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Why the novels and books arent a valid sorce of information


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you can say that all you want but wont make it true the book exist and its not afan fic but it i a very old book


If you're referring to Splinter of the Mind's Eye, then you obviously haven't read it. Yes, it's been retconned back to N-Canon, but it never portrayed Luke and Leia that way.

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i totally agree on that we cant do anything about it but that dosent mean we have to accept it


Whether you want to accept it or not doesn't matter at all. Your opinion is absolutely worthless as far as what is and is not Canon goes. I'm not trying to be mean with this, that's just the truth. The books are gospel as long as they conform to the movies, like it or not *cough*Traviss*cough*, their events happen.

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Ok, has it been mentioned yet how often Lucas lies through his teeth? If that was the case, then every edition of the A New Hope novelization would have had Greedo shooting first. Every novelization of Return of the Jedi would have Vader shouting "NOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!" as he tossed ol' Pally into the reactor shaft.


You may not be old enough to remember, but George gave a televised interview back in 1980 shortly after ESB released, talking about his plans for the saga, including 9 movie scripts ALREADY written and finalized. Then after the prequels got railed by both critics and fans, he said he never planned more than 6 movies. He changed his story again with Anakin now being the main character instead of Luke.


Also, what is the title of the book where Luke and Leia have kids? I would definitely like to know. Yes, I'm afraid this is a "Pics Or It Didn't Happen" moment.


i can understand you skeptixc but if u see the second edition of the movies before a new hope starts he clearly states he wasnet satisfied and the movies are incomplete...


the novel i refer too i read was translated to danish so it had danish title but the title roughly translated is... star wars: after the empires fall..

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i can understand you skeptixc but if u see the second edition of the movies before a new hope starts he clearly states he wasnet satisfied and the movies are incomplete...


the novel i refer too i read was translated to danish so it had danish title but the title roughly translated is... star wars: after the empires fall..


but that can be another title alltoghter in english ill try to find it and post it in original OP as soon as possible

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i can understand you skeptixc but if u see the second edition of the movies before a new hope starts he clearly states he wasnet satisfied and the movies are incomplete...


the novel i refer too i read was translated to danish so it had danish title but the title roughly translated is... star wars: after the empires fall..


You're misremembering things/skewing facts. The first expanded universe novel was Splinter of the mind's eye. Which didn't have Luke and Leia having kids.


I'm going to stop beating around the bush and say this. I have almost every Star Wars novel written. From the oldest to most of the newest. You're wrong.

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Whether you want to accept it or not doesn't matter at all. Your opinion is absolutely worthless as far as what is and is not Canon goes. I'm not trying to be mean with this, that's just the truth. The books are gospel as long as they conform to the movies, like it or not *cough*Traviss*cough*, their events happen.


I'll still take C-Canon over G-Canon any day of the week. Stories tend to be better than George's stuff, with a few exceptions *cough*Traviss*cough*. lol

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Whether you want to accept it or not doesn't matter at all. Your opinion is absolutely worthless as far as what is and is not Canon goes. I'm not trying to be mean with this, that's just the truth. The books are gospel as long as they conform to the movies, like it or not *cough*Traviss*cough*, their events happen.


im not saying.. what i say goes... lets look at it another way the ones who believe the books are sepratists since they believe what george dident write.. and the loyalists who believe what he say and notthing else

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You're misremembering things/skewing facts. The first expanded universe novel was Splinter of the mind's eye. Which didn't have Luke and Leia having kids.



im not saying it ws one of the first novles far from it and i have seen and read a book rented from the libray where it says luke and leia had kids sorry but it is true ill find the english name of the novel and post in original op later

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im not saying it ws one of the first novles far from it and i have seen and read a book rented from the libray where it says luke and leia had kids sorry but it is true ill find the english name of the novel and post in original op later


Again, you're mistaken. After the splinter of the mind's eye the Thrawn series came out not too long after. These were the novels which introduced Mara Jade. Before this the comics had already established that Leia had kids with Han. Go to wikipedia. It's all there. Alternatively go to the Star Wars Wikia. Any such "Novel" wasn't approved by George Lucas.

