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Revan Novel *spoilers*

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The fail is strong in this one.


The game states that Revan was influencing the Emperor's mind as he tried to influence his=fact/cannon. Jedi, Sith, whatever he ultimately became/becomes, THAT'S POWER.


NO ONE else came NEARLY as close to walking both sides of the Force (Dark Lord & Jedi Knight/General) as Revan did. Did he succeed? Not really, but more so than ANY other then could have hoped too.


He was a revered Jedi General, brilliant tactician & strategist, & yes charismatic. You can guzzle that lazy, cowardly council's kool aid if you want, but Revan is never to fault for wanting to save the lives of countless millions (which he did). He was about action, his masters about talk only.


He SINGLE HANDILY slew Mandalore the Ultimate. Revan haters keep trying to spin that away, & keep failing, or in your case conveniently forgetting to mention lol. That's a grand accomplishment, deal with it?


Revan, himself, won 2 wars. He won the Mandalorian Wars, & his own war against the Republic. He had the Republic effectively beaten in every way, his apprentice just screwed it all up.


Which brings me to my last point. Revan again, single handily, slew a powered up Dark Lord of the Sith, his former apprentice at that. Yet another, grand accomplishment.


Revan is legend, for many a good reason. But haters still gonna hate huh.....


I'm not saying he wasn't a relatively powerful Force user, but he was an absolutely f*** awful Jedi. I mean, the dude fell to the Dark side twice, if you count his whole genocide "episode". That's twice as many times as Darth freaking Vader.

Edited by Aximand
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I'm not saying he wasn't a relatively powerful Force user, but he was an absolutely f*** awful Jedi. I mean, the dude fell to the Dark side twice, if you count his whole genocide "episode". That's twice as many times as Darth freaking Vader.


He was in a 300 year long mind battle with the most powerful sith in the galaxy. Anyone would go mad fighting something so dark in your mind for that long. What two times are you counting?

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I don't understand all the insults about revan.. I mean he is the reason for the old republic,

also in terms of power he is still the strongest jedi ever (in the old republic kotor1+2,TOR era) by miles.

yes I like revan (the reason I am playing this game is because I liked KOTOR) but he did stand his ground for a tad but he was never going to win and I am glad he was out matched by the emperor, as he should be stronger then everyone, it would take rather a situation to beat him or shear highly powerful jedi/sith to beat him, (maybe then even fail)

I was first rather annoyed about the jedi story but I am very glad I got the wrong end of the stick :>)


meetra and scourge was no-wear near as powerful as him (obviously as they weren't even darth or masters) not my only point but cba to type it all out as it should be pretty obvious)

Revan in terms of power we can agree was the most powerful adversary that could of thought the emperor and still lost badly. he took away from the fight what best he could, making the emperor debate about attacking for 300 years (so bastilia and child). and now we can assume he is around somewhere.

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I'm not saying he wasn't a relatively powerful Force user, but he was an absolutely f*** awful Jedi. I mean, the dude fell to the Dark side twice, if you count his whole genocide "episode". That's twice as many times as Darth freaking Vader.


He didn't fall to the Dark Side until he was under the mind control of the Emperor. Yeah, he was treading a fine line but, he hadn't fallen. He made sound military decisions that won the war. If he had waited for the Jedi Council to decide to act, the Mandalorians would have gained possibly too much ground for the Republic to have won as much of a decisive victory as Revan gained.


Those acts, while looked down upon by the Jedi Council were necessary. War is horrible for both sides. Sacrifices have to be made in order to win. If you let the Jedi have their way, they would have tried to negotiate peace with the Mandalorians, something they will never do.Taking that route, the Galaxy would be speaking Mando'a.


Pacifists don't always lose wars but, they don't win them either.


You say Revan fell to the Dark Side again, I say he had an insane madman in his mind for three centuries. Given those circumstances, I'd say it's understandable why you would want to eliminate any and all threat of another like him rising to power by exterminating the lot of them. Light Side and Dark Side are just another way of saying black and white. The Star Wars Universe too is full of shades of gray. Just because his plan, if followed through to completion, would have been a very dark choice, it would have been, in his mind, for the greater good.

