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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I cancelled my subscirption a couple of weeks ago and haven't bothered to log in since then. It expires June 20th and unless things get a lot better I won't reactivate my subsription.


1. Server population - It's been said ad nauseum but early summer for mergers? Sorry, not good enough. I primarily level by pvp warzones and waiting over a half an hour on the weekend to join one isn't my idea of enjoyment. I basically write the weekdays off for doing any warzones.


2. Faction imbalance - It's been better since the 1.2 patch allowed same side matches but I still had to reroll imperial to just play those above mentioned warzones.


3. Level 50 PvP - I may be able to put out big numbers on my level 50 healing sorc but I can't stand up agains ta dps. The expertise bonus has to be equal for damage, healing and mitigation.


4. Very linear PvE. It's the same ol planet with the same ol quests. My thumb is sore from hitting the spacebar key.


5. Open world PvP- There is none! Nothing to promote people to do open world PvP.

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What i like?


  • Graphics, combat animation, PVP and everything else.


What i don't like?


  • Being in the fleet with 80 ppls and long WZ queue time.


What i would like?


  • Play all different classes but without the need to repeat the side quests. and the return of a Illum alike instanced WZ with lots of players.


Why i'm still here?

  • Waiting to my free month to expire and with big hopes of a server transfer/merge before GW2 is released.

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1. Raids that take 5+ hours (or raids that should take 1 hour but make you spend 5)

2. Profanity intolerance. There is a filter, use it if you have thin skin.

3. Low server populations across the board. This last month is the lowest i've seen since december

4. Amazingly poor in-game customer service. I submit a serious bug that's affecting my game, it gets totally ignored - and I mean locked and ignored. Then on the other hand, you report a player that named his toon something vulgar, and you have a CSM in live chat with you making sure you don't need a kleenex - priorities people.

5. Lack of PVP content. Get rid of Illum, it is a failure. Create more warzone instances, and please, for the love of all that is condusive to a good game, BRING BACK 8 MAN PVP GROUPS.

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Number one reason I quit was patch 1.2's effect on my Level 50 full BM PvP Only Healing Corruption Sorcerer. When they nerfed Force Bending and at the same time changed expertise in favor of DPS, It made PvP Healing Sorcs extremely ineffective.

I just got frustrated to the point where the game was not fun anymore. I unsubscribed the day I read the patch notes and forum comments from the test server and it seems I made a wise decision having played a month since then and confirmed that the healing spec I loved was dead.


It's a shame how they caved to the dps players with 1.2. Have fun in a dps race with no healers. Real fun. Idiots.


Why am I still here?

1. They gave me a free month.

2. GW2 is not out yet.


Oh, and what is up with the constant CC now? Resolve is a joke. What a mess.


It's funny that all the PvE players told the PvP players that they don't need them in their game. We all leave and you cry about empty servers. lol

Edited by Nostrom
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My wife and I play together as a cheap form of entertainment. Its better than zoning out in front of the TV "together" and allows us to do something as a couple without having to get a babysitter. However, we just cancelled our accounts because:

  • Im having a 2nd baby.
  • Im having a 2nd baby.
  • Im having a 2nd baby.
  • Im having a 2nd baby.
  • Im having a 2nd baby.


Pretty much sums up why we will be (probably) no longer playing. Like the game, just wont have the time after my remaining time runs out.

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I unsubbed because all my friends were no longer playing. This happened because we all had our starting toons (read: most time invested) on servers that were completely dead. Frustrating silence on the issue made us all kind of stop caring. This game was really great, when I could actually play it. Makes me kinda sad, but I've already moved on to other games. Only came here actually because the D3 server just went down... LOL
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What raids take more than an hour to complete?


Probably there is no raid that take more than an hour to complete with geared and competent players, but, there is no raid where you spend less time killing trash than the actual boss.

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ill throw my opinions out there. i cancelled my swtor account a few weeks ago. i still have an active account for another month or so but i've given up on this game. the things that people really care about aren't being addressed. im downloading d3 now and i'll be spending my time playing it from now on. my problems with the game are:


1. no server transfers. all my 50s (3 of them) are on the fatman, but even i recognize that there are way too many people not having an opportunity to play with others because their server is dead, now. the devs are not listening to the community. even cross server pvp and instance finding (AN LFG TOOL) would have been nice.


2. the armors are terrible. the fact that the new gear looks so terrible shows that the devs are not listening to the community and going in reverse from what "everyone" is saying. instead of going more simple and just giving people hooded robes and classic star wars armors LIKE THEY ARE ASKING FOR FOR MONTHS, they go even more elaborate with the transformer armors and ridiculous looking gear. no one wants to spend their time looking like a power ranger in a star wars game.


