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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Please, listen to the community and answer our question:


What specifics can you give us about the upcoming Server Transfers in terms of servers that will be affected (which ones can go to which and from which to which), a more clear start date for them and why you can't start the process manually like the AP servers had? The populations on the servers that need it most are dismal and they will probably go much quicker than the Asian Pacific ones did since less characters are involved.

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I am curious if there is any plans for an option to set a send % to the guild bank. For example I have set my personal option to deliver 10% of my credits I loot or earn straight to the guild bank vs. having to go to the guild bank and drop it off all the time...
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Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): Conscious design decision. The chest piece is by far the hardest to get in each outfit and the primary acquisition driver. It also “owns” the outfit’s color palette. It’s important to remember that “unify to chest style” does not solely mean “match color.” The design is to give good looking outfits that match the design and color layout of the set the chest piece came from—not to pick one color and make a monotone eyesore.

Any chance this "conscious design decision" will be re visited? Been playing since launch and looking forward to this game since it was first announced a few years ago. One thing that I have really been missing is the ability to make my toons look and feel the way I want.


If your saying the chest piece owns the outfits colour palette, Could at least an option to change the base colour of the chest piece be something that could be implemented in the game? I don't want mono tone, but also don't like being force fed the colour schemes the designers are picking...

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It is obvious that the level cap will be raised sooner or later. I was wondering will more class quests be added with the raised level cap? And, if yes, will these new quests continue the current storyline of the character or start a new adventure?
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There's been a lot of discussion about server transfers. I started playing on what used to be a very crowded server, but because of a strong Rep/Imp pop imbalance has become one of the lowest pop servers, so I'm certainly glad to hear it's coming. However, I currently have a level 28 legacy on said server. Will server transfers also take my legacy level into account?
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I understand about the certain countries that were allowed to server transfer to the Asia Pacific Server when the option was open, but us players in Guam also be allowed this option too?? Since we are on the same timezone and all...
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With the announcement that new races will be coming later this year, are there any plans to implement a paid race change service in the near future as well? Or is it off the table for now? Edited by Krekko
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transfers from dead servers:


Why aren't you acting immediately to help those people, like me, who love the game and have multiple level 50 on a server that is empty and makes you feel not to play this game anymore? Don't you think that you are letting valuable player leaving this game because of your lack of urgence on this matter?

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Hello! After dealing with the recent patch that bugged cover it got me thinking of other ways to improve usage and quality of life for the cover system for snipers/gunslingers. I remember reading along time ago before the game launched about a key to 'show all cover points'. I was wondering if there were any plans to add something in along the lines of 'Hold said key to show all natural cover points and then press your "roll to natural cover" key to move into the closest one'.


This comes to mind as having to acquire a target and then sometimes waiting for it to come in to range can be precarious at times, this would allow much better use of cover and allow the sniper to position much better, and more importantly reliably.

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what are the plans for the PVP in swtor,because all the people is saying that the PVP sucks here in swtor, and the people love the PVP in all the MMORPG, i know very friedns that will leave or left the game for this, the PVP it's terrible here for many things

first the speed hack. you need stop this and ban the people with this

Please bioware this is a good game, i love this game but tis game need better pvp, need UO

how will you change this PVP?


PLease bioware respond this, this is a question that all want know


and if this question was in others Q & A, i'm sorry but please respond

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When/Will we see a Global Character name/Friends list.


I'm going through a massive series of alts with the new legacy system and having to ask my friends to manually log on and off every character they play so I can know when they are online on all my toons is ridiculously time consuming.


- Raith

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Why are personal speeders so limited in terms of speed & usable areas?


Most of us have seen Return of the Jedi. We know how fast speeders are supposed to go, and it looks like LOTS of fun! Why not make them that fast in TOR? Conversely, if the ones we have in the game are intended to be more like a Segway than an actual vehicle (as their speed indicates), then why not let us use them everywhere?

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On the May 4th Q/A the question was asked about "the process behind the recent damage boost to Snipers/Gunslingers" Were you explained how everyone has a "target" you went on to explain "How we identify outliers and how we determine which is the most egregious is... another bigger topic." Can you elaborate how you determine which class is most needing a buff or nerf process?
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Have you thought that you would do cinematic planet/fleet exit and entry videos? It would be cool to see some awesome cinematics when game loads the planet or a fleet. (like in CoD-series).
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Not sure this question has been asked/.answered, but, I have not seen it, so here goes:


Yesterday was the first time a real in-game CS person contacted me about a bug report. I had seen a non-harvestable node on Belsavis for at least 3 days, and finally reported it. When I chatted with him, come to find out, he did not have the location I was standing when I submitted the bug report. Now, every MMO I have played in, included your X,Y,Z in the submission. I have submitted NUMEROUS bug reports with, "at the location I am standing" in the descriptor. Apparently, those were a waste of time? I only got one message back that you had not enough information. So, here is the questions?


Can you define what all you need from us for a good bug report? What information do you get when we submit?

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Hello Bioware, my question for the dev team relates to player titles, as these provide added customisation for players and the removal of many from the beta to live versions is confusing as it effectively reduces player choice.


What was the logic behind removing so many? Why are there inconsistencies in what was removed? For example, male Bounty Hunters can no longer attain the title 'Baron', yet female BH's can still attain 'Baroness'. Why are there no titles for epic time-consuming feats such as collecting every single holocron (including the +10) in the game?


I know that is three questions, but I hope you can forgive me as they are all encompassed by the title 'issue'.

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Greetings Bioware,


The issue of cross-server warzones is very polarizing in the SWTOR community. The forums are full of people heralding it as a saving grace or an impending doom. Are you sensitive to how cross-server warzones might kill the aspects of community that some servers have built through their pvp? What considerations are you keeping in mind as you discuss and cross-server features both for PvE and PvP.

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