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Simple Mercenary fixes post 1.2

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Knockbacks should not fill resolve, as they do not prevent the target from performing any actions.


The talent Jet Boost should be buffed to reduce the cooldown of Determination by 1min. Most other popular PvP specs have two "trinkets". This will give Arsenal the same amount over time, only you'll only be able to use one at a time.


The talent Power Overrides should be buffed to reduce the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 100%. Only one target can be CC'ed with Concussion Missile at a time.


The talent Barrage should be changed to give Power Shot and Tracer Missile a 15%/30%/45% chance to finish the cooldown on Unload, reduce it's activation time by 50% and lower it's heat cost by 100%.


The talent Pinning Fire should be changed to give Heatseeker Missiles a 50%/100% chance to slow the target's movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds.


Heatseeker Missiles should have it's cooldown lowered to 10 seconds.


The talent Target Tracking needs to be fixed for Unload.


Ability delay for Power Shot and Tracer Missile needs to be fixed.


Expertise needs to be fixed for Arsenal Mercs in warzones.


And finally, Tracer Missile should have it's animation change reverted.

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I don't think you understood my post at all, it has everything you said. Damage boost to RS, to DoT, free procced attacks.




Fighting words them. Go on, hit me with what you do.




Another 30dps would replicate the 30% damage boost to DoT when targets go below 30% health which of course a dummy won't show.


Surely in similar gear your superior Arsenal spec can blow my pitiful parse out of the water?


Full Rakata/Stim/Buffs + 2 aug.


Only 1300? :(

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Only 1300? :(


That's right, remember when you posted your arsenal dps in rakata gear? It's on this forum if your memory needs jogging and it's a lower 1300 :p


Still, I'm not in that stuff anymore, patching up with BH and one campaign glove :D


So I'll update with 1442dps over 10 mins with my power at 500 so you have no false ideas about pyro hitting low ;)


I'll get back to you when I have 700+ power.

Edited by Gyronamics
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That's right, remember when you posted your arsenal dps in rakata gear? It's on this forum if your memory needs jogging and it's a lower 1300 :p


Still, I'm not in that stuff anymore, patching up with BH and one campaign glove :D


So I'll update with 1442dps over 10 mins with my power at 500 so you have no false ideas about pyro hitting low ;)


I'll get back to you when I have 700+ power.


My memory does need to be jogged, could you find this parse for me pls sir?

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That's right, remember when you posted your arsenal dps in rakata gear? It's on this forum if your memory needs jogging and it's a lower 1300 :p


Still, I'm not in that stuff anymore, patching up with BH and one campaign glove :D


So I'll update with 1442dps over 10 mins with my power at 500 so you have no false ideas about pyro hitting low ;)


I'll get back to you when I have 700+ power.




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I never saw a parse, I'm repeating your words after you did a lot of testing on dummies:




Oh, well that all changed after I stopped using RS without 5 stacks and switched to the alacrity build. But ok, point to you I suppose.


This is a more accurate and up to date parse from me http://www.torparse.com/a/40944


Sure more gear will probably help you get up there, but you need to ask yourself if it's worth losing out on the RW DPS from the armor debuff.

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