3. still no rated warzones. this is a feature that people really wanted and instead we get a legacy system thats full of fluff. dont get me wrong, fluff is nice. it adds polish to the game. but the basics are not in place yet, so how can you polish this game when you havent even set up a decent foundation?


my first hint that this game wasnt going to make it was when the developers were telling us its too hard to make hoods toggleable. when your programmers are telling you they wont do it cause its too hard, despite the community asking for it, thats a very bad sign. this game has a lot going for it. the story telling and dialogue are for the most part really good and innovative. this game could have been a truly great game if the developers had really focused on what everyone in the community was saying instead of focusing on what "they" think will make the game better.

Edited by Heith
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Yep. I'm unsubbing. Today sat in pvp queue for 2 hours with no match. Just logged off and unsubbed. That simple. When I can't get a pvp match in a so-called MMO, that's it. Company lost my money. Plenty of other games without a subscription I could be playing.


All most people want is transfers and cross server pvp. Bioware just dropped the ball bigtime. We should already have both features.

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Probably there is no raid that take more than an hour to complete with geared and competent players, but, there is no raid where you spend less time killing trash than the actual boss.


I dont think theres been many raids in any mmo where you spend less time killing trash than bosses when they are on farm status. Bioware could put a little more random loot on trash but i think raids that take less than an hour or two arent really raids (thats what flash points are for).


Now if they are taking 5+ hours then they are just above your raids skill and or gear level and that is what the different raid difficulty settings are for.

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I'm not quitting...yet. However I agree with much of what has been said in this thread. I was so thrilled to play this game, followed it for several years...and now, I find myself much less excited than I should be. And there are many reasons for this.


Absolutely, building up all the hype for the ranked PvP and then dropping the ball was horrendous. Bioware one-shotted a lot of guilds doing this, including my own, and for no reason. There is no way a group of professionals should have EVER, EVER said "THIS WILL BE A MAJOR ASPECT OF PATCH X" if there were ANY doubt that it would go in. A short delay is acceptable and reasonable...but not even going into 1.3? mind-blowingly bad IMO. At least throwing us the crumb of putting in the 8 man queues so people could ACTUALLY PLAY AS A GUILD would have been a gesture that would have kept some people from quitting, but they won't even do that. Actually, they haven't even fixed their system so a group can actually continue to queue without everyone having to drop queue after EVERY STUPID WARZONE and get reinvited and requeued by the group leader. So bad it is almost indescribably bad.



Then we have the Legacy system...a nice idea but killed by the incredibly poor racial selections available at launch. No defense for this, and part of what makes me wonder whether anyone at Bioware actually GETS Star Wars. One of the main things people love about Star Wars is all of the alien races...and to present us with this laughable selection of different colored humans is just terrible, terrible, terrible. What I find MOST hilarious about the whole thing is Bioware defending this garbage based on the idea that the races "have to fit the romance arcs"! REALLY??? LOL!!! If they think people who are into Star Wars are more interested in playing out some weird little mini soap opera in a video game than having exciting and interesting races to play, I just don't know what to say, because it takes an astounding lack of comprehension to even misinterpret your playerbase so badly.


So now Erickson says new races are coming this year...and who the hell wants to level an alt when that is the case? Not me! IF they came out and said they will give free racial changes to everyone when they introduce the new races, I might put some effort into leveling an alt, but given that that is almost certainly not going to happen(so they can charge a nice sum for race changes) what is the point? Especially since none of the actually USEFUL Legacy bonuses like improved XP etc are even in the game yet!



Another thing they REALLY screwed up is killing the world PvP in this game by separating the faction questing areas in such a way that you rarely even run into anyone to PvP against! You have all these great planets in SWTOR, and rarely is there a reason to even visit any of them. At least if there was more world PvP around there would be an excuse to do some planet hopping once in a while, but as it is, the entire SWTOR galaxy just sits there mostly as a linear experience for people going from 1-50. Yuck. That isn't Star Wars.


Anyone doing a Star Wars game should have made DESIGN GOAL NUMBER ONE to make every planet offer something for every level range, to not only encourage but practically FORCE people to travel around the galaxy on a regular basis. The linear planet to planet leveling experience in this game is just AWFUL and shows a complete lack of thought and grasp of what people want in a Star Wars game.


