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My Impressions of GW2 vs. SWTOR


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There's a reason why Avatar is on the top of All-time highest grossing movies, people enjoy going off into a fantasy world, breaking away from the reality of real life and experiencing a world that you've only dreamt of. It's ridiculous to say "I'm not going to play this game because the graphics are not realistic enough." Myself and I'm sure most other gamers play these games to take a break from reality and experience a different type of world, a fantasy world.


The reason it made all that money was it was one of the first 3d movies and the cost of a 3d movie admission is more than a 2d. Being a somewhat good flick helped to.

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Seriously, if this was my forum I would not allow advertisement for other games here and delete such threads asap.



GW1 was boring after the initial 20 lvl story and GW2 will be no different. Maybe I will check it out but only because its F2P.

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Walk around Divinity's Reach. It destroys anything TOR has to offer, including Coruscant.


Divinitys Reach is probably the most beautiful thing i saw in Guildwars2 beta weekend. Concerning the art style, i liked it and you have to realize it was a beta running on only one core of your cpu and not using your graphics card at all. Now put that in perspective when you have access to 6 cores plus your gpu, i think even the doomsayers and trolls here are going to be speachless.


The pvp system is 100% more ballanced than swtor, you get maxed out in lvls / skills, there is simply no gear grind to worry about, and world v world can accomodate 1200 players for some epic battles among 3 servers all fighting for tactical points.


I'm not going to beat on swtor v gw2, its a pointless argument as both games are totally different in genres and design, people seem to not realise this.

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Guild Wars 2 had depth to its characters...graphics were more "Adult" then Star Wars



This little snip definately proves that preferences in art style is in the eye of the beholder.


GW2 artstyle "adult"!?



Edited by Hardwear
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I'm assuming you're trolling... you can't seriously be calling THIS cartoonish... but THIS realistic??????


Nice how you used a swtor picture from early development... even your file designation has "2011/07" in its extension and I'm sure that's just when that article was published the picture is probably from 2008-9. Good one.


BTW, that horned tiger man thing has wowcraft cartoony written all over it. I thought it was a Tauren with fangs.

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Really? Watch that. PURPLE WATER? Really? Look at the castles. The wood construction...the wooden planks...everything is so oversized...bulby. No castle looks like that in real life.


Look at how they run. The animals are hopping like cute bunny rabits, and the people skip (look at ridiculously long their strides are). It's almost as if they're floating or skipping across water or something. Very happy-go-lucky.


Look at 15:20...he just sort of "hops/strolls" along while a battle rages around him. Total lack of immersion right there.


If that water is purple, you need a new monitor or graphics card! ;)

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Guild Wars isn't really an MMO since everything is instanced. You don't see people outside your group except in certain zones. But it's "free" to play so that's a bit attraction.


GW2 doesn't look all that great, just more of the same with updated graphics. If you want something different and proper battles with 1000s of players, wait for Planetside 2 :)

Edited by NasherUK
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Guild Wars 2:


PvP? gank/AoE-fest.


PvE? WoW with fairly impressive and attractive instancing, nothing more.


Art Design? Aion's is better.


Graphics? meh, again Aion's is better.


Character Creation? I'd say it's great, except I can't when you have played Aion and realise it is a blatant clone and the modern day hairstyles/emo cuts, dear lord.


Guild Wars 2 is just another high fantasy setting, that is trying the RvR formula, but unfortunately for them, they haven't figured out how to stop guild-gankfests and AoE spamming everywhere, it's the Bright Wizard vs Dark Elf Sorceress all over again from WAR.


The music is great I will say that, Jeremy Soule is always good, But the accents, oh dear god the accents and some of the VO is absolutely horrid.


Guild Wars 2 is not the next coming of the messiah MMO game everybody is expecting it to be, After it's release, and SWTOR brings out it's expansion, I can see this game retaining the second spot very easily.


SWTOR and of course WOW will win the PvE/Altoholic crowd.


Guild Wars 2 is going to be warring over the PvP crowd with Tera and Secret World.


For me this is all a moot point, I am just playing SWTOR and Single Players till World of Darkness comes out any ways.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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[quote name=...But then Planetside 2 is as well and it's pretty much the only MMOFPS (something different than all the current MMOs)' date=' first one was a lot of fun. Especially when you have battles with 100s of players in them :)[/quote]


1st one was a whole heap of fun, shame Soe ruined it after core combat imho.Hoping for good things with Ps2.

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Graphics? meh, again Aion's is better.


