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Twi'lek helmet fix now or let me change race


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I leveled a twi'lek scoundrel and once I reached 50 and saw ENDGAME PVP GEAR not working on my character.



This is unacceptable either free race change for twi'leks or fix the issue,this is so annoying I don't really feel like playing,I feel duped.


The last time I felt this way I left the game for 2 months.


It sounds silly but basic things like actually seeing something I leveled for 50 levels to use is a gamebreaker for me.


I asked customer support for help and they basically told me im 12 and that I should check the show helmet box.


EDIT: scoundrel week my *****

Edited by Nidza
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You've got great big brain tentacles hangin off the back of your head! How are you supposed to wear a helmet made for people with out them?




Hey OP.... turn helmet display OFF. No self respecting Twi'lek would wear a helmet anyways. It's just a stat cup for your melon to add to your totals, so turn it off in preferences.

Edited by Andryah
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Hey OP.... turn helmet display OFF. No self respecting Twi'lek would wear a helmet anyways. It's just a stat cup for your melon to add to your totals, so turn it off in preferences.


i'm really amazed at how much you folks are willing to compromise with this game while you pay for it. amazing.

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i'm really amazed at how much you folks are willing to compromise with this game while you pay for it. amazing.


Twi'leks do not wear helmets or hats. The lekku, or tails as the ignorant people call them, are very sensitive and part of their brains is inside them. In fact, they are muscle, skin and brain. Twi'leks can communicate with other Twi'leks purely with subtle lekku movements. They are physically incapable, lore-wise, to wear anything constrictive or anything that weighs on them too heavily, the probability of severe pain or, in extreme cases, brain damage, is too high. A loose hood is the only thing they could have over the lekku without fear of causing brain damage to themselves. You could punch a Twi'lek on the lekku and they could literally die.


I play twi'leks myself and would never wear a head item, just like I wouldn't put a screw through my forehead as any other species. The lack of hood option for jedi/sith though is rather disappointing.

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December, 2011


Players: We want more alien races or we won't buy the game!


Bioware: Okay, but we're not going to be able to make every helm in the game fit all the different horns and tentacles.




Players: I want every helm in the game to fit all the different horns and tentacles of my alien race!


Bioware: ...

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Twi'leks do not wear helmets or hats. The lekku, or tails as the ignorant people call them, are very sensitive and part of their brains is inside them. In fact, they are muscle, skin and brain. Twi'leks can communicate with other Twi'leks purely with subtle lekku movements. They are physically incapable, lore-wise, to wear anything constrictive or anything that weighs on them too heavily, the probability of severe pain or, in extreme cases, brain damage, is too high. A loose hood is the only thing they could have over the lekku without fear of causing brain damage to themselves. You could punch a Twi'lek on the lekku and they could literally die.


I play twi'leks myself and would never wear a head item, just like I wouldn't put a screw through my forehead as any other species. The lack of hood option for jedi/sith though is rather disappointing.


...if this is completely true. (I don't know too much about the lekku) it would seem like a helmet or something like that would be a priority for them in oerter to protect these sensitive parts of the head. Cause... Ya know... That's what helmets are for.

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It sounds silly but basic things like actually seeing something I leveled for 50 levels to use is a gamebreaker for me.


I asked customer support for help and they basically told me im 12 and that I should check the show helmet box.


EDIT: scoundrel week my *****


Turn off the helmet in the preferences.



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I just went and did a Google image search for Twi'lek, I don't think I saw a single helmet just quickly scanning through a couple hundred images.


Did the same. The amount of Twi'lek pr0n is disturbing. o.O



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...if this is completely true. (I don't know too much about the lekku) it would seem like a helmet or something like that would be a priority for them in oerter to protect these sensitive parts of the head. Cause... Ya know... That's what helmets are for.


The human head has a skull. Lekku have no bone structure around them. I'm not going to explain why that matters. If you really care, go look up why helmets do what they do.


If a Lekku bent like 90 degrees up, it could be lethal and at the very least, immensely painful. You would need to encase the entire Lekku in an armored case. That, then, would severely limit mobility as you can't really bend with that thing all the way down to your backside, almost like a turtle shell.


Then again, armor really doesn't do much more than soak kinetic energy, like shock waves etc, so it becomes a matter of "is it worth the effort?". And lastly, I belive the lekku are a matter of pride to Twi'leks. I'm not that famirial with Rylothian culture.

Edited by Jandi
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If a Lekku bent like 90 degrees up, it could be lethal and at the very least, immensely painful. You would need to encase the entire Lekku in an armored case. That, then, would severely limit mobility as you can't really bend with that thing all the way down to your backside, almost like a turtle shell.


What? Twi'leks in movies, cartoons, and even in game do some incredibly acrobatic maneuvers which result in their lekku reaching such an angle, but they aren't killed or crippled. Hell, it happens when you go down an elevator.


