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PVP Distraction


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Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you a little bit about what I do in any domination WZ. I am a level 38 Infil spec shadow.


I go to whatever point we don't want to cap, and have the rest of my team go to the other points. I'm usually able to mind mez their one who goes to cap and keep them busy for at least 20 seconds, at which point we've capped our side's point, and have a slight advantage. Then, I run around and mind maze people repeatedly. It has no CD so I can chain cast on 2 people, and though it can only affect one at a time, it confuses them. If they pull me from stealth, I can Resilience + Force Cloak every 2 mins. The enemy team often thinks there is more than one stealthy at base and has 2 defend, and even 3 about 50% of the time. At that point, it's a 7 v 6 or better on the rest of the map.


Sadly, this doesn't get me many medals, but it does win games. Once we have a large advantage I go grab some medals.


Lastly, this is a ton of FUN! Lol, seeing my enemies run around looking like a chicken with its head cut off, and knowing I am occupying 2-3 people so my team can go stomp on the other 2/3rds of the map, plus doing something SNEAKY other than just fighting- awesome.


Try it, let me know what you think. Remember to tell your team to NOT come to the point you are at. Cheers guys.


P.S. Don't forget blackout for improved stealth.

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You will notice it still works in the 50 pvp-bracket. Depends who you are going against mind you, some pvp players have seen that so many times that they quickly react in a very good way (good for them , not you).

But yeah I've done that ALL the time.

And now when I do see those players I know by name WILL be smart enough to counter me I just change tactics.

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This is a nice trick.



You can also do something like this (Works great in Civil War if you're facing 1 enemy):



1) Get to the the turret (With stealth on obviously).


2) When you see an enemy approaching, let him start slicing, then mind maze him.


3) Immediately after that, start capping the turret.


4) He/She'll most probably use their CC breaker to interrupt you.


5) Once they break Mind Maze, (Resilience) + Force Cloak + Force Speed. That makes him/her leave the combat.


6) Now mind maze him/her again - He/she won't be able to break it, since his/her CC breaker is on cooldown ;o


7) Cap the tower and don't forget about /lol and /dance.

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That trick can't work against an experienced opponent, NeverRose.

Mind Maze in pvp has a shorted duration than what you need to capture a turret, so if the opponent is still near of it, he's going to interrupt you before the end.


What can work instead is Trick #24:

- Force pull the opponent far from the turret

- Force cloak + Blackout and get behind him while he's wondering what the **** is happening

- Mind Maze him

- Hit Force speed, run behind the turret, capture it


He's going to be freed of Mind maze before you get the turret, but it will have to close all the distance to stop you and if you perform it well and he's not an assassin with Force speed himself, he's screwed.


But that #24 is a bit difficult to perform imho, I prefer Trick #8:

- Go with a shadow friend

- Force pull

- Spinning kick

- Force Cloak + Mind Maze

- look at the opponent cry after your friend used all that time to tag the turret

It requiers some help to be done but it's much more reliable and easy to pull out from our sleeves.

Edited by Moonheart_S
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when going with 2 stealthers, why so complicated? just perform a sap to trinket resap:


1. mind maze at the same time your mate starts to slice turret (or plant bomb)

2. he will use stunbreaker

3. instantly mind maze again. done



when going alone:


1. mind maze and do 1 short step behind turret (los)

2. start slice

3. he will use stunbreaker

4. force lift (vs good players: resilience and fakecast to avoid kick)

5. 1 short step (los) and slice. done


(only chance for him to interrupt you is an extremely fast executed instant AOE spell which does not require target)



BOTH works when facing very good players as long as you act quick AND have a good internet connection

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That trick can't work against an experienced opponent, NeverRose.

Mind Maze in pvp has a shorted duration than what you need to capture a turret, so if the opponent is still near of it, he's going to interrupt you before the end.




Well duh, of course it only works on baddies and idiots.



Fortunately most of PvP community seems that way ;o

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when going with 2 stealthers, why so complicated? just perform a sap to trinket resap:


1. mind maze at the same time your mate starts to slice turret (or plant bomb)

2. he will use stunbreaker

3. instantly mind maze again. done


That's not going to work against an experienced player as well, because he will hit an instant attack button at the same time that he hits his trinket... (god, do we have to use wow terminology, really...)


when going alone:


1. mind maze and do 1 short step behind turret (los)

2. start slice

3. he will use stunbreaker

4. force lift (vs good players: resilience and fakecast to avoid kick)

5. 1 short step (los) and slice. done


Still won't work. Any good player will have time move-bump you after the second sap.

