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A story MMO has several immediate shortcomings:


1) Players chew through content

2) A story based MMO isn't about community driven -- it is for small groups. It's not massively


For people to keep playing for years, and I would argue WOW is the exception not the rule and bolstered by it's appeal in Asia which is over 50% of it's user base. WAR failed. AOC failed. Star Trek failed.


For an MMO to work it has to have a player community and it needs to bind that community in the context of its faction -- their 'war effort'. Player interaction done right is a form of content and it has greater longevity than 'story content' because it is perpetual.


Warzone's are 'rat mazes'. Running the same maze over and over again to pull the lever becomes dull. This isn't solely a PVP argument, it's the totality of game design.


PVE / Crafting / PVP / Guilds need to be a contiguous hole and the War needs to affect every part of the game. Locking it down to zones removes the dynamic nature of a shifting front.


Strong guilds are the basis of players who play for years. To have strong guilds, there needs to be strong community -- alliances, opposition and faction loyalty.


BioWare can be a good development studio, they err'd by applying the Kotor / Mass Effect model online, when they should have looked at MMORPGs and said how can we do better rather than how can we do what we already do online.


I don't see them turning this around, this isn't an unsub / qq. I play because I'm curious to see if they could, if in their patches, there's some paradigm shift. But there's only so many more times this rat can run the maze.


Bioware hype well. 1.2 was a good example. Legacy sounds great but in reality, it's not contributed much to gameplay. The crafting changes again sounded great but it's only a thin coverage of new gear it effects and it's not impressive at all. Legacy itself missed the point, we've already invested in our characters, but to keep playing people need to invest in one another -- either as allies or enemies.

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My issue is that I already did all of the grinding for gear and chasing the carrot in that last big MMO.


The PVP in this game has a uniqueness and some nifty features but overall not enough to break the feel of the mould. That's the vast majority of player's gripes with this game and other new MMO's that have launched in the last few years, gamers want something new and we keep getting force fed the same content along all platforms just with different graphics.

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My issue is that I already did all of the grinding for gear and chasing the carrot in that last big MMO.


The PVP in this game has a uniqueness and some nifty features but overall not enough to break the feel of the mould. That's the vast majority of player's gripes with this game and other new MMO's that have launched in the last few years, gamers want something new and we keep getting force fed the same content along all platforms just with different graphics.


Not force fed..unless that was a star wars pun?

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The game your describing that you want exists, its called Dark Age of Camelot, the issue is that DAoC was released in 2002 and is now down to just two remaining servers due to its age and the lack of "new pve". But numerous online polls have named DAoC the best PvP MMO ever....I implore you too read the DAoC wiki, as it will give you an understanding of how communties came together for a common purpose in a 3 Factioned War of the Realms.


The good news is this....Guild Wars 2 has copied ALOT of what made DAoC great


The even BETTER news is this......the co-lead designer of Dark Age of Camelot just announced his new 3 Faction RvR game to be released in. 2013....its called Elder Scrolls online:)

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The game your describing that you want exists, its called Dark Age of Camelot, the issue is that DAoC was released in 2002 and is now down to just two remaining servers due to its age and the lack of "new pve". But numerous online polls have named DAoC the best PvP MMO ever....I implore you too read the DAoC wiki, as it will give you an understanding of how communties came together for a common purpose in a 3 Factioned War of the Realms.


The good news is this....Guild Wars 2 has copied ALOT of what made DAoC great


The even BETTER news is this......the co-lead designer of Dark Age of Camelot just announced his new 3 Faction RvR game to be released in. 2013....its called Elder Scrolls online:)


wait what? i knew elder scrolls online was coming and that it was 3 factions and had a pretty heavy focus on pvp(top pvper on the server gets to be emperor), but the same guy who worked on DAoC? first thing ive heard about it that suggests it might not be completely awful, other than being an elder scrolls game. i was going to try it anyways but i didnt have high hopes...i really hope it ends up being good....i really need a new good pvp mmo to come along.

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I agree with most of what the OP said. As to the other responses in this thread regarding "other" games. They are not scifi! Therefore, my interest, even if I play them, will fade fast due to the MMO market always being FLOODED with medieval style games. I want futuristic like Star Wars, Star Trek, or hopfully something new in the genre.
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The game your describing that you want exists, its called Dark Age of Camelot, the issue is that DAoC was released in 2002 and is now down to just two remaining servers due to its age and the lack of "new pve". But numerous online polls have named DAoC the best PvP MMO ever....I implore you too read the DAoC wiki, as it will give you an understanding of how communties came together for a common purpose in a 3 Factioned War of the Realms.


The good news is this....Guild Wars 2 has copied ALOT of what made DAoC great


The even BETTER news is this......the co-lead designer of Dark Age of Camelot just announced his new 3 Faction RvR game to be released in. 2013....its called Elder Scrolls online:)



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