I can understand what the core issue is...it is the BAD decision to concentrate on story and full voice acting. That was a FAR too expensive, time consuming, and tbh DIFFICULT way to approach an MMO. What makes people excited about MMOs is creating their own content in a sense. Originally the story thing was SUPPOSED to provide that. But when Bioware got timid and continually watered down the results of actually MAKING DECISIONS, we were left with nothing but a tack on, practically narrated story about our characters, that we had virtually no say in. The story aspect of SWTOR SHOULD have been incredibly dynamic, with rewards, outcomes, repercussions, all being important and meaningful...if they had gone that way, things would be a lot better than they are. As is, the story means very little, and when you're done you just go queue for endless warzones in a repetitive gear grind, or grind your gear in raids like every other MMO out there. What a terrific waste of all that voice acting tbh. But I can appreciate how hard implementing something like this is...its just that more time actually making the system meaningful and less time making sure every damn kill X number of mobs quest was fully voiced would have been a better use of time and money.


They are going to have to make a serious effort to make changes to this game that make it fun to log on and play, and atm it is not. I did not wait this long to play another version of "sit in Stormwind and queue for dungeons". If they don't change this aspect of the game a LOT, I think a lot more people than just myself will be cancelling in a future that is definitely not far, far away.

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I unsubbed yesterday morning but since I was a 6-monther, I still have around 90 days left after the free 30 days they gave out.


I quite enjoy the game probably because I came in with zero expectations considering it was my first-ever MMO experience. I also very much enjoy the people I've befriended and the guild that I'm in.


But that being said, Keetael is one of the worst servers in terms of population and has been since launch. I had no idea until coming to these forums that 10-ish people at peak time on the station (or less than 50 on all worlds on republic side) was considered unusually low.


I have unsubbed because if the transfers don't happen before 8/18/2012, then BW is too pathetic for me to handle.


Will I re-up if transfers happen before then? Maybe. It depends on how well these transfers are handled. What will the rules of free transfers be? How much would a paid transfer cost? How smoothly will the transition occur? Will it become another 1.2 fiasco? How populated will the combined server actually be? Will my new server's population grow? Stay static? Drop? There are just too many variables and unanswered questions for me not to un-sub.


This way, I feel that I've done my small part and have voiced my opinion to BW that these transfers/merges/whatever should have happened a month ago at minimum.


I hope BW surprises me and these things come in June as I expect... is a relatively smooth process...has very few bugs... and does actually address the situation instead of merely postponing the inevitable possibility that this game will continue to decline.

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I have my last 31 days left and after that I am gone. Not because I do not like SWTOR as it is now, I can even handle bugs and unbalanced pvp (population wise), but because BW made 99% of my guild quit. Those were people I spent last years in MMOs and I want to play with them again but not in this game. My biggest gripe is that SWTOR does not offer anything for guilds to do. FP/OPS/WZ just require you to have 4-8 ppl on your friends list nothing more, heck, you dont even need that.

There is nothing a big guild can do together, mainly open world PvP with objectives.


I must admit that as much as I don't like S-F based MMOs this one caught me but enough is enough. As many other have said, speparating both sides in most areas was a bad thing to do. To make it worse they decided to give 2 WZs for same side so population balance would not fix by itself in time. Not to mention horrid armors, expecially on republic side :/

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I cancelled my swtor sub, due to the following:



  • I have no desire to play the same repetitive content over and over, just to improve my gear. I am so very tired of gear grinds.
  • The worlds are lifeless with static npcs.
  • Linear path through the story.
  • My choices have no consequence. It really doesn't matter if you are a light or dark jedi.
  • No Day/Night cycle.
  • No swimming or underwater content.
  • No social elements.
  • No mini-games. Swoop racing and pazaak are in Kotor. So why are they not included in Swtor?
  • No open world, PVP. The republic and empire are at war and there is no open world pvp! The game needs pvp planets for sides to contest for.


I enjoyed my time in Swtor, but once I reached the end game. I found myself with an increasing lack of things to do. For me, I can only repeat the same content so many times, before I grow bored.


Patch 1.2, really didn't improve the game for me and the new armour designs are simply horrible. I wonder, if Swtor's art team have actually seen the Star Wars films. Because the armour designs have no place in a Star Wars game.


Hopefully, Bioware can make Swtor into a mmo, because at the moment it is a great single player game.

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I have 67 days left, I have already hit the cancel button, for many of the reasons stated here.


Bottom line, not having any fun, and have little to no desire to log-in.


I can only grind the same POS WZ's so many times.



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First, take a look at my forum avatar creation date. Do you see that, October 2008. No one was looking forward to this game more than me. A huge fanboy, I admit it. And I held my tongue for several months praying things would get better.


I first heard about SWTOR in 2007. After the absolute train wreck SOE had with Galaxies, I was relieved to discover a new Star Wars game in the making. I thought for sure SWTOR would pick up were Galaxies died; pre CU and NGE. And I mean from a game design standpoint, not story content or mechanics.