Bioware definitely COULD have given Twi'leks hats/helms/etc, but they didn't. Blizzard gives hats, hoods and helms to races like Tauren and Worgen without trouble. Just have to poke Lekku holes in them.

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What? Twi'leks in movies, cartoons, and even in game do some incredibly acrobatic maneuvers which result in their lekku reaching such an angle, but they aren't killed or crippled. Hell, it happens when you go down an elevator.


Bioware definitely COULD have given Twi'leks hats/helms/etc, but they didn't. Blizzard gives hats, hoods and helms to races like Tauren and Worgen without trouble. Just have to poke Lekku holes in them.


Never sharply and the elevator thing is a ridiculous thing to even mention, it's obviously a limitation of them having no mass. This was a lore-wise discussion of why Twi'leks dont' wear helmets etc. Go rage somewhere else.

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What? Twi'leks in movies, cartoons, and even in game do some incredibly acrobatic maneuvers which result in their lekku reaching such an angle, but they aren't killed or crippled. Hell, it happens when you go down an elevator.


Bioware definitely COULD have given Twi'leks hats/helms/etc, but they didn't. Blizzard gives hats, hoods and helms to races like Tauren and Worgen without trouble. Just have to poke Lekku holes in them.


Poking holes in them it would seem is what some people are ************ about. Ive thrown head gear on Vette as well as another Twilek that I was trying and the lekku were protruding through the helm by means of what looked like two lekku sized holes cut into them. To me it seemed like the obvious thing to do. To some others however it would seem that they want the lekku to mysteriously shrink and disappear under the helms. Or at least that is the impression I got from them anyways.

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Can someone tell me what is this glitch?


I have a trooper helmet setup for my Twi'lek knight, its the Outcast Helmet and is fully enclosed. Will it show up as it does in the preview? Will it just not show up at all? Or will the Lekku clip out of it weirdly?

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They will need to find a solution for this helm / headgear / hood problem,

especially if they plan to add other playable species with different headshapes.


^ This. I love the game but the clipping issues TOR has are beyond ridiculous. Its not just Twi'lek's that have the problem its all over the place, clipping through armor, hoods, speeders the environment, just about everywhere something could possibly clip it does. From a purely aesthetics point of view it destroys immersion more than anything else for me, hell I can take the load screens and other issues.


I'm not saying I don't expect any clipping at all but its is a bit much in this game (more so than any game I can think of). BW need to fix these issues if we are going to see any other races that are not humans with face paint. Also would like to see the ability for a lot more of the companions to wear helms and that fits right in here.

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Never sharply and the elevator thing is a ridiculous thing to even mention, it's obviously a limitation of them having no mass. This was a lore-wise discussion of why Twi'leks dont' wear helmets etc. Go rage somewhere else.


Based on the fact that this issue is not limited to Twi'leks I would say the reason is not at all tied into a lore decision but a technical limitation that you are attempting to disguise as a lore decision. If it was a lore decision why not have the models change to something more suitable for a Twi'lek like a head band or a helmet that suits them better?


It's a clipping issue plain and simple they do not have proper (or any) detection on the models to account for the Twi'lek head or any other alien head that is not human shaped, that is why any companion that is not human can't display helmets and its also why we only have multicolored humans and no 'real' alien species, sad but true.

Edited by Jaymanus
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I love how people are oblivious and add "lore" and "rp"


It's a technical issue and it worked before 1.2 and now bioware doesn't even care.



oh and LOL at "we won't be able to fit every helmet to every race" I don't know if bioware really said that but every race looks exactly the same only different skin.



Still waiting for my free race change.

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people seem to forget that the lekku are a form of communication that the twilek use to communicate with one another.. suttle twitches, and the telpathic bond it can create... blocking that in a helmet ( id hate to see the size of a helmet needed to hold lekku ) would be something no twilek would ever do.


op accept the fact you made a race that shouldnt wear helmets.


infact if i was the devs i would have twileks show helmet aways default to off and never be able to turn on..since there is no way one would ever wear a helmet

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I love how people are oblivious and add "lore" and "rp"


It's a technical issue and it worked before 1.2 and now bioware doesn't even care.



oh and LOL at "we won't be able to fit every helmet to every race" I don't know if bioware really said that but every race looks exactly the same only different skin.



Still waiting for my free race change.


ever think that it "working" before 1.2 wasnt supposed to be that way? maybe they were lazy, wouldnt be a first..


if you can not accept race limitations why did you play a non human race?

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ever think that it "working" before 1.2 wasnt supposed to be that way? maybe they were lazy, wouldnt be a first..


if you can not accept race limitations why did you play a non human race?



My 50 jugger and 30 trooper are both humans and I wanted a fat twi'lek scoundrel with a big cowboy hat like I SAW in warzones since release but mainly because of legacy twi'lek unlock.


They should put it in big red letters when you make a twi'lek "HELMETS WONT WORK" even if they did before and you leveled 50 levels



I guess only 5% are having this problem so it's not an issue.

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