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Who would win in a fight Trooper or Bounty Hunter

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Unfortunately, it is impossible to say who would win in a one on one fight between a Trooper and a Bounty Hunter, at range with blasters it'll come down to who is more accurate in their fire as well as who utilizes cover and concealment the best along with taking advantage of their environs. Physiology is also important in a fire fight, smaller guys are harder to hit than big guys; less surface area to get shot in.


Equipment on a one on one fight really has little bearing; a bullet from a 9mm or 20mm will get you just as dead if it hits you in the right place. The winner of this fight is going to come down to the individual; whoever is more resourceful, creative, and capable of proactive and reactive strategic adaptation is going to win the day.

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The best Bounty Hunter will beat the best Trooper, but the typical Trooper will beat the typical Bounty Hunter.


I'm with this guy ------^


I think if you take into account the Mandalorians (which are most likely to be the best BHs) they are trained to fight from a very young age and if they are good that means they get all the high paying bounties and can afford all the top notch gear. This gives them an edge over troopers IMO. Though, yes, a typical BH will not be as skilled and won't be able to afford the gear that the trooper will have provided by the government. This is all from lore perspective, from game perspective it all depends on the player's skill and gear.

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I think if you take into account the Mandalorians (which are most likely to be the best BHs) they are trained to fight from a very young age and if they are good that means they get all the high paying bounties and can afford all the top notch gear. This gives them an edge over troopers IMO. Though, yes, a typical BH will not be as skilled and won't be able to afford the gear that the trooper will have provided by the government. This is all from lore perspective, from game perspective it all depends on the player's skill and gear.


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The best Bounty Hunter will beat the best Trooper, but the typical Trooper will beat the typical Bounty Hunter.

100% agree...


Boba Fett survived (albeit at the integrity of most of his Mandolorian armour) a Thermal Detonator blast at essentially contact range to escape the Sarlaac.


Despite what we see in the Sacking of Aldaraan vid, a trooper holding a Thermal Detonator in his hand might survive, but he'd be minus the hand, and most/all of his arm.


The average Hunter is little more than a street tough who got lucky a couple of times... The elite are the functional equivalent of the elite of the elite of the Military skill and survivability wise...since a fair number of them are just that... Retired/Cashiered Military elites. (If you've played Mass Effect, think Kai Leng. He was an N6 trained soldier that was cashiered over a bar fight.)

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Your assertions are honestly laughable. A government soldier has access to the best, most advanced tactics, weapons, and equipment. They will also be given new equipment as soon as it is developed and put into production and return for additional training when not in combat. A Bounty Hunter does not have access to that vast pool of resources.


No, laughable is the presumption that a LINE SOLDIER has access to the best of the best. The average soldier has essentially second rate equipment, because the Government can buy five times as much for the same amount. Any Goverment who's military relies on the newest and shiniest toys is a Government who's military doesn't have a clue as to how to use the equipment they have, because by the time they know HOW to use it, it's replaced with something newer and more expensive!


Think about WWII... Specifically the Commonwealth forces. They were issued STEN guns...cheap garbage that after 4-5 clips had to be tossed-out. Why? Because they were cheap like Borcht, bought in mass quantities, and easily replaced.

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if the bounty hunter is like a mandilorian then he would proably win because just in general bounty hunters are generaly jedi killers (ie. jango-bobba fett, and the lady bounter in the game) so unless the tropper has heavy ordance the tropper would lose sry:D
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