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Breach of trust and empty promises


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Just something that came to mind. I am a survivor of Aion and I sort of see SWTOR heading the same raid (hence the term "Tortanic.")


I wanted to see SWTOR succeed, but the main driving force behind my animosity with the game and my return to my previous home in RIFT was due to distrust of the developer.


There are several alarming incidents that caught my attention.


You feel "betrayed" over a video game that, above all else, cost less then a pizza and a beer to play?


Rift was a pretty good game. I didn't like it but many do. Do yourself a favor. Go play it. I don't believe the feelings you are expressing here are healthy.

Edited by Blackardin
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We're all people here, and we all deserve decent customer service, honest marketing, and a quality product. I don't know why you feel you don't deserve these things, but it's seriously f'ed up.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting all three of those things.

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Sounds better than extremely bugged raids in TOR,

uninspired pvp warzones, which were bugged as well.

no open world pvp


At least RIFT has something they can showcase. What can TOR showcase? Voice acting!!!

You can only level up for so long, and in this game, it's about a week or two, a month max.


They used to be able to showcase the voice acting before 1.2 destroyed the sound. You'd think it would be a priority fix since they spent a lot of cash on those actors, who currently I can't hear if I have entered a warzone previously.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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IMO the biggest slap in the face was the beta bait and switch. In beta the textures were even better then they are now. All armor was mod able, so you really could look the way you wanted. There was even more armor models then there are now.

That's not false advertising in the least. That's Bioware doing what testing is meant for: figuring out what works, what doesn't, and what might be changed. I preferred it when everything was moddable, too. But to say that switching from the "everything is moddable" system to the " almost nothing is moddable" system to the hybrid system we have now while the game is in testing and has not yet released is false advertising or misleading is not only patently false, but extremely absurd on top of it.


The game ran better and there was NO ability delay(which still isn't fixed).

Strangely enough, I don't experience this ability delay.


The biggest false advertising to me was that all the videos had good textures and we were forced to play with textures worse then WoW for months. That is the definition of false advertising. No fanboy can defend that BS.

Every game does that. Every single one. Their previews, trailers, and screenshots are made on the highest-end computers they can buy. If you want to call out EA for this practice, go ahead. But make sure you include every other major game publisher in the industry in your rebuke.

Edited by JacenHallis
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Games with a strong, happy player base don't give away free months. Bioware knows the ship is sinking.

With the exception of the most die hard fanboys everybody is well aware that not everything is perfect with this game, but on the other hand I don't think it's that terrible that it must be when one trusts the forums here.

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BioWare seems to have gone down hill, I wish i came to this game earlier when people where excited to play it and everything was fresh and new. Instead i played that piece of crap excuse for a Mass Effect ending to the trilogy and came here to drown my sorrows, but there is only more sorrow. Bawwwwwwww.
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nothing new..this game has said this and that with promise of more..and every tuesday its the same as before with nothing new.


If i had known this game was going to be an exact copy of wow i would have never touched it. For the morons who think well, most games copy one another blah blah.. This game had been in development for many many years..and this is what they come up with ! lols. Assbackward version of wow with starwars charactures.

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BioWare seems to have gone down hill....


Pretty much...


I have been praising Bioware as a game developer since Shattered Steel and have encouraged many people to buy their products. Personally i feel the road downhill started with DA: Awakening. Then came DA2..ME3..now this.


I can understand the op, no one should accept this kind of attitude from a company that wants your money. This is actually one of many reasons why i´m done with this game and the company as a whole. When playing 12 year old Baldurs Gate gives me more joy than any of their last four products combined, i know (for myself) that this is not the same company i used to enjoy. Not worth my money anymore.

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Still don't understand why people get into arguments about whether or not the game is failing.


If it is failing, it will fail. Arguing about it won't make it fail faster, nor will arguing that it's NOT failing result in its immortal success.


I like the game, so I play it. If I didn't, I wouldn't play it.


Re: Ranked warzones, though. I don't think you understand what happened with these. On the PTR, they were not working right. They were bugged and incomplete and hardly ready for actual release. So many people are quick to jump on Bioware when they release buggy content, and yet these people are also quick to jump on Bioware when the content they want isn't released NOW NOW NOW. You can't have it both ways.


