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Juggernaut or marauder?


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I was going to start a thread with the exact same title but since this one is here:


Are Maurauders too squishy or are they ok?


Which class uses less abilities in their rotation or are they similar, I read in an earlier post that Maurauders are a little harder to play than Juggs?


Which class has the most abilities with cooldowns and which have the longest cooldowns?


Marauders are easy to play. They are amazing 1v1. If, however, another dude jumps in you can conisder yourself ****ed. Juggs are only good in tank spec. So if you have any intention of playing a DPS play Marauder. They have the MOST OP CDs! They have so many too. More than any tank and better than any tank.

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Marauders are easy to play. They are amazing 1v1. If, however, another dude jumps in you can conisder yourself ****ed. Juggs are only good in tank spec. So if you have any intention of playing a DPS play Marauder. They have the MOST OP CDs! They have so many too. More than any tank and better than any tank.


This guy clearly never played a juggernaut..!


When geared correctly, you will do great.. even in vengence spec.. It has so much potential when in capable hands..


And after 1.4, the rage spec is FOTM. Sure, a marauder can dps, but i have both, and keep switching full war hero gear between the classes.. And the marauder doesnt come close to the juggernaut.. And the moment you manage to taunt another jugg/marauder right as they are going for their smash, and you instantly gain 3 medals for preventing 10k dmg to other players, its priceless..


Go with what you feel most comfortable with.. Both classes are awesome in their on way, but to say that the juggernaut is useless in everything but the tank spec.. is just wrong..

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I, from a game-play point of view, say you should play Marauder. Unless you have the extra char slots, or plan to just PL legacy, the refreshing taste of blood will be nice.

I, from a logical point of view, say you should play Juggernaut. You have experience with said class, and two words: tank=missle. (Unless you count = as a word. In that case, you may be a meatbag.)

I, from a personal point of view, scream Jugg. BACKHAND AND FORCE PUSH<DOUBLE LIGHTSABERS. EVEN IN RAIDS.

Sorry about that. :rak_tongue:

Edited by Caprindo
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When geared correctly, you will do great.. even in vengence spec.. It has so much potential when in capable hands..



Equally geared and equally well played a Marauder will do more DPS than a comparable spec Jugg, it will also be more surviable in PvP (by loads) and PvE (by a bit) than a comparable specced Jugg.


Unfortunately the DPS Jugg specs do less DPS and have less point surviablity than comparably specced Marauders.


I've seen a lot of people say Veng spec will out DPS, but in my experience it doesn't. YMMV.

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Do you want to be a warrior charging around and protecting allies while dealing decent damage or do you want to be a rogue with mini stealth and less survivability but good damage?


Unless you're talking about tank-spec juggs, then they don't have more surviability, usually they have less. :eek:

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This guy clearly never played a juggernaut..!


When geared correctly, you will do great.. even in vengence spec.. It has so much potential when in capable hands..


And after 1.4, the rage spec is FOTM. Sure, a marauder can dps, but i have both, and keep switching full war hero gear between the classes.. And the marauder doesnt come close to the juggernaut.. And the moment you manage to taunt another jugg/marauder right as they are going for their smash, and you instantly gain 3 medals for preventing 10k dmg to other players, its priceless..


Go with what you feel most comfortable with.. Both classes are awesome in their on way, but to say that the juggernaut is useless in everything but the tank spec.. is just wrong..


So what about the Smash number? are they the same or does the Jugg do higher dmg?

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same smash numbers ...


depends only on skill- gear - team support


That's kind of strange tho, if i look at the talent tree's i can clearly see the Jugg got some extra add to damage.


The rage tree is the same with some minor details that don't affect damage, but the rest of the points go in the middle tree witch has some stuff to consider.


Like 'Single saber mastery' witch adds 6% to force damage and 'Dreadnaugt' witch adds 6% str. Where the Marauder has dmg reduction talents instead.

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That's kind of strange tho, if i look at the talent tree's i can clearly see the Jugg got some extra add to damage.


The rage tree is the same with some minor details that don't affect damage, but the rest of the points go in the middle tree witch has some stuff to consider.


Like 'Single saber mastery' witch adds 6% to force damage and 'Dreadnaugt' witch adds 6% str. Where the Marauder has dmg reduction talents instead.


Marauders has 2 sabers and all their basic attacks hit with both weapons and thats about 400+ more damage per hit.


Compared to the 6% str and 6% more force damage results in about 500 higher smash damage which the marauder can easily gain with the auto attack.

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Marauders has 2 sabers and all their basic attacks hit with both weapons and thats about 400+ more damage per hit.


Compared to the 6% str and 6% more force damage results in about 500 higher smash damage which the marauder can easily gain with the auto attack.


well that might be true for slash and other melee abilities, but i'm actually talking about Smash..


Also the Jugg's pvp 4 set bonus gives you 10% more damage after charging, so even bigger Smash numbers i'd say. :D

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This thread is months old!


Very true, this is an old thread but it might help some players make a decision in choosing their AC. Right now, post 1.4, the rage marauder spec is the flavor of the week with DPS numbers that are just CRAZY :o

Edited by sumuser
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Very true, this is an old thread but it might help some players make a decision in choosing their AC. Right now, post 1.4, the rage marauder spec is the flavor of the week with DPS numbers that are just CRAZY :o


so your saying with equal gear the Marauder does more overall damage then a Jug or hits bigger numbers?

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so your saying with equal gear the Marauder does more overall damage then a Jug or hits bigger numbers?


I play both and the Marauder is probably the better of the two for several reasons. They have better defensive cooldowns, fillers such as at vicious slash is actually viable with the class and last but not least any good Marauder should be using the Juggernaut Warhero set for the bonus. These few things combined really makes the class pull ahead of any Juggernaut.