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I don't understand all the insults about revan.. I mean he is the reason for the old republic,

also in terms of power he is still the strongest jedi ever (in the old republic kotor1+2,TOR era) by miles.

yes I like revan (the reason I am playing this game is because I liked KOTOR) but he did stand his ground for a tad but he was never going to win and I am glad he was out matched by the emperor, as he should be stronger then everyone, it would take rather a situation to beat him or shear highly powerful jedi/sith to beat him, (maybe then even fail)

I was first rather annoyed about the jedi story but I am very glad I got the wrong end of the stick :>)


meetra and scourge was no-wear near as powerful as him (obviously as they weren't even darth or masters) not my only point but cba to type it all out as it should be pretty obvious)

Revan in terms of power we can agree was the most powerful adversary that could of thought the emperor and still lost badly. he took away from the fight what best he could, making the emperor debate about attacking for 300 years (so bastilia and child). and now we can assume he is around somewhere.


Totally and utterly disagree, he was a terrible Jedi, as far as being a Jedi goes: Nomi, Vima, Surik, Kavar and others were three times the Jedi Revan ever was, Revan is like Exar Kun, difference being that Exar Kun really was a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era if we don't look into the Sith Empire.

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Totally and utterly disagree, he was a terrible Jedi, as far as being a Jedi goes: Nomi, Vima, Surik, Kavar and others were three times the Jedi Revan ever was, Revan is like Exar Kun, difference being that Exar Kun really was a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era if we don't look into the Sith Empire.

Revan was/is a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era (is why their is so much debate) :>

as far as being a jedi goes.. does anyone even care I mean jedi are just the god squad, narrow minded, and arrogant.

There are also so many examples of the jedi doing evil things too, look what they first did to revan (against their preachy ways much) bah don't mean to get side tracked :>

point is, by jedi standards the council fail and contradict itself. so you can't really say he was a bad jedi when their are no good jedi really as it's all just ideals but when it comes to acting they do nothing. (if they stuck by their code)

anyways revan was more powerful then all of them (is what I meant) and is the most powerful jedi (between kotor1,2 and TOR) or I guess the prime aim of the jedi is to protect the republic.. did revan not save the republic a few times... so I guess he would be a great jedi then (in some ways)

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Totally and utterly disagree, he was a terrible Jedi, as far as being a Jedi goes: Nomi, Vima, Surik, Kavar and others were three times the Jedi Revan ever was, Revan is like Exar Kun, difference being that Exar Kun really was a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era if we don't look into the Sith Empire.

Revan was/is a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era (is why their is so much debate) :>

as far as being a jedi goes.. does anyone even care I mean jedi are just the god squad, narrow minded, and arrogant.

There are also so many examples of the jedi doing evil things too, look what they first did to revan (against their preachy ways much) bah don't mean to get side tracked :>

point is, by jedi standards the council fail and contradict itself. so you can't really say he was a bad jedi when their are no good jedi really as it's all just ideals but when it comes to acting they do nothing. (if they stuck by their code)

anyways revan was more powerful then all of them (is what I meant) and is the most powerful jedi (between kotor1,2 and TOR) or I guess the prime aim of the jedi is to protect the republic.. did revan not save the republic a few times... so I guess he would be a great jedi then (in some ways)


I think you might need to rethink your word choice. Was Revan powerful? Yes. Was he a prodigy? Not in the least.


prodigy [ˈprɒdɪdʒɪ]

n pl -gies

1. a person, esp a child, of unusual or marvellous talents

2. anything that is a cause of wonder and amazement

3. something monstrous or abnormal

4. an archaic word for omen


Bastila might be, very loosely, considered a prodigy, as might Jaesa Wilsam. Revan did not display any unusual or marvellous talents. He had an exceptional command of the Force and was a brilliant strategist.


I definitely wouldn't say he was the most powerful Jedi of the Old Republic.One, there is not enough evidence pointing to that fact, nor do you see him compared or contrasted to any of the other exceptional Jedi of the Era.


As my friend Rayla pointed out, there are other Jedi such as Nomi Sunrider, Exar Kun, and Ulic Qel Droma who were also counted as exceptionally powerful Jedi in their time. Revan's greatest advantage over any opponent he faced after his redemption was the fact he drew from both the Dark Side and the Light Side of the Force. He didn't limit himself to one or the other. This afforded him a wider array of abilities and the ability to use his full potential.