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im not saying.. what i say goes... lets look at it another way the ones who believe the books are sepratists since they believe what george dident write.. and the loyalists who believe what he say and notthing else


Listen carefully. I can say this once.


EVERY novel that comes out HAS to fit into the movie continuity in some way, shape or form. The further back the novels/games/comics go, the easier that is to accomplish. TOR and KotOR for example. Easy to fit in, since they really have nothing to do with the trilogies. They're in the realm of "As long as they don't contradict the movies, they're good to go."


Now walk away casually, like you were just saying hi.

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Alternatively go to the Star Wars Wikia. Any such "Novel" wasn't approved by George Lucas.


i know and thats my point it wasent approved but that dosent mean it dosent exist.. like some of the other books who isent approved but is still cosidered canon...


so no im not wrong

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i know and thats my point it wasent approved but that dosent mean it dosent exist.. like some of the other books who isent approved but is still cosidered canon...


All of the books have been approved or they don't get published. Example. If I wanted to write a Star Wars novel. I'd have to get permission from Lucas arts. Then after the novel is written. It would have to pass through them first. I don't fully understand the process but that's the basic gist of it.

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All of the books have been approved or they don't get published. Example. If I wanted to write a Star Wars novel. I'd have to get permission from Lucas arts. Then after the novel is written. It would have to pass through them first. I don't fully understand the process but that's the basic gist of it.


dosnt change the fact that this book exists i know its suck and it is a sick thing but it is out there considwer it the black sheep of the family if u will

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dosnt change the fact that this book exists i know its suck and it is a sick thing but it is out there considwer it the black sheep of the family if u will


Let me make it more clear than before. Authors have come up with ideas that George Lucas himself has outright stepped in and told them they weren't allowed to do that and forced them to change it. He outright told the authors to kill Anakin Solo off. He told them that they had to do it. In the Dark Empire comic series they originally had plans to have someone pretending to be Vader. Lucas stepped in and told them to bring the Emperor back instead. George has stepped in and changed the novels directions. He has given orders that certain characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc) are not allowed to be killed off.


For something that "isn't approved" by Lucas.. he certainly has a lot of control/influence over the work.


The book does not exist. I know every Star Wars novel out there. It does not exist. I can give you the chronological order that the novels came out. Again, I will say it one more time. It doesn't exist.




The novels are approved by Lucas Arts.


The novels are Canon.


Your novel doesn't exist. You are misremembering, mistranslated, or misunderstood the events in the novel.


Even if said novel did happen to exist (which it doesn't) the rules of Canon would state it's now Non Canon anyway. So trying to go "It's a black sheep but happened!" is wrong. Lucas hired Leland Chee to handle the rules regarding Canon. If an older novel contradicts a newer one. The newer one takes precedence over the older one. Therefore, the older novel is now invalid. This allows retcons to happen and if something contradicts something else it's easily retconned.

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dosnt change the fact that this book exists i know its suck and it is a sick thing but it is out there considwer it the black sheep of the family if u will


Ok. Last time I'm going to say this: IF that book EVER existed, and was actually PUBLISHED BY LUCASARTS, or even if it was NOT published by LucasArts, then there would be some record of it somewhere in wookieepedia. THERE IS NONE. BZZZZT. Thank you for playing.

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i know and thats my point it wasent approved but that dosent mean it dosent exist.. like some of the other books who isent approved but is still cosidered canon...


so no im not wrong


All official Star Wars novels are vetted by the Lucas Arts publishing staff in order to ensure Canon continuity. Any Star Wars novel that is published without being vetted is an illegal use of the Star Wars intellectual property and the author and publishing house are susceptible to legal action being taken against them. The only novels/comics/games that are legally allowed to be published that do not conform to Canon are under the Star Wars Infinities label, which are all considered N-Canon "What if" stories.

