server warzones going to allow your guild to recruit players to see operation bosses?


Of course not. Server merges is the real answer to all those problems. What cross-server warzones will do is give people the anonymity to act like ******es to one another while simultaneously killing the sense of rivalry that emerges from being pitted against recognizable faces that same-server warzones offer.


You can say that the concept of servers is an arbitrary dividing of the player-base, and you are right... but having a system where some parts of the game ignore server boundaries while others don't is terrible. If a server can handle having everyone on one giant mega-server I'd be in favor of that over cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server battlegrounds in WoW is still one of the worst things to happen to the game's pvp. It fast tracks you into "just another face in the crowd" and achievements become even more meaningless than they already are.


What I would like to hear is one solid argument for why cross-server warzones should be implemented instead of server-merges on the smaller populated realms.


That's cool and all I hope your enjoying your standard server... While I'm over here on Thendrys Noori where there is two decent sized level 50 guilds... We PvP against the same Conqueror/War Hero Imp nerds everyday and we get facerolled everyday, half our guild has alts on the imp side which doesn't help the problem at all. Yes I know some of the imps on our server but no I would gladly trade the familiarity of getting facerolled to pvping against completely new players and not knowing who your going to face and there skill level.

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I just don't see why people would request a feature that only fixes one problem when there are alternative solutions that fix it and many others. Is there anyone who would actually enjoy cross-server warzones when compared to same-server warzones if the queue times were equal?


During the first weeks of SWTOR queue times were under a minute. Merge servers to the point where populations are near the populations they were a month or so after release and you should have no problems getting into a warzone when you want to.


So again, I understand not wanting to be on a dead server waiting an hour to queue against the same 8 people over and over, but cross-server warzones is a terrible solution to that. Server merges make much more sense.

Edited by mechintel
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I just don't see why people would request a feature that only fixes one problem when there are alternative solutions that fix it and many others. Is there anyone who would actually enjoy cross-server warzones when compared to same-server warzones if the queue times were equal?


During the first weeks of SWTOR queue times were under a minute. Merge servers to the point where populations are near the populations they were a month or so after release and you should have no problems getting into a warzone when you want to.


So again, I understand not wanting to be on a dead server waiting an hour to queue against the same 8 people over and over, but cross-server warzones is a terrible solution to that. Server merges make much more sense.


I would be happy if they incorporated cross server warzones temporarily until there is server merges because lets face it bioware is losing subs quickly on the already dead servers and the longer it takes to get these servers up and running the more subs there going to lose. It's a short term solution to a big problem everyone would be happy with the PvP aspect and I'm guessing a decent amount of players would come back.

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FYI noobs the only way to fix non prime time WZ pops is with cross servers so L2P & wake up


I bet you think there is a noticeable lag difference between east coast servers and west coast servers too.

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I would be happy if they incorporated cross server warzones temporarily until there is server merges because lets face it bioware is losing subs quickly on the already dead servers and the longer it takes to get these servers up and running the more subs there going to lose. It's a short term solution to a big problem everyone would be happy with the PvP aspect and I'm guessing a decent amount of players would come back.


And that would be fine, if cross-server battlegrounds were something they could easily put out.


Given the state of Bioware's QA team, I wouldn't be surprised if queuing for cross-server warzones deleted your character from their database after the patch went live.

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I can't wait for cross server Queues. I know my server has some of the best PvP there is, with some of the best players in the game. I can't wait for people to say "****, it's people from Ajunta Pall." :)
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Well if you like to faceroll all time the same ppl with a premade good for you , but new ppl want to fight new lvling ppl want to lvl doing pvp and so on , crosserver=MMO deal with it and stop QQing triying to kill even more this game w/o that tool kthxbye
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lol mini games while waiting for raids lololololol raids are boring & PvPers only raid when they cant PvP & these so called mini game can make or break this game so meh go back to PvE & leave the PvP forums to PvPers
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And that would be fine, if cross-server battlegrounds were something they could easily put out.


Given the state of Bioware's QA team, I wouldn't be surprised if queuing for cross-server warzones deleted your character from their database after the patch went live.


They could incorporate a mechanic where you que for a cross server warzone so that you could always play even when your server is dead or it is not peak hours on the WestCoast but is on the East Coast or you could que with your server.

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Merging servers creates a lot of bad press. Just look at how much server merges helped Warhammer Online...


People may complain, and I do agree that close-knit server communities do make things more interesting, but if it's between merging or adding x-server queues, x-server is much better for the health of the game as a whole.


WoW dropped from a peak of 12+ million subscribers to just over 10 according to Blizzards 2011 annual report, and they haven't had to merge one single server because of their x-server functionality (including dungeons too). Even people on "dead" servers can access all the content available.


It's a smart choice if you have the game's longevity in mind.

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