Edited by Lewisgil
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Revan was/is a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era (is why their is so much debate) :>

as far as being a jedi goes.. does anyone even care I mean jedi are just the god squad, narrow minded, and arrogant.

There are also so many examples of the jedi doing evil things too, look what they first did to revan (against their preachy ways much) bah don't mean to get side tracked :>

point is, by jedi standards the council fail and contradict itself. so you can't really say he was a bad jedi when their are no good jedi really as it's all just ideals but when it comes to acting they do nothing. (if they stuck by their code)

anyways revan was more powerful then all of them (is what I meant) and is the most powerful jedi (between kotor1,2 and TOR) or I guess the prime aim of the jedi is to protect the republic.. did revan not save the republic a few times... so I guess he would be a great jedi then (in some ways)


Wait... what? He was not a prodigy, and he was nothing like the most powerful Jedi of the Old Sith Wars, you are making him out to be far more than he ever was.


Most powerful Jedi of the Old Sith Wars? that is one seriously hard question to answer but I'd give it to Satele Shan.


The Jedi Council had lost their way, but it doesn't mean they were not right, because they were the entire time, what they said would happen, did happen and if you are going to bash the Jedi, please don't use the stereotypical Sith POV to do it with, we saw how that worked out for Darth Vader.


The Jedi had certainly lost their way where the core of the Jedi is concerned, but Revan completely dismissed the council, and rushed straight into action, and if we use what we know about him, we know he was never really a Jedi, he 'found himself' in the Mandalorian Wars and was warped by them.


He was evidently not the most powerful Jedi of the Old Sith Wars era, not even close, many Jedi had better command over the Light Side than Revan did.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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wookipidia says 'Revan was the most powerful Jedi of his time' (sums up my only point)

I not saying most powerful ever or anything.

just of his time. and now this game as he made a comeback :>

but Satele Shan is not really that strong, she can't beat malgas (whom is in no way weak.. is really awesome) but he is not as powerful as dark council and he kicks her *** two out of two, and clearly too.

she is on the otherhand really really strong in the 'force'

that's it.

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wookipidia says 'Revan was the most powerful Jedi of his time' (sums up my only point)

I not saying most powerful ever or anything.

just of his time. and now this game as he made a comeback :>

but Satele Shan is not really that strong, she can't beat malgas (whom is in no way weak.. is really awesome) but he is not as powerful as dark council and he kicks her *** two out of two, and clearly too.

she is on the otherhand really really strong in the 'force'

that's it.


Wookieepedia can be changed by me right now to state Jar-Jar Binks was the most powerful Sith lord of all time, point being?


He was not most powerful of his time, he simply was not, read the lore and you will actually see that in the Old Sith Wars there were many that outclassed him.


And Really? Satele is not strong? regularly becoming one with the force, can see the future, can take out Harrower Class Dreadnoughts by herself and all sorts of other things, clearly you have only seen Padawan and Knight Satele from the trailers, not Grand Master Satele.

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Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force."


"You, Revan, are the single greatest warrior of this age, and any battle we fight will bring me honor."

―Canderous Ordo.. anyways moving on, you are just quoting her books and such right?

well ye, I have only seen her in trailers and in the game. but as for the books..I see, so it's gone way ott, dragonball z ish then. they did it with palpatine.. ruined by getting silly, if I recall it got to the point (in the books) that hje could destry planes on his own.. and luke was pratcly superman of the jedi.

I try to ignore all that as it ruins star wars for me. revan is not OTT, the emperor is a tad but he is the emperor so that's fine, but what the books did to vadar, palpatine just ruined their charecters (Hayden Christensen didn't help lol)

and it seems that from what you said Satele may be going down that route. so if you are going to go buy that then I guess I will have to take my hat off to you and leave it at that as revan is not the death star.

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Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force."


"You, Revan, are the single greatest warrior of this age, and any battle we fight will bring me honor."

―Canderous Ordo..


Kreia also stated the Exile was the greatest student she had ever trained.


And of course Canderous, a Mandalorian, would make the man who beat his people out to be the best ever.


Exar Kun was a better warrior, much better.