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The book does not exist. I know every Star Wars novel out there. It does not exist. I can give you the chronological order that the novels came out. Again, I will say it one more time. It doesn't exist.


yes it does you claim u know the order well have u read ALL NOVLES AND BOOK DOUBT FULL.. i dont doubt you follow the canon fully and i respect that but saying something doesent exist because you havent read it is narrow minded

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Let me make it more clear than before. Authors have come up with ideas that George Lucas himself has outright stepped in and told them they weren't allowed to do that and forced them to change it. He outright told the authors to kill Anakin Solo off. He told them that they had to do it. In the Dark Empire comic series they originally had plans to have someone pretending to be Vader. Lucas stepped in and told them to bring the Emperor back instead. George has stepped in and changed the novels directions. He has given orders that certain characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc) are not allowed to be killed off.


Wait, what? Really?


I'd have thought he would be against that.

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yes it does you claim u know the order well have u read ALL NOVLES AND BOOK DOUBT FULL.. i dont doubt you follow the canon fully and i respect that but saying something doesent exist because you havent read it is narrow minded


I have nearly read them all. Yes I have. I have all the older novels up to most of the newer ones. I'm missing only a few novels. You have no idea on my knowledge regarding Star Wars. You can discuss nearly any novel there is and I can go into detail about that particular novel right back. I have various quotes from various sources and novels ready to go to support my arguments on here which I have used numerous times. It's not "If I haven't read it; it doesn't exist." It's that every site that has listed every Star Wars novel ever made I own 98% of them and the earliest novels are all there on my book shelf. I can give you the chronological order each novel came out.

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yes i know.. they say its a good *STORY* you can publish but that dosent mean its what happened


in most cases it is, in the SWTOR Novels it IS what happened, but the Legacy era and pretty much everything that happens after the movies is Disputed, but id still consider them Canon

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Let me make it more clear than before. Authors have come up with ideas that George Lucas himself has outright stepped in and told them they weren't allowed to do that and forced them to change it. He outright told the authors to kill Anakin Solo off. He told them that they had to do it. In the Dark Empire comic series they originally had plans to have someone pretending to be Vader. Lucas stepped in and told them to bring the Emperor back instead. George has stepped in and changed the novels directions. He has given orders that certain characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc) are not allowed to be killed off.


For something that "isn't approved" by Lucas.. he certainly has a lot of control/influence over the work.


The book does not exist. I know every Star Wars novel out there. It does not exist. I can give you the chronological order that the novels came out. Again, I will say it one more time. It doesn't exist.




The novels are approved by Lucas Arts.


The novels are Canon.


Your novel doesn't exist. You are misremembering, mistranslated, or misunderstood the events in the novel.


Even if said novel did happen to exist (which it doesn't) the rules of Canon would state it's now Non Canon anyway. So trying to go "It's a black sheep but happened!" is wrong. Lucas hired Leland Chee to handle the rules regarding Canon. If an older novel contradicts a newer one. The newer one takes precedence over the older one. Therefore, the older novel is now invalid. This allows retcons to happen and if something contradicts something else it's easily retconned.


Chewbacca being crushed by a moon?

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Chewbacca being crushed by a moon?


Unfortunately yes. Lucas approved Chewbacca's death and a lame death it was. The only ones who can't die I believe are.. Luke, Leia, Han Solo, and maybe R2-D2. Unsure about the last one. Although, I use die loosely considering he's a droid.

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in most cases it is, in the SWTOR Novels it IS what happened, but the Legacy era and pretty much everything that happens after the movies is Disputed, but id still consider them Canon


Every novel from Truce at bakura to the most recent Fate of the Jedi novel are canon. This is a fact. The movies take precendence over everything else but all the novels written since the early 1990's are canon and HAVE happened. They are also a valid source of information. As for Chewie being crushed by the moon, if I remember correctly Lucas himself gave the order to kill the wookie off. Even if the order didn't come from him he gave the go ahead, so it happened.


Novels are C-Canon behind the films, which are G-canon. There is no disputing this.

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