Re: Game ends at level 50. Well... yes. Yes it does. There's no more content after level 50 because that is where the content stops. This argument is the most head-scratchy one I've ever seen on a game. For argument's sake, let's say you finish the game Kingdom Hearts. You get to the end, you've done everything there is to do. Do you then complain that there's nothing else to do? No. You wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 to come out, and there is miraculously more to do! SWTOR is not even a half year old yet. More content is coming.


I don't know the condition of the game. I don't know how much it's making, or how many people are either subscribing or unsubscribing. I just go on playing the game because I find it amusing and fun. Perhaps one day I'll get bored with it and go play something else. That's just the way things are.


I'm starting to feel like people posting that the game is failing are looking for validation or to swing other peoples' opinions their way. Why do you need this? Why do you want more people to feel the way you do?

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Those were only minor supporting examples. Breach of trust namely comes from the PvP scam that caused resubbers to be screwed when the Ranked WZs were denied half a day at the last minute after a suspicious surge of resub posts and excitement in the forums. Also they devs gave no date as to the state of the matter. People are just boiling in the pot right now.


It's hard not to feel slapped in the face. Moreover, slapped in the wallet.


Yes because everything, when it comes to game coding and what not, goes perfectly EVERYTIME with no unforeseen circumstances happening......EVER! Hey if you believe that I got some land about 5 miles due east of Chicago to sell you.

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One thing I must address is your apparent ticket hate.. Op.


every single ticket I have opened has been answered withing 24 hours.. Since beta, I have never had a ticket open more than 24 hours. Sure the answers were that they are looking into the matter, or that it will be sorted out, but within 24 hours my issue was delt with. I have live chatted atleast twice with CS reps, and have had my issue delt with directly.


I really dont see the hate for the current CS

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One thing I must address is your apparent ticket hate.. Op.


every single ticket I have opened has been answered withing 24 hours.. Since beta, I have never had a ticket open more than 24 hours. Sure the answers were that they are looking into the matter, or that it will be sorted out, but within 24 hours my issue was delt with. I have live chatted atleast twice with CS reps, and have had my issue delt with directly.


I really dont see the hate for the current CS


I have had tickets sit for 10-15 days

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That's not false advertising in the least. That's Bioware doing what testing is meant for: figuring out what works, what doesn't, and what might be changed. I preferred it when everything was moddable, too. But to say that switching from the "everything is moddable" system to the " almost nothing is moddable" system to the hybrid system we have now while the game is in testing and has not yet released is false advertising or misleading is not only patently false, but extremely absurd on top of it.



Strangely enough, I don't experience this ability delay.



Every game does that. Every single one. Their previews, trailers, and screenshots are made on the highest-end computers they can buy. If you want to call out EA for this practice, go ahead. But make sure you include every other major game publisher in the industry in your rebuke.


The game looked the same no matter how good of a system you have. They didnt even give you the option to turn the graphics up any higher. Your comment shows you don't know how graphics, graphic settings, and computer hardware work.

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Re: Ranked warzones, though. I don't think you understand what happened with these. On the PTR, they were not working right. They were bugged and incomplete and hardly ready for actual release. So many people are quick to jump on Bioware when they release buggy content, and yet these people are also quick to jump on Bioware when the content they want isn't released NOW NOW NOW. You can't have it both ways.



What about releasing a bug-free on-time content?

I imagine at school...

Teacher in wonderland: ChaosKirin, my beloved boy, hand me your homework. Today is the last day!

You: But teacher, I had nearly completed my homework but It was ruined by my dog and I left it at home!!!

Teacher in wonderland: Ok, Good job by alerting me in advance! Bring it again in three months!

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What I do not understand is why people will hate a game and continue to hang out on and post on said game's forums.


I was burned pretty hard by Aion. I left that game (and forum) and have not been back since. What drives people to stick around to rant and cry?


Boredom... all the great games they're going back too are just as boring is my guess :D

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With the exception of the most die hard fanboys everybody is well aware that not everything is perfect with this game, but on the other hand I don't think it's that terrible that it must be when one trusts the forums here.