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That's not going to work against an experienced player as well, because he will hit an instant attack button at the same time that he hits his trinket... (god, do we have to use wow terminology, really...)


its all about quick reaction and internet connection. are you faster or is your opponent faster? win or lose? thats pvp



Still won't work. Any good player will have time move-bump you after the second sap.


it works against good players. you have to do it in the right angle, so the time you need to get LOS is far LESS then the time he will need to get to you (notice: exeption is instant cast AOE spell without target lock needed)

use force lift, not sap, force lift has 30meters range


heres an example: http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2883/eyvbwhyc_jpg.htm

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It never worked against me past the first time, and I think I'm rather an average player than a good one.


then i asume:

a) you have better internet connection or

b) your enemys have bad reaction time or

c) they dont know how to LOS which is the KEY to success


guess its c) since most players dont care about movement and LOS in this game


i would consider myself a good player, and for me its works almost every time, even against players with good movement and general awareness. when properly executed its a guaranteed tap (keep in mind instant AOE exception)





did you play wow?

frostmage does frostblock and when it fades you see for like 0.1 sec a light blue animation, this is when you had to strike. its not a GDC but he cant do anything either. acting quicker then him allowed you to stun the mage out of frostblock even when he was hammering his casts. its the same you can do in swtor (resap trinket, my first point - as an example)


its something you can learn

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then i asume:

a) you have better internet connection or

b) your enemys have bad reaction time or

c) they dont know how to LOS which is the KEY to success


guess its c) since most players dont care about movement and LOS in this game


No, I just have spam the bump key during the sap like a madman... when the mind maze ends, it automatically interrupt the opponent, just, what... 0,5s before the completion?

I could think I have a) b) or c).... about on EACH friggin time since I pvp on swtor? Damn, I have the best connection internet of all time and every player on my server is slow and unexperienced with LOS?


That would be too much luck, IMHO, to be real.


i would consider myself a good player, and for me its works almost every time, even against players with good movement and general awareness. when properly executed its a guaranteed tap (keep in mind instant AOE exception)


Well, I'll try again. I've always been on the other side with that trick so far and since it didn't work on me, I assumed it was useless to try it myself... but perhaps there is enough players not used to it to succeed with it.


did you play wow?


No. But I start to see when people use wow terminology, because I had a friggin hard time to understand people doing so at first.

I was all "Sap? Vanish? What the hell are they speaking about?"


Please think about players that never did it. They would like to understand your post without having to go play to an old MMO first.

That's "Mind Maze" and "Force Cloak". "maze" or "cloak" if you want it short.


frostmage does frostblock and when it fades you see for like 0.1 sec a light blue animation, this is when you had to strike. its not a GDC but he cant do anything either. acting quicker then him allowed you to stun the mage out of frostblock even when he was hammering his casts. its the same you can do in swtor (resap trinket, my first point - as an example)


its something you can learn


I don't know frostmage or frostblock, but don't mistake the case of an ability fading naturaly (the server issue the information to both sides at the same time, and the fastest internet connexion win the initiative) and a ability being purged. When someone purge, his client knows BEFORE YOURS that the stun effect is gone, whatever your internet connexion is, so he got the opportunity to strike first, even if you're really fast.

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concerning the last point, the ability showed a light blue animation in both cases: when he (the player) purged it from himself whenever he decided to, aswell as when it was fading naturaly, and in both cases he couldnt do anything against your stun as long as you knew about this animation thingy and acted quicker then him.


same for SWTOR: although stunbreaker does NOT trigger GCD you CANT break stuns and use an ability at the same time. there is a short moment in between and thats your time to react. add LOS and you have even more time becaus he has to position himself


you can hammerspam your ability while beeing mind mazed, so when you get out you ALMOST immediately cast this spell. BUT when your opponent is our of LOS you wont hit him = your abilityspam is worthles. you have to position yourself to be able to interrupt him, thats what im talking about and what i tryed to paint for you (jpg)

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What I do for solo caps (plants on Voidstar or turrets in Civil War) is mind trap first and start the plant to bait a cc break. After that I whirlwind and immediately start the plant again. It's literally impossible to stop at that point. I know what you're all thinking, "I'd just spam an attack or aoe or instant or whatever" but because of the way the client works it's not possible. Whirlwind works much better then mind trap because you don't lose any time coming out of stealth before the plant, it's instant. Try it for yourselves.


Here's a video demonstrating. Notice he was literally right next to me and spamming instants and couldn't get the interrupt in time.


Good luck and happy planting.


- Doc

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These are gimmicks, why not just kill the two people guarding the turret it's not like it's hard, unless it's 2 well played mara/sents. Then cap it.


Also, I would hate to have you on my team, needlessly filling up resolve bars for no reason at all. Learn to be more than just a distraction.

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These are gimmicks, why not just kill the two people guarding the turret it's not like it's hard, unless it's 2 well played mara/sents. Then cap it.


Also, I would hate to have you on my team, needlessly filling up resolve bars for no reason at all. Learn to be more than just a distraction.


Actually sir I've found whirlwind capping so much better then trying to "just kill" the defenders. Killing someone in a fight isn't the problem, it's the reinforcements coming from the other door in Voidstar or the speeder in Civil War that makes it difficult. Since it seems that you're rendering an opinion of this being gimmicky without even trying it yourself, maybe you should be more open minded.


- Doc

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These are gimmicks, why not just kill the two people guarding the turret it's not like it's hard, unless it's 2 well played mara/sents. Then cap it.


Also, I would hate to have you on my team, needlessly filling up resolve bars for no reason at all. Learn to be more than just a distraction.


I wouldnt mind to have you on my team because while you being the perfect distraction trying to kill those guys Im going to ninjatap (pub ofc)


allthough if your enemy defender has same gearlvl as you its going to be hard to kill him faster then to just CC and get the objective, since hes going to call for reinforcements and use his defensive cooldowns / medpacks / stuns and if he has a brain: LOS


BUT at some point you are right: when the enemy defender is a fresh-50 with 13k hp its probably safer to just 3-hit him instead of cc

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