So for 5 years I salivated at the anticipation of a new Star Wars game. I still remember that day I got the beta invite to SWTOR; I think I wet myself.


Beta left me a bit concerned. I just assumed that most content was locked down during beta. But I stayed positive, believing that the developers, EA, BioWare, and Lucas would put it all together in short order.




I had my first toon at level 50 within 2 months and was left wondering what to do next. I could quite easily go on a tirade, but I will save you all the headache. You want to know why this game is crap, and why I am done with SWTOR. Here you go.



1) There is no assemblance of an economy. The market is crap. Industry doesn’t exist. Crafting is atrocious.


2) PvP, do you know what PvP is?


3) Four classes, or is it 8? Class system needs much more diversity, customization and uniqueness.


4) Closed, maze-like world environment, way too restrictive.


5) Appearance customizations, why can’t I have different colored boots? This is trivial in any MMORPG. Worst character creation experience I have seen in a long time.


6) Where is the sense of community and socialization? Sure I was in a Guild, but it didn’t feel like it. Grouping is terrible and limits to 8, really 8? My goodness, even Galaxies supported 20 man groups and that was 9 years ago.


7) Space combat is terrible. Reminds me of Atari 5200 Star Raiders, lol.


8) UI fail; non-movable windows...really? The UI needs a complete overhaul.


9) Loading screens. I wonder how much time was lost just watching that stupid gear thing turn in the lower right corner.


10) Game client is more bloated than Jabba the Hutt. Like 30GB, total fail.


11) Epic battles, where are they? Watch a fleet engagement from Eve Online and learn something.


12) Player cities, housing, faction system, politics...


13) Where the hell is the combat log? It is completely inexcusable to not include this very important tool in a mmorpg at launch.


14) Server merge, moving to new servers. Again, how can you, after years of industry trial and error, not include this at launch? Fail!


15) Horrible customer service.


Ultima Online came out 14 years ago, EverQuest 12 years ago. Even World of Warcraft is 7 years old. There is a certain expectation that modern MMORPG's will provide or contain certain functionality. There is an expectation that modern MMORPG’s will have analyzed the short-comings and issues of prior projects and learn from those.


Overall the feel of this game stinks to high heaven of marketing deadlines and greedy executives. This game will fail because of this. So much of the mechanics feel like they were derived from WOW to compete against WOW. Where is the originality and ingenuity? Where is the game that was in development for 6+ years?


I am an unhappy customer. No forget unhappy, I am a pissed-off customer. There are far too many outlets that compete for my free time for me to spend any more time thinking about this dribble. Farewell SWTOR.



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I unsubbed my second account I used mostly for crafting.


Basically I am either going to put some of that time back in Rift. Because well their game has the things I am looking for as an off hours player, cross server ect or into a new game like Terra.

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I have multiple reasons for leaving. I don't know if I can limit it to 5.

- Massive changes to Healing less than 6 months into the launch. It wasn't just changing a couple skills, it was an overhaul to the whole system. Trying to heal "the old way" causes you to overheat in 5 casts.

- Change in focus from Healing to DPS in PVP. DPS is now RIDICULOUS in PVP. Things die so fast, you may as well not bring your healer, as your heal target will be dead before you can get that 2nd heal out.

- The Art team releasing Warhammer armor in a Star Wars game. Seriously... it's Star Wars. We want Star Wars armor. Not sure why you want to make Sith Inquisitors look like Kelp Monsters (War Hero PVP gear). The Bounty Hunter PVP gear is just as bad at lvl 50.

- Low population on servers. 3 people on Voss. 2 people on Hoth. Less than 20 on the Fleet. at peak times...

- PVE side of the story is super easy. No need to group at all. You can solo content meant for 2 people.

- Class story arcs are too similar, and short. The planet stories seem to blend into the class stories, and are usually longer. You can finish the class story on the planet in 4 questlines, while the planet takes at least 6 or 8 questlines. The class stories are basically a drop in the water for what should be the main focus of your character. This makes replay value go down drastically if you play an alt for the same faction.

- Legacy system too restrictive. Doesn't include the option to mark companion characters as "Spouse" (if you chose to marry them during the story). Can only have 1 relation at a time. (ie.. One character cannot be a child of one character and the spouse of that parent's "rival/ally" at the same time)

- Lack of a dungeon finder makes it difficult to find a group if you must go to all level appropriate planets to try and find group members.

- Crafting system is ok, but nothing spectacular. It says something if Diablo 3 has a system that makes more sense.


