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The appeal of arsenal spec.


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Honest question here. What is the appeal of this spec in pvp or even pve? Obviously its a good spec with good damage, but to me I feel kind of helpless most of the time if anyone ever notices me. I've been pvping with pyro mostly and I feel like when I get targeted (especially by melee) that I have a lot more control in the fight as a pyro spec. It takes longer to kill them but I can dot them and slow them with rapid shots and knock them away with jet boost and for the most part remain untouched. Arsenal once I do jet boost or rocket punch they are right back on me. Maybe its because I've just been leveling with pyro and I like it better and I feel like I have more control, but I'm just curious as to why most every merc picks arsenal spec over pyro. DPS wise it feels about the same with arsenal just being a bit more busrty while pyro i dot them down and burst with rail shot procs.


So ya, whats the main reason many merc's seem to pick arsenal over pyro?

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In pve, better sustained damage, better heat management and 20% armor pen for the raid.


In pvp, there really isn't any true appeal to pick arsenal over pyro except an easier rotation, not that it matters much. You get interrupted once and you're locked out of 2 stacking buffs, a proc and a stacking debuff all of which are detrimental to the arsenal merc.

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Ya I can see that with raids and why my guild would prefer me to be arsenal for that. I don't mind doing that, just when I went to try it in pvp it was "bleh" to me. Felt so vulnerable lol and I was just curious as to why I see so many pick that spec. Is pyro beneficial at all with raiding? Or am I going to be spending thousands of credits spec swapping all the time <_>
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i don't really get why arsenal should be is that much about burst? i mean you start of with 3 tms (lowest dps ability of the rotation) until procs ,heat sigs and railshot boosts are applied, before the heavier attacks like hsm/unload come into play. and after that the damage is more or less consisstant (appart from the hsm crits every 15sec every second time on average) Edited by Quantemoq
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Also, people like missiles.


Personally I like spamming the railshot proc's from pyro more then missiles =P Nothing like railshotting a leaping sentinel in the face and them dying mid leap xD.


I'm still messing around with arsenal but I really don't like it for pvp and I'm still trying to figure out why people pvp with it. I'd prefer to stay pyro but I don't wanna gimp my group when I start raiding with him. =/

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People don't like switching to new things if they've played nothing but Arsenal. I like Arsenal better than Pyro but I'm not going to gimp myself in pvp. But then again I completely rerolled a new class for pvp because like a lot of us here, we're unsatisfied with merc pvp. I will jump back to my merc the first minute of positive changes for merc happen.


I love my merc and it will always be my main, but god damn the state it's in now is abyssmal.

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In pve it brings a wonderful bonus as the tracer missle brings a 20% armor reduction on said target for the group, and if played correctly brings a sustained 1200-1300 dps to the table even though the HSM bonus dmg is still fubar.


PvP wise it still brings awesome single target burst damage, and group damage if continuously positioned effectively. 3x tracer missles piggy-backed by unload or a hsm, followed by railshot can do 13k damage to an unprotected "non-tank" spec'd class in less than 6 seconds, whereas a pyrotech spec brings group damage to the table which is mostly mitigated, and mediocre burst damage.


Unfortunately the hsm bonus dmg isn't currently working, and is hitting for less than 1x tracer missle. If it did, the hsm should be hitting for about 5k rather than less than 2 almost every single time it's fired. If that's fixed, the stationary "turret-style" dps class whom has no utility would without a doubt be the best 1v1 faceroll class/spec in the game if left un-noticed..

Edited by Instapeace
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I wasn't even aware that the HSM were bugged with heat signature. For now I think I'll just be broke with respecs during raids I guess as I like the mobility I get with pyro in pvp and being able to slow down melee to keep them away from me.
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I used to enjoy it for raiding. Total easy mode, great damage and an armour debuff for the whole raids. I could drink a beer and eat my dinner while spamming my rotation. It got boring after a while, and the damage seems a lot lower so meh.


If I raid I go pyro now but PvE in general has no appeal for me any more.

Edited by Diddley
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I wasn't even aware that the HSM were bugged with heat signature. For now I think I'll just be broke with respecs during raids I guess as I like the mobility I get with pyro in pvp and being able to slow down melee to keep them away from me.


It's actually not bugged, it just does sub-par damage. They fixed an issue that was causing HSM to benefit twice from our heat signatures, it still benefits 25% after 5 stacks from what I've seen and I raid as Arsenal.


That being said however, Arsenal is very low in comparison to other dps at the moment.

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Agreed Arsenal Merc used to be fun , a glass cannon now just a free kill.

Arsenal Merc should be a anti-tank class dish out massive damage while not being able to take much.

Now in pvp with 30m distance & moving away at every opportunity using all skills, Arsenal Merc's cannot take down Almost any other equally geared class down without luck. Post 1.2


HSM are a joke now , have to stack 1 attack only to see your top skill tree attack do equal dmg majority of time. If it was not instant cast would be almost pointless.

Edited by DarkForster
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