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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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Well you ignored the shield or number of CC abilites did you not?


You do not want to go down the road of defensive CD comparision to bring your statement any further. Those have been discussed in length in the last thread.

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They wouldnt be so bad if it werent for hydraulic overides. Where you can snare, root, or KB other classes they are mostly immune and you cant cleanse the root they put on except if you are an Operative. All you have is stun or Mez against them.


If I had a quarter for every time I'm slowed by a PT and he uses HO to spin circles around me while I wait begging for my stun or my cc break to refresh I'd buy myself a new car. :p


Also, maybe I'm imagining things, but it feels like that spin animation also causes lag so you get like a stutter on the server when a PT is attacking you which ties you in their range longer than you'd be there aghainst others. Another thing I've always wondered is if it's exclusivly the HO that makes they immune to KB or if even without HO up, because the animation makes them float in the air, if they as an aside become immune to KB regardless.

Edited by LancelotOC
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Well you ignored the shield or number of CC abilites did you not?


Sorcs have a higher number of CCs, and force speed. A PT that is in melee range will never be able to leave melee range unless someone pulls or pushes him. They have no "I'm out of here" button. They have an AE stun that last 2.5 seconds, 3 seconds if the Pyro is wearing the wrong armor set.


They wouldnt be so bad if it werent for hydraulic overides. Where you can snare, root, or KB other classes they are mostly immune and you cant cleanse the root they put on except if you are an Operative. All you have is stun or Mez against them.


If I had a quarter for every time I'm slowed by a PT and he uses HO to spin circles around me while I wait begging for my stun or my cc break to refresh I'd buy myself a new car. :p


A single powertech can not spec for TD and HO. He cannot spec for high damage on rail shot, and HO.

Edited by Hethroin
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Well you ignored the shield or number of CC abilites did you not?


Why would I wear a shield as a dps?


All i'm learning from these posts of yours last few days in various threads is that you are a terrible Sorc who can't take the time to learn how to play.

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LOL you pick only the class that everyone agrees is just flat you OP.

At least your total bias is not unfounded or clouded by self intrest.


(P.S. I put all my mistakes in the game as I am human and do not have a huge ego to drag around)


Yes, I did exactly that.


I picked a Sorcerer during early release, before anyone had really played the game. Obviously I did this because I knew the class was OP, even though I didn't play in beta at all. (PS: Sorcs were never OP, they were free kills for those who knew how to fight them, and continue to be.)


It got boring after grinding out BM, and Steve Blum does the BH voice (which was a huge draw to the class for a Cowboy Bebop fan), so I made a BH. Mercs were the reigning "OP" class along w/ Sorcs at the time, and NOBODY played Powertechs, so I tried it out and liked it. 2nd BM.


PTs are awesome, but they lack buttons to push, and I missed having more utility. I'd wanted to tank on an Assassin since the AC was announced (long before public beta), and had always planned to. My fiance wanted to play twin twi'lek assassins, like in KotOR, and I thought it was a cute idea. Thus, I made my Tankasin, and it's a lot of fun. (Also, my fiance plays a Jug tank, and I have a PT, so Tankasin is the only tank class we hadn't tried yet)


The Marauder was mostly so I could learn how to beat one of the classes that was giving me a lot of trouble as a PT, as I couldn't recognize which buffs were what at the time, and wanted to be better at my own classes. It was a great idea. I suggest you try it, actually, since you can't seem to understand what a Powertech's weaknesses are.


It's a shame you can't seem to fathom that some of us play the classes that appeal to us.


I bet it would blow your mind to learn that I spent most of my time as a PT trying to make the inferior Advanced Prototype spec work for me before finally shelving it and tailor-making a Pyro/AP build that suited my needs better.

Edited by Varicite
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I swear if my class that I have played from day 1 gets nerfed because of forum whiners like the OP I will be majorly pissed! It is good to see that there are a lot of players who can look at the big picture.


Powertech pyro does some awesome damage. It's static dps is comparable to every other class, but is unique in the fact that it can output this dps nearly all the time, as it is mid ranged and has no cast times. This makes it very good in pvp, but it is balanced by the fact we are easy to shut down if focused.


The delayed thermal detonator is what people seem to have a problem with. It applies itself, then after 1 global cooldown it activates, which can be combined with a rail shot. When you see a big sticky grenade on you, pop some defensive cooldowns, and you will have scuppered that initial burst. (especially if you have a +defense cooldown).