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I think they could've done this, it's been a month or two, but I clearly remember a part in the book where it states one of them could've killed Vitiate if they chose to attack him instead of defend Revan. Revan was, though not truely Vitiate's equal, was probably one of the closest people in strength to him, he was defeated, but he had the ability to survive for short periods of time against him. Add in 2 more powerful people, different vantage points, I believe they had a 70% chance of succeeding, the 30% chance going if somebody slips up in the midst of battle and they lose their 3-1 advantage.
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I think they could've done this, it's been a month or two, but I clearly remember a part in the book where it states one of them could've killed Vitiate if they chose to attack him instead of defend Revan. Revan was, though not truely Vitiate's equal, was probably one of the closest people in strength to him, he was defeated, but he had the ability to survive for short periods of time against him. Add in 2 more powerful people, different vantage points, I believe they had a 70% chance of succeeding, the 30% chance going if somebody slips up in the midst of battle and they lose their 3-1 advantage.


Spot on buddy

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Actually, Revan would have died. Sending her lightsaber into the Emperor's chest wouldn't have stopped his lightsaber in time to keep it from striking down Revan. She chose the path that guaranteed Revan's survival at that moment. It's not such a hard concept to grasp if you understand the way Jedi think.


Scourge even has an interior monologue about the choice she made.




Even Scourge, a Sith whose only experience with Jedi was the three years he had interrogated Revan, understood WHY she chose the path she did. It wasn't hard to see she chose to save the man whom she admired and loved as her mentor rather than killing the man threatening his life, a choice she would have made ten times out of ten. It was the Light Side thing to do which is what she will always do.


I still think she should of taken the chance to kill him. And if it saved the galaxy from the attack later I am sure Revan would have tried to kill the Emperor. Sure saving Meetra would be good and all but Revan walked both sides and would see the importance of the chance. One life for millions.

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Kreia also stated the Exile was the greatest student she had ever trained.


And of course Canderous, a Mandalorian, would make the man who beat his people out to be the best ever.


Exar Kun was a better warrior, much better.


Hmm, I disagree 100% Exar Kun would not have lasted 3 seconds against the Sith Emperor Revan could almost match him blow for blow, and with Meetra's help would very likely have killed him.


Exar Kun really isn't on Revan's level, or Meetra's for that matter.

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I still think she should of taken the chance to kill him. And if it saved the galaxy from the attack later I am sure Revan would have tried to kill the Emperor. Sure saving Meetra would be good and all but Revan walked both sides and would see the importance of the chance. One life for millions.


Maybe, but if not for Scourge's betrayal then sacrificing Revan may not have even been necessary. You're right though, and it didn't make sense to me that she wouldn't take that chance if it seemed necessary.

Yeah...I still say it's all Scourge's fault. :mad:


That said, I really don't understand the hate-on for Revan. He was no pushover, and he had more experience than many Jedi and all the benefits that come with that. As for his decision to go to war, who knows what would have happened otherwise? If they hadn't joined in, the Mandalorians would probably have won (they were winning before the Revanchists joined in), and the "test of the Republic's strength" would become merely the beginning of the end for the Republic and the Jedi Order itself. That sounds dramatic, but think about it: Republic infrastructure destroyed, starships and all, and Mandalorians still at their peak and under the thumb of the Emperor.

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Hmm, I disagree 100% Exar Kun would not have lasted 3 seconds against the Sith Emperor Revan could almost match him blow for blow, and with Meetra's help would very likely have killed him.


Exar Kun really isn't on Revan's level, or Meetra's for that matter.


He was the prodigy of lightsaber combat for his time, he brought back the Saberstaff and perfected it completely, he was a Master of Niman and had almost mastered Jar'kai before he defeated his own master as a Padawan.


He was taught by Freedon Nadd and named the true successor of the Golden Age of the Sith Empire and was crowned Dark Lord of the Sith by Marka Ragnos himself.


He had force blasts that emitted from his hands that could kill on contact and destroy entire walls.


He had Force Flight and immensely powerful force senses.


He wiped out Ossus of all places.


He had a working mastery of many Dark Side techniques especially those concerned with Sith Alchemy and by the time Ulic betrayed him his Command over the Dark Side had reached esoteric levels, the Jedi Order wouldn't even fight him when he showed them his powers and all of this power was further enhanced by Freedon Nadd's amulet which amplified his power and strengthened his connection to the force.


