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What Are You Doing on May 4th?


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Well nothing fancy, playing swtor and at the evening a commemoration of the dead from WW2. (Yes people you read that right : commemoration of the dead. (I'm from Holland and we have that here in 4th of May followed by Liberation Day on 5th of May)
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Well, I can't get out of work but I finish around 3:30PM anyway, so my plans are to go home, have lunch and have a MEGA TOR MARATHON which entails sitting at my computer playing SW:TOR all afternoon, evening and night (only stopping for toilet, smokes and dinner) until about 1am at which point I will have to run errands with my brother (sometimes it sucks having an adult sibling who cannot own a driving license!).


Happy Star Wars Day one and all, May the Fourth be with you! xD

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Sitting in a cubicle at work, hoping my boss won't notice I'm in the SWTOR forums.


This, though I'm at work 5:30am when no ones there and leave by lunch. Get home play some swtor then get ready for the avengers

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wishing i could log in the game because i'm currently sitting on a boat... in the middle of the ocean... at work... staring at 16 screens... making sure 5 mile long cables don't tangle themselves... for another 4 weeks.


Oh the joys of seismic.


Sounds pretty awesome actually lol(not staring at the screens but just being out there). What do you do exactly?

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Sounds pretty awesome actually lol(not staring at the screens but just being out there). What do you do exactly?


Its actually really not. I'm a navigator on seismic survey vessels (WG Tasman is the name of the vessel i'm currently on) and what I do well... its a bit hard to explain but ill try my best. The boat is pulling 10 seismic cables roughly 5 miles long behind the boat which collects a bunch of data of what is underneath the ocean floor to basicly find out where the oil , natural gas, and other various hydrocarbons are. The vessel must be steered down a straight line which is anywhere between 15 miles to 40 miles long. During this time, not to tangle any of the cables at any time keeping each of the cables at a certain depth. I also position the boat to be at a certain point for a specific time heading a particular direction.


Now to take into account that there are 3 other boats traveling side by side each other makes things a bit more complicated... oh... now your work schedule will be 5 weeks on the boat, 5 weeks off the boat. When your on the boat, you will be working 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week with no days off. If your scheduled to be on the boat though, it would include working any holiday and any other day you might possibly have off during a normal job. However, when your home... its a 5 week vacation with no other responsibilities and still getting paid when your home.


more info can be found here about the company and the different surveys we do

Edited by haliy
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