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If you are talking about PvE, marauders just flat out do more dps than juggs (and more than almost any class right now). However rage juggs in pvp do some serious dps. I have 5/14 war hero and I've hit for over 7k and rarely get under 300k damage unless its a highly objective focused map (I.e. huttball). On the other hand juggs are arguably the best ball carriers with the combination of force charge and intercede. Also, marauders do get a lot more defensive cool downs than juggs but juggs have naturally higher mitigation, so that point somewhat balances out. As far as annihilation marauders being the most durable, that's great, but no one at 50 who is serious about pvp would not go carnage, and this takes away a lot of survivability for superior burst dps necessary in pvp. On the whole I chose a jugg because I like the idea of smashing stuff in heavy armor and I have been incredibly satisfied. Vengeance is still a great pve tree and rage is absolutely dominant in pvp. Marauders are a great class as well but I prefer my juggernaut =). My two cents hope you enjoy your warrior!
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In PvE both can put out enough damage to do anything needed in PvE, even up to NM ops. there is nothing in this game that requires DPS that a jugg cannot do that a maurader can.


in long fights, the DSP Jugg's defensive abilities outshine the mauraders when played effectively. the mauraders CD's are shorter on their defensive skills, but in the long term the juggernaut pulls ahead. biggest difference is we have to sacrifice a bit of rage production to maximize our defensive skills as a jugg (rage = DPS), whereas the marauder does not. Plus, if you look at total numbers, the maurader does pull ahead. but in a shootout where a .22 will do the job, bringing a .454 is a waste of time. unless you simply prefer bigger guns. me, ill take the .22 and save myself about $2.50 per cartridge :)


who does more? by a little bit it's the maurader. Does it matter? only if the rest of your raid sucks and doesn't do their jobs. does it matter to you? hope not, and I hope your playing what you enjoy, no matter which one it is.


and I hope this will end this silly thread, and it will die.

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Trust me, for PVE, you'll be MORE than fine with just using Quinn. When you get Jaessa, you can decide to switch and STILL be perfectly okay. You're killing things so fast, Quinn just keeps you above half health. Only time you'll need to give an effort is when you take on 2 elite mobs at the same time. And even then, not that much of an effort.


The tricky part is your combat rotation in PVP, especially when you're NOT 50, since every few levels you're incorporating a new attack here and there. Not to mention various enemies and various ways to either avoid them, or kill them.


Overall, chose Marauder, especially if you have a Guardian.


That is true however I have noticed more people needing more Tanks or Healers lately for groups and PvP (I should know my lvl 41 Assassin Tank is getting group requests all the time more so than usual lately). I am not saying that Marauder is bad (havent played as one yet so dont have an opinion on it). I do have a Juggurnaut and I have enjoyed it so far granted my Jug is only lvl 13 but unlike the Guardian (which I have a lvl 16 one and not enjoying it at all) the Jug has a better selection of ranged attack options regardless of going with DPS or Tank specs than the Guardian does. So in the end I would say chose the AC that fits your personal playing style the best.

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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That is true however I have noticed more people needing more Tanks or Healers lately for groups and PvP (I should know my lvl 41 Assassin Tank is getting group requests all the time more so than usual lately). I am not saying that Marauder is bad (havent played as one yet so dont have an opinion on it). I do have a Juggurnaut and I have enjoyed it so far granted my Jug is only lvl 13 but unlike the Guardian (which I have a lvl 16 one and not enjoying it at all) the Jug has a better selection of ranged attack options regardless of going with DPS or Tank specs than the Guardian does. So in the end I would say chose the AC that fits your personal playing style the best.


Juggernaut = Guardian. They are the exact same class, just different animations and story.


Same with Marauder and Sentinel. They're mirrors of each other.

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  • 4 months later...

So Who is better in PVP ?


I play Powertech ( Pyro)


I have good burst dmg , but in WZ i am prefered target and i often dies

In 1v1 is better sometime i win sometime i loss but it 75% for me to win



Now i Want play char with lightsaber so who is better ? juggenaut or marauder ?


I want deal good dmg but i dont want be only dead .


What i read, that marauders have good DPS but less survivability than juggenat and have less stuns CD so whats better to play 1v1 ?


I mean who is better only in PvP ??


¨very thx

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Eh, that helps a bit. But ive already got a GUARDIAN, so I know what juggernaut is like...


Marauder sounds like fun, but sheer DPS could be a bore.. But also easier to play. And your tank companion won't be for awhile. And broonmark is ugly. And a muppet.

See my point? I can't decide. Juggernaut will be too familiar, and marauder will be tough without a good tank. (healer early, though)


Decide for me!


I had doubts about rolling Sent/Mara for a looooong time, coz RDPS was always more my thing..had a Guardian which I was quite satisfied with about tanking FPs but was a drag in lvling..so yesterday I got on a Mara and -pew-pew!!omgwtf - everything is on the floor before I know it, even multiple yellow mobs aren't much of a struggle. Can't wait to get to the upper tiers of Carnage :) no need for tank/heal pet either, still only have Vette and our DPS tandem is unstoppable.. Even cooler than Commando with Jorgan in early-to-mid game, much like DPS Sage with DPS Cedrax i.e. the efficiency of burning down any sort of packs

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From playing both a Guardian and Sentinel on live and testing out the PTS changes, I would say that DPS, defensives, and utility in PVP are going to be about the same. In PVE, maras come out ahead utility wise because most of a jugg's utility in PVP isn't as useful or useful at all in PVE (taunts, AOE snares, immediate sunder debuff vs building it over time). In PVP, there will be little reason to disregard Jugg DPS. In PVE, Juggs will probably be able to put up about the same DPS numbers as Maras with a little bit less utility.
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