Let's not forget when he walked straight into the Senate and killed the Supreme Chancellor whilst simultaneously saving Ulic from his failed attack on Coruscant.


On Yavin IV he devoured the entire Massassi race and ascended into a Sith Spirit, outsmarting everybody.


And he was only contained by the Jedi Order, they couldn't stop him, their combined power could only stop him from leaving Yavin IV.


And four millennia later he put Luke Skywalker into a coma, practically dismantled the New Jedi Order, and made the claim that if he could centre enough Dark Side energy he could rebuild his own body again, he was only defeated when the spirits of Luke, his old master and all the students forced his spirit into the Void of the Dark Side.


He clearly matches Vitiate himself, who is noted as being a Scholar not a combatant, never mind Revan or Surik.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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He was the prodigy of lightsaber combat for his time, he brought back the Saberstaff and perfected it completely, he was a Master of Niman and had almost mastered Jar'kai before he defeated his own master as a Padawan.


He was taught by Freedon Nadd and named the true successor of the Golden Age of the Sith Empire and was crowned Dark Lord of the Sith by Marka Ragnos himself.


He had force blasts that emitted from his hands that could kill on contact and destroy entire walls.


He had Force Flight and immensely powerful force senses.


He wiped out Ossus of all places.


He had a working mastery of many Dark Side techniques especially those concerned with Sith Alchemy and by the time Ulic betrayed him his Command over the Dark Side had reaches esoteric levels, the Jedi Order wouldn't even fight him when he showed them his powers and all of this power was further enhanced by Freedon Nadd's amulet which amplified his power and strengthened his connection to the force.


Let's not forget when he walked straight into the Senate and killed the Supreme Chancellor whilst simultaneously saving Ulic from his failed attack on Coruscant.


On Yavin IV he devoured the entire Massassi race and ascended into a Sith Spirit, outsmarting everybody.


And he was only contained by the Jedi Order, they couldn't stop him, their combined power could only stop him from leaving Yavin IV.


And four millennia later he put Luke Skywalker into a coma, practically dismantled the New Jedi Order, and made the claim that if he could centre enough Dark Side energy he could rebuild his own body again, he was only defeated when the spirits of Luke, his old master and all the students forced his spirit into the Void of the Dark Side.


He clearly matches Vitiate himself, who is noted as being a Scholar not a combatant, never mind Revan or Surik.


Revan is often referred to and considered to be the greatest force user of his time.


Revan is one of the wisest force users to ever live and has mastered both light and dark. There aren't many that can claim perfect understanding of both light and dark and use it in practical situations.


Revan is one of the greatest military minds in star wars.


Revan went toe to toe with someone that absorbed the power of an entire planet, every single bit of it.


Revan fought through the star forge killing at least 40+ dark jedi as well as the star forges droids then without pause he proceeded to defeat bastilla followed by malak the dark lord of the sith.


Revan very easily bested a powerful member of the dark council.


Revan delayed the emperors attack by 300 years by forcing his will upon the emperor while he was imprisoned.


Kreia oftens speaks of his tremendous power and even refers to him as the heart of the force.


Revan beat mandalore the ultimate in single combat.


Uh I'm sure there is more but these are what first come to mind.

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I'm seeing a lot of "in their time" comments, they have "accomplished this in their time". That doesn't help unless they were in the same time. You cannot judge people on their accomplishments, because not everything was the same for everyone "in their time". So some could of been just as powerful or more, but not of been able to prove it because there was not as such of a great threat or something like it.
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Exar Kun was the greatest in his time and the same for revan.. no sense comparing those from different times.

Vitiate was stronger then revan as he absorbed a planet as-well as countless other sith lords before after that, I don't think anyone could or should be able to stand up to that magnitude of power on their own for long as it would be bit silly, well certainly not rival or beat it on their own. Yes their was a moment meetra could of killed Vitiate as he was focusing on the bigger threat, but as it was three on one, I am sure a chance to kill anyone would present itself. and I think that is how it should be when fighting the emperor or the main villain/bad guy/boss etc. just a point if I recall that's how Exar Kun lost as it was against multiple people.

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