I'm sure there are more, but I simply can't think of them right now.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


To be honest, I didn't stick around. I'm more or less checking up on TOR once a month, if that. This time, I saw that thread and decided to respond. So here are my five reasons why I left (me being a huge Bioware fan until DA2, and a StarWars fan to boot):


- The engine. No, I'm not kidding. I hate that I have to endure multiple -long- loading screens only to get anywhere. I hate that I cannot rotate my view around my running character without it snapping automatically. And since there are so many jump-and-run sequences that require near-perfect timing and aim, and the engine definitely is not suited for that, it makes those sequences a major pita. So much in fact, that I'd given up on collecting holocrons after Nar Shaddah.


- There is no variability when levelling up. You will always run through all the same planets, and 80% if not more of quests will be the same. I cannot stress how much that put me off from re-rolling alts.


- All characters are basically humans. That's one thing that drove me back to WoW, to be honest. Because its races differ]. Playing a troll feels totally different from playing a Goblin. In TOR, whether I play a Chiss or a Zabrak: Animations are the same on every race. Only thing that changes is the face. And as soon as you wear helmet, even that is gone. So there's almost no identification with my played race, and thus: My toon.


- Worlds are tube-like and lifeless. Also, many don't feel vast and explorable. Exploration as a whole isn't a big thing in TOR apart from those horrible jump-and-run holocrons. I love being able to explore a vibrant world (being a Bartle-ESAK). In TOR, there's nothing to do on any world once you've quested through it. It's an empty, lifeless shell.


- It's too much like WoW at endgame. I'm sorry if I'm going there, but that's my biggest gripe with the game. It was my one, big fear when I frequented these here forums before the launch, it sadly came true. Endgame is raiding, grinding and daily quests. Three things I avoided in WoW, three things that comprise the entire endgame for TOR. Three things I absolutely and mercilessly loathe.



There are more minor gripes, but that just about sums up my major beef. I had high hopes for TOR, but in the end, it fails for me because of the very same reasons every MMO before it failed since WoW: It tries too much to be WoW in certain aspects while deviating in others, delivering a WoW 1.5 to a player base that has had enough of WoW.

I don't know who made those decisions (game designers or shareholders/managers), but they should in my humble opinion be fired for incompetency. And I'm not sure if I should be sorry for being so blunt.

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I unsubbed today. My main is a valor 97 Assassin.


The reasons I unsubbed


Bugs that never got fixed. Let's list the ones that annoy me right now


1) When I alt tab, I can hear every game sound - EXCEPT the only one I care about, when a warzone pops. This used to work, it hasn't now for weeks and nothing has been done about it. This is even worse now a pile of people have left, because warzone queues are now quite long, yet I'm forced to sit there with swtor unminimized. I get bored.


2) I only play the game for pvp. When I pvp, I get this constant electricity noise that gets worse and worse until I'm forced to relog. It also disables my other game sounds. This bug has existed since 1.2 and has not been fixed or even acknowledged.


3) When I login, it's like the game flips a coin. If it comes up heads, my interface works, if it doesn't, my interface does not work in the following extremely irritating ways. Firstly, it will not show any ability as having a cool down, although they still do, making it very annoying to try and play the game where almost every ability does have a cool down. Secondly, when a warzone queue pops, it doesn't display the enter battle window. I've reported this bug many times, and only get the usual scripted garbage.


These bugs I find extremely irritating and frustrating and they have sapped any enthusiasm I ever had for this game as they have gone unfixed for weeks.


4) I reckon the day diablo 3 launched, 60% of swtor's population left, no joke, that many. My server, which used to sport 2 imperial fleets now peaks at barely over 100 people. The dead time is now extremely long, queues are very long and made far worse by the bugs I listed above.


5) Patch 1.2 was a total failure. It's the worst patch I've seen since the "New Frontiers" patch for Dark Age of Camelot. Like that patch, the developers hailed it as this wondrous free content gift to us. Like that patch, the developers never for one moment admitted they had screwed up. Like that patch, it was done by people who worked for Mythic. The only difference is how long they took to take a great game and ruin it through sheer incompetence. For DAOC, we got a couple of years out of it, for this game we got a couple of months.


This game has been a flop of epic proportions, and it's happened because of dodgy programming, sloppy updates, mismanagement and terrible customer service. Never again will I buy a game that has any of these former mythic employees involved with it.


They were bad then and they are bad now.


This game could of been a gold mine, but instead it's already in steep decline after only a couple of months. At this rate, they could be switching the power off by next year.


What would bring me back? Nothing possibly could at this point, everyones already left, there is nothing to go back too.

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