Just seriously learn to play. That means learn to play your class, and learn how to play against every class. Seems like there is a FOTM class to whine about. There is always going to be something that is going to beat you, because there are people who are better than you out there, who instead of whining, get on and figure out how to win.


If you want something to make yourself feel better, take my 30% snare away, or make it so TD applies damage instantly. Any damage reductions would destroy the class' dps potential in both pve and pvp. Bioware, I know you are watching, really really think about what message you are sending out if you respond to the minority that moan about each class in a row being OP. Look at your own metrics, and you will see the culprit is the burst stacking of adrenals/relics etc - NOT class balance issues. Everything has to be considered in context.


FInally, remember this game is not balanced around 1v1 fights. It's a team game. Play as a team and if you think one class is dangerous, then shut it down.

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PTs just hit too hard even on geared people. 3-4 GCDs and they kill people with 1200+ expertise. You can defend the AC as much as you want but they just burst too hard with no setup and it will get nerfed.
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PTs just hit too hard even on geared people. 3-4 GCDs and they kill people with 1200+ expertise. You can defend the AC as much as you want but they just burst too hard with no setup and it will get nerfed.


PT's are fine. stop your QQ'ing.

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Pts are fine. l2p


PvP Tank specced PT/VG's can't do jack for damage and PvP DPS specced PT/VG's don't have the mitigation of their counterpart spec. That's we like to call balance. The proof to this is that "hybrid" specs are fail for PT/VG. Just L2P and **** w/ the QQ.

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PTs just hit too hard even on geared people. 3-4 GCDs and they kill people with 1200+ expertise. You can defend the AC as much as you want but they just burst too hard with no setup and it will get nerfed.


No they can't. A decent 1200 expertise player should have 17-18k HP. The burst is at minimum 5 globals long. TD>IM>RS>RP(60% proc chance)>RS. That is with luck, if you don't crit your damage is awful(RS at 1.8k ish). You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about if you think pyro can 3 shot people.


You say hard burst with NO SETUP yet it is the setup that you are ignoring, that you think the burst just happens. The thermal detonator and dot applied is the setup to hit with the burst of TD explosion, rail shot, rocket punch(60% chance to get RS), rail shot.

Edited by ACMessiah
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Would be nice if the class was more difficult to play. Hell at least on a marauder you've got a good number of buttons to press. We all see the bad marauders. They have great gear and still don't do very well. It's not some major feat of skill to do well on a marauder, but it at least requires some basic skills (which funny enough, is enough to disqualify about 3/4 of the population).


Ever see a well geared powertech not do well? I don't know that it's even possible.

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Ever see a well geared powertech not do well? I don't know that it's even possible.

There are not enough powertechs to make this observation.


You can just as easily do poorly on a powertech as you can on a marauder. PTs resource systems allows for fewer rotation errors than the marauder.

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if anything, the hybrid issue is the only thing that needs to be addressed. a tank spec in dps gear shouldn't be such a monster. also, it would be hilarious to ruin the hordes of tank spec'd dps gear people, be they powertechs or sins.


aside from this very specific issue, i think powertechs are fine. the fact that they do more pyro damage than a merc says more about the bad state of a merc than the powertech.

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There are not enough powertechs to make this observation.


You can just as easily do poorly on a powertech as you can on a marauder. PTs resource systems allows for fewer rotation errors than the marauder.


A few weeks ago I would have agreed with you, not enough powertechs for it to be a huge deal. On my server at least, this is no longer the case.


It seems on other servers more people are on the marauder bandwagon. On mine, it is PTs. Things get really ugly in those brawls at nodes in novare coast, voidstar doors etc when you're fighting against several. You really start noticing the difference between them and other dps then, especially if you're a geared regular on the pvp scene which routinely gets focused early.


This also plays well into the 1.2 PT changes for them. The "nerf" added the 6 sec delay to resetting rail shot and in exchange upped the chance of getting the proc. This reduced their sustained damage but increased their frontloaded damage since they'll get that first proc earlier. Heavy frontloaded damage definitely synergizes well with heavy frontloaded damage from others.


TEAMS OF STUNLOCKING POWERTECHS ARE MAKING ME UNSUB =P (not really, but it's extremely dangerous).