Well stated.


If you take the entirety of the post written here, you will see that it represents less then 1% of the player population. The other 99% seem to be happily enjoying the game.


It is just one more example of the vast sea of logical fallacies we swim through each time we begin to read these boards.

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BW is doing a great job! Yes there is room for improvement but everything takes time. The only problems I have with the game is low server populations and not having ranked pvp. When the game was released noone knew what servers were going to end up being the best to play on or not. I'm looking forward to ranked PvP but until then I have plenty to do lvling a few different classes. I think character transfers and X-Server pvp will make a high percentage of the people who are unsatisfied with the game change their mind.
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What about releasing a bug-free on-time content?

I imagine at school...

Teacher in wonderland: ChaosKirin, my beloved boy, hand me your homework. Today is the last day!

You: But teacher, I had nearly completed my homework but It was ruined by my dog and I left it at home!!!

Teacher in wonderland: Ok, Good job by alerting me in advance! Bring it again in three months!


Considering it is homework and the fact that it is on time is more important than how good it is, considering it has a strict deadline, delivering something half-done is better than not delivering at all. As you do not need it to be 100% perfect to pass the class most of the time.


When it comes to delivering a good RANKED PVP experience though, I would say bug-free beats being punctual in priority. When push comes to shove, if you have to choose between one or the other, the choice must be made that hurts the consumer less. And I think the bile about SWTOR PVP would be 10 times bigger if the Ranked PVP system was buggy and therefore exploitable than it is right now.


The decision they were forced to make was the right one in my eyes. It is a shame, but it is better than the alternative.


Or... is your point that they should never have to make a decision like that and always just have to deliver something 100% perfect and on-time. If you believe it is even possible in a multi-person project (which homework is not I might add) in a complex situation like an already running software, delivering 100% perfect products at all times throughout the lifetime of a product.. Then I really want to know what kind of reality you live in, because I want some of that unrealistic-expectations-always-being-met stuff too!

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Holy balls, I came to see if this web domain was for sale yet. Imagine my surprise when I see that the game is still in business! You've got servers with less than 100 people running around on them, it can't last much longer. Oh well, I'll check back in a couple months I guess.
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Still don't understand why people get into arguments about whether or not the game is failing.


Because "Grrr, if Bioware doesn't do 'x' they're gonna lose subs, the game will die, EA will go bankrupt, HUMAN SACRIFICES, CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER.... MASS HYSTERIA!"

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Just another whine thread by a self entitled new mmo player. I swear none of these new batch of players can wait on anything. The main issues with the game is lack of players both for pvp and pve, and you know what, that's a player base issue not bioware issue. Not to mention bioware has already stated they will have that solution fixed by early summer. Why release rated war zones without a cross sever que? Because you same whiners will whine when your pug is forced to fight 8 man premades and get constantly crushed. This game is very good, class balance is pretty close, moreso than any mmo i have played out of the box. They have plenty to do for pve and raid content, an awesome franchise. Anyway once all those other mmo release and get dropped by this childish self entitled new batch of players and fail I will be right here enjoying a very good game.
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Well stated.


If you take the entirety of the post written here, you will see that it represents less then 1% of the player population. The other 99% seem to be happily enjoying the game.


It is just one more example of the vast sea of logical fallacies we swim through each time we begin to read these boards.


I lke made up numbers, so thank you. Indeed a small portion of the player base comes to the forum and I can say that 100% of the people enjoying the game do enjoy the game. But beyond that, I am seeing a ton of unsubs and server pops (with a few exceptions) dropping like rocks. Only EA/BW knows the true number of subs and they won't tell and those numbers will be further obscured by the free time and sales promotions that will cause short term blips.


As to those still playing, I also can't say how many are enjoying the game and to what degree they are doing so. I have no idea how many are playing out their time, how many are holding on hoping things get better, how many are trying to finish a story line or reach a goal, and how many are still subed but not or hardly playing.


It is simple and I have been around for some time even before my forum date. The game is indeed not as it was represented or hyped in many many ways.

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