Not sure how you can say graphics are better when anything of Gw2 you see is shown on 1 core with no graphics card production. and aion looked like neverwinternights on my Gtx580 = ****.

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Guild Wars isn't really an MMO since everything is instanced. You don't see people outside your group except in certain zones. But it's "free" to play so that's a bit attraction.


GW2 doesn't look all that great, just more of the same with updated graphics. If you want something different and proper battles with 1000s of players, wait for Planetside 2 :)



LOL its a proper mmo son , not everything is instanced at all , please do some research before talking garbage ty

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1st one was a whole heap of fun, shame Soe ruined it after core combat imho.Hoping for good things with Ps2.


Yea they kinda killed it with the bad expansion. But I think SOE has learned a lot since those days :/

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I agree not the art the art is so beautiful in GW2


But the Animation it feels not like carton


But like an anime skills and just attack are big flashy the is a little issue in pvp with it but could just be you need to get use to it but Like it in PvE for sure it is fun


The Art it is better then SWTOR


SWTOR looks more carton like to me but I like it too in a different way SWTOR is no way realistic

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Guild Wars isn't really an MMO since everything is instanced. You don't see people outside your group except in certain zones. But it's "free" to play so that's a bit attraction.


GW2 doesn't look all that great, just more of the same with updated graphics. If you want something different and proper battles with 1000s of players, wait for Planetside 2 :)


I read the review of Planetside 2, and, my goodness, is it possible to create that MMO? Using the sun as a tactical advantage by waiting for it to be glaring at your opponents.

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I read the review of Planetside 2, and, my goodness, is it possible to create that MMO? Using the sun as a tactical advantage by waiting for it to be glaring at your opponents.


should be a beta coming sometime this summer/fall hopfully.

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It's a beautiful game to be sure.


Unfortunately, pretty don't make a good game.


No trinity...enjoy your mob pinball.


Completely agree with a previous poster who pointed out how terrible the character animations were. They are quite bad and it does look like everybody is skipping.


PVP is an absolute joke atm. I had some serious Warhammer flashbacks. Not in a good way.


Sorta reminded me of a guy I dated in college. Oh man was he ever handsome. Unfortunately there wasn't much going on underneath all those good looks. In fact, he was dumb as a sack of rocks.


I feel like GW2 will be much like that college romance. Good for a couple months but the lack of substance will quickly become impossible to ignore and I will return to that hometown romance that isn't quite as attractive physically, but really satisfies that part of me that desires the much more important, fundamentals.


No trinity...what a joke...


This time I think I'll pass on the pretty entirely. I don't have the time to waste.

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I feel like GW2 will be much like that college romance. Good for a couple months but the lack of substance will quickly become impossible to ignore and I will return to that hometown romance that isn't quite as attractive physically, but really satisfies that part of me that desires the much more important, fundamentals.


Isn't this exactly what has happened to ToR? At least GW2 is working on an aspect of mmo gaming that will keep people logging on with the always changing world. Their big thing is everything anyone does could have an outcome to change what's going on so each time you log on there will be something different going happening. In ToR you have people blowing through content and left with either join a "set amount of days from 4-9 raiding guild" of the same content over and over or pvpin 100 percent of their play time.. ToR has already became the same repetitive gameplay thats happened to so many other mmo's that causes people to get bored and start canceling subscriptions and GW2 is shining a light on a new type of world that could keep that from happening.

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Not sure how you can say graphics are better when anything of Gw2 you see is shown on 1 core with no graphics card production. and aion looked like neverwinternights on my Gtx580 = ****.


Someone didn't see the released screenshots did he? and someone didn't turn on the Ultra graphics did he? nope he didn't.

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I agree with you on the cartoonish of all these games, it really bugs me. I had a similar discussion in a forum post and people were getting on to me about making fun of GW2 and WoW,etc. They said things like: "Oh you can like a game with laser swords and fish people but not so and so game?"


I wish more games would take an adult take on there graphics. Even SW:TOR is a bit cartoony, the KOTOR series looked much better in my opinion. I have absolutely no problem with the story/ideas you see in WoW/GW. I just wish more games used graphics like Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls etc. Just as you said, it was a lack of suspension of disbelief that would never allow me to enjoy WoW and the PvP and smoothness of GW2 might be amazing but I would once again be hindered by those graphics.



I will admit the massive scale PvP is very appealing. One of the first videos you see of this game shows a large group of sith with red sabers charging a group of jedi with green/blue sabers. I wanted that so bad, sabers everywhere, blaster bolts flying around, explosions.. Then we find out this game was never really built for that type of PvP, kind of dissapointing.


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