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it's definitely true that in the sub50 bracket, there are a lot of powertechs and marauders. sins too, of course.


nobody in their right mind is rerolling a sorc or a merc. i still think this says more about the current "bad" classes, than the class in question.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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In assalt/pyro I die too fast and sometimes the healer can't even help me...


In assalt/pyro we have no def, no mitigation, a poor shield(25% absorvs for some secs) and a skill that heals 1,5k in 10s( I die much early than that )


The vanguard is the most balance class in this game, cuz if we use a tank spec we have average dmg and if we use the attack spec we have no def...


Vanguards and Powertechs are ok.

Edited by masterbason
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There are not enough powertechs to make this observation.


You can just as easily do poorly on a powertech as you can on a marauder. PTs resource systems allows for fewer rotation errors than the marauder.


This is true only in the fact that you have to know your rotation or you will end up doing no damage. Though I still see PT's who use Unload and I don't know why.


The reason you are seeing more PT's playing well and dominating is because the Powertech/Vanguard community has done an amazing job of putting out more guides, instructional videos, and helpful pvp tips than any other community out there. There is less flame and more substance in the community therefore you will see more players who know what they are doing. There are 3 stickied guides already in the PT community and about half a dozen helpful Shieldtech pvp instructional posts.


On the OP's note, PT's are not overpowered, if you are dying in 4 seconds someone else is hitting you. I died in 3 seconds to two marauders and a sniper does that mean one of them is OP. Snipers absolutely wreck PT/VG's, but you will never see a PT start a post with how Overpowered they are. We have 2 weak stuns and grapple. The only way we are tough to take down in DPS spec is if you have no gear and don't know how to play. You can't take off 18k health in 4 GCD's unless you have crap for gear.


I believe if you have WH gear it would take a full rotation to take off half your health. For AP - PFT on a full WH geared guy hits for 1200 a tick x4 which would be 4800 that's 3 seconds. Immolate on War Hero gear is 2200 -2600. That brings you to 7400 off and that's if everything crits and you have used 0 defensive CD's. Flame Burst is about 2k crit and aroudn 1100 non-crit - So in order for me to take of 9k health I would need 5-6 GCD's adn have all of them crit.


For a Pyro to hit 9k on War hero geared people, They would need crits from TD- FB- RS - RP - RS with IM ticking that's 6 GCD's so again you have absolutely no valid claim to your evidence. Either you faced a full WH geared Pyro PT who got really lucky (no PT really carries much crit) while you were in 3/4 BM gear.


I can prove everything I have stated with video and screenshots that can be found easily in the PT forums. Trust me on this one, the only reason you see more good VG's and PT's is that the PT/VG community has taken the time to fully investigate, help, and write about their experiences. If the rest of the communities would do this you would see a rise in gameplay.


It's much easier to reroll and play a class well when you can follow the advice of someone who has done it before.

Edited by TheOpf
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I swear if my class that I have played from day 1 gets nerfed because of forum whiners like the OP I will be majorly pissed! It is good to see that there are a lot of players who can look at the big picture.


Powertech pyro does some awesome damage. It's static dps is comparable to every other class, but is unique in the fact that it can output this dps nearly all the time, as it is mid ranged and has no cast times. This makes it very good in pvp, but it is balanced by the fact we are easy to shut down if focused.


The delayed thermal detonator is what people seem to have a problem with. It applies itself, then after 1 global cooldown it activates, which can be combined with a rail shot. When you see a big sticky grenade on you, pop some defensive cooldowns, and you will have scuppered that initial burst. (especially if you have a +defense cooldown).


Just seriously learn to play. That means learn to play your class, and learn how to play against every class. Seems like there is a FOTM class to whine about. There is always going to be something that is going to beat you, because there are people who are better than you out there, who instead of whining, get on and figure out how to win.


If you want something to make yourself feel better, take my 30% snare away, or make it so TD applies damage instantly. Any damage reductions would destroy the class' dps potential in both pve and pvp. Bioware, I know you are watching, really really think about what message you are sending out if you respond to the minority that moan about each class in a row being OP. Look at your own metrics, and you will see the culprit is the burst stacking of adrenals/relics etc - NOT class balance issues. Everything has to be considered in context.


FInally, remember this game is not balanced around 1v1 fights. It's a team game. Play as a team and if you think one class is dangerous, then shut it down.


I think making it so you can't use the tank stance with the Rail shot proc skill was all they needed to balance the class it's fine.

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