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Pod Racing


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Pod racing has not been invented yet.


Swoop Racing, then... Whenever man has machines (or any other self-mobile transport or device), he will race them ! Frogs, dogs, horses, cars, motorcycles, airplanes, radio-control stuff, the list is historically endless.




Need to have (at least) 4 classes; "Sprint" (runners), Speeder-25-39s, Speeder-40-49s, and Speeder-50(+)s.

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Swoop Racing, then... Whenever man has machines (or any other self-mobile transport or device), he will race them ! Frogs, dogs, horses, cars, motorcycles, airplanes, radio-control stuff, the list is historically endless.




Need to have (at least) 4 classes; "Sprint" (runners), Speeder-25-39s, Speeder-40-49s, and Speeder-50(+)s.


or we can leave the racing games where they belong and not stuff them into this setting.

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or we can leave the racing games where they belong and not stuff them into this setting.


Or we can make suggestions in the suggestion section for something other than the status quo.


+1 Pod/Swoop/Speeder/Taun Taun racing.

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or we can leave the racing games where they belong and not stuff them into this setting.


Yeah, let's pare this game down to the minimalist level, nothing but hack-n-slash. That'll make for a great, long-lasting game. Just what Star Wars is all about... /sigh

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Yeah, let's pare this game down to the minimalist level, nothing but hack-n-slash. That'll make for a great, long-lasting game. Just what Star Wars is all about... /sigh


yeah because star wars is really all about racing right?


i would rather they maintain the focus that they advertised for than to see it branch out into 15 different game types like you, and a great many others suggest. i mean for racing alone there were some that didnt want traditional racing at all but something more akin to mario cart.


there is a reason i dont play wow anymore, because it became a very different game than the one i started playing, i would rather that didnt happen here just because the current gen of gamers wants to play a brand new game every 6 months.

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i would rather they maintain the focus that they advertised for than to see it branch out into 15 different game types.


Pod-racing in Ep-1, Luke's Beggar Canyon reference in Ep-4, several other references in EU books. Racing is definitely a part of the Star Wars scene. Besides, it doesn't have to be any kind of "game" in and of itself; maybe just something like a Warzone of it's own...


...like you, and a great many others suggest.


I think that statement says a lot. If "a great many others " want it, it'd be a good thing for TOR to have it.

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Pod-racing in Ep-1, Luke's Beggar Canyon reference in Ep-4, several other references in EU books. Racing is definitely a part of the Star Wars scene.


you mean that really long poorly thought out podrace that had absolutely nothing to do with the story and all to do with killing time with random spectacle. you can literally remove that entire sequence and it doesnt change the movie in the slightest.


also, while i never once stated that racing wasnt present, the entire series has NEVER been about that. whether its podracing, swoop bikes, or other forms.


Besides, it doesn't have to be any kind of "game" in and of itself; maybe just something like a Warzone of it's own...


sure, except thats not what is generally meant by it. even making them assumption that it IS something we get you would be kidding yourself to think it wont be much different than say space combat, which is complained about constantly.


I think that statement says a lot. If "a great many others " want it, it'd be a good thing for TOR to have it.


again, except that whole part where "a great many others" isnt focused on racing, but space flight, and sabaak/dejarik/pazaak, arena droid fighting, mario kart, fps, full fledged flight sim, etc etc. its not only extremely diverse, but also waters the game down into nothing while doing not only nothing original or innovative, but flat distorts what the game was designed and marketed as. the fact that it has the name "star wars" on it seems to mean that it should have ties, or parts of every star wars franchise or game type tied up within it, which is not only foolish, but insane.

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Implementing racing, Pazaak and other minigames that aren't all about standard combat stuff gets my vote.I'm pretty confident that stuff like that will make it into the game but I doubt it will be anytime before autumn or winter.


The sooner the better though!

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You should stay out of the suggestion forums if you dont want the game to change/add content. It's just going to make you mad to see suggestions.


"Oh why did the Dodgers have to move from Brooklyn?!" lol

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Implementing racing, Pazaak and other minigames that aren't all about standard combat stuff gets my vote.I'm pretty confident that stuff like that will make it into the game but I doubt it will be anytime before autumn or winter.
These things are already planned, but you are correct that they might not be seen for some time. They do represent low-priority additions.
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You should stay out of the suggestion forums if you dont want the game to change/add content. It's just going to make you mad to see suggestions.


"Oh why did the Dodgers have to move from Brooklyn?!" lol


except not all change is bad. change for the sake of change is though. while i can agree that i see very few "good" ideas, i would rather campaign against the changes i dont like than sit idly by and see this game get bastardized like i did in wow.

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...to make pod racing witch i would love, people need a really good comp to run it without it lagging like crazy.. but ...


I don't understand the reasoning behind this statement. I, personally, was just thinking of a WZ / Instance sort of thing where maybe 12-20 players could enter together and go as fast as they could on their own Speeders... Were you envisioning something more complex?

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The developers already plan to add swoop racing to the game.


They have hinted at mini-games, but I have not seen this explicitly stated. It is much needed though. We know from KOToR That peeps race swoops, and we know from Nar Shadda that swoop gangs still exist, so hey, why not?


Bioware needs to get SOME form of mini-game-esque content out soon. Otherwise I'm going to be bored.

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I would LOVE a Swoop Race mini-game.

I used to love playing the old N64 pod racing game. Wasn't all that good at it, but it was fun...


That was an amazing game... I liked being able to mod the Pod with different parts... sorry you weren't really good at it. : P I always whooped my brother's ***.


P.S. What was even more amazing is that I found an ARCADE version of the game. It legit had the two thrusters that you had to control separately... now that was hard as **** XD.

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These things are already planned, but you are correct that they might not be seen for some time. They do represent low-priority additions.


I agree. They have even stated that they are low priority. But I hope by blowing up the forums they will bump it up just a wee-bit on their priority list. People are starting to clear the content. I'm not rushing. I've been going very slow, but I'm almost to HM EV. After that the content clearing will be going much faster. Then I'll be stuck leveling an alt, or doing space battles... or playing a different game and wasting my sub money... which I can only handle for so long.


I really want TOR to succeed, but these type of additions need to come soon, or they're going to lose me. And by soon I mean by the end of July to MID-August. By then I will have had enough PvE from this game likely, so I will need to chill in a cantina with some fun things to do besides watch the Twi'lek babes dance.

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its these so called low priorities like swoop racing that make or break mmo's , everybody needs to take a time out from endless flash points and op's .
Such options already exist, and only a fraction of the player community takes part. As such, they are low-priority out of necessity; they currently cannot devote a lot of resources to aspects of the game that are only desired by a subset of the community. To do otherwise at this point in the game